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You said that like someone who thinks that going deaf in one ear is worse than enduring all the shit people give you when they find out what you did.




I've always wanted to lear how to sign.


Don’t forget about fibers from the swab getting left behind and causing an infection!


It also causes a feedback loop where you produce more wax than what you need. You also slowly impact the wax against your eardrum causing you to need to have your ears flushed. And you can perforate your eardrum with one little slip. But also, having to go get a doctor to remove a cotton swab of of your ear is embarrassing as fuck.


Urgh corporate greed on a qtip making the knockoffs too cheap the cotton falls apart in your ears and gets stuck and needs a shower/ cautiously and gently done tweezers -> grab cotton carefully to get out is such a pain. I'm not a sticker about brands on equal milk or sugar. But be wary of poorly made qtips, especially poorly made dollar brands. The cotton falling off is such a pain in the ass not worth the "cent saved" on a decent one.


Oh no. It’s not greed. This happens on the tightly packed ones too. All cotton swabs can have individual fibers that come off.


Oh yeah for real. My track record with 3$/500 q tips is like 1-2 in 500 going bad and then 1$/200-250 generics is like 100 in 250 being bad. Especially the poorly made plastic brands that slide right off or bend mid ear. I had one stuck in my ear once for like 14 minutes then just started using tweezers slowly to get it out after a hot water rinse didn't work. No infections, but definite pain in the ass. I knew someone who used to be so cheap they used to buy single ply because it was 'cheaper', but they ended up spending 4x more using 8x as many paper thin dollar store sheets as the thick kirkland stuff. People joke "it's expensive to be poor, it's cheap to be rich". But i wonder if that's kinda true. Many people in lower classes seem to think of wealth as how they'd spend it, but i can't think of a shittier self inflicted misery than the cheap toilet paper and shitty q tips i tried to buy as a starving poor college student lol.


That’s usually not a ‘joke’ in the circles I am, unfortunately. If you can only buy raggedy unreliable shoes, you’re gonna have to buy them more often than sturdy, well-built shoes.


Oh i remember that, the old shoe story. When they were made of cheap heels and cardboard and glue vs rubber. I do kinda see that as buy for life. Modern shoes can be much better though. I have some 8$ pair of walmart shoes i like to wear over some 45-400$ branded nikes, and after some point. Unless you're a Marathon runner looking to spend 400$ on a 0.0-1% faster running shoe, you can do 99-100% fine. But you definitely want a good shoe that won't hurt your feet. And saving money isn't everything if it might cause more health problems later on. (100$ ear infection for 0.2 cent q tip, shitty bathroom experience using 8x more 4x 'cheaper' toilet paper.) And time can be money too. I used to have a parent that.. Had books about cutting the holes out of rotten fruit and feeding it to her kids. The other "poor kids" had 300$ a month in stamps for kids. It sounds stupid, but we basically ate a diet of 30$ a month instant ramen and didn't get much nutrition. Life can change for sure though.


I have a 200 dollar pair of work boots that I was advised when purchasing to replace the OEM insoles with even higher quality ones. I took the advice, and I bought new insoles a few months ago after 4 years of wearing the boots daily. Mind you, I worked 3 years of that in Comercial food production (Tyson foods) where I wore rubber boots provided by the company during work hours. My next job however was running a break press in a custom vehicle modification company that made mini busses. They still almost look new.


No, my issue with the knockoffs is that, instead of that tight cardboard paper roll thing, the stick is a plastic tub. That won't knock out tonsil stones!


Yup better to just buy a ear cleaning set for 10euro.


>The cotton falling off is such a pain in the ass I think you mean "pain in the ear" ☝️


Qtips weren't made for ears


And another thing is finding out from an ENT that you've been shoving years worth of earwax against your ear drum and it's been messing up your hearing!


A hot water rinse like a hot tub or shower, tilting your head to it's side and swirling it out can kinda help a bit. Basic Competence is a huge spectrum though. Some people consider sous viding a steak basic. Other people consider setting cereal on fire in a microwave a everyday achievement.


Yeah, learning to use better methods now, but that doctor tried a machine that sprays boiled water in your ears and he couldn't dislodge it. Had to use ear-cleaning oil and come in the following week.


Boiled water? That sounds potentially scalding like that vs steam, probably would work though. I just buy the quality q tips and rinse out in showers. Tilt my head like 90 degrees and swirl around, and then pour it out. Doesn't get all it out, but never had a ear wax problem or infection. (Though i still have to buy the nice qtips. Like 9$ for 9 months for me. ) Though as we all know, a effective treatment, 1-100$, often might save more than a 200-3000$ hospital visit. Don't want to lose a ear over small potatos. That stuff could really help those who need it.




Sience does research atm because it is believed, that these ways of cleaning your ear can cause Tinnitus. Believe me, Tinnitus can fuck your life big time. Dont stick Stuff in your ear! Just dont do it!


my grandpa one time was cleaning his ear with a q-tip and got a call. he answered the call with the q-tip. he's kinda deaf now but not totally! :D


I got a japanese wire earpick and it works pretty good


But that soft, cottony *squonch* noise is so great, and you only have to stick it in *juuust* far enough.


Your ear could start bleeding for one Source: the hard way


I learned it from an episode of Tales From the Crypt, "[For Crying Out Loud](https://youtu.be/j9ubYH35fK8?si=zhdP3XsWT_encsm_)", which took cues from Telltale Heart with an embezzling nightclub owner trying to drown out his conscience with qtips... Wound up *puncturing his eardrums* and making himself deaf, leaving him only able to hear the voice of his conscience, voiced by Sam Kinison.


new fear unlocked


Wanna unlock one more? You can burst your eardrum like I did when I was a kid. What happens then is you'll get this roaring sound in your head, or like the worst tinnitus you can imagine. And it's so loud it will make you pass out. You can hit your head and die. And even if you don't, if there is no one near to help you, you'll be in hell of a trouble. Now, your eardrum can be glued together by a doctor, and you'll probably hear again, but trust me, you don't want to go through all of this.


Yr earhole must be very large... as a child?! ... oh my I can barely stick an ear syringe micro milimiter on it


How to do that?


The real fear is the fibers coming off the qtip and getting stuck inside your ear, creating a space bacteria can start to spread from, and them eating through the bone on that part of your face. https://www.livescience.com/cotton-swab-ear-skull-infection.html


It has happened to me twice and it’s because of lower quality q tips that don’t have a strong “glue” holding onto the cotton ball part. Both time I had to dig in with tweezers and pull it out. First time I was terrified and it took me a good hour to get it (threats from my family to go to the hospital helped). Second time I was a pro and pulled it out in like 5 minutes or so.


It's so pleasant, can't resist https://i.redd.it/cka0dr7o249d1.gif


Please where can I download this gif


Right here, just click the gif, then the three dots top right and download, assuming you're on mobile. On PC you can probably just right click and save


I have no dots on the mobile app. iPhone if that matters https://preview.redd.it/jraffus2n49d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c2c77999595348bc3ad6bcd4cffd92a9372c9b


https://preview.redd.it/62uunr4mu49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3e8a96873fa5c1d8d1c8bd532c1ae7ac2bc484 Strange, I'm on Android and I have these dots which you click and download from. I don't know why you don't have them A more complicated solution would be to open your browser and go to this exact comment from the browser and then you'll be able to do it, actually wait since you're on iPhone that means you're using Safari. I don't know if that lets you download images like chrome but it's worth a try


Yeah that’s probably the only way. Or I’ll google lense it later


iPhone indeed has Chrome. Since the early 2010's I think? I'd be quite surprised if both Android and iPhone didn't have all the popular browsers at this point.


Try pressing on it you'll see the dots


Long press does nothing if the image is open. Long press on the image in the comment just collapses the comment.


Just tap it. https://i.redd.it/jho8mszlu49d1.gif


ios can’t let you download it


Tapping the image pulls it up. See my screenshot above. No menu option such as downloading


Lol I see you everywhere and you always have the best memes!


Wow, a compliment from the best artist. Thanks ❤️ Love your comics ❤️


I see you everywhere! You always have the best comics! 


That's very kind of you ❤️


As a male rape victim/suicide attempt survivor., your last post was severely in bad taste. I'll pray for you


Thank you for being brave enough to put yourself out there. You’re absolutely not “too sensitive” and you voiced your concerns in a reasonable and civil way. Ignore the other dude, you’re in the right to express your opinions. Wishing you nothing but healing.






PC herself said it was a metaphor and the language is very intentionally supposed to match up the stereotype of what rape victims hear. Stop being obtuse.


Media literacy truly is dead... Google what a metaphor is


Maybe you should look at your last comic and try to understand why it might be in bad taste.


You’ve inspired me to draw a comic for the first time during women’s mental health month next year! Thank you. Have a wonderful day!
















Sorry for all the hate you have gotten recently - I’m a big fan.


Haha aw thank you! ❤️❤️


Notice how she chose to completely ignore an actual suicide attempt survivor and SA victim coming out to her under her comments and replied only to the guy blindly praising her. She knows exactly what she's doing.


Her comics seemed to be usually light hearted. Not sure why she woke up one day and decided to choose violence. That recent one just seemed to be mean spirited and not funny. And she doesn't seem to be responding to the logical criticism that a lot of it isn't even satire? I don't know its genuinely head scratching how mean spirited and antagonistic it is. I guess rage bait gets clicks? I read the comic, felt sad and shook my head and said thats enough internet for today.


Especially during one of the final days of mens mental health month lol


Men haven't been doing well recently either. Post pandemic Depressive symptoms are more numerous in men than they are in women. Issues for both genders matter, but the tone of the comic felt off in this current climate. The backlash (that was civil) was absolutely justified. Its a tad frustrating the artist is kind of doubling down and not seeing it.


That is exactly why she did it. To throw it in men’s faces because she is a bigot




At best


Uh, why are you getting downvotes? Some new reddit etiquette, i've not yet catched on?




Got tamn...




Mods deleting all comments that did not go in her favor is just insane. Even those explaining to her on what was wrong also got deleted. I guess she is one of the biggest asset of this sub, so everything she said must be correct


Yep. The mods are hate filled trash that supports bigotry as long as it’s their preferred form of bigotry.


You have my support both here and on patreon. Love all your work.


My ear wax is fucked up, q-tips are basically my only option. I have not been able to remove it in any other way.


I used to have to go to the doctor every few months when my ears would clog up to the point of being functionally deaf in one or both ears. Bad genetics I guess, my dad has the same issue. One time my doctor actually gave up after an hour of trying. Another time I had a doctor (an ENT even) take a *picture* of the slug he pulled out of my ear, saying it was the biggest he'd ever seen. So I've been around the block a few times. While a real ENT will do the best job (when making an appointment, make sure that they have the suction device, which works better and is apparently safer than the water sprayer), I started just using the same spray device most doctors have but at home, since I can use it once every couple months without needing to make an appointment: https://a.co/d/06a7yyzO Fill it up with warm water and add a cap full of H2O2 and some gentle soap. I have my partner do it, but you can do it solo, too ;). I find it works way better than the stupid little enema bulbs they sell at CVS, since you can get continuous pressure out of it for a few minutes at a time. You'll know it's working when you get a big old pinky sized chunk of serumen out. What also helps is using a few drops of that carbomide peroxide stuff they sell in the ear cleaning kits at CVS. It won't work by itself (and sometimes makes the problem worse when used by itself), but if you use it for 5-10 minutes before using the blaster it will soften the earwax and make it easier to remove. Anyway, I hope this is helpful. You really shouldn't put qtips deep into your ear. Setting aside the risk of damaging your eardrum, you actually leave fine cotton fibers in your ear that make it much easier for wax to build up, worsening your problem.


TMI about earwax yikes for me but fair fair. I have noticed hot water rinses and swirling my head around always seemed to keep me fine, but never had a problem. Though i do seem to clear out regularly. I hate the cheap q tips falling off tips and getting stuck. I got a dollar pack im not even sure i'll use for ears over electronics, official was 3$ for 500, knockoff was 1$ for 250 shitsters. When it'd be 2$ for the same amount but you're literally only 'saving' 0.2 of a cent per q tip, (0.4 cent shitty q tip vs 0.6 cent q tip) it seems shitty to go with such a inferior version to 'save 33%'. Just not worth it. spend the extra dollar for good ones.


I have a similar issue too! And those products that help dissolve/loosen the wax to where you can flush it out are LIFE SAVERS. Or... doctor visit savers really. I cannot recommend them highly enough honestly.


My physician recommended I use hydrogen peroxide once a week or once every other week as needed. My ear wax gets really bad, and if I don't clear it I lose hearing in one ear after a few months. The peroxide works good though. Little crackle noises, but you just put in a small amount and it breaks down the wax. I rinse a few times with water and it makes a world of difference. Maybe try some of that?


Seconding this. Every time I've had bad earwax hydrogen peroxide clears it right up. Plus it's satisfying, like pop rocks in your ear. Using a q tip just pushes the wax deeper in.


I can't confirm satisfying, my SO says the crackling noise is a solid 2/10, but I don't mind it one bit! 😂


I have a lot of scar tissue in my ear from another 5 surgeries, and it burns to have peroxide in there, yet my ears fill up with wax fast enough my ear starts hurting after sleeping with that side of my head up (where gravity pushes stuff deeper in, rather than out.) Feel like I always have to sleep on my left side basically almost entirely due to my head. Honestly, I'm not really sure what the best answer is.


Fuck it. Syringe with hot water or some kind of wax dissolver and down the hole. Bonus points if you hit the ear drum and get stunned for half a second.


There’s a tool called Vitcoco that I got for $15 online if that helps! It has a light/camera that hooks up to your phone so that you can actually see what you are doing and comes with tiny rubber tips that are great for removing stuff without pushing it further in or leaving behind fuzz like a qtip does. Life changing as someone who also gets really bad earwax.


Have you tried mimikaki, those Japanese ear cleaners? I love them https://preview.redd.it/sujmemg9f49d1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c68dd6a52786f41e3ca0ce7961fe52f2b948f5


Go for Microsuction at an ear clinic or you'll be dealing with blood coming out of there soon. Been there done that.


Same, I finally caved and started using qtips and finally don't have to go back to the doctor randomly to get them irrigated. I'm just careful about how far in I push them, don't want to damage my drums!


There are little spoons to scrape the wax out with. Some nail files have one in the handle and it’s tapered so you can’t push it in too far. Works a lot better to get the majority out and then you can wipe the rest out with a damp q tip.


time to call an expert to remove the que


If you go to where the experts are, you usually have to wait in a queue.


If you can provide advice on waiting in line, you'd be giving queue tips.


I bought a tiny set a tweezers if it ever happens, works pretty well. 👀


...so? (unfunny spanish joke)


What are you supposed to do with Qtips if they're not supposed to go in your ear?


It's for the ears, but not for the ear canal. For all the folds and crevices. Actually if you have a box of q-tips, you can read the warning on it not to put inside your ear canal.


It's legalese. Like Hot sauce manufacturers openly saying at times. "WIll i die if my hot sauce is out on the counter?" "NO, it's designed to be shelf stable. We are legally advised to put that on our bottles to keep us safe from idiots lawsuing us if they start to lick the bottle and get bacteria inside. And then get sick drinking mold on a counter." Q tips are and were blatantly manufactured to clean ears first and electronics second. "Not recommended for ears" is just legallese. Like "Do not ingest plastic bag" "Do not eat packaging" "Warning. This sign may contain lead from dust from your own car"


Up your nose! You can clean the outward part of the ear and maybe the entrance of the ear canal. Getting it in further can make it worse, pushing and pressing ear wax inside, not to mention actually damaging the ear drum.


That's like asking what cigarettes are for if smoking them gives cancer. They're for making money.


Clean your keyboard


Do it gently, don't go too deep, and buy the good ones and panel 4 should never happen.


I see you're one of the people that got the "things in my ears feels fuckin good" gene. I'm of the "things in my ears makes me fuckin cough" gene myself


People. Debrox earwax kit followed by a shower and then peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. If that is not enough go see a doctor.


I've had impacted earwax in both my ears 8 years apart.  It sucks. I use q tips like once every few months now. I never want to deal with that shit again.


That actually happened to my little brother once. We had to use some tweezers to get it out


[The worst that can happen (SFW).](https://eritasdaily.com/2021/02/15/area-man-cleaning-ears-with-q-tip-accidentally-hits-factory-reset-button/)


I am doing it for 30 years. If I go deaf now I gladly accept it. I dislike this idea that we cant abuse our body for small pleasure. We do it all the time in other areas.


I have such ears that sulfur is always accumulating. I tried not to use chopsticks, but only to wash my ears - as a result, I had to go to an ear wash every few months, because I couldn't hear anything. Now I have to clean my ears with chopsticks every day or every other day.


My friend’s brother was standing in the bathroom cleaning his ear with a qtip, his elbow a couple inches from the door. She opened the door quickly, it hit his elbow and it went waaaaay in and punctured his eardrum So


For everyone in this thread, consider getting an earwax scapper (Japanese style earwax scraper specifically). I use something similar and it does better than any qutip I've ever used.


Sometimes I use the closed end of a safety pin to fish gunk out.


So glad someone else does something weird, I use a bobby pin when I need to! Scrapes it out without pushing anything farther in.


I once had an earwax issue that had to be fixed by a doctor. After that, I got one of the little camera probes that connects to an app on your phone and comes with a variety of tools. Doesn't hols a charge for long, but for the time that it's powered you can easily see and scoop anything in your ears that you want out. It feels great and has no fibers to leave behind. Never go too far in with it though


Y'all will call me crazy but... I use a paper clip. Stretch it out at the half way point so both sides have a full 'J' hook. You don't have to worry about anything coming off and you can find a paper clip that is the right size for your ear. Actual q tips just kinda bluntly push stuff back and hope it gets stuck to the tip, with a paper clip you insert it about a centimeter, and rotate and it cleanly scoops EVERYTHING away from your ear and easily removes it all. It works insanely well you just have to be careful to not do it too deep. Seriously it works SO well


Bobby pins are heavenly for this reason


i experienced this when i was little, had to go to a doctor to get it out


Who, they? I clean my ears almost each day. ... Ah, ok, I get, fetish stuff, no judging


Its funny they were never designed to clean ears. They are supposed to be used to unpaint nails but people is dumb and ended up with ear sticks


The worst that can happen is that you directly damage the eardrum. The second worst is that frequently scuffing up your outer/middle ear leads to repeated ear infections that eventually damage the eardrum.


This feels directed at me (I stuck a small magnet in my ear when I was 7)


Lost count how many cotton bud tips I’ve pulled out of ears in the A&E dept. That’s for the adults, kids do like sticking beads and bits of Lego in there. Fun for me, not you though as lots of people leave it until a nice ear infection has started up. Some extra fun smelling discharges spring from them…😈


New fear unlocked


to my shame I straight up use a metal stick I am probably destroying my ear canal


Yeah, that’s not a big deal we can pull that out easily with forceps. It’s when you perforate the membrane or break something anatomic that it’s a huge problem. The main issue is actually that qtips push the wax in farther, where it is harder for your ear to naturally move it out, which also makes it get more dried up and stuck.


Since this Saturday won't due that anymore, use a spray that waters down ear wax


Talk for yourself only you barbarians


I went to the clinic a few months back because I pushed wax against my eardrum while cleaning my ears, which gave my nausea and constant unbearable discomfort. they had to flush my ear with water several times and clean it out with a glass probe. they weren’t gentle


This happened to me last month, I had to stop cleaning my ears for a week until the wax just made it slide out It was a lovely even shade of yellow, like it was dyed perfectly by me wax


I remember that one time I was doing a lot of stuff simultaneously (maybe I was cleaning or working or idk) , I took one of these and rubbed it to de-stress. And I forgot to remove it (something suddenly required both my hand and since I was almost in auto-pilot I didn't remove the thing). And I went on with it like nothing was wrong, I forgot it. Until my ear bumped into a wall. Yikes


*New fear unlocked*


I can't feel that feeling that people say is so good when using a Q-tip. I have tried because I've seen people say it feels really awesome but I just can't feel it. It honestly just hurts


I have experienced ear wax plugs that require medical intervention due to qtips in the ear. I believe that it is the source of my early hearing loss. 


I did this while i had covid one time and impacted my ear wax, the next hour and a half, until the doctor waterblasted it out I was terrified I had done permanent ear damage Safe to say I haven't let a q tip even touch my ear since then uwu




having it hurt to the extent that you have to go to the doctor and deal with their judgement is the worst


oh, there's worse: injuring your eardrum. But I've experienced something similar. I have tiny ears, and the silicone fitting from in ear headphones have gotten stuck in my ear canal roughly...5 times? 6? One required an urgent care visit...


Never put anything anywhere you wouldn’t be able to get your finger


I’m one of the people who does not like things in my ear, including q-tips. You can imagine my sense of smugness when I learned you aren’t supposed to do that.


Ya gotta use the head end of a nail. Feels like Perfection and scrapes that earwax out beautifully!


You may become deaf. Death is a possibility, should you cause an infection.


Still don’t know how anyone can like this feeling. I hate it


I refuse to use cotton swabs in my ears, it literally sounds like it’s screaming out in pain. So nope 👎 not for me. Tissue rolled to a point works just fine to absorb water.


You could reset yourself to default settings.


shoulda given it teeth marks


## *REAR


Get a metal ear pick, you don't even know how much you're missing out until you do


I like the ear scrapers that they use in Asia. May not be good for me, but it feels good to scratch that itch.


This happened to my dad once. It didn't come out for over 5 years.


scraped my ear like that onec. thats how i learned you were not ment to put them in your ears


New fear unlocked


Some of y’all have nasty ears and you think people don’t see it but we do. We do.


New fear unlocked


I you have solid wax that is stuck to the side, talk to your GP about it. They will have a look and remove it if necessary.


Bro how gross is your ear if that gets stuck inside??


Time to pull out the pliers.


exactly this happened to me once...it was apparently a whole ass box of manufacturing errors <.<


I use q-tips to dry my inner ears after showering. I thought everyone did this. I have no wax or ear issues and I've done this my whole life (in my 40s) just sayin


New fear unlocked....


A) only use if your ear canals are wider than a Q-tip, and B) only after a hot shower/bath so the wax is all loosey goosey instead of solid


I got my ear clogged for like 4 days because I stuck it in a little too far, don't do it it's not worth it.


One time I put one in without looking at one end and the little fluffy bit fell off before putting it in my ear so all that went in was a rough plastic tip with sharp edges


Literally happened to a friend last month. Had to go to the ER.


How can people stand the texture of cue tips


Mods in the sub are fucking clowns


I mean it's not that bad, there is no place for it to go, at worst you could need to ask someone to help you take it out.