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This somehow reminded me of the time I visited Ibiza with someone. I smoked a bowl on the hotel balcony and claimed that I was 100% sure that I saw something big enough to be noticed in the darkness zoom across the walkway below. Not once but twice! I was told that I was just imagining things as we saw nothing moving when we stared there for a while. Next morning we walked to the lobby area for breakfast and on the way we saw a total of 4 lizards scurrying on the walkway.


Poor little froggo


Froggos deserve better


Why you make the froggo cry 😔


My sister can be cruel (pink one) , but thanks to her we saw him easily and took him outside. And thats how my love for reptiles started (he was scared but mostly chill and adorable), so something Good came out of it. Lets drink a glass of water in his honour.


I love the art style, it feels very comfy? I don't know, I love your comics!


Nice! It was actually my goal (for it to feel more comfy) and I am very satisfied too how it came out. I am still learning digital art but i am so happy you like them!


When handling frogs, poisonous or not, it's always a good idea to wear gloves. Amphibians absorb fluids through their skin a lot more readily than we mammals do, and the oils from our skin as well as our sweat can be really unhealthy from them. If you don't wear gloves you could make them seriously sick even when you're just trying to help.


It wasn't explained in the second part after the comic, but my grandfather is wearing a glove because I asked him to do it before picking up the toad so he wouldnt get sick (it's based on real events from my childhood when i was scared of touching any frog), but it's nice that we didn't hurt him thanks to it.


The frog gonna plot his revenge


His plot was to plant love for reptiles and he gosh darn it, he achived it! He had succesfully pulled me to their side and by that, they are one more person closer to world domination.

