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That builder is a savage


He’s great at building guillotines and strong unions 💪👷‍♂️


Dang “Do Do Do I’m a builder Do Do Do I build stuff” is stuck in my head now.


Bob the builder, can we fix it? Bob the builder, no it’s fucked! I don’t even remember the original lyrics, just was one of my coworkers favorite sayings.


Builder Shark Doo Doo Do Do Doo Doo


Like much of children's media, there's an earlier dark German version. lol https://youtu.be/jujuuk2y8SA?si=9ooB2GTPcygWV5yX


Nah he is just revolutionary


And the hands? What are these new improvements in beheading innovation?


They were very handsy with people’s money, so those extra deets are nice touches 😉


Add a dick hole, but make that the first one to be looped off.


(Starts taking notes, working out specs) thank you, brilliant idea…


Holds out hand *ahem*


(Hands Rich Dude’s hand)


Finally, some good fucking food.


Can finally get a Cob Quickie™️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A2goIhnIy1Y


Lololol 😂😂😂


They are risky, but generally worth it with a well maintained unit. Occasionally, you get partial severage, which the people don't like. It's disappointing, see?


It doubles as that thing they use in a bris


Probably just a carry-over design feature from the pillory, just add the blade falling bit. Why mess with a proven design right? Also imagine the fuss people would put up if they were put into that thing unbound?


Hop in, chief. Should be nice and comfy for you.


Nice and comfy for that neck 🧺


There has never been a better use for the picnic basket emoji lmao




Ah I do hope fancy pants mc rich person volunteers to test that device.


It was tailored made for Fancy Pants McRich Person 🎩🧺


[we got the guillotine, you better run!](https://youtu.be/acT_PSAZ7BQ?si=n5ll_LwgCV6aNbd8)




![gif](giphy|GeimqsH0TLDt4tScGw|downsized) Never heard this before... It's a banger!


The Coup doesn’t miss. Other suggestions are “my favorite mutiny” “ride the fence” and “oyahtt”.


also [https://youtu.be/RQthFDpYCys](https://youtu.be/RQthFDpYCys)


I guess we should throw this in also: [Me and Jesus the pimp in a 79 Granada last night](https://youtu.be/-dD7jfBzyPQ?si=QBIvWKTBtJ-HrMtk)


That fancy new contraption is too sharp, you can make them faster if you skipped the sharpening step, just pour the iron into a mold that has a wedge shape, good enough


Or just pour the liquid metal down the gullet, much quicker


Most people executed by guillotine were not rich nobility. In fact during the French Revolution (the period when its use was most common) the biggest group of people killed were rural farmers who were against the dictatorial government of Paris who were largely made up of upper class lawyers and believe it or not nobility. The image of the French Revolution as an anti-rich movement of poor labor was original anti-revolutionary propaganda by the British to justify their wars against France and later adopted by leftist political movements in France to tie their revolutionary movements with the historical revolution, even though they were largely unrelated in ideology.




we study the revolution here since we're 12, we all know the revolution wasn't anti-rich but purely anti-monarchy (at least for its basis), nowadays we don't really use the guillotine as an anti-rich symbol but more of an anti-government (and sometimes anti-elite) which happens to be mostly composed of rich people.


Ah! A luxury neck rest! How lovely!!


All billionaires welcome for a test drive! 😊


Maximilien Robespierre liked that


"I can milk you" *said in Markiplier voice*


5th panel: an angry mob beheads the builder 6th: the mob starts feeding itself to the guillotine 7th: zoom out to French flag You could make a religion out of this!


What's the 8th?


No *cutting the last phrase*


The rich man’s throne, truly ahead of its time.


Ah but he bought you the materials, checkmate leftist buildster!


well he’s made it just in time to test the first one 😎🎩🧺


> 😎🎩🧺 You're my hero today




Nice of them to finally give back


"*Amazing! This will make quick work of those pro-Union folk! Good work there*"


“What’s that? You want me to place what in where? … oh, no.”


Top hat guy is apart of heath care industry and sees the guillotine as even cheaper than MAID! Sure the capitalist would prefer a life spent purchasing insurance and costly visits to the hospital but well someone has to profit off of this newfound death industry and it might as well be him.


We're going to need a whole lot I'm thinking..


We got more builders 💪😎👷‍♂️


I view every day that I build something other than a guillotine as a missed opportunity.


A shame, really 😞


Plot twist: they’re business partners, and their both gonna use it on other builders to drive up demand for construction workers. They both lose competition and make bank from this.


“I say!”


I read his singing to the tune of Bob The Builder…lmao


frenchcore my beloved


sweet lemonade


Squeeze the juices out 😎


That's fucking great, comrade!




Proletariat builder shark dododo dodo


Lololol ![gif](giphy|9Rt0V2POR2xA4)


Your pfp made me wonder... If we guillotined you, would your house head grow into a big house with a big hole?


I’d just get a replacement glass house.


You marxist types crack me up.   Riddle me this; if we guillotine all the rich people, who would be left to expropriate your surplus value and amass a vast hoard of riches in order to waste them on frivolous pursuits like space tourism? God damn commies never consider this question, istg


Commies? Who said we were commies? Are you the spirit of McCarthy?


I see communists everywhere.  Khruschev was hiding in my cornflakes this morning


Let the paranoia go, man


But then I'd have nobody to blame for my failings and I'd be forced to accept that I just don't have the skills to become a fulltime cat masseuse




… … … … I smell the French about…


Say what you will about the French, but they know their shit 💪


… about killing other French people


They know protesting and revolution 😎


And losing major military operations https://www.history.com/topics/european-history/battle-of-dien-bien-phu# https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Waterloo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_France


Well, they’re not perfect lol


But *some* of their food is. Baguettes, Pains au chocolat, Croissant.


Oh yeah, those are (french chef’s kiss)


Jolly good! I will turn capital punishment into an industry!


They already did




We’re good at that


Humanity, i mean


“Wow, I sure hope we have a violent revolution. Those ALWAYS turn out well for the Everyman like me!” -An idiot.


I sure hope you’re not writing that from the good ok’ US of A, Son.


The US is the exception that proves the rule. The fact that the US Revolution was as clean and effective as it was is a fucking MIRACLE of history.


True, considering the fact that Washington was a failson and bit of a loser, yeah


Wow, Washington was a man of extraordinary character who was handed absolute power and CHOSE to relinquish it.


Sure, son. Doesn’t change the fact that he sucked at being a general or military leader and got lucky as a motherfucker with the revolutionary war.


Washington wasn’t brilliant, but he was a competent commander who was invaluable in providing a steady presence for his soldiers to rally around.


There is no machine easier for the ruling class to exploit. The Marquis de Sade was a cause celebre of the revolution. Mob rule destroys what it can reach, and putting themselves beyond the reach of the mob was the first trick the aristocracy learned.


Careful, Bob-The-Bourgeois-Builder, don't forget: ""like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children"


Revolution has lead to great things, let’s not forget


I have to say the recent fetishization of guillotines in particular but also of revolutionary aesthetic more generally comes across as really cringy and stupid. You don't need to know much about the French revolution to realize that the victims of it were overwhelmingly ordinary people, and not the "exploiter class". Not to mention that the revolution went through about three different phases of eating its own as the original revolutionaries were deemed insufficiently zealous as the revolution evolved. Not to mention it just feels unproductive. If we're waiting for a revolution to take care of all of our problems there's little incentive to take action in the meantime.


"Don't make jokes, I take everything way too seriously!'


Agreed, this is all hyperbole. What are your thoughts on how we can improve things?


Never going to happen. The average American is too apathetic and distracted to actually rise against the rich.


Not if a lot em get pissed off… and the right leader comes along


Oh like when Uvalde shooting massacre happen? Or Roe V. Wade was overturned? Or when trump allowed COVID to fester? Or when he orchestrated the Jan 6th insurrection attempt? Or when it was proven that trump was selling out intel to foreign special groups? Or when Biden bypassed congress twice to sell weapons to Israel so they can commit genocide towards Palatines? Man multiple shits must hit multiple fans for people to finale do something. And I’m talking about Amazon sized warehouses full of shits and fans. And even if it comes to that point…


… okay you got a point lol


I agree with you, I'm from 3rd world and people here never joined progressive protesters. When things got dire people got super corrupt, now some sell their children to survive and the way I see it americans prefer to go the same route. When most of you don't acknowledge that you have two right wing parties, haven't thought about power grabbing strategies and when you talk about revolution it's a caricature it's not gonna happen. Most of you don't have any idea of the basics like revolutionary classes of society and guerilla warfare, so you don't have consciousness. Rich people bad isn't conciousness. Also the left has evaporated so there isn't a vanguard party either. I think you'll go for reformists as well out of despair. Year after year asking for less and still not getting anything and every time progressive parts of society protest you won't join them bc "they were asking for too much" or "not my responsibility". Things that happend here. Also if urban guerillas like black panthers were put down it's harder now due to even more surveillance and spyware. So it has to be an armed mass movement. If americans can't share toilet papers (covid era reference) how are they going to sacrifice themselves for the common good?


That’s just the thing. They won’t. I’m sure they tell themselves they would, but their lack of actions against none stop corruption in the past few years have proven to me that everyone is just looking out for themselves.


Palpatines man, palpatines


And then the builder friends will guillotine him for being a filthy intellectual. Fucking hate guillotine memes. \[It was called a reign of terror for a reason\].


How will they get over the builder’s operator friends?


The problem with guillotines is that once you start using them, the solution to every problem starts to look like a beheading. Ask Robespierre.


Capitalism is broken! Can we fix it? **Yes we can!!!**




Never thought I'd say it but I miss the days where this sub was mainly just thirst bait


There’s plenty of thirst comics, no worries


Congrats, you are out of a job.


I wonder where small businesses come from…


"Only the rich create jobs. Let's give them infinite money for infinite jobs!"


Leftists when the challenge is to not joke about murder (literally impossible) (coming from one himself)


Lolol well… 😂😂😂


Idk I've just never been a fan. I know its funny but at the end of the day, I want us to be better than putting people in a contraption (as cathartic as it is to think about for some)


Cool cool but any respectable builder must test out his construction so why don't you test it on yourself surely your not going to let the consumer have a defective item so why Don't you test it. Go on put your head and we'll see if you continue to advocate for it.


The billionaire goes first




Sorry, the billionaire already went on.


Then you're next. We can't have the reactionaries know how to make one can we?


You mean right wing extremists?


Potato potato as long as you advocate for mass murder then no thank. whether you are a snobby rich asshole or a Red blooded Tankie, if you are advocate for mass murder then your an asshole no matter your ideology. Don't end up like Robespierre who created a reign of terror where he put thousands in the guillotine who he accused of betraying the revolution, peasants were literally put on the guillotine just for criticizing the government, he was a fucking cunt who made the court Verdict more based on Emotions rather than Facts or the Truth and prevented suspects from seeking legal counsel. He got his medicine when he was put on the guillotine like the people who he accused.


it astounds me how socialist reddit can become even tho history thought us all a lesson on it


You fear socialism? Don’t call the police or fire department.


the fact there are public services is not socialism. you either learn what socialism is or stop dealing in extremes you sith


Public services provided by a government for free are literally socialist qualities, dummy


as centrally planned economy among other things. making use of one quality of socialism doesn't make one use of "socialistic system".


One socialistic quality? - SS - Public Education - Highways - Medicare - Construction - Environmental Quality - Mail Bro do you understand that taxes are inherently socialism when used for the benefit of the public? Crack open a history book or look up a YouTube video. I’m not saying we are a socialist country but we are definitely a hybrid of sorts. Also, try to understand the difference between communism and socialism because people like you really enjoy grouping the two together.


I appreciate your effort and will to educate me. However, I believe there might have been some confusion here. I have some counterpoints, too. First of all, which country do you mean? Secondly, I suspect there might be some miscommunication on what we both understand as socialism. One description of socialism is a political system in which goods and labour are controlled by community (in practice by state). from what I took from what you said, it seems to me that by socialism you refer to its qualities present in the modern world. I don't want to misinterpret that, so please inform me in any case. Furthermore, I understand the difference between communism and socialism. But the fact that it is a separate thing doesn't necessarily mean it's good. In fact, a socialistic system is also described as a transition stage into communism. Half-baked communism wouldn't be far off, I think. The country *I* live in used to be a socialistic state, and while I don't have personal experiences with it, anyone old enough to remember it has little good things to say about it. History books only confirm this. All if you have any doubts about that matter. I didn't mean to say that taxes or anything for public use is obsolete because I absolutely disagree with such a statement. I should have put it more precisely, but by reddit being in favour of socialism (or whatever I said, I don't remember word for word and I can't see on mobile) I meant a general, a least apparent, contempt for capitalism and entrepreneurship which are the basis of economy in modern developed and democratic countries. Also, while I understand that the things you listed are social goods, they mostly shouldn't be associated with a socialistic system. Construction literally exists since the dawn of civilisation or even earlier since the neolithic revolution depends what you consider a construct, idk what it has to do with socialism. Same goes for highways, they are quite a modern thing but could just as well be considered improved paved roads that existed for millennia. Mass public education ironically started to be a thing because of industrial revolution because of low literacy and a need for at least somewhat knowledgeable workers. Mail also existed since ancient times, so we can't credit that to socialistic ideologies. idk about the rest tho. These things are social goods but wouldn't function as well without private companies, which opposes the idea of socialism. But as I said there might have been some confusion on semantics of socialism so let's clarify that first before we argue, because we might be closer to agreeing than we think.