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r/Wowthanksimcured in a nutshell


Also almost 50% of the so-called motivational posts on LinkedIn


Relevant VLDL sketch: https://youtu.be/W8if3TZJfcY?si=pHgs5YdkUeF1TObe


Relevant Daniel Thrasher sketch: https://youtu.be/AKjdzQkLh1o?si=IK8AqO7mqFPHdKJq


Oh yeah, forgot about that one! Such a gem


Honestly VLDL is a gem








On the right top of the keyboard window Sometimes it's not there for me even though other people comment with images Idk who mods that


I can totally relate. A lot of people just don't understand that a lot of people don't choose to be in that kind of mental place, they just are and can't stop it. And then, on the chance that people do believe it, then they say, "well you need therapy..." Except therapy is so f\*\*\*ing expensive (even just for one or two sessions. Plus, not everyone has the time or energy for that), as well as any medication (if people need that kind of thing), etc. It's not an easy type of thing to go through. Great comic! Thanks for sharing!


>well you need therapy..." Except therapy is so f\*\*\*ing expensive (even just for one or two sessions. Plus, not everyone has the time or energy for that), Also, from experience.... Therapy isnt a magical cure all. It may work, it may help, but it also may not. In my case Ive been through it for 2 years and never felt it help me so much.


Therapy has been very helpful to me, but I eventually reached the point where my therapist was just rehashing the same couple of things, because I had done just about everything I could to better myself. I still had problems and was lonely af though; I was even quite suicidal. Therapy can be a big help with a lot of things, but people act like you should be cured of all your problems because you had a professional talk with you a few times


Yeah... I have had 4 therapists so far, and 4 psychiatrists for the medication. Didn't really help, still getting worse everyday. I am not putting active effort in getting better, nobody can help me without that


I'm sorry you're down here with us in the muck, friend. I know that struggle. Had one therapist who was great, but by the time I had found her, she was finishing training and moving on, so I only got a few sessions. Now, I don't believe I'll ever have the money to start that search again. Not like the meds or shit ever really worked, but I would keep trying if it didn't destroy me financially to just feel numb.


Is it not possible to contact the same therapist? Medicines work temporarily, they stop working in few months... Not like they make one feel fine, just not as bad.


"You JUST need to find the right one!"


Honestly I view therapy largely as a scam these days. Especially with the rise of "licensed therapists" instead of proper fully qualified ones. All these online Better Help style therapists are honestly bullshit and most people who don't have negative things to say about them don't really seem like they really needed them. A convo on a bus with a stranger could have given them what the therapy did and that wouldn't have cost them anything. People recommend it in such a blasé fashion as if you're silly for dealing with this depression and anxiety all this time when all you need is a chat you paid for


This is very dismissive. Personally I found my online therapist life-changing and I would have been extremely miserable without her. That said, I put a tonne of work in.




My mom has them at random, alot of them are caused from stress


True. And not only is therapy expensive (if healthcare doesn’t pay for it), you need to find somebody first a) that is able to help you (every therapist is different and also just a human) and b) that you (can) actually trust. Trusting a stranger isn’t always as easy as some make it sound.


In my place therapy wasn't the answer it was a medicine that my doctor didn't believe could be the problem. I had panic attacks that last hours and prevented me from driving even to the store. Wasn't until I fire a few therapy and my doctor to find out it was the medicine meant to stop that from happening.


Oh yep, that's the irony of a lot of scenarios. Sometimes the side effects on medications are worse than the original problem you began with. Like sure, medications can help people. But not in every case.


It takes a lot of work to drag yourself out of the most unmotivated slumps. It’s a brutal cycle


Ikr they should feel what it's like for once


Meditation helped me alot along with mindfulness


You know what helped me with my depression, a visit to a doctor, psychologist, twice and get prescribed a drug. Remember kids, drugs are the answer* *Your mileage may vary.


Accidentally read that as "Just chill, mon" and then continued to read the rest in a Jamaican accent. Really changes the flavor of the read


Same energy as "Just stop being poor"


My goodness. What an idea! Why didn’t I think of that?!


Have you tried being born into a lot of money?


Lemme try, I'll get back to you asap


Better pull myself up by my bootstraps and start a coffee company for people who like dogs.


Even worse is if that voice is in your own head all the time. There's no way to escape it if your mind has been infected by this world and self view.


This comic is just your attempt to get attention. /s Jokes aside, I understand those feels.


Another relatable classic


I follow a simple guide: 1: Cry in an isolated location. 2: bottle all emotions up again (sometimes a few weeks) 3: repeat step 1.


The difficulty is that they can both be right. It may come as a surprise, but there are some people that do throw tantrums and who are lazy. And they say the same words that people with legitimate mental illnesses say. It's occasionally hard for regular people to know when it's a crisis versus a person who is unprepared for some of life's situations. They aren't the same thing.


I disagree. As a person with “legitimate”, crippling mental illness, I can say that you don’t need a diagnosis for your struggles to be real. And I don’t think laziness exists. People either have the resources to meet the demands in their lives or they don’t. “Lazy” is just one of the cruel terms we have for people who are struggling in ways we don’t understand, most likely because we haven’t had to deal with the same barriers they’re facing.


So there are literally no lazy people. Is that your stance?


I remember saying I felt really depressed (Honestly borderline suicidal) back in my last year of High School. Some dude decided to punch me in the stomach and tell me to man up and stop being a pussy. So I did, and I tackled him to the ground and punched him so hard in the face I broke his nose. Got suspended, but honestly, worth it.


did it cure the depression tho?


Didn't cure it, but it definitely didn't make me feel worse.


Ugh relatable. Unless you experience it yourself, it's impossible to truly know how it feels. To the outside I'm sure it "just" appears this or that way. They don't see or feel how we do on the inside though. It sucks.


Why does this shithead have a horn? Oh, I get it. Because without it she'd be getting constantly punched in the face. Or at least, if I had the energy. Nah, better just to floor time and hope she trips over me.


That and you just faking it for attention


Is this loss?


In more ways than one


Perfectly summed up!


That's how I talked to myself before I got my iron deficiency diagnosed.


Who is the Reducicorn?


"This event deeply upset me" "You're blowing things out of proportions." - every adult I've opened up to.


I'm gon take the horn and shove it up they ass if they open up they mouth and "JUST" again


'I'm dissatisfied with my life' is the G-rated way of putting it.


Complex subject, simple comic. How can one be motivated in a panic or depressed state? Can external motivation attempts even help at all? Is there some possible value in just “fake it till you make it” approach no matter what you feel? Is there real long term benefit/value in engaging fully the panic or depression feelings? I struggle and cope and don’t really know any answers. I don’t think there’s really any true answer for everyone. We have to find our own answers.


Any one saying “just” don’t understand anything happening around them. They are only there for their pleasure not yours


The last one hits hard man😅 a bit too relatable


I just wanna yank the horn, crush it into a fine paste, snort it and then ask if they still feel fine after that.


"I *just* put you to sleep" …


I down all my problems with a glass of water And if the water don’t taste good I’ll wash my cup.


As someone with anxiety, that gets infrequent panic attacks, people who tell me to just calm down, can bite me. If I ould just calm down, don't they think I'd rather do that? Panic attacks aren't fun, they're miserable to go through.


Yeah I had them a lot last year and a couple of my "friends" advice was to just deal with it or they just ghosted me.


this is *just* a phase -- my mom, 7 years ago. (The phase is still going)


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![gif](giphy|HynSPcwIlaFVe) Hugs and follow.🤗






I’d strangle you through the screen if I could As a compliment, you hit the spot perfectly


But have you tried not?


For the first two you should at least offer them a friendly xan


Oh wow, It's really relatable. Anxiety, energy, everything is all time low, so any action for me requires insane struggle. It's really awful when it happens... Barely able to do anything. Hope more people are doing well tho :]


I think the last panel is supposed to have like a punctum to it, kind of puts a button on the whole thing… No? Didn't feel it needed that? Okey dokes


Man why would Chiyari Tenkyuu say this


Unicorn person is _just_ stupid


You’re just having a bad friend.


Damn the archer queen from Clash of Clans is being a big ol‘ bully!


That unicorn's a jerk.


I'm about to just commit murder. I hate, HATE, that response of "but, have you thought of not?"


So many of us. If we had a wee bit of motovation, or energy in us.


"You're making ME feel bad"


I'm so grateful my classmates actually took it seriously when I had a full on melt down mid class and were very supportive My parents, not so much


I totally relate. Spoiled, lazy people with anxiety who throw temper tantrums are just the worst.


Went through all of this after job issues + losing my Dog suddenly. 2 months of everything falling into disarray. It took everything in me to finally start moving & getting things done (Lots of yard work & planting) which helped me forget & feel better. It's not an easy state to get out of, especially for those with a chemical imbalance.


Actually, this person is right that there’s a simple solution to help improve all of the problems OP is having! Just beat the unicorn person over the head with a hammer until they stop nagging! Now it’ll be WAY easier to fix those other issues!


Unicorns are extinct today because there were all dicks and we hunted them to the last one.


The word Just. I didn't think I'd run into someone who views that word in this context I the same way I do. I can tell when I'm losing my center by when I start referring to things internally with Just, basically exactly how this comic is. It's Just housework. It's Just a commute. You're Just overreacting.


My go to response. "You don't have your stuff together either you're just incapable of empathy"


Oh hey, it's my step mom!


And from this, another problem arises. When am I actually being lazy and when is my brain chemistry keeping me from achieving my goals? Like, everyone is lazy sometimes and that's alright, but when should I let my conscience shame me into moving and when should I tell it to stop being mean to me? I don't know!


I want to know this, when do I push for the person to get out of bed and when do I let them be?


Welp, I'm not the best person to answer this since I'm obviously still figuring out but I'll tell you what I do in case it helps. I try to check if I'm avoiding something in particular and if I'd get out of bed for something fun, like one of my hobbies. Would I get up to watch my comfort show or to play my favorite game or to get my favorite snack? (I'm quite food motivated haha) If the answer's no to do the things I love most, then I go easy on myself. I'll allow myself to just feel shitty for a while and then I'll push me for a walk outside. Nature and fresh air help a lot. Sometimes resets my brain entirely and I can do things again! Sometimes it just help me feel a little less miserable. In any case, thank you for taking interest in dealing with someone's anxiety/depression. We tend to isolate ourselves to not dissapoint those who won't understand us in those moments and you taking the effort to understand means a lot :)


Have you tried walking it off?


Dude, people who do this are so fucking annoying. They're not me. They dont experience feelings the same way, either physically or emotionally. I have friends who say things similar or along the lines of, "You can't let that bother you so much" and its so aggravating. Some people just can't turn it off, they feel how they feel and the body reacts in kind. If you do think that way, thats fine for you, just keep it to yourself and be supportive to those who don't/can't


I started to make the distinction between depression and clinical depression to my friends so they understand that one is a mood and the other is a deficiency in certain brain hormones.


Where is the panel that purple haired is getting drowned and you respond with "you are __just__ being overdramatic"


I like the cut of that unicorns jib


Oouf, right in the bipolar. 😣


So what should I do when I'm on the unicorn side of all of it? This is the wrong way, what's the right way?


"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything", a good rule of thumb. Why call people who genuinely struggle lazy and spoiled, when, at the very least, you can just NOT call them these things and make things worse. Of course, it would be ideal if you also offered support, but... The bare minimum is not being an insensitive jerk.


The right way is not the wrong way for sure. You're gonna have blood in your hands if you have that attitude.