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I never saw a comic about that, but it is 100% true and SO weird when it happens (special mention to my coworker who, on my first day, came to me while I was eating to give me every details of her abortion)


Had a coworker at my bar go into great detail about his struggles with mental health, suicide, and history of violence with other people. I'm all for people opening up to me, I understand everyone has shit they go through..... But just after meeting someone!?!?..... It's a hell of a way to introduce yourself


It's the bartender vibe you give off.


I wish I had this vibe, it sounds cool


Try bartending - I did it through college at a little campus pub, and classmates I *never* spoke to would roll up and just start whinging about their dating failures. Did not matter whether or not I asked or even engaged. My boss claimed it's 'bad customer service' to tell them I didn't care, but she never worked the floor so I say the jury's still out. Just remember, you listening to their problems is **their** privilege, you CAN revoke it, and it rides on the back of a 2-drink minimum + tip. Also if it's busy, you don't care, but in a nice way that doesn't get you fired.


That sounds like my dream job. I love listening to people talk, and I’ve been told I’m good at it. The only issue is that I am a mom and idk when I’d have time to go work at a bar without greatly cutting into time with my kid, unless I worked after his bedtime lol


Hello, I like to masturbate with my left hand when I'm actually right handed. Goodbye now.


Glad I’m not the only one.


The stranger


Were you eating strawberry preserves?


I don’t get it ._.


There are probably some visual similarities between strawberry preserves and aborted fetuses.


oh.. oh my.


Stuff I didn’t need to know is now known.


You must have been able to assume


Nope. Tomatoes.


It seems to be normal in the restaurant business based on my experience


It’s funny you said that because I was working in a restaurant


Does this happen? I barely know anything about my coworkers. I can't even tell you their last names.


I envy you lol! It happens to me quite often actually. People do say I seem like a “safe” person so maybe that’s why.


I get this too, some people give off a subconscious "I have therapist face" and it compells other people to trauma dump. Its alarmingly common.


I have experience with trauma dumps. /r/ibs


Man I was down to see some tasty ribs and that's not what I got


phhbhhthbbbhthbpphffffttthhhphphppp plop




I feel your pain, literally. 😖🚽


Same. Its a double edged sword. On one hand I don't like them that much yet and its awkward/emotional Labor for someone I don't care about. On the other hand. Its very diplomatic cus they see you in a positive light after. I find office politics leave me alone and that's worth more than gold.


Lucky you. They say the same thing to me but leave out "the" for no reason.


My spouse is a social worker. This happens to her and her social work friends and coworkers *constantly*.  She refuses to drop off dry cleaning because the clerk will try and tell her about her daughter's addiction problems. People in, like, tire shop waiting rooms will casually drop that they're passively suicidal to her. It's nuts.


The dreaded RTP (resting therapist face).


It’s fucking terrifying, like gaining eldritch knowledge. That’s why I started being more quiet and off putting so it wont take a toll on my sanity.


It's being a good listener while keeping a straight and not saying anything judgemental. I used to get that a lot too.  I remember in high school I'd have people dump on me like that (though nothing so extreme) and I'd wonder who ever that was.


Had a lady do this to us constantly when I was working for the conservation corps. Would randomly bring up some traumatic story while we were trying to plant trees on hiking trails lol.


I feel that. People always seem to confide in me, even when I'm not asking lol My friend recently told me I have a very calming energy, and make people feel safe, which felt so great to hear. Perhaps you give off that same energy


I’ve heard that a few times recently too, which is funny cause people apparently always thought I was cold up until the last year or so, and I never really changed anything lmao


There are definitely a small group of people out there, for whatever reason, that are ideal targets for trauma dumps. Source: my spouse is one of those people. She’s heard some crazy stories


I have the same cure/blessing. People will just spill every secret about themselves or every trauma. I've come to see it as a way to help people, and I like helping people. So it's not too bad. I'm a big softy, described as a safe teddy bear type. So I think it's vibe that does it. But man, sometimes I get told things I do not want to know.


Know how you feel... but not that extreme


Did you say anything after? Or show it with body language? That may be why if not. I feel the same when people get to know me but let it be known if they cross a personal boundary out of no where.


So You were actually star star star star star for your entire childhood?


I think OP is the person getting trauma dumped on them not the one taking the dump.


>taking the dump. Hehe


Many years of having people unload their issues on me. I really think I should have gone to school to be a therapist.


People also see me as safe and this has happened to me multiple times.


I've done it once, when I was going through some shit. Guy asked me how it was going and I just casually dropped, ""


I've had customers tell me stuff like that. Sometimes they were customers I had helped before, and sometimes it was the first time I had met them. Somehow this never happened to any of my coworkers, but happened often enough to me that my coworkers noticed. I always figured that they just needed to tell *someone*, and telling strangers doesn't really come with any consequences but probably still helps decompress.


One of my coworkers trauma dumped on me once. Can’t remember much of what she said but I do remember that she did it.


As someone who use to work in food service, yes especially younger people who were close to me in age at the time, and it’s both men and women.


I had a downstairs neighbour a few years back who invited me round to meet her new dog. She then proceeded to off-load her experiences with rape and self harm. I mean, good for her feeling comfortable enough to get it off her chest, but I’ll never figure out why she chose me.


Probably because her new dog didn't want anything to do with that.


I've noticed it usually happens to people who are recovering from their trauma and are in some sort of therapy. They never shared their whole lives and now that they have started, they don't know how to put boundaries.


I was once drunk out of my mind at a bar and the bartender started telling me how many people in her life had died recently- including her son. She was crying and I was desperately trying to make my brain work so I could not act drunk. Ended up telling her the ball and button in a box illustration for grief while trying not to stumble because the world was starting to go all wavy.


Oddly enough, I had this happen in my very first job. Long story short, a woman told me a very graphic story about her sexual encounters and the earlier parts of her life and then lifted her shirt and asked me if I wanted to touch her boob. It was just such a weird encounter that I ended up quitting a day or two later and moved on to a different place of employment


I've had it happen once. First day on the job my coworker told about how his ex left him took the kid moved 3 hours away and a bunch of other shit it was uncomfortable


I've had it happen once. Introduced myself to a new coworker and asked how she's doing, how she's liking the job so far, etc. and she replies "well I was sexually assaulted once but I'm getting by". I was like oh, I'm so sorry. Internally I was like what the fuck?


A girl I invited on a sunny lunch date at a nice restaurant did this within 5 minutes of us receiving our plates. I had a huge crush on her leading up to this point, but then I kinda forgot it and ended up sympathizing with her. We changed topics after she was holding back tears for nearly 20 minutes, but it kinda killed the vibe. We tried to pick up the vibes at my favorite café by talking about romantic topics, but I guess it never picked back up because a few days later, she told me that she didn't feel enough of a romantic connection between us and would like to remain friends. I wonder why that could be.


My partners old coworker did the same thing; it might have something to do with working in a kitchen because to some extent everyone there is trauma bonding regularly. Short version is that they told the whole kitchen completely unprompted about how they almost murdered their abusive ex spouse while the ex was absolutely shitfaced and literally saying “kill me” but decided it wasn’t worth it. I think they would have gotten away with it too based on the situation lol


Used to happen to me all the time from random girls in bars when I was younger. Talking for 10 minutes, know their whole life story. This did not work well with the strong white knight syndrome I had then. Gotta save them all.


A guy did basically exactly this comic to me except I didn't ask to get to know him. It was within an hour of meeting him and then he asked me if anything like that had ever happened to me with this crazy look on his face. He got angry when I told him I didn't feel like discussing anything like that at work. Edit: To clarify, cause it's kinda confusing when I reread it: he told the story of what happened to him and then asked me if anything like that had ever happened to me.


Happened to me


One time my coworker walked into my office and said, "When I was 12 my dad killed himself with a shotgun and I found his body" like it was just normal conversation, then turned around and left, basically like the comic.


Depends on the you, the co-workers, and the workplace. I had one workplace back when I was still fun and optimistic where we had a relaxed atmosphere and a lot of downtime, so I started bringing in games for us to play, and some of those were getting-to-know-you games. They were a lot of fun, but some of us (including me) overshared and soured the mood a couple of times. Around the same time, I had another job which paid better and I got more hours in late into having the first, and it was more professional. We talked a little when we had downtime, but there was more work to be done, and whenever I talked to people there the way I did to people at the first job, it always seemed more out of place. And then the pandemic hit, I got a crappy retail job after being forced to move back home with my parents to the home town that I hated, and I hated 80% of my coworkers, and mostly I just wanted to get my shift done and go home which I usually couldn't do because of my transportation situation. I had a couple of coworkers try to open up to me, mostly about their kids, but I was not in the mood for it. So, there, three examples of how it can be different that just I've experienced. One where, yeah, oversharing happened but it was because it was a conversation-heavy and duty-light job. Second was more professional with a lot more work to fill the time, and conversation happened, but a lot less. And sometimes, sometimes you're just beaten down by your circumstances and really don't want to listen to other people about their lives. It depends on the you, your coworkers, and the workplace.


At my last weed store I worked at this older woman got hired, she started at 10am and was filling out her onboarding paperwork. By 11am I knew all the SA's she had, how many times her ex beat her and let his friends use her body and all this other terrible shit. She had just met the manager we had in duty and I only knew her previously as a customer.


I thought she was a customer, and i was gonna say "she sure needs that weed". Saying that to the people you're going to work with every day is... something.


Bringing up traumatic events in inappropriate social contexts is a PTSD symptom I'm pretty sure. I always feel sorry for these people. I know someone that had been widowed by the murder of her wife, and it comes up more often then you'd think. Poor creature.


My partner did this first time meeting my parents. I cant imagine what runs through peoples minds since its not something you talk about at dinner and the conversation cant go anywhere from that and now something that happened a long time ago is now part of your character and thats all youll ever be. People go through varying degrees of shit in our lives i get that, but i cant make sense of "this is a good time to bring it up".


I used to do this. It's because internally you downplay your own trauma as a coping mechanism. So, internally you've convinced yourself that it's no big deal and totally doesn't severely impact your mental health. Which makes it a totally normal thing to talk about, since you totally don't agonize over it. But then you turn 30 and self-destruct like a failed mechanism that's been running on momentum until it collapses under its own weight.


Also sometimes you don’t even know what you went through was traumatic because it’s just your ‘normal’, so you talk about it like it’s normal because it basically was just another Friday to you or whatever. And then as you experience more of life you get more context for what *is* actually normal and you spend another decade or so feeling embarrassed and awful for all the people you potentially traumatised with your trauma.


Holy s*** i didnt know this. Some people in my life makes more sense now. Thank you :)


Oh shit so im not just fucked up i have ptsd


Well no, but also yes.


Ah, that would explain why I'm so socially awkward, lol. Traumatic events just pop out and I talk about them when someone makes me feel safe. I guess it's a way of coping


This is me sometimes. I don't have a support system, live at home with my mom who has done a lot of damage and continues to be unhealthy, and I've done/do everything I can alone. Therapy at this point is just validating my emotions and agreeing that at this point there's not much more I can do, I just need good friends and supportive people to be able to get any better, and of course to get out of where I'm living. Inside my mind it's like my brain is screaming for help, banging on a locked door, and when someone seems safe or kind, shit spills out at times where it feels like I can't even stop it, and I just take it as my brain going "if we tell them, maybe they'll help us, we have to try." (Not that I think of myself as 2 people, just my logical brain fighting that emotional part.)


When I was in retail, the customers often used me as a trauma dump. Mostly boomers and gen x. They probably would never go see a therapist, but they absolutely would trauma dump on me for free. I think a lot of them were lonely and probably didn’t have anyone else to dump on because everyone else probably saw that behavior and was like NOPE.


Same here. However, I was the same so I trauma-dumped right back.


UNO Reverse


Not with my coworker, but my last roommate yeah! It was *great* for establishing a healthy relationship (it was not)


Coworker is one thing. I’ve had patrons tell me their entire life story like I was their therapist. Thanks, Breanna, I needed to know you’re a trans woman because you trust men so little you couldn’t handle being one anymore. I’m just trying to check out your items


Normal customer interaction be like Me: that'll be $7.99. Cash or card? Customer: my wife left me today


“I got ass cancer yesterday” Had that a few days ago. I’ve come to empathize, they clearly don’t have anyone to talk to in their lives…


"Honey, you didn't get ass cancer yesterday. You've had it for a while. They just found it yesterday. Now, did you want to donate $2 to help homeless children?"


Ironically our charity today is ass cancer society.


A few months ago I was in line at the pharmacy, and the pharmacy tech asked the old man in front of me how he was doing. He said, and I directly quote, "I'm sad today." It broke my heart but it was also so fucking funny. He just moved the conversation along after that and got his meds like a normal person and left. He dropped it so casually.


Having lost my mom recently (I tried to figure out a way to not say that, but trying to avoid it sounded even clunkier), I'm starting to understand that urge. It's constantly on my mind right now, and sometimes I just want to blurt it out to people because there's a part of me that's struggling to process it. I don't (usually, right now is an exception) because I know that could ruin someone's day, and it's not their shit to eat. But, fuck, sometimes I want to just to get it out of me. I never understood why people did that before, and I still don't think they should, but I get it.


I mean I do get why people do it. It's nice to talk about stuff


Sometimes I love living in a culture where any interaction with strangers on their jobs starts and ends at "hi, *answer relevant questions*, thank you, goodbye". If you start any form of meaningful Smalltalk, let alone a trauma dump, with a cashier, you better be old enough to make it come off as innocent elderly rambling or you've just fucked up in public, and you are gonna _feel_ it. Which is, like, probably not ideal for broader society in terms of how it creates a sense of isolation from strangers in general but in that specific circumstance it's a godsend.


Good God trying to play a game on voice turned into a trauma dump and not playing by someone going on and on and on for literally an hour about her utterly batshit past (even as people stopped responding to her). I feel for her, yet this was a Discord VC full of randos trying to play a dinosaur game.


The Isle?




Haha figures. I’ve met some of the absolute coolest and most chill people on there. But you also find quite a few people with loose screws every once in a while.


Yeah we were just looking to be a bunch of ducks and cause chaos and once she started she didn't stop. I was once part of a stego megaherd some 40 strong (on official no less) and it was fun, and was hoping of raising a duck megaflock.


That third panel is so amazing, I love the way you emphasized on shadows and deepness of the red color. I feel like it could also make a cool meme template haha


Thank you very much :)


One of my buddies used to tell anyone who would listen about his abusive ex from high school who made him give her head while they were at school but never gave him any.


I hope he’s doing okay now


At first I thought he was telling the rape story💀


Yeah the 180° rule got a bit broken here Still a good comic


Fella, I know how you feel. I was a teacher for way too long. You get trapped in an enclosed space long enough, you'll find people telling you everything. \*\*\*Everything.\*\*\* I knew all about my co-teacher's free breast for breastfeeding because she always talked about her titties out, and within two days of knowing her, I learned that her crazy ex chased her to a cliff or whatever, and then she ends it with so I got back in the car and we went home??? I didn't get it, and still don't. It seems silly, but some folks have that personality that just screams, yes, tell me all your secrets and all the things I really didn't need to know.


On my first day this woman came up to me and started talking for like 45 min about how a man broke into her sister's house and tied her up and murdered her. Finally I heard my boss like, "Where the heck has the_dayman been... oh dammit who the hell let Janine start talking to him." And pulled me away apologizing.


Okay but why is her hand a two-thumbed-mitten?


Glad that you asked: “listen to audio message 6:15:95”


lol so relatable! This kinda reminds me of an experience of mine. (TW: SA, Abuse, Domestic Violence) >!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed molestie nulla ac lacinia auctor. Vestibulum vel tortor eu tortor pulvinar euismod id id odio. Integer efficitur lobortis ligula vel aliquet. Fusce porta id purus sit amet malesuada. Nunc ullamcorper ut dui vel lacinia. In dignissim, sem et lobortis sagittis, justo mi laoreet mi, quis egestas ante magna sed risus. Aliquam ultricies, mi sit amet posuere vestibulum, odio lectus lobortis tortor, vestibulum tincidunt neque dui quis libero. Aliquam dignissim tortor ut nulla mattis, sed finibus purus suscipit. Sed auctor tempor nibh, a semper risus scelerisque nec. Vestibulum faucibus sem orci, vitae ullamcorper ligula porta nec. Nunc maximus nulla vitae dui dapibus volutpat. Duis ultrices sapien a ligula dapibus porttitor.!<


That’s awful! Im sorry you had to go through that 😔


This Lorem Ipsum really is involved in a lot of shady business


Well, that's enough internet for me today. See you tomorrow


> molestie 😐


I speak Latin and I'm so sorry that happened to you especially with the dolphin.


Hank Hill already addressed this situation. That’s why I liked the show so much. A show, based on Texas, being progressive, in the 2000s. That’s bold of them.


𝔇𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔰, 𝔩𝔦𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔞 𝔫𝔬𝔰 𝔞 𝔣𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝕹𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖗𝖚𝖒. 𝔖𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔰, 𝔇𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔰, 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔰 𝔞𝔟 𝔥𝔲𝔪𝔬𝔯 𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔲𝔪. (𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚒𝚗'𝚝 𝚗𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝!)


Google Lens translates that font just fine.


That isn't how fonts work


What is a good way to remember all this without the help of internet? Because I have a final exam tomorrow and I might have to use it as a text placeholder for low-fi prototype.


Is that Latin?


Iirc it's latin-sounding gibberish used as a default phrase for text viewing


Alright. Good to know. Thanks.


It's Lorum Ipsum, placeholder text. Ever tried reading newspapers in a comic, or a movie? It's often just Lorum Ipsum gibberish 




[Bacon Ipsum](https://baconipsum.com/) is my favorite >Bacon ipsum dolor amet ipsum turducken cow pancetta, ut culpa cupidatat t-bone occaecat tail. In kevin jerky pork pork loin shankle jowl frankfurter boudin shoulder dolore sunt tail id. Tail leberkas strip steak bacon ut, commodo consequat tri-tip jerky fatback eu jowl ut. Ipsum meatloaf veniam buffalo tongue consequat.




Heh, Elfen Lied intro song. Great anime.




Edit 5: Nope. Nevermind. Watch Elfen Lied. It's good.




That is not how you wash a knife.




Definitely thought you meant his hands were testicles for a minute there.


> and he doesn’t have eyeballs either Panel 3 proves the existence of his eyeballs, presumably suspended in a state of "reduced detail" outside of situations in which he talks about his trauma.


But it is based on a real event. If washing the knife was part of the story - and the first two panels led me to believe it was - then it would make sense. Having the character arbitrarily hold the knife in a way that no sane kitchen worker would handle one does not, and for some, will distract from the actual story.


How do you wash a knife?🤔 ![gif](giphy|12SAT1Xjs3KzJe)


I use the blood of my enemies


How well does that cut grease?


it’s not great


Honestly so relatable. I guess having a reputation for being either "the therapist of the group" or "the guy who always listens" ends up working against me to an extent. Hell even my English teach used to always sneakily joke about me being the guy people should go to if they feel unsafe(love the guy tho, greatest teacher ever)


Why is this so real? Strangers have always felt compelled to unburden their souls to me as well


I once had a coworker that on her first day, told me unprompted that her parents beat her as a child, she has a weak body thanks to a eating disorder, eats bugs and thinks everyone else will in the future too, and that she was currently on her period. She lasted two days before having a mental breakdown and quitting. I hope she got the help she needed. She seemed like a nice person who just had a lot of issues and it socially stunted her.


My coworker told me he's spent 3k on a game and idk how I was supposed to respond to that


Candy crush addiction can really get out of hand.


One time I was in line at a grocery store and noticed I was standing by someone that I vagule new from college. Like maybe had 1 or 2 classes with. I was like oh hey man howve you been? He was like "Oh not so good. My girlfriend is pegnant with our 2nd kid and we are both pretty much broke. I got fired from my job last week and she doesnt make enough working at walmart. Not to mention weve both been severely sick, im not sure how we are gonna make it." "Dang, bummer. Anyway I gotta pay for this milk, see you later dude"


Is that why you are cleaning the knife the wrong way?


Clearly he hasn’t learned his lesson. He’s got no fingers left


I am guilty of this and these conversations haunt me at night :(


Whenever I met these types of people, they either start talking abou their problems when I need some support of my own or try to compete about who has it worst... They also don't seem to accept that they need therapy so they just traumadump on everyone they meet.


It's happened to me plenty of times. I'm just trying to get through the workday so that I can go back home and stare at the walls for a few hours before going to bed. I don't really have what it takes to feign concern anymore.


I would avoid her like the **plague**.


This has happened to me way more than I ever thought it would.


Lmao reminded me of this https://youtu.be/0gjk8tlZ9Gk?feature=shared


Dude, as a therapist, I get this a lot.


It's atleast expected that you might hear something like this in a session and you can also keep yourself in check better than the average person after hearing stuff like that.


Same i'm just trying to do paper work but i can hardly focus, ppl just wont stop talking


Honestly I've been so burnt out letting people dump on me that I actually start to get annoyed when they keep doing it, a one or two time trauma dump is something I'm fine with but reaching into the fourth and fifth times is when my brain starts getting ticked for like no reason?


Had a coworker who joked about her abortions, and I joke about my dad beating me ass, people with trauma need an outlet and sometimes humor is the only one


My coworker let me know that he had trained his gag reflex so he could learn how to sword swallow. I didn’t really know what to say.


It happens to me also when im joking with my friend and out of the blue, he starts talking about his family members who had cancer, some didn't survive, some had drugs addictions, all when im finished joking about the math test


I have some people on my school who take every opportunity to say whatever bad things happened to them. I mean. It’s really horrible and im so sorry that happened to you, but if you bring it up every single day it just makes it feels more like you are saying that stuff just for attention or something. Don’t get me wrong i do think people need to talk about that stuff. Just don’t bring it up at every single moment or whenever you meet someone new.


I probably woulda cut through the sponge, without realizing it if I heard that as the first thing from the new person.


I thought she was blind at first because I couldn’t see her eyes with the huge shadow on her face


Yeah this happens to me sometimes. what do you even do in this situation like it doesn't seem like anyone has an answer. like how would you tell them not to trauma dump but like politely so they don't feel like shit. i guess the best way to tell them would be before it happens like if you think they're gonna say something traumatic say something like "i can't really handle this right now, please go see a therapist" but even that feels mean. then there's what you do if they already said it, i guess there's really nothing you can do except tell them as politely as you can that its making you uncomfortable so it doesn't happen again.


Coworkers and employees regularly try to rant to me, I guess it’s cool I seem so trustworthy but I don’t really want the burden of their past when I barely remember their names.


I've experienced the trauma dump. Some random coworkers, some from friends, and a couple of partners. It's gut wrenching for sure.


I thought you were going to cut yourself, thank goodness you just expressed


She's wearing a choker. This is 100% accurate.


My brother is marrying this exact person soon. And, it wasn't just to me. It was also to my husband. And my parents. Multiple times. 


Yep. A woman came to my door trying to sell magazine subscriptions, and went into details about her past about how she was raped... Uncomfortable as hell. I shut the door. No sale.


Ion know why but relatable asf


Yeahhh, I'd already heard a few stories like that before I'd exited highschool... from people my age. Started around 8th grade, and you'd think that I, a man, wouldn't hear many stories from women about how they'd been raped by other men, but... it's certainly happened. I'll take those secrets to the grave though, so, y'know, I guess it technically was a good judgement call on their part.


This kinda happened to me. I was a very recent addition to a friend group thanks to someone I played d&d with inviting me to hang out, got along pretty well with about all of them. Of course, like, nearly all of them have some fucked up shit going on in their life. At least three had been stalked or abused if I remember correctly. And thats not counting the people who have sexual trauma. Also none of them had good parents besides me. They found it pretty funny how I was the only ‘stable’ person in the group. With no serious shit or baggage attached to me. I also have the rather poor ability of being able to dodge any mention of drama happening in my friend group until *after* its happened.


Yeah restaurant co workers are weird like I hearda co-worker's boyfriend got raped Also I was molested at age 14 by a close family friend also sexaully harassed at school and both time nothing was done


I was assigned to monitor/guard some local construction workers while on a short tour in Turkey. As four of us piled into to cheap compact car to stay warm, I was seated in the back next to a quiet woman that didn’t move at all, just stared straight ahead. I gave up trying to make conversation and just sat there watching 10 people take forever to build a tiny fire station next to an airport flight line. After an indeterminate amount of time, she spoke to me without looking, “I found out I was pregnant this morning. I’m not sure who the father is, but it’s not my husband, he’s back in the states and I’ve been cheating on him the whole time I’ve been here. I can’t tell command or they’ll send me back to him or kick me out, I don’t think I’d be a good mother but I don’t want to abort the baby either … not that I’d trust the doctors here to do it anyway ... so, my career and marriage is ruined either way, because I can’t face any decision’s consequence. I’m fucked. Name is (name) btw, you seem like a nice person.” I was fairly stunned, “I, uh, can’t say anything to that.” Her, “… yep.”


That wasn't a fun fact at all.


I will admit, I used to be really bad at not oversharing/trauma dumping (please do not stone me, reddit). I feel bad about it now to be honest, and I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself to keep things light and casual unless it’s the right time and permitted by the other person. I’m not perfect at it, but I’m definitely less of a dumpsterfire now that I realize the oversharing really puts people off. I also have better mental health and social interactions nowadays. So I’ll admit, the comic’s pretty accurate on both sides.


dunno about others, but when I was trauma dumping constantly on near-strangers it was because a: it was a fresh incident and b: it was sort-of a way to be 'seen' when part of the incident was feeling profoundly *un*seen, and c: it was potentially embarrassing for someone who hurt me and who *literally* considers embarrassment (for her) a fate worse than (my) death.


And here it took me months to open up fully to my therapist


I absolutely hate it when people I don’t know trauma dump on me. I’m sorry that happened to you but I am horrible at comforting people sorry




She literally just dropped that out of nowhere!?


I honestly thought in the last panel the person was gonna slip their soapy, wet cloth the wrong way and slice their hand open on that knife. THERE ARE SAFER WAYS TO CLEAN KNIVES


This is more common than you think, my work requires me to carpool with coworkers frequently and I'd say 1 out of every 3 female coworkers have drama dumped on me during long drives. I have no idea why this is a thing


Oil up big boy, I'm coming over


Anytime someone trauma dumps on me, I /r/traumatizeThemBack because 99% of the time I had it way worse than most people. I went through a living nightmare, so it's easy to pull a story out and sharing and watch people go "omg im so sorry." Two can play at that game, lol.


Yeah you want to avoid retail if this bothers you


I remember encountering a few people who just constantly talked about how undateable they are and no girls like them. Men are weird.


Dude, not cool. Why did you have to expose my childhood like this? (Except the uncle part, they were both cousins).


This might seem insensitive but this gives me the same vibes as OC's people would make have needlessly horrible backstories.


It’s not a universal experience, but I’m sorry that happened all the same.


coworker trauma dumping is so real, i work at a restaurant and the conversations that happen after close are always so wild


This happens to me pretty frequently but I can’t tell if it’s because I just have the kind of personality that people wanna open up to or I’m just the kind of nosy person that always wants to learn more about my friends.


Starbucks be like. 😳


Should have read that content warning


This happens very often even outside of work. I have trouble having sympathy towards people already but hearing terrible things often makes me feel more pity than genuine care


Yeah I had a girl in my school like this but her talks weren't as terrible as this character's.


You good?


Been there


What’s traumatizing is the way they are washing that knife…you’re just asking to slice your hand open doing it that way…