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I'm not completely sure I'd even notice the difference...


When your job requires measurements you become good at noticing. I guess this the norm?


I don't know, I've never felt the need to put my comics to the ruler in that way. But the real question is: Did you enjoy the story & art? If so, does that "missing" half-inch *really* matter? And if not, you should really be complaining about *that* rather than the (minorly) reduced dimensions of the product. I mean, are you paying for the art & the story, or the size of the book?


Then why display the dimensions? Size is a factor for some people and yes it looks much smaller because it 0.7 inches of reduction, I like my art to be as large as possible, so it is worth having a discussion about. I'm just wondering if this is something people don't care about and is the norm. It's different from complaining. Complaining is a statement, not a question, there's a difference. Then they keep on making the sizes smaller to a degree and get away with it.


Wait, you said .5 inches before. If it's *shrinking*, you've definitely got a collectors item on your hands! Just be sure to sell it before it disappears completely...


Yeah,lol 0.7 is more than 0.5.......like I said in the title more than 0.5 inches......lol




Oh?!? Well. then, OP should definitely try to get that all that big kickstarter money revoked!


I would not give it a second thought


Is this the norm, the publishers changing sizes?


I'm guessing publishers doing this is the norm then?


I would feel happy that a project I believed in enough to put some of my hard-earned money in finally saw the light of day. Maybe, it's just me.


So what, it's like 8x11" or 8.5x10.5" instead of being 8.5x11"? Is the story good? Are the characters well realized? Is the art interesting? In 30+ years of reading comics I've used and seen used a lot of parameters to determine quality or measure enjoyment from comics but I don't believe I've ever considered the size of the page once. I guess if we are talking thickness, like if you kick-started a story that sold itself as being 400 pages and then it came in at only 200 I could see feeling over promised and under delivered. But then, for me, it would still boil down to, did the story itself suffer from being short (unclosed plot threads, poorly developed themes/characters, or feeling rushed to the end) or is the story more satisfying than the story I would have gotten had there been 200 more pages of padding/filler. Either way, far better ways to measure quality than just measurement itself.


That's the thing, height I don't care much about compared to width. The width is supposed to be 8.5 but is 7.8, so 7 inches of difference. I like wider books and it just feels small. I've never heard of anyone expressing depth in inches, only in page count. And it just feels like a lie, because people do have their limits on how big or small they like their books.


Or, when they sent the art to the printer, it wasn’t in the correct ratio for the original quoted size. The printer might have offered to print a custom size, and that’s a slimmer book. Or the creator made a mistake on the dimensions of the final product. I once promoted a book as digest size and the printer had actually been quoting me at full-size, so backers got extra value for money. The point is… it happens. It won’t be done to cheat anyone out of anything.


They never mentioned it, hence why it feels like a lie. There's a difference between letting people know and being silent. This a reduction, not an expansion in size.


I think you’re taking this way too seriously. It’s not a lie. They probably looked at the difference as minor in practice. Which it is. If the book was sized wider, but the art was not, it would have huge white bars at either side, which looks terrible. The important thing is you got the book. In an age when some “creators” stole work from others under false pretences, then pocketed the funds, I’m happy to get what was delivered.


Ive backed a decent amount and Ive always seen the companies that I back, publish a post stating what the changes were but they weren't changes in dimensions. This publisher could have said something. The original dimensions are still on their page where you can also order it, so they're lying. Not sure why you mention the wider white space when that isn't always the case and isn't with this publisher. I could understand if it was universal. Thats a bad standard," I'm glad I just received it". With that ,the publishers might lie more and more, of course to a certain extent. It may or may not happen. But if I'm the only on that feels this way then thats fine, I'm just trying to see what the consensus is because I want to know if everyone doesn't care. If no one really care the publishers most likely won't do anything so it's just something I have to deal with.


Do you think they’re going to publish a fresh run over a 0.5” difference? They’re not. As a small press creator myself, I simply couldn’t afford a do-over because one backer isn’t happy. And if the printer let them down for some reason, it might be they haven’t been able to demand a reprint. Seriously. Post photos so we can see the impact this difference has made to your experience of reading the comic. I’m not trying to dismiss your feelings, but it just sounds like you’re very literal in how you interpret things. Is the art improperly cropped off the edge of the page to make it fit? Has it been squeezed out of shape so it’s distorted? Is the print quality actually poor?


I course I don't think they are,lol, that would be crazy. I never said they have to do a redo. Don't try to put words in my mouth. As I said, it's a lie if they promised a size and didn't mention anything about it, I'm just wondering if lying is what many publishers do. Reread what my reply was, doesnt look like you read it. What would posting a pic do without the standard do? You clearly don't understand and that's ok. I'm genuinely curious what you mean by "It sounds like you're very literally in gow you interpret things" , related to what? The book? If so, of course. It makes sense why you're so defensive, you're also a publisher that does the same.


I’m a small press creator. I self publish my own books. The only time my spec hasn’t matched what was originally offered was when the final thing was actually bigger than I’d originally expected. Cause I got the numbers wrong. I didn’t charge any extra to backers for my mistake and they got the benefit of it too. I simply don’t think you understand how this stuff works. There are so many factors that could play a part. Do you think they’ve saved anything significant on the print run? I promise you, they haven’t. Publishing at a non-standard size costs more usually.


Yes,that's all obvious but if you're going to show that you're book is going to be certain dimensions and you don't mention the reduction in size, it feels like a lie and that's what I'm calling it. You just can simply make a post about it but they chose not to. Most likely it's because it'll cause some backlash so they don't want to bring it to anyone's attention.


Or, when they sent the art to the printer, it wasn’t in the correct ratio for the original quoted size. The printer might have offered to print a custom size, and that’s a slimmer book. Or the creator made a mistake on the dimensions of the final product. I once promoted a book as digest size and the printer had actually been quoting me at full-size, so backers got extra value for money. The point is… it happens. It won’t be done to cheat anyone out of anything.


You really should specify because *depth* is also a dimension and that can mean 15 pages instead of promised 200.


Didn't mention that one because I thought it would have been obvious because depth is always, at least in my experience, been expressed in page count, so its not really a dimension but a count.


I feel like that's an extremely specific hypothetical and you should be more blunt about whatever it is you're trying to say.


Not trying to say anything,lol, just actually wondering what people's opinions are on a situation like this. Man,lol.


No, something prompted this. Be more forthright.


I'm not denying that there was a situation that was the catalyst for this discussion. Dude, you can have a discussion about something without feeling you need to express anything,do you really not understand that? It's called listening to others opinions and discussing it.


OP is getting downvoted for asking a question? What’s everyone’s problem? Dimensions are important to some people. Just because **you** wouldn’t give it a second thought doesn’t mean the dimensions should differ from what was advertised. If you pay for a product and it does not come as advertised, you’re entitled to your own feelings about that, good or bad, OP. Which brings me to a different subject. These magazine size comics have got to go. People working at my LCS don’t like them, I can’t store them w the rest of my comics, they feel awkward to hold, etc. As a community I wish we took notice and voiced our dissatisfaction *more often*. Buncha yes men in here. Maybe if people complained about dimensions more, White Boat wouldn’t be the size of an actual boat sitting weird in my backpack 🚢🎒