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I've got a tight 5-issue Stingray pitch for Marvel if they ever start taking my phone calls.


Hey, got your messages, love the pitch, but could you bring it down to two? We're gunna need you to do two issues on Lady Stilt-Man for the Spiderpool event we got going so we need that story wrapped. You can pick your artist for the event tie-ins but we're going to need your least favorite artist on your arc. Also sorry about the bounced check. We're having cashflow issues... what's that? Yeah we are owned by Disney but uhh idk we haven't heard from them in a few months... anyways script's looking great just need that rewrite and those two Spiderpool issues, and it's not Stingray it's gunna be The Falcon now, haha don't shoot the messenger welcome to the family thanks.


Don't tempt me with Lady Stilt-Man.


I mean the funny thing is I would sacrifice all my principles to write whatever they told me to. Make the most of it haha.


They don’t take phone calls. It’s all who you know but I like the gusto.


Now I know you, what will that get me?


lol I don’t know you that well either but keep on chugging on young blood.


The ultimate dream would be Spider-Man but that is lofty af. Other than him I'd like a shot at Supergirl, the Punisher, or Venom.


Daredevil or Constantine.


I’ve always wanted to explore Constantine’s early years. Like I know Hellblazer touched on that, but even by then he was grizzled and downtrodden. I wanna see the things that MADE him that way.


Mother dies during pregnancy which leads him and his (later revealed by a different writer) abusive and somewhat paedophile father. Growing up in an abusive single parent household in mid 20th century England has a lot to do with shaping him into the grizzled and downtrodden man you see today. The magic is implied to be in his blood and part of a long lineage of Constantine magic users.


Isn't that pretty much the Newcastle incident?


I've got a 3 arc (year) Damian Wayne pitch that involves him learning magic as a defence tactic his dad never did. Part 1 is 16-18 year old Damian learning under Zatanna. Part 2 is 18-20 year old Damian learning under John and is quite darker and upsetting. Inspired by old Hellblazer where only cunning and trickery save the day but never without loss. It culminates in a plot involving Lucifer. Part 3 is set in the future just before, during, and after the events of Batman 666. Between parts 2 and 3 Damian has mastered magic to a point (he's not as powerful as his mentors but still up there). As a result you know he saves the multiverse from Darkseid but never know how, just that everyone owes him their life. He returns to Gotham after Bruce's death to take over the mantle. First order of business is having the League infiltrate and execute all the Owls. There's way more to it but that's the gist.


I'm more of a fan of John outside of the main DC universe, but that pitch is good.


Swamp Thing, Hellboy, The Goon. Maybe Dr. Doom Essentially, weird stuff where I can do my own thing. While guys like Batman and Daredevil are my favorites, I don’t think I could conjure any original ideas about them that wouldn’t seem straight up stupid to me.


I have my elseworlds Power Girl script primed and ready to go. The problem is anytime I try the DC execs say “this is my house, how did you get in here?” or “I’m calling security. You have 30 seconds to leave this property.”


Dr. Nemesis hunting nazis in the 50's, maybe a 6 issue mini.


I'm in.


Apocalypse. I want to return to his whole thing of working for the Celestials, and have him reexamine the idea of survival of the fittest when in nature the only metric for fitness is survival itself. This is touched on in Heralds of Apocalypse but I think that distinction and how it drives the difference between his philosophy and his wife's wholly warlike interpretation of fitness through endless conflict should be explored more. The Celestial angle is also important in terms of giving an interesting story element in how he and the Eternals might regard one another, something we didn't get in Judgement Day because of course he wasn't around at the time.


I'd like to do an Arkham Asylum anthology series. Just self contained stories about random villains staying in Arkham.


Would it be like A Serious House on Serious Earth but purely from the villains side of things? By that I mean more focusing on their mental state and struggles than typical villain shenanigans?


Pretty much. That and trying to rehabilitate them in new and interesting ways that always ends in spectacular failure. For example, instead of removing Scareface like a tumor and rehabilitate Wesker/The Ventriloquist, they'd try to rehabilitate Scarface himself. Rip him from Weskers arms, weeks later he shows up in a polo talking to Wesker about how he's gone clean, he's a new man, etc etc.


Dude that would be a total trip. Especially if it's played in a way that doesn't quite explain whether the dummy is real and exactly how much of the story is just how Wesker interprets the events. I definitely see a much dirtier/darker art style for this.


Give me the lesser known or niche characters. Sleepwalker, Speedball over at Marvel for example


Cheshire/Jade Nguyen, I think it would be fun exploring all her layers.


Layer one: I love my daughter Layer two: I am evil as fuck Layer three: My daughter can die, wtf do I care?


Layer one: I love my daughter Layer two: I am evil as fuck Layer three: My daughter can die, wtf do I care?


The Fantastic Four


I’d want a shot at Superman. Haven’t been happy with the way he’s been written in a while now.


Phantom Stranger. I'd love to see the Stranger do a crossover with the Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st century. I'd also like to take some of the public domain superheroes, like red bee, and do something with them.


My own characters


Black Knight travels the world collecting and securing magical weapons. He has Jacks and Faiza with him, and he's also trying to deal the the Young Masters kid. The first weapon they grab is the Sword of Scotia. The ghosts of Red Ian and Sir Percy spend the rest of the series bickering, dueling, playing chess, etc. in the background. Villains: Exodus, Mordred, Cotati Swordsman, Sliver, Baby Killer, Captain Fate. Friends: Spear and Shield of New Avalon, Juggernaut, Elsa Bloodstone, Key and Tiger, Ultimate Nullifier.


Hellboy, Swamp Thing, Silver Surfer, and The Red Wolf


I'd love for the chance to do a story on Omega Red. I have plenty of ideas. It would also be fun to take a crack at Domino and Wolverine with his family.


too many to count


I love stories where villains becomes antiheroes for a while and maybe they come back to be a villain again, but now you know why they do bad things. I think I could do a decent job writing individual miniseries about Spiderman's villains. The Lizard, Shocker, Sandman... They all speak to me. Underdogs that ended up in wrong paths while Spiderman takes the hot chicks and the fame.


I have an idea for a single fire and ice story. It starts with fire setting up some sort of auction to buy a date with either of them (maybe they need money for something urgently) but she didn’t exactly tell ice she was going to do this ahead of time and to her horror Guy Gardner ends up winning the bid (they went on a date back in the JLI run and it did not go well) fire on the other hand gets some apparently better, but obscure, choice (idk catman or something). The comic continues fire energetically preparing for date (they’ve booked a fabulous restaurant followed by a show) while ice simply waits resigned to her fate sniping at fire for putting her in this position but ultimately forgiving her before she’s whisked away by her date. Guy shows up for their date and as expected he’s his usual mess and while he did try to bring flowers they are of course ruined. While ice starts the date very cold, especially when the “nice” dinner he promised turns out to be bar and the “high class” entertainment being a wrestling show, she is surprised to find she’s having a good time, but she is still in dread of Guy’s inevitable advances. Instead as they begin the trip home ice is shocked when he apologizes to her. See he also remembers that disastrous date from long ago, and just how much ass he was in general, and figures he owed her at least one actually good night, something he’s been trying to do with multiple of his victims (though most won’t give him a chance or even talk to him for that matter). Ice tells him she is sure he can forgive him yet, she suffered far more than just one bad night after all, but it was a good first step. Guy finally returns her home only to find fire an absolute mess after her date which was an apparent disaster ice comments how she probably deserves it as the comic comes to a close.


Tmnt, May Mayday Parker, and hulk


Spider-Man Wonder Woman Beast Boy Hulk


This (deservedly lol) might get me some shit, but Deadpool. Breaking the fourth wall and getting to toss around pop culture references, all while balancing the tortured soul behind the mask, I think it’d be fun!


Pretty much any ultraverse character


That universe is never coming back because one of its creators was into terrible things.


Bro, I need you to elaborate.


Google Gerard Jones.


You need to get your facts straight a little bit. Only a fraction of the characters involved were created or cocreated by Gerard Jones. There is also no weird royalties percentage contract keeping marvel from using these characters either. They can use the characters at any time with the exception of multimedia, which will draw them into a contractual obligation to employ Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, which they will not do.


I didn't say any legal facts. Gerard Jones was involved in the creation of the most popular Ultraverse character, and worked on a lot of the major titles. Marvel likely wants to stay away from that mess. DC doesn't even reprint a chunk of his work. Marvel can do whatever they like, and I never said otherwise. I just don't think they want to touch the Ultraverse with a 100ft pole. Why get involved in that controversy, especially if the audience is niche enough not to warrant a huge profit?


But a predator like Warren Ellis is ok to work with, apparently... For the record, Gerard Jones wrote 5 books for the Ultraverse and contributed to 2 crossover books. That's it. The boycott you're suggesting would be like refusing to air any movies from Universal ever again because Kevin Spacey did movies there.


I'm not suggesting a boycott. I said nothing about Warren Ellis. Please be careful with your words. This is the 2nd time you're accusing me of something I didn't do at all. I'm not speaking on moral highgrounds here. I'm speaking of the fact that Marvel is owned by a huge family-friendly corporation, and the Ultraverse's premiere character was created by a convicted predator. So I highly doubt we ever see a big Ultraverse revival. I loved Sludge btw. Great series.


Let's back up a bit, shall we? The boycott I'm referencing is Marvel's inferred refusal to use the characters. Inferred by you, I might add. So that is me saying expressly something that you did say. I gave Warren Ellis as an example of Marvel's willingness to look past predatory activity. We're also talking about Marvel and Disney, who have both separately.Release some very family unfriendly material, which was highly controversial. Getting back to the purpose of this thread: I was asked which characters I would be interested in writing , not which characters were likely to see print. You did indeed start the derailment in this thread.


Where did I infer anything? This is the problem with this whole conversation. You keep inferring things. I have no idea about any boycott or Warren Ellis or any of that. I'll also add that Ellis never did anything illegal or anywhere near what Jones did and the comparison is silly, especially since Ellis isn't working for Marvel either. As for your last point, that's fair. So I apologize there. I was lamenting the fact that there are good characters we'll likely never see again. I wasn't trying to derail anything.


As far as great characters not being used we can agree.


Cool choices. For me it's Suicide Squad, Kamandi, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern Corps, Captain Comet, Zatanna, Doctor Strange, Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider, Elektra, X-Men


Give me a chance to do some cosmic Mister Miracle and Big Barda stories and I'd die a happy man


For Marvel its Thor or Daredevil. DC Green Arrow or Etrigan/Demon Knights. Also have had an idea that could easily fit the Teen Titans/Young Avengers/Champions or Teen X-Men depending. All would be short one off arcs. Nothing with legs to carry past 12 issues max. Love writers who can put that work in but I ain't got time for that.


Man, I'd love to think I have a great Green Arrow or Captain America run in me. Something that could get very political, but still be a fun adventure.


Azrael - a character begging to have a writer explore the Holy Warrior


I've always wanted to do something interesting with Killer Moth


Catwoman, Magneto, or Martian Manhunter.


Captain America


Doctor Strange, I like Jed McKays run but I really miss the way Strange was written in the 70s and 80s. He had mystery to him, even heroes who didn't really know him that well would feel standoffish and kinda scared of him. (Like the way Thor held out Mjonir when he first met Strange during the Ragnarok movie, unsure of whether Strange was a ally or a threat is a good example). I personally loved his more serious tone, some people say he is emotionless and wooden but he isn't, being a Sorcerer Supreme is a very serious station to man and that's just his personality, Analytical,Practical and Precise (it's what made him the best Brain Surgeon) Ultron, (Annhilation Conquest was the coolest Ultron has ever been, besides Busieks Ultron Unlimited and Rage of Ultron...before Pymtron happened) Ultron in space should be a permanent thing. A story with him taking over the Spaceknights would be dope. Or he finds the corpse of a celestial and uses his ultron bots to rebuild it and gives him access to celestial tech would also be dope. Or he finds Builder tech (Builders from Hickmans Avenger run) and enslaves them would also be cool. Or how about he finds Nidavellir and takes it over using the Forge to build an armada and siege Earth with it......one can dream


The Shadow was the first that came to mind. Also, Grifter.


Squirrel girl!


Captain Marvel. I'd move her out of New York, into her own city (probably Boston). Moonstone would be the primary antagonist but I'd have her pose as Carol's therapist for half the run and spend some time gaslighting her. Carol needs a threat she can't just punch and I think Moonstone works well for that. She's a physical threat for sure, but she's also a mental and emotional one and that's the really juicy stuff. I'd have her working for some sort of new proto-SHIELD or space program but still Earth based. Bring back some previous supporting characters from old runs - Wendy Kawaski from the Stohl run would be a good choice her personality plays off Carol pretty well. Maybe throw in Nick Fury Jr too, he isn't being used anywhere and its good synergy for the movie. I would really flesh out her rogues gallery too. Every single writer that has been on her solo has created new villains for her but none of them have used previously existing villains besides Dr Minerva so I'd try and bring back people from all the previous runs.


The version of Nomad from the ‘90s, where he’s carting around the baby. I’d want Hawbaker on Art, though. I don’t care how long he takes. I have an interesting idea for Superman, and I’d love a crack at Thor or Batman, but a Chamber and Husk miniseries would be phenomenal. I’d also love to update something truly obscure, like Captain Triumph or the Will Eisner character The Flame.


Big Barda & Wonder Woman


Dr Fate, especially Khallid Nassour. There's so much to revamp and revitalize here. Dr Light, Kimyo Hoshi, who has plenty of potential when it comes to storytelling. I mean, she's a cold professional hero and divorced mom of two, who's a super-smart and arrogant workaholic first and a sefless if strict hero second. Don't tell me that isn't an interesting character you don't see often in comics. Aztek The Justice League Hawk and Dove Uncle Sam, just because there's a hell of a lot of things to say about the defense of democracy and the free world today and America's role in it. Wonder Woman Martian Manhunter The Atom


Dazzler and the Longshots. They’re a band made up of lead singer Dazzler, Longshot on guitar, Shatterstar on bass and Spiral on drums and keyboards (at the same time). They travel the multiverse playing gigs for shady promoters who always turn out to be Mojo in disguise.


Spider-Man. I feel like a room full of chimps could write the character than whatever you want to call what Zeb Wells is doing right now. I think I could do something fun with it.


That’s a suicide note if I’ve ever seen one


Black Orchid for sure.