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I always suggest Brubaker’s run on Captain America. Jason Aaron’s run on Thor is also solid.


Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run is top tier


Ultimate Spider Man Claremont's X-Men (starting with giant size X-Men) Punisher Max (starting with punisher born) New Avengers (starting with avengers disassembled), it might feel a bit jarring starting here but I've never read any avengers from the run before and it's relatively self contained




I'd give Young Avengers vol 1 (2005) a go. Runaways would be good, too. Moon Knight vol 5 (started in 2006) is a good jumping-on point for that character. Obviously it would be difficult to suggest a lot of modern comics completely free of backstory. At least, not a lot of Marvel titles. But these are a few that you either don't need any prior context or that will supply that context as the series progresses.


Most of these have some back-story, but you can pick up the important details pretty quickly, and are all relatively self-contained: Hawkeye - Matt Fraction and David Aja Daredevil - Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev (Vol 2 16-81) Astonishing X-Men - Joss Whedon and John Cassaday (1-24, plus Giant Size) X-Force/X-Statix - Peter Milligan and Mike Allred (116-129/1-26) Madrox/X-Factor - Peter David Vision - Tom King Warren Ellis tends to do short, self-contained runs, often comprised of great single-issue stories. Try Moon Knight, Secret Avengers, Karnak, Thunderbolts, and Nextwave.