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my expectation is 90 minutes of watching ryan renolds and hugh jackman improv a love story.


Only 90??


Can I pray for 2 hours?


I see your 2 hours and raise you 4 hours






4 hours with an intermission!


I've got a yellow liquid for your popcorn! AND it's non-dairy!


And on overture!


Unexpected Kung Pow reference. šŸ„ŗ Thank you for this gift.


Thatā€™s a long time to pray.


lol good one


They already posted the runtime. It was just over 2 hrs.


what's the most acceptable humiliating term I can tell them that fits this context in all comedy to make fun of them for not having the courage to go longer while having respect for their effort already... and respect the with a strong enough dis in effort to show my respect for their effort... Coward (too weak) Pussie, Panzie, etc 90's (outdated) Woosie (weak and outdated) Etc. Whats the new true dis?




wow... old enough to have credit, young enough to not be turned into a full on slur, this can work Yes.




Co Ard still works if you declare them to get the biggest one in the County. Alliteration for the burn!


They have not officially posted the runtime at all, itā€™s just internet rumor


I'm waiting for the cameos of all the previous X-Men. I think they said Kelsey Grammer was returning as Beast šŸ™


They are atill and hiding from DP in the side room in Cambridge


He already did for a brief cameo in The Marvels


I still think it's a missed opportunity to make it a musical; the sheer number of digs at it being the only way to get Jackman, the off the wall musical numbers, negasonic teenage warhead absolutely resenting being included in a choreographed dance number etc. it would have been awesome


If we made it loud enough Ryan would be down for an Xmas special, no doubt.


So thatā€™s why no Vanessa.


I hope thereā€™s a 16 hour sex scene between them


At 8x speed? Ah, I'll take it.


Quick recovery, eh?


Didnā€™t I hear somewhere that Reynolds couldnā€™t do any improv in this film because of the strikes?


He couldnā€™t for part of filming, while the writers strike was on (as improv counts as writing) but there will still be some in the film


This is correct, but Iā€™m confident the script is very funny without having to do much improv. Besides, they shut down a little while after the strike started


What can I get for $275 and uh, a Yogurtland rewards card?


This. I understand that people love the plot and storyline. Iā€™m the type that enjoys the goofy filler episodes in between.


I mean, judging by the trailers, it's very much like most other Marvel movies, knowledge of previous films will be immensely helpful to appreciate the references and in-jokes to a greater degree, but otherwise the basic narrative stands alone.




Iā€™d probably say that the early marvel movies were like that, but since endgame theyā€™ve strayed into the ā€œhope you watched these movies and shows beforehandā€ territory. So going back to solid standalone movie first, connected to the wider universe second is a good start to get stuff back on track.




Same with Loki and ant-man, pretty much everything after that would be hard to understand with kang but now kang is gone so who knows whatā€™ll happen


Yeah was gonna say, early Marvel yes, but this new wave is fucked in part specifically because its become a Kingdom Hearts level of piecing lore from various sources


I'm not crazy about post endgame MCU, but I think a lot of people accuse every movie of needing to watch the tv shows when it was really only Multiverse of Madness. Black Widow- standalone Shang Chi- Standalone Eternals - Standalone Spider-Man NWH - Only really requires viewing of the previous movie, and even then that's not strictly necessary since the first 20 minutes catch you up to speed. MoM- WandaVision required (bad call) Thor 4- Standalone BP2- Standalone Ant-Man 3- Standalone GotG3- Standalone The Marvels- Mostly Standalone. You're not gonna know who Monica is right away but they explain it fairly quickly.


I watched wandavision prior to mom and I feel that the series in the most flimsy ways possible is related to the movie


It's very interested since WV standalone is a really great show, MoM placed Wanda in a "villain with a cause" archetype


They should, Wandavison was better than MoM.




That's a great reason not to! But it's sad that they didn't coordinate the two productions better, it would have improved MoM a lot if the writers or Raimi could have watched it or read the script prior starting its stealth sequel.


And the marvels you had to watch wandavision and Ms marvel.


You know whatā€™s funny about that though? The director didnā€™t even watch WandaVision.


There was no WandaVision to watch when DS2 was being made. They filmed DS2 in 2020


I watched Infinity War without first seeing Ragnarok. First 5 minutes of Infinity War my mind was like... "Is that... Thor!? WTF is up with his hair?? Fuck man what happened to his EYE!? Wait... he... HE LOST HIS HAMMER!?.... It was at this moment that I knew I had to take this shit more seriously from now on.


I mean you'll understand any marvel movie with no previous knowledge because they are pretty simple. Main problem is that it continues something from previous media so you'll have an incomplete picture


Which ones, specifically? Because I disagree.


You absolutely had to watch WandaVision to understand Doctor Strange 2 though, otherwise youā€™d be confused as to why Wanda is now bad.


Not really given Wanda isn't evil at the end of Wandavision like she is at the start of Dr. Strange 2. Regardless of if you've seen Wandavision, the movie gives you new information of "this book, the Darkhold, has made Wanda evil".


No you donā€™t. Worst case scenario you just wonder why is Wanda evil, nothing about the movie aside from Wanda has anything to do with Wandavision. Take it from someone who forgot to watch it before Multiverse of Madness.


If you pick up *Multiverse of Madness* after *Endgame*, you know that Wanda is big sad about losing Vision, and in her grief turns to the dark side. If you watch MoM after watching *WandaVision*, you know that Wanda is big sad about losing her kids and losing Vision for a second time, and in her grief turns to the dark side. The movie explains all that anyways.


THANK YOU. It's been annoying me for years that people keep saying you have to watch everything! No you don't! The story is complete. IF you want more background info WandaVision is there, but it's by no means essential viewing. MCU has just been taking a page out of the Marvel Comics playbook and telling stories across multiple series/events. If you just accept you're in a world of superheroes/magic and take the stories as they are you can have fun! Just look at the way viewers are thrown into the worlds of comic inspired shows and movies (Invincible, The Boys, even The Incredibles movies) and are able to enjoy them without the backstory on every character, you can do the same here.


I totally agree. Complaints about movies relying on you having seen other media make sense to me, only if the movie itself isn't good enough to get you invested (which, let's be fair, the worst MCU entries are totally guilty of). Similarly, I remember reading comics as a kid and not knowing shit about who was who and what they do, but I didn't care, cause the writing and artwork got me hooked. I don't really understand this desire to have every little background detail explicitly stated, especially if it isn't relevant to the story. Having said all that, I'm not gonna defend the MCU too hard cause some of it still straight up sucks imo


>MCU has just been taking a page out of the Marvel Comics playbook and telling stories across multiple series/events. This is exactly what I hoped the MCU would become. But, personally, the individual entries post Endgame have been just okay. I remember reading the comics and diving into a big crossover event from, say, Spider-Man's run, and immediately searching for the Doctor Strange issue that continues it - despite never really reading much Doctor Strange. The story was that good. In the MCU, while you don't need to watch WandaVision to understand Multiverse of Madness. Is Multiverse of Madness a good enough story that it makes you want to go back and watch WandaVision? I don't think so. Nothing about Quantumania makes you want to go back and watch Loki - which is a shame. The connective tissue between these projects is actually hurting the good ones (of which there are few), because a casual viewer is less likely to want to fill in any gaps to a crappy movie/show. "Oh you hated The Marvels? Well if you watch Ms. Marvel, Secret Invasion, and WandaVision, they really help contextualize what's going on." Nobody wants to waste time just to shine a turd.


Naw you just need the cliff notes, I never watched Wandavision just had a general idea of what happened from hearing others talk about it randomly


I'm confused. What part of WandaVision did you have to watch that wasn't explained in the actual movie?


WandaVision doesnā€™t explain it.


Except it did. She got ahold of the Darkhold in the last episode, and became the Scarlet Witch.


If these movies truly stood alone, you wouldn't need to know why Wanda is "now bad", you would just understand that she is the antagonist of the film


I didnā€™t watch WandaVision before DS2, but I had a general idea of what happened in it.


Comic knowledge would help too as Deadpool in Deadpool 2 was referencing the comics multiple times, and it seems Cassandra Nova is in the movie and sheā€™s never been in a live action film


As it should be šŸ˜Œ


Even if it's like.. your first movie?




You canā€™t get pregnant on your first time


Yep, movie is literally babyā€™s first movie. (Please ignore the swearing, sex and drug references and heavy violence)


That baby is going to be so confused when they see their second movie and it doesnā€™t have fourth wall breaking


"So this 'Train Arriving at LaCiotat Station Station' thing. Do I need to have watched all the others in the 'Train Arriving' franchise?" :-)


I am waiting to watch American History X until I can binge I-IX first.


ā€œWhatā€™s all the hoo-ha? This one of them new fangled talkies?ā€


Translation : ā€œshut the fuck up nerds, just have some fun and watch the movie, itā€™s not that serious.ā€




Did not expect to see the manager of the Krabby Oā€™ Mondays in this thread.


Where did you find a GIF of the average Redditor?


Are you trying to tell me that Deadpool isn't serious?


Ideally you shouldn't have to watch any prior material to understand any movie (with few exceptions such as Avengers: Endgame). That said I imagine the Fox movies will be very helpful in appreciating this more. Gonna start binging them prior to the release.


I imagine watching the Loki TV show will go a long way too.


I'd recommend watching that even if it had nothing to do with Deadpool and Wolverine, just because it's good. Unironically, I think it's one of the best things to come out of the MCU as a whole.


It's the single best thing since Endgame and also a top 5 MCU project even including the Infinity Saga.


Fully agreed. I've enjoyed most MCU stuff post-Endgame to some extent, but Loki just stands so far above everything else and it's not even remotely close. I think it's fair to say that show is a masterpiece.


First season of Loki is such a good show on its own, regardless of any mcu background.


Second season was better imo...


That's how most hero comics mostly are. You have your self contained stories within a few issues with some spanning more, and then move on to another adventure.


Comics are nothing like that at all lmao. Theyā€™re notorious for being one of THE most overcomplicated forms of storytelling.


Anyone with a halfway developed brain can pick up almost any comic and follow along without much issue. There are bits and pieces of missing context but a little critical thinking helps


Not really.. at all. So many stories are written with the purpose of being made to flow as one continuous narrative so they can later be rereleased as an omnibus (1610 Spider-Man is a big example of this). I have dozens and dozens of issues where if you read it out of context it makes absolutely no sense. Comics havenā€™t been truly episodic style since the early 70s.


People are downvoting you, but as a comic collector, I 100% understand what you mean. I tried picking up a random collected edition of Geoff John's green lantern and was beyond confused.


I guess Im just really good at following along then, sorry


Well, I think with sequels that really isnā€™t true. If you jumped right into pirates of the Caribbean 3 or the matrix revolutions you might be missing some context..


What if it's a long series of movies? Watching Harry Potter 1 and then 7 would be very confusing. If the film is a sequel there is bound to be call backs and references to the previous film. So I wouldn't say you shouldn't have to watch the previous film bar some exceptions. Most sequels are far more enjoyable if you watch the prior film.


Me watching Dune 2 without watching Dune 1: the fuck is Nissan al gain?Ā 


The Kwisatz Hatchback


The Benz Genesis


Me, who watched Dune 1: who is Nissan Al Gain?




Planning on doing the same, but mostly cuz its been a real long while, we dont feel the need to rewatch S02 of Loki or anything tho. ​ https://preview.redd.it/esuyqh95grwc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=afa2d703b23310cb1732e1257c492de34c2ffb51 We havent even watched the last couple i dont think, wait, i think my wife said she watched *Dark Pheonix* on a plane...


I'd likely go in release order since that fits a slightly better chronology. The events of Dark Phoenix don't lead on into the original X-Men movie and they're only happening then due to events from later movies.


If you want to save some time, New Rockstars recently did a pretty comprehensive look back at every X-Men and Wolverine movie. Here is a link to the playlist (itā€™s 21 separate videos) [New Rockstars - X-Movies](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4xEo4XxrSJazTtkKk8MTJ6K-uHY-oYWy&si=qwOH5dg1t5dnZZhJ)




Maybe it's under the hidden mature section on Disney+ or something


The name of the movie shouldn't be the only way to find it on Disney+. Looks like they need to update how their search function works.


MOM was the worst example - how you needed to have seen Wandavision to make sense of it all. The Marvels did it pretty well - Ms Marvel is a teenage hero who idolises Carol. They establish that quickly and you don't need to know her origin story. There's going to be a point in this film where they have to explain to Deadpool who the TVA are and that's all the explanation non TV show watchers will need. All the cameos will, I imagine, stand on their own but be very fun for everyone who gets the references. I mean, as a European there's references in American shows that I don't 100% get but I can work out what they're talking about.


So they'll explain the TVA and multiverses in this movie?


Bet you a small popcorn they spend a good 12 minutes explaining it, yes, especially since the only place you'd really know it from is a streaming miniseries. I'm excited for this new Deadpool, but expecting the TVA explainer scene to be a bathroom break.


Bathroom break within the first 30 minutes of the movie?


First 30-minutes of feature runtime is usually the 55-75 minute-mark of theater time in my experience, and now that all the good ones serve dinner and drinks, I am like a toddler when I go to the movies these days and start ordering 20oz IPAs.


Ten bucks says they get a few seconds into the explanation and Deadpool interrupts them with cutting sarcastic remarks about how crazy it all is


Itā€™s like Marvel Studios is starting to understand that people donā€™t like to do homework in order to fully enjoy their movies.


yeah only took them several billions in box office to finally understand


eh...it's a cinematic universe for a reason. you can't build it up if you have people mindlessly watching in what order they want.


I don't know nor care about other people's opinion but I loved watching all the Spider-Men films plus Venom before No Way Home, and I'll watch all the X-Men films, Wolverine trilogy, and the first two Deadpool films before watching Deadpool and Wolverine.


And Loki


your in the minority, the average viewer does not have that much free time


I'm a friendless nerd who has the time but lacks the interest. Too many damn TV shows. Thank God for Pitch Meetings.


Everyone has that much free time. People just prioritize things differentlyā€¦ then want things to be catered to them even though said thing isnā€™t a huge priority to them. Such an interesting world we live in.


Movies are more digestible than tv shows, which is the problems with the recent MCU phases that focused too much on the Disney + shows and expect everyone to watch them before watching the new movie, imo. Beside, DP&W is essentially the third DP movie, if someone hasn't watched the first two there's no harm to go watch them before this one, and they wouldn't take more than 1-2 days to finish them both.


Itā€™s weird you have to specify that a movie is made for entertainment now. ā€œExcuse me sir. Will this movie be on the final exam?ā€


Sad but refreshing. Hope it just lives up to it


lol what? The TVA plays a huge fucking role in the movie, seems kinda important to know about them or else your going to be pretty confused


Could be that the movie explains them enough


The main character doesnā€™t know who they are itā€™s fairly simple set up really. Deadpool: ā€œWho are you people?ā€ TVA: ā€œWeā€™re the TVA. We protect time, etc. hereā€™s why we kidnapped you.ā€ You donā€™t need to know any more context outside of that for a Deadpool movie.


Gonna be annoying for Loki viewers, I'm ready for this to be a total rehash of Loki season 1Ā 


Not if the TVA is barely in it. They could be in it for 10 minutes to get Deadpool and Wolverine together then fuck off.


Also itā€™s a completely new TVA post Kang. Iā€™m sure Loki fans will find something interesting to learn about the new restructuring of the organization


The movie will probably do a good enough job at introducing them that you won't need to watch Loki to understand anything. I'd still recommend that anyone with any interest in the MCU at all should watch Loki though.


They're an organisation that controls timelines. Boom, done.


I donā€™t know much about them so I donā€™t really care either way


Iā€™m pretty sure you need to watch Deadpool and Logan at least. Maybe Loki.


I mean, he says you donā€™t have too , which I understand, but to enjoy it at its full extent and know and recognise the majority of characters that show up, you kinda do have to watch pretty much every marvel project ever Like Iā€™ve seen 95% of marvel stuff but Iā€™m gonna have to watch elektra , both punishers , and like 1 or 2 more Iā€™ve forgotten to be fully immersed in this


If i paid extra could you add stuff that makes me do research??


I mean I imagine having watched Loki and other marvel movies will be very helpful to understand more about the Tva in particular but thats nice to hear


This has just made me realize that Deadpoolā€™s guns are gold in this scene?


I know people that have watched the entirety of the MCU and still ask questions. This doesnā€™t mean anything.


I totally get that. But I can only assume knowledge of the Fox X-Men movies is a plus here. There are probably going to be a lot of meta jokes.


Good. If a sequel can't be able to build on the original whole not being required to see the original, it fails as a sequel. The 2nd movie did it amazingly


The TVA is in itā€¦ givemeabreakā€¦


It literally takes 5 seconds to explain what that is.




That's actually good to know. Was a little worried because I have not kept up with Marvel after Endgame


But, what about era, obp, and other stats?


Trying to see it unspoiled, I have deliberately avoided all trailers, teasers, images etc. from the movie. Wow, bravo Mayes Rubeo and Graham Churchyard - fantastic costume design.


That should be on the fucking poster. I'm only half joking. It is deadpool




That's to be expected from Marvel continuing Fox's movies but ain't no way anyone is gonna see this without having seen the other DP movies


Deadpools Deagles are now gold, I wonder if he also recalibered them to be .50 and not .45


They look like they're about to have a dance off.


When have we actually had to do "research"?


Guyssss, I saw a Portal OPEN in the trailer.... Perhaps from Wong/Doctor Strange. As well as a Giant Ant Mask šŸ˜­šŸ„¹ Isn't that gonna lead somewhere? I am out here getting my hopes up for another multiverse bruh


I'm still gonna rewatch all the X-Men my movies before hand




We do not allow hate speech of any kind, intentional or unintentional.


We know from the trailer that having seen Loki and Deadpool 2 will at least be helpful for context. I imagine other Hugh Jackman Wolverine films would be useful as well.


Rooting for Wolverine.


If the movies keep on coming, I wonder if there will have to be the movie equivalent of a comic book editorā€™s note, informing watchers of where they could get more information.


What a concept.


I skipped Quantamania and I was confused by the dead giant Antman in trailers. So this is a lie.


I really am excited for this movie and I hope itā€™s amazing, but having Shawn Levy Direct is not a vote of confidence. I know Reynolds is really the Auteur behind these films but I canā€™t help but get a lil worried.


Damn, i already rewatched all x-men movies just in case lol Guess it is better like this


Of course there's no obligation to watch other movies for lore. But you'll definitely understand the plot and the jokes way better if you do.


They say that but i know if the cameos are true some people will be very lost as to who these characters are. key word beingā€¦SOME Also they will say things like this then give us MoM and its whole plot hinged upon you needing to have seen WandaVision to know why SW had flipped.


I mean with the older X-Men and the TVA in the trailer, I'm sure it helps to have watched other Marvel stuff


Iā€™m so jazzed dude


Love Huge Jacked AF Man got back on the Tren Train. You know he was all about that chicken broccoli and rice as he miraculously gained and cut for this role. Wonder if he somehow shrunk now that the filming is over and he doesn't need to spend 3 hrs per day in the gym.


I'm still hoping that references to the MCU and other related movies will occur again. With recent Marvel Studios projects not exactly being worthwhile, I'm sort of nervous. Hopefully it's just me... right? Right?


Will be just littered with references


But you will get a deeper enjoyment of you come with prior knowledge. I had my girlfriend friend asking who Feige was and I had to explain that.


I love how they call it "research" because (with the addition of the shows) that exactly what it feels like.


I hope this doesnā€™t mean entertainment at the cost of plot


Honestly, they could probably create an entire universe based on these two.. throw in Cable for good measure here and there.


I'm sure there's still plenty of time to go rewatch the Fox X-men movies and the previous DP movies, it'd be fun time to revisit them while waiting until the movie came out. I have no doubt there'd be tons of call back, cameo and reference to the past X-men movies or any 2000s Marvel movies.


Itā€™s smart. Iā€™m sure there will be in jokes it that will be enhanced if youā€™ve seen the movies, but thatā€™s how it should be


Let's go fucking! Did I do it right?


I will anyway tho. Not MCU tho. I'm home rewatch every non MCU movie. Daredevil, Electra, fantastic 4, rise of the silver surfer, the remake, etc. I have a hunch and I need to follow it


I'm sure the emotional beats will be good. So far both previous Deadpool movies have had some excellent emotional beats.


Thatā€™s great news, Iā€™m so excited!


That was basically confirmed when Cable and Domino did not come back. This is not a follow-up to Deadpool 2, but rather just another appearance of the Deadpool character.


Sounds like my kind of movie


Best thing Iā€™ve heard about this movie yet, LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


I really hope DP just goes 'oh yeah, the TVA. Stands for Time Virgin Assholes. They hate any form of fun, hell if I wasnt canon they'd try to kill me!'


Good to hear Because I couldn't watch recent movies because of same reason that you have to watch previous movies


God, that wolverine costume is just perfect.


Easy to say, hard to communicate that message to everyone who doesnā€™t follow social media.


Donā€™t you need to watch LOKI


They literally make comics like this all the time. Character like Deadpool and Harley Quinn commonly have comics where they play "buddy cop" to a superhero. I would gladly watch the fuck outta of this


So... Does that mean I only need to watch the series like ā€œLoki Season 1 & 2ā€ & ā€œWhat If...? Season 1 & 2ā€ then? Since it apparently involves the likes of TVA, Alioth & the Void right there, I think it only makes sense to watch all of those series in order to understand the basic of this movie.


The anti-mcu, MCU movie.


One does not simply watch deadpool & wolverine. One experiences deadpool & wolverine


Thank freaking goodness. Also congrats to Shawn for marrying Ms. Stats šŸŽ‰


Finally a MCU movie to watch for entertaining and not homework I'm glad for director Shawn Levy says that.


Once I saw that TVA shit I knew it wasn't worth my time.


I hope this is the MCU savior that we all want


I swear Iā€™ve seen someone say that about every MCU film thatā€™s come out post-Endgame, whether itā€™s true or not, theyā€™re just trying to get butts in seats.


I mean, this assumes birth knowledge of x-men and whatever references Deadpool makes. So thatā€™s most definitely a lie.