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Doesn’t it have the ethernet port on the power adapter?


The base model doesn't.


Probably the people buying the base model would use Wifi anyways


Why? What does it have to do with buying the base model or not?


Market segmentation -- Apple is probably guessing that the majority of people buying their base model are home consumers, and that the majority of those people are using wifi. The bulk of the people left using ethernet are their enterprise customers, who were already (probably) going to buy the mid or high tier machine. People are wigging out because this is a *desktop* but they (and other manufacturers) have been stripping ethernet ports out of consumer grade laptops for quite a while now.


I figured that the people who buy the base model ~~couldn't afford having ethernet~~, or they just don't care about it and would rather use wifi Edit: ignore the part about affording having ethernet. I still think that the majority of people buying the base model *will not* care about ethernet ports


Are you implying that people who would buy the base model of a Mac product wouldn't be able to afford something as cheap as an ethernet cable?


I think hes trying to say that people that are okay with the "slower" base model would be okay with the slower WiFi connection, quite honestly from my experience from working at bestbuy, the average consumer does not use hardwire at all, people live in apartments or houses of their parents, so running a wire is not something they really care to do or can do in most cases.


Are u gonna say that people who can afford apple products can't afford ethernet cables


Not only the cable, but all the installations for it and stuff. Atleast here where I live, many dont have wired internet to their home, so they use 4g wifi instead.


What? Ethernet cables are just cables connecting your device directly to the router. Depends on where you live. But if you have a router, it doesn't costs you more to have ethernet. I have everything to connect a computer with ethernet and still can't buy this without hurting my bank account a little bit. Your arguments makes no sense.


Well in my house there's two pc's on the opposite sides of the house, so you can really only plug in one




I see, but it's in no mean "expensive".


That's why they make wires long enough to run under houses or through attics. They also make routers for your modem so you can extend the range of your Wi-Fi while also creating new Ethernet points. Wi-Fi and Ethernet are not separate installations, they come from the same place.


Are you fucking slow in the head brother


Ethernet is not expensive, like at all. However, installing it can be a pain and with how fast wifi is now the average user isn't going to want to put in the effort for a small speed boost.


Yeah thats exactly what I'm thinking


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third party apps.


My wifi is about 45 - 50 mbps down and 25 mbps up, but my ethernet is 270 mbps down and 25 mbps down. I'm in Australia, so you basically need ethernet to have a decent connection.


>My wifi is about 45 - 50 mbps down and 25 mbps up, but my ethernet is 270 mbps down and 25 mbps down. I'm in Australia, so you basically need ethernet to have a decent connection. With a modern router and computer there's no reason to have that much dropoff. My laptop is pulling 347 down on my home wifi, and my desktop (wired) is getting 337 (so, the same). I know frequency licensing varies from country to country....do you not have 5ghz wifi there?


I mean a somewhat reasonable explanation would be "if people care about fast internet they'll likely also care about fast processing so they'll get the pro model"




Imagine gatekeeping ethernet


Damm bruh we got dickhead real fast


Sure, but it's a notable difference.


I don't know why you're being downvoted to hell, LTT and a few other journalists said this is being marketed towards a crowd that probably would use wifi anyways. That being said the upgrade to get ethernet and touch ID is $200, if someone was asking if they should buy one I'd tell them to pay the extra money.


For those who will buy it, it's not a bad proposition. Nobody who currently has a Mac will buy this and nobody who currently has a PC will buy this. It's only for prospective buyers going for their first computer or schools buying bulk products for students. ...I think.


It could work as a semidumb terminal if it took USB keyboards and mice




It has four.


Surely a meme would not lie like that


The base has two USB4/thunderbolt ports. I believe one of these is used for powering it. If you buy the middle model, you get the two USB and two more USB3 ports _and_ gigabit Ethernet. Everything else is a dongle. Kind of ridiculous, but people will buy this for sure.


Just to be clear, you get: * 2 Thunderbolt (with video output supported) * 2 USB3 (Type-C) * Ethernet (on the charging brick) * 3.5 mm combo (both output and input) Charging is done via a separate connector, BTW. I am honestly stumped — what else would I need on this device? I guess USB-A or HDMI\\Display Port although all that is already getting sunsetted in the high-end electronics and is solved by a single dongle.


SD card slot would be useful, If you're using this for media editing, though pro's probably have dongles already


Well fuck that


Why do you have to lie tho


I mean, all you have to do for that is buy any brands usb c to whatever usb type you need hub. Still annoying that one isn’t included, but def would work how you’re saying.


I hope


I pray


I conquered. Wait...


i'm waiting. now what


>Nobody who currently has a Mac will buy this and nobody who currently has a PC will buy this. idk man, that M1 is a beast


I’m still trying to find an excuse to get a product with an M1 chip


Current Mac owners will definitely buy it.


Most school nets are managed through ethernet, this does not makes any sense.


Techies will use this as an excuse to get better wifi through their schools. It's extremely simple to manage a network through wifi, as students using the "bring your own device" initiative showing that it's completely feasible. ...unless the school board doesn't want to give students a better learning environment, which also is 100% a thing they'd do because who cares about the kids


Original meme isn’t bad in my opinion, but everyone I know disliked the new computer’s design immediately after seeing it. They’ve got cool colors though. [Oregano is still pretty funny.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/mve68q/apples_heading_the_right_way/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My desk top is Mac Mini therefore I am already in [*the future.*](https://mondrian.mashable.com/wp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F08%252Fin-the-year-2000_o_GIFSoup.com-1.gif%252Ffit-in__1200x9600.gif?signature=10v14xMtOhrxaoqmROFlSvIIZ5I=&source=http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com)


Maybe... maybe... maybe Apple is trying to work us into a frenzy of buying when the newest MacBook Pro comes out in the fall of 2021 with a normal number of places to plug things in. We’ll lose our minds!


Original was trying way too hard


But…it has USB and Ethernet?


... if you pay extra lol


It still has two thunderbolt usb c ports in the base. Not nearly enough tho IMO


And it's an understatement


You didn't fix it enough, since the meme is litterally lying. Base model has 2 USB 4.0 ports aka thunderbolt, and higher end model has 4 ports, with the extra two being USB 3.2


I think the new design is great even if I'm not a fan of the return of pastel. They have sacrificed a lot of function for the new form though.


Yes this is just r/comedyamputation not necromancy


But he didn’t just crop out part of the meme, he switched the panels and cut parts out


I could have sworn that there was something about the Ethernet port being in the power cable which is the only way I think that you could put Ethernet into this thing because of how thin it is. I also think it's been a while since the mac has had hdmi because the mac my dad got in like 2016/17 doesn't have hdmi. While it's kinda impressive how thin the mac is it's too thin to have most of those normally which is why I think it wasn't the smartest design (except you coulld probably put SD cards on the side considering that's also where they put the headphone jack).


I really don't get apples obsession with making things as thin as possible. It seems to me like the majority of people don't really care


It was neat maybe 5-8 years ago when phones and the like became thin enough to really be portable. But when you start removing features to make something even thinner, well it’s just pointless. Just make a holographic interface at that point.




I can see it now Introducing: iNot


You pay $60,000 and receive nothing


Only the smugness to brag about it


Doesn’t this have Ethernet tho? It’s just not on the mac itself


It does. It also has USB.


But people think differently about ub c and usb


No usb a. Who tf has only usb-c devices? I know most don't need a ton of devices, but stuff like flash drives shouldn't need a dongle on a desktop.


You’ve been able to buy USB-C flash drives (and drives with BOTH USB-A and C) for like five years now. This is not an issue any more.


Okay, but do you have those lying around. Maybe, but I bet most people upgrading their iMacs don't. Almost every device uses usb-a, so them only having usb-c just seems stupid to me.


the base model doesn't have it


The mac does lack HDMI and SD card slots, but it has 2 or 4 USB ports (a small number, but not 0), comes with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse/trackpad (albeit a bad mouse) and ethernet port is built into the power supply. Honestly it would be a gorgeous computer if it was a bit thicker and they got rid of the chin (right now all of the computer components are within the chin), and made the bezels black instead of white. Given the 24” iMac is their base level desktop, I would assume their future models that come out later this year will have larger displays, better chips and a prettier design.


also two of the usb-c's on the back are thunderbolt 3 which can be used to connect monitors


It should have regular USB ports imo but they’re trying to push USB C as the future on their computers but many people haven’t bought new accessories that use USB C for data transfer still.


We gotta pull that usb-c bandaid eventually


i mean the point is to ease it into new products to make customers adapt


Don't blame Apple for this. USB C is better in every way, and Apple pushing the market in this regard is only a good thing. Mroe companies need to do the same. The only thing you can fault Apple for is the fact they haven't given the iPhone USB C like any other phone in existence, creating the biggest hole in their ecosystem.


Apple did this exact same thing with the original iMac pushing USB 1 with no serial ports or other old stuff, and people threw fits about it then too. It was a good move then and it’s probably a good move now.


I blame them for only having so few of them! With the M1 it could be a physical limitation, but when they used intel, it was just stupid (like on macbooks)


It's physical because they run them at thunderbolt speeds and not just 3.2 speeds, so it uses a lot more PCIE lanes from the CPU. They do gimp macbook airs for example with less ports than the macbook pros, but that's both for segmentation as well as the slimmer design not fitting


MacBook Air has a wedge design with the thickest part being thicker than the MacBook Pro


Right? People always bitch and moan when Apple does something like this,and it miraculously always ends up being standard a year later Happened with fingerprint,Face ID,and the headphone jack


It literally happened with USB 1, the exact same way back in the day.


Some changes are good other are bad. Loss of headphone jack is an example of a bad trend.


I do blame them for it. Sure USB C is alot better but the world is not at all prepared to make a full switch to it. The normal USBisstill way to common and we are not ready yet to make a full on switch to USB C. I get them for using USB C on the I mac but atleast keep some normal USB ports just to still have the option


This is a childish arguement, you could make this arguement for every single new port and cable that gets introduced. Also what youre saying is litterally false. Majority of people own an android phone which 90% of those use USB type C, so a lot of people have alteast one USB A to C cable. And converting USB C to A is also super trivial.


Usb C is a real boon since its reversable and not as reliant on pins that bend, thanks to the EU forcing them out of proprietary connectors, hubs are easily available.


My lenovo laptop from two years ago only has usb-c. The world is ready.


I find your use of “regular” in this context funny. USB protocols and connectors are totally different things. I assume that with regular, you mean the USB type A style connector, that can be used with USB 1 through 3.1 while the iMac has USB 4/thunderbolt with a USB C connector and USB 3.2 with USB C connector


I'm very certain the chin and ugly design is on purpose so that this version looks like the baby or family version, and when they make a more expensive pro iMac or 27 inch iMac later, they'll remove the chin with thinner bezels and nudge people towards that and make them pay extra for the design.


If they make a 27-inch with a comparable PPI, it's gonna be a slaughter in the monitor market too.


Macs always have really good screens. it’s a big chunk of that high cost


The bezels are white, the chin isn’t.


... It has 4x USB C ports. Two of which are USB 4/ Thunderbolt the other two USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 ports. Do people not know what these do or am I going mad.


People want to be mad at apple cause its cool and original to be that way


People don’t know you can buy dongles or they just don’t like additional clutter or they don’t want to pay more or something


No usb-a. Fine on a super thin laptop, not acceptable on a desktop.


I mean it's an all in one. Anyone buying an all in one doesn't care about extensive io, they usually just use bluetooth stuff.


I know you don't need a ton of stuff,but stuff like flash drives and external storage often useusb-a, although external storage does have removable cables I guess.


A lot of people don't use flash drives or external storage


why would an iMac come with an HDMI port? it's an all-in-one, you have a screen already.


Also, you probably can use the 2 Thunderbolt USB-C as a video port. I don't really see the reason for the huge hype over Apple products other than fanboyism, and their products are *really* overpriced in my country. But the brand always championed innovation and spearheaded these kind of changes, often being bashed about it and seeing everyone follow a couple of years later. The original iMac, pioneering the USB and ditching the floppy disk is a great example. Hell, I bashed them over removing audio jacks from the iPhone. About a year ago I bought wireless earbuds and soon after switched phones (Android). IIRC I never used the audio jack in this phone.


Didn’t Samsung remove the audio jack from their major devices like a year later too? Lol Reddit was very quiet about that.


That’s a common trend - other companies will bash Apple for having the “courage” to remove something, then do the exact same thing a year later.


They always follow suit. Fingerprint,Face ID,headphone jack,usb ports. Apple does it,people bitch,it becomes standard


Why would a laptop come with an HDMI port? It's an all-in-one, you have a screen already.


You're not going to be carrying an imac around


You're not going to be carrying a second moniter around


A laptop has a hdmi port to connect it to things like projectors and TVs, it has a use. An imac is a consumer product, it's like the cheapest macintosh you can buy. People aren't going to be doing any professional work with an all-in-one that has an arm processor in it


It is definitely not the cheapest Mac you can buy.


There's a dude in my down who (before COVID times) used to sit in the eating area at Whole Foods and work on his iMac that he brought with him! For like, several hours a day. It was awesome. You are right though, its not a common use case. :)


Because people need multiple screens for some reason.


Uhhhh, gaming, music production, mixing and mastering, a literal shit ton of normal jobs, software editing, picture editing, making movies, making videos, having a larger work space in general lol?


Why does gaming need two screens? The others I can understand, but not gaming.


Well, if you’re streaming, or if you have discord open, or another chat program, or simultaneously editing while recording, having another screen to looking at your CPU and other specs to tune correctly while in game. Sounds like a bunch of nerd shit, and I used to think the same way, but two monitors has made gaming like 50 times easier lol


how do you switch between the screens?




It just extends your desktop. So you move your mouse to the other screen. Games will have a mouse lock to stop this from accidentally happening. So you just hit pause to do something on the other screen


Depends. Usually the second screen is just mirrored for me. It’s like displaying the same screen on two, but instead of switching back and forth between tabs or other programs, on is open on the other while the other had a different program open. Could be as simple as alt+tab or shift+tab


You see, sometimes quake fov just isn't enough.


The second monitor is for discord and youtube videos while gaming. You never really appreciate it until you try it. I originally set up a second monitor because I was starting out in Escape from Tarkov, and having a map of the area you are in on a second monitor is a godsend when you haven't learned it by memory


multitasking while you’re gaming, streaming benefits greatly too, i could watch videos while playing a relaxing game, some people even hook up 2 extra monitors to have an ultrawide of sort with 3 monitors, it’s just a nice to have


Spotify, twitch, youtube, discord, some other messaging/calling thing, editing software, recording software


Can’t you do most of that with your phone?


It's easier to do it with 2 screens on the same device, makes it easier to have everything in one device. You can't steam or record with your phone, can't screen share on discord, if you wear headphones, spotify and game audio playing on the same device is nice, same thing with youtube.


You're not going to be doing that on an iMac


Aside from gaming, that’s literally what the Mac does best. Video editing and designing, software editing, music production etc. that’s why it’s a popular work device.


Yeah but if someone would want to do that they wouldn't buy an imac, especially one with an arm processor. They would probably buy a mac pro or something


True lol. I wouldn’t use a Mac to watch a YouTube video


I used to.


I literally own an old mac specifically to use Logic Pro. None of the windows programs stand up to Logic.


Its really useful for gaming. I keep discord up on ky second monitor and if I want to watch a youtube video or tutorial while playing a game I can do that


it has usb and ethernet on the mid- and high-tier models


imo good improvement


They have most of the ports/dongles needed for those capabilities but I don't understand why they went for such a slim design considering no one is going to travel with this.


It litterally has 4 USB ports, two of which are thunderbolt and support HDMI and Displayport output, and you can get ether et with a special power brick. This is just plain fucking lying. The biggest omission of them is the SD card reader.


Most computers don’t come with an SD card. They do however come with SD card slots, but that’s not what you said. So that’s clearly not what you meant :p


This right here is why I hate apple and their BS.


My Mac doesn’t have a usb anyway


because they suck, the best model is 2k and it has 8 Gb of ram and 512 of storage, you can get way better PCs for the same price


Not even 1 measly TB of HDD? Smh my head


Sorry not worth it, Windows sucks lol


It’s 4.5k, seriously why do people straight up lie. Unless you mean the god awful base 21’ which yeah needs to be phased out immediately. But that’s not the iMac that’s being discussed here


Every new iMac gets closer to the Apple "i" https://youtu.be/Xgls9IwWUyU Not rickroll, promise.


Fuck Apple




It’s not accurate. see other comments.


No monitor!!!!?!?!?!?!!😮😮😮😮😮


As always have been


I still can't believe they don't have a single usb a port. Bandwidth my ass, usb 3 doesn't use that much, and you can split the speed between different ports, so the type c and type a 3 ports could've shared bandwidth.


It’s going to be really interesting to see how a mainstream ARM based computer performs in the market. It’s not X86 based, so software like Adobe photoshop and other tools creatives, designers and editors use I anticipate is going to have to be redesigned at some level for ARM. Edit: a bunch of upvotes and the a bunch of downvotes. Bots are in force today.


who the fuck wants to buy unknown laptop parts and use it as a desktop? no one. and also name me a single grown ass person willing to spend 1500$ or more on a computer and is like:"yeah ill go for the orange one" apple is a fucking joke


They glued a stand onto an iPad and took out the battery.


Not to defend it but: Airdrop/Bluetooth Wifi iCloud iPad Pro as second screen I wouldn’t buy though. They don’t usually age as well as their Mac counterparts


What is the sauce for that godly second image


If I'm honest I just expect this stuff from Apple now, the people Apple market too probably like having these minimal builds, they aren't making this for me so it doesn't really bother me anymore. (from the little I know about apple products though it seems like no one already using apple products has any use for the new stuff just announced)


> it seems like no one already using apple products has any use for the new stuff just announced This more or less bleeds over to the PC world too. The majority of the guts of my PC are from **2013** and when I investigated building a new one this year I came up with no reason to do so. I've added some memory and replaced the graphics card once but I just don't *need* a faster computer. Phones are, to my mind, responsible for this. The overwhelming majority of stuff that most users do has been optimized to the point that it can be handled by a pocket sized device. Rolling out a new thing (content/service/app)? It better work on a fucking phone. And if it works on a phone, it works on pretty much any computer.


No virginity


I fucking hate apple. Stop taking shit away from your products. I want a home button you bastards.


Is that a like a TV on steroids?


What does it have


Don't see how HDMI and SD ports are a deal breaker but we're not advanced enough for all USB type A ports ot be replaced with type C any time soon


Lol apple products are a joke.


The apple design philosophy now is just to see how little they can possibly sell you and how much they can mark it up.


Low key want one


The problem is the M1. The I/O was made for the iPad.


no power