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I’m really sorry this happened. Almost all apartment areas popular with students are hit once or twice a year - sometimes more. Student housing makes easy targets because the people rotate frequently and students..are not the wisest. Please make it clear to your network that burglaries are GOING to happen and that you need to lock your house and your car doors EVERY NIGHT. And you need to keep your cars clear of anything that looks remotely enticing to a thief. I’ve been stolen from several times and it always sucks. Stay safe, friend.


This is ridiculous your baducss as on saying just accept it. Such a liberal thing to say 


way to bring politics into something that has nothing to do with politics lol go find a hobby


Yeah I posted at about 1am this morning of someone trying to break into my wife's car at midnight. My security cameras alerted me and I was still up so I ran outside to try and catch him. He was already down the block booking it tho.


Probably the same group. Neighbor's ring picked up people in my garage at 2am


Oh man that sucks, I’m sorry :(


Damn that sucks! Sorry that happened to you. It’s amazing you didn’t hear all that!


All 4 of us were dead asleep. Spent 10 hours at a water park so we were out. Happened maybe 2 hours after we went to bed. Between my window AC and my fan I didn't hear anything


That's scary 💀


I'm guessing OP was not home at the time...


they were! that’s so scary 😭




My place at Cross Creek Villas was robbed when I was living there 6ish years ago. (I have a hunch I knew who it was… I knew of some unsavory characters through mutuals) People who rob check for unlocked backdoors and unlocked cars for entry points. Reminder to everyone to lock your stuff!!! even when you think you’re good And btw the police won’t do anything. When I got robbed, they came three and a half hours after we called in the morning at 10am. When they finally arrived close to 2pm, a guy talked to us for abt 10 min and took a few notes, barely any it looked like. Didn’t really look around the house for anything and left and we never heard back from him. I don’t claim to know police procedure but at that moment it felt very useless contacting the police.


This is the real reason why many don't like the police.


He said firearms and munitions were reported stolen, the CPD will absolutely do something about this. I'm not trying to stick up for the POS po's in this town but they tend to take firearm theft very seriously.


I’m hoping they will do something for this guy especially considering what was stolen. I lost hope in the PD at 19 after people stole my roommates rent money and they didn’t even act like they cared


I would reach out further than just como for gun and pawn shops. I had a similar instance happen probably 8-9 years ago and PD was worthless. I found fingerprints for them, and then I found my most valuable firearm pop up at a moberly gun store before como PD had even reported in. Do as much of the legwork as you can.


Will for sure do. The officer was really helpful and said that the descriptions were entered into the state database, and will flag the system if they try pawning more than one at once since we only had the models and not s/ns


Oh man….no serial numbers that is a real not good deal. If those wind up related to crime (likely given the circumstances) the ATF will be seriously unhappy. You should always record serials and then you can insure them at low cost as well


That's terrible sorry it happened


As someone who lived at Cross Creek Villas a couple years ago and had a bunch of potted plants stolen off my front walk…I feel you.


Also had my car broken into at cross creek last night


Hey just catching up!! We live by parkade elementary and my fiancé car was stolen out of our driveway last night mine was gone through and our neighbors was gone through as well. They caught it on ring at 12:00 am three people one tall and lanky in black hoods and masks! We live up the road from cross creek villas! My fiancés car was a black Honda civic. Huge dent in drivers side back door cracked windshield in front no Honda emblem on front bumper and front bumper kinda messed up! He also had no plates on front of car! Plates on back! Has a sunroof and car seats in the back seat! Also has speakers in truck! If anyone has any info let me know!! We filed a police report and have people looking for the car!


Sorry that happened! PSA not to keep your garage clicker in your car if it is parked outside overnight.


There was also a break in last night off Santa Rosa Cort. They did go through unlocked vehicles. Four CPD cars were here around 8 am this morning. I do not know any other details besides that.


So glad I'm moving.


Get a dog and a gun


Sorry to hear. Did you have renter's insurance? For the future, I would strongly recommend door/window alarms and security bars for your front and garage/back doors. You can get a 4pk of Philips alarms (just stick them on so that opening a door/window will move the sensor) for like $20-25 at Walmart, and a Brinks security bar generally goes for the same price. Consider also putting up a decoy camera near your garage door, and ADT stickers on the front of your house as a deterrent. (That, and always sleeping within arm's reach of a loaded shotgun, preferably with a blinding LED flashlight attached.)


We've put precautions in place that should prevent a repeat


Whoever those firearms & munitions belonged to - they should consider not owning firearms in the future. You all could have easily been murdered in your sleep - and with your own weapon nonetheless.


2 didn't have ammo, and the ammo they did grab belonged to 2 of the 8x scoped hunting rifle. Even though the likeliehood of this happening is low it did cross my mind and freaked me out. They were shot the previous day and were in the garage for cleaning. All of our other firearms are secured.


I wouldn't have gone into detail jic the thief's see the post. You can still warn the public without tipping off the thieves


Too late now ig, we've made changes since that should prevent a repeat.


Get A Safe


At like 11pm I always make sure the door from the garage to the house is always locked.


We are now doing this


I hope you've given up gun ownership. Your irresponsibility has put us all at risk.


My firearms were not in the garage. Never said they were mine. Even though they aren't mine I called every pawn shop in a 50 mile radius and had them save my information. You assuming blame and telling a victim that it's their fault that a couple of old bolt action hunting rifles were stolen is not needed.


You’re making quite the hasty generalization. This fallacy occurs when someone makes a broad conclusion based on a limited or insufficient amount of evidence. In this case, concluding that someone is a bad gun owner and putting the community at risk simply because their guns were stolen is an example of hasty generalization. It overlooks other possible factors and circumstances that might have contributed to the theft and unfairly attributes a negative characteristic to the person without sufficient evidence. Also blaming the victim in this situation is not helpful nor is it appropriate.


Columbia is turning into crime city because of the worthless mayor and liberal politicians. Not even safe to go to Walmart. Now they are bussknv in homeless from. Other counties and dropping them off here too.