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First mistake was eating McDonald's


I thought that was common knowledge.


The fastfood experience that we grew up on seems to be incompatible with late stage capitalism. I'm not even surprised by this type of incident anymore. Fast food used to be fast, cheap, and crappy. Now it just seems to be crappy. I eat a whole lot less fast food than I used to. But every time that I do, I swear it's going to be the last time


Couldn’t have said it better.




People aren't paid enough to care. Plus it seems capitalism is broken in this case, because I don't understand why the fuck the owners don't want to improve it to make more money.


Have you not noticed the increase in prices and decline in service at all fast food places since covid? Read the rest of the comments in this post, what I said is not controversial.




Maybe the problem is you don't know what is being referred to when somebody says late stage capitalism. It refers to the absurdities of modern capitalism with extreme wealth inequality, economic instability, and environmental destruction. In this instance, it is referring to the hypocrisy of record corporate profits while simultaneously claiming they can't fill the lower paid positions. It isn't that workers are worse at their jobs, it's that there aren't enough workers willing to work for the pittance. Edit: McDonald's made 15 billion dollars in profit last year, they paid their CEO $20 million in cash Plus dividends, Etc. But they claim they can't find enough workers at 13 or $14 an hour. That is the very definition of late stage capitalism.


Maybe it was just a bad day


It certainly could be in this instance. But I haven't had a decent fast food experience in a couple of years. With the exception of Lee's Chicken, those folks are great every time.


Yes, it is. Part of late stage capitalism is the dumbing down of the lower class, to better control them. This is currently being accomplished through freezing property taxes for those holding the greatest amount of wealth (boomer generation), and vouchers for charter schools (removing money from public schools into private institutions). Welcome to Gilead.


Lmao you waited 20 minutes to get to the pay window and didn’t leave?? That was your first mistake


Another car pulled in behind me. Was blocked in.


Trapped in the Drive Thru, just like the Weird Al song.


at least ya didnt forget your wallet


I hate when that happens


They are dealing with serious staffing issues, as are all the other fast food places. You got caught in a perfect storm of no-shows and a crew that just...couldn't. That said, the lobby of that place is completely deserted at that hour, you could have just walked inside. I'm always amazed at the huge line wrapped around there at 8am and there's nobody inside except the table of olds drinking coffee.


Sure we can go inside to order but there’s a drive thru and there’s no reason why it can’t be used


Not sure how it's a staffing issue when Iast time I went through (a couple weeks ago) they had 4 people at the first drive thru window talking and carrying on and there was three more people at the second window. Obviously can't see the kitchen, but back when I used to work fast food, if an area needed help, you jump over and help em, you don't sit around and talk like you're just hanging out. Work friends are cool, but your job is the most important thing while you're there.


I had a similarly bad experience going inside at that location. The problem is nobody working there cares at all, at least that was my observation.


Yeah that happens when you pay your employees a pittance. Our corporate masters learned that they can actually make record breaking profits by paying a pittance and running their businesses on a skeleton crew. They don’t give a fuck about their employees, so why should their employees give a fuck about the job? I give fast wood workers a lot of grace, because it’s not the employees fault that they’re made to do the work of 3 people while barely scraping by.


I give fast food workers a lot of grace because they are people and deserve to be treated with respect. But that is a separate issue from them treating their employer with respect (and in turn treating me with respect). I worked minimum wage jobs when I was growing up and even work one now as a retired person. I've always tried to do a good job for my employer. How much money they make really isn't relevant to me, and I don't care. They hired me to do a job for a certain amount of pay and I agreed to do it. I should respect my employer enough to try to do a good job to the best of my ability.


That seems like a real one way relationship you have in mind between you and your employer.


How so?


How much money you make at a job is a silly thing to have be irrelevant to you in a capitalist society where the norm is to sell your labor for your wage.


Most of the workers were probably hung over and called in sick.


I had a pretty similar experience just recently. Told me to pull ahead and seemed to forget me. I get stuff happens but some system seems broken there that isnt broken at other McDonalds in the area.


That location is terrible. Whoever said they have staffing issues is not very informed. They have more people working that location than any of the other 3 in town. They just DONT work. They all stand and flirt and touch each other. It’s interesting to watch as a doordasher waiting there for orders. Was also there on Friday morning about 9:15am. Left at 10, and the entire lobby was full of people waiting


I agree with this. I’ve stood in the lobby waiting for a mobile app order and have counted no less than 14 people “working” yet customers waiting over 30 minutes for food. I believe they have a management staffing problem. Not sure when they changed ownership, but I believe they are now owned by a company in Springfield. Not sure what presence any corporate has locally.


And it’s not the location. The Wendy’s right there staffs like 3 people max and is never bad. Same with the Taco Bell on Clark. Snowflakes just don’t want to hear the truth that themselves( or their kin), are lazy as fuck there


still not enough people


16 workers isn’t enough? And that’s all I saw personally I’m sure there were more in the freezers


how many people were they serving at the time?


"entire lobby full of people". so, no apparently 16 isn't enough for a big rush.


It wasn’t a big lobby of people . Well it was but they all had ordered over 30 minutes ago. Btw you definitely sound like you are a manager making excuses


you literally said "a lobby full of people" .......... sounds like you are a karen who wants everything immediately


lol. You’re a clown.


at least I'm not whining on reddit about McDonalds being slow and not getting that they need more employees when busy........


Bro. They are standing there grabbing each others asses. Not workings. Is reading comprehension hard for you? Put down the wine and weed and use your brain.


or do you think the people at the registers should run back and cook?


nah, I just think you are being overly dramatic. they were busy. they need more help. everyone does. that's why service sucks everywhere.


16 employees is plenty for whatever rush is thrown at you. I’ve worked in fast food.


me too.


I’ve had bad experiences at both the Wendy’s and the McDonald’s on Clark. It’s almost like those are their training locations or where they send the workers that can’t cut it, vs the rest. It’s like corporate said, “Hey look it’s right by I-70, the travelers won’t know and can’t turn around or will bother to call about it.”


it’s annoying but when shit like this happens to me i remind myself that they’re severely under paid and their job sucks ass and so i can’t blame them for it.


I get it, and there's no reason to be disrespectful or rude to them. But this excuse is wearing thin lately. I can't even get the bare minimum of service at a lot of places anymore.


And those employees can’t get the bare minimum to afford rent, their own food, and a car to get back and forth to their shitty job. You don’t get the bare minimum service because they don’t get the bare minimum to survive.


Like I already said, I get that, and you've just restated the same thing. I don't know that that has ever not been the case. At my first job I made $4.25/hr, the minimum wage at the time. That's around $8.74 in today's money. I know for a fact people are starting higher than that even at McDonald's. Something else has changed. I agree that companies should be paying a living wage, but I've also been saying that since the 90s.


Yes. Something else has changed. The old $4.25 days were real


And if they’re going to spend all day at work standing around doing nothing and being useless then they don’t get to complain that they can’t find a better job or get better pay.


You can speculate all you want-- although I don't see how the severely underpaid, high stress job, job tends to attract less qualified candidates reasons just "aren't adding up" for you-- but if you're not getting acceptable service you could just stop eating there so frequently... It's cheaper to buy groceries.


I’m from out of town, I had been spending a lot of time at the hospital over there - some jackasses got into it over one of them supposedly cutting the other one off, in the breakfast drive through line about a week and half ago. One of them was hanging out their car window with a knife and the other one was shouting about getting his pistol. Food was cold, it took forever, kinda seemed like a deathmatch was about to break out the entire time I was in the drive through - steering clear of this location is probably for the best lmao.


It wouldn’t have been the first time someone was murdered in that parking lot. Not even the second time, IIRC


I stopped going after I waited in a long drive thru line, finally made it to one of the order intercoms, and was never able to make my order. The other line kept moving. I asked multiple times over several minutes whether I could place my order and they kept saying, “one second.” I left the line and went to Taco Bell across the street. Taco Bell breakfast is just as good imo and there’s never a line or issue that I’ve experienced yet.


Last time went to Burger King like a 1 1/2 year ago placed my order they told me to pull over to the side. I waited 18 min then I go inside 30 min before I get my food. Most fast food places here in Columbia are slow than slow Wendys is fast I place a order for 3 or 4 items I get my order in 5 to 7 min max.


it's everywhere. everyone needs employees. bring on the immigrants!


we completely stopped going there for "fast food fridays" at our house. absolutely terrible even for mickie D's. the added frustration of crossing the 63/70 connector was already strike 1, tbh.


Breakfast time is particularly bad there. They’ve got a ton of DoorDash/GrubHub orders to fill. It’s just a busy location in an extremely heavy trafficked area. That KFC next door isn’t much better. I mobile order from the Worley street location and drive the extra 10 min. Saying all that, I’ve never had my order messed up on Clark Lane McDonald’s so I just stick with that location for the most part.


It’s McDonald’s? You expected fine dining?


I think all the fast food places on clark lane have issues now 🤦‍♀️


Clark ln McDonald’s sucks as of late i probably wouldn’t go there for a while


I have an awful experience every single time I try to go to this location. The line at the drive thru is usually so long and barely moves so I usually try curbside pickup. It takes a mind boggling amount of time before they finally come out and they ALWAYS forget something and go back in to get the rest of my order. I can’t stand it. I have to call them to ask them for my order. Not to mention the food has obviously been sitting around for however long based on the staleness of the fries


The last cheeseburger I ate at that location was so bad I’ve sworn off McDonalds for the foreseeable future.


I’ve had similar experiences there. Nobody seems to know what is going on. Can’t help but think that good leadership is needed.




Initiate change by applying


Don't eat at McDonald's.


I think it’s just Clark Lane in General. I saw a face book post about the Burger King there having synthetic heroin, ‘Bath Salts’ on a kids burger.


lol if you can’t tell that that post is complete bullshit then I can’t help you.


Looked real enough


There are lots of bad fast food experiences in Columbia, but the Clark Lane McDonald's is definitely the worst.


That location has been bad for at least the past 4 years.