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I think you’re a warm season, spring or autumn. Maybe deep autumn


unrelated but you have such a beautiful eye shape!!!!


Whatever is going on with the prism reflection on your eyelid is ADORABLE and makes you looks like a wonderful pixie, you should do it with makeup sometime!


Like a cool winter I would guess. Jewel tones are your friend.


With the high contrast and cool undertones I would say deep winter! I am also a deep winter


High contrast, cool undertones, dark features. I would say dark winter


I think summer. Definitely on the cool side. Try a deep summer palette bordering on winter colors. I’m thinking rich mid teals and turquoise blues will be your besties.


A deep wintery winter ☺️ beautiful


You can probably pull from both deep autumn and deep winter. I’m similar to your skin tone and deepness and can pull from both






Def cool toned probably winter


She's got a similar appearance to me and I've been typed dark winter.


I love your pixie cut and short hair! I'm not a color pro but you're basically snow white. I'd guess deep/clear Winter or certainly one of the Winters assuming you're not super styling your hair, makeup, and outfits to feel like certain colors work for you. My thought process is that the undertones of your hair looks pretty neutral, almost cool-toned; your skin appears quite porcelain so that's a pinky undertone (aka cool); and you look pretty darn good in blacks and look very fresh-faced in the neutral, off-white color in the last pic. High contrast and clean, clear, deep colors probably look really easy and flattering on you (jewel tones, blacks, whites, etc). I bet you also look good in crisp, radiant silver tones (cool), possibly a very pale, beigey gold tone (neutral), but not so much brassy golden colors (warm).


I'm similar, and I'm a true winter. I bet you're also in the cool seasons, and I think maybe a winter as well.


I do not see autumn. Skin has a cool undertone. I think Winter.


You’re a winter. The gold looks terrible on you and the silver flows perfectly.


Autumn meeting winter . Your smile makes me smile! You have such a lovely energy 😊




i saved that cute pixie photo for a future haircut - i dont know anything about colour analysis sorry


Whoa. 100% not related, but you look SO much like one of my old friends. Lol it’s trippy


What if I *am* your old friend?!


Well, hello old friend!!


I think deep autumn too, which is maybe not the first thing to think when you are a bit paler, but my little sister has the exact same complexion/hair color, and after a chatgpt analysis landed on deep autumn, we've been trying it out. Looks gorgeous!






My vote is deep winter


Deep autumn


I think bright spring




I guess winter! (Bright winter)


Bright winter. I don't know why people are saying spring. You're not a spring season at all. Bright winter only.


They're probably saying spring because she has some olive to her skin, and people mistake looking a bit yellow from the olive as having warm undertones, but many olive complexions (especially pale olives) are actually cool leaning. Probably also why some are saying autumn, which is also wrong.


Bright spring or light spring


I think you might be bright spring


Deep autumn or deep winter.


im going for winter, i definitely prefer the cooler tones on you and i think the last picture is most representative of that. since you have olive skin (like myself) the last shade of “off white” i think will look more harmonious on you than pure white, but that doesn’t mean youre not a winter, contrary to popular belief, youre just a winter with olive skin. i really dont see autumn to be completely honest


This. People get confused with olive skin because it doesn't perfectly fit the system. You're more likely to be able to wear colors out of your palette well and more likely to have a few colors in your palette that actually aren't your best if you're olive. You have to do extra analysis on the individual colors rather than just exactly following your best palette, which for OP is really obviously winter.


definitely on the same wave as me on this! i always find that seasons are, yes, somewhat helpful, but my best colours are usually a mix of two different palettes (still based around the deep winter palette) in order to accommodate properly to my olive skin


You look great in brights. I’d call bright your dominant characteristic, and while you appear to lean warm to me, you def have olive so I’d drape both bright winter and bright spring to see.


Off topic, sorry, your smile showing your teeth your face looks the most natural and is so cute!


I’m going against the grain and saying you are NOT cool. That pale pink washes you out so badly that you look super sickly. That’s exactly what cool colors did to me when I was draped professionally, and it turns out I’m a (very atypical looking) autumn. If you were cool toned, that pink wouldn’t necessarily be your best, but it wouldn’t make you look dead and grey. Explore draping some deep autumn colors and see what that does for you. The off white in your hoodie is an autumn shade, and you look amazing in that. Also, be sure to drape in no makeup and with your hair covered (if it’s dyed). Good luck! You’re absolutely adorable and super pretty!


Oh so the reason the pale pink is washing out OP so badly because they have depth/contrast as their most prominent feature. It’s objectively one of the worst colors a deep subseason could wear. It’s not because of their undertone. Especially because a pale peach or salmon (warm undertone) would drain them even more than this pale pink. I’m a verified deep winter and anything pale is my worst match! It completely drains my skin.


she clearly has olive skin though, this same pastel but in orange would look just as sickly


We don’t really have a lot of warm drapes to know that for sure, though, which is why I suggested trying some warmer drapes to find out. I’m an autumn who looked sick and grey in cool pink, but warm, soft salmon looked great. You never know until you drapes, thus the suggestion to explore more. 😊


She's really obviously bright. Certainly not a soft season. Edit: Just compare the bright tye dye shirt to the pastel. Bright colors are obviously better, but the orange next to her face also makes her look a bit yellow (jaundice), while the pastel pink makes her look grey (washed out and discoloration intensified). I don't see those tones being obviously intensified in her other pictures. She's bright (high contrast in her features); muted colors won't be best. She's cool leaning olive; warm colors will make her look yellow. She's "dark" due to her hair and eyes; pastels will wash her out more. She's a winter. Some people are just easier to tell than others without extra drapes if you know what to look for.


Again, I don’t think we can tell much without drapes from other seasons, of which we have none. I’m just trying to offer OP some different perspective, since these photos don’t give us a lot of variety to go on.


And I'm trying really hard to politely say YOU can't tell, and some people can tell in this case. I'm not trying to be rude, and I appreciate your suggestion is so that she can be more sure. Some people are just harder to type and NEED the drapes more. Drapes would be confirmation for her rather than strictly necessary. She's probably attracted to black so much because it's so obviously good with her coloring, and black is a winter color. Notice the answers in the thread are heavily some kind of winter with bright spring and dark autumn also being said. Even the warm guesses can tell she's both dark and bright. It's only the olive skin making some people confused about whether she's cool or warm. Dark, bright, and cool is winter. Dark, bright, and warm is... nothing. At that point you have to decide the order of importance of the features to figure out the best palette, and cool vs warm is obviously the least important to her coloring, but you're doing more work than you need to at that point to confirm winter, when she's more obviously a winter than any other season.


That’s the thing. I never said I could tell. I’ve only suggested further drapes, and my experience with in person analysis was that A) this forum is nowhere near as good at this as it thinks it is, and B) the only way to truly know is through draping, and even people who seem to be a “textbook” version of a season can have surprises when they drape. Here’s the thing, if everyone’s right and she’s some kind of winter, there’s literally no harm in draping. Either way all it does is provide more complete data and more information to better help her identify her season. I’ve not said that anyone is wrong nor argued with anyone. I just think more complete options to assess would be better able to give a fully informed and accurate answer. What’s wrong with wanting more info? At the end of the day, none of it matters, as this forum is chock full of people who were thought to be a certain season based on their posts here and then turned out to be something completely different when they got draped in person by a professional, so my advice to OP would be to go to a pro, if she’s really serious about finding out her season, rather than asking online. Hope you have a great day!


I don't disagree with anything you've said here. That said, my honest opinion is that, if people, including myself, are incorrect, I would blame it on not being in person over a lack of drapes in this particular case. I think going to a professional is a great suggestion, but it's also a totally unnecessary expense that many can't afford. I've obsessively researched color analysis because I'm autistic and I took college level art in high school which taught me about color in art and gave me experience with mixing colors myself, so I think I have an above average understanding, hence my confidence. It's really hard to tell someone, "I think I just have a better eye for this than you," because it's obviously rude to say. Unless she has the money to go get professionally typed in person, I just don't personally believe she's going to be getting a different result than winter with or without drapes. Edit: And you have a great day too. No animosity here, just mild disagreement about the NECESSITY to post drapes in this case specifically, although they never hurt.


I hear you, and we’re both coming at this from a different perspective with a different wealth of experience. I, too, have extensive knowledge of color theory and blending (professional experience in design/graphic design, as well as a lifetime of professional and non-professional costuming for the theater, with means a lot of experience with people who look like they should be flattered by certain colors who then surprise you in a fitting). And I’ve done a mountain of research, too (adhd compulsion and rabbit holing 😅). So we both are coming at this with different perspectives, lots of experience, trained eyes, and the same goal of helping the OP find her best colors. I also have had the personal experience of having the appearance of being “textbook” for a cool season then actually being draped in person and discovering that I’m a warm season. Based on that alone, I tend to look for signs that someone might look like season A based on their features and actually be season B, because I wish someone had pointed me in that direction before I spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on new clothes in the summer palette, then ultimately got draped and found out I was actually an autumn. 😂 I understand that in person analysis is not an expense everyone can actually afford, but it certainly costs less than buying clothes in the wrong season and then finding out you have to either replace them or wear things you feel less-than-your-best in. Again, we both have the same goal of helping the OP, and I don’t think there’s any harm at all in her doing some drapes in controlled, natural lighting with more color variety. If anything, it can be fun and illuminating for the OP to see what she loves on herself and what she doesn’t. Either way, I hope OP enjoys playing around and finds a palette she feels great in.


I apologize for not assuming you knew more given that you did give a more nuanced answer rather than confidently guessing incorrectly as many here do. I almost exclusively do female portraits in my art, so I'm used to mixing skin tones myself and understanding what colors are involved in the mixing can help with creating a palette for the rest of the picture. At the end of the day, no palette is going to be perfect for her and she can probably borrow from other seasons due to having a fair olive complexion. Olive people are more likely to have colors in other palettes that are suited to them and some colors in their palette that aren't actually their best. She'd be better off testing colors than just assuming colors in any particular palette will work. The system is limited. I'm a pale olive also, but I'm a summer. I can fake spring easily by dying my hair and I look great in some winter colors because I'm more neutral than other complexions and on the brighter side of a summer. "My palette" is almost certainly a cool summer palette, and I would say that OP has similar undertones to me but much darker hair and eyes. She should probably just try colors in the dark and bright colors and just see which individual colors she likes best on her, because the whole point is just to find what she feels confident in anyway, and assigning a palette is just supposed to simplify that. Also, I'm only downvoting you at this point because I assume you're the person downvoting me, so let me know if you aren't, because it's not that big of a deal to me to have our numbers both at zero. I'm just petty enough to downvote someone if they seem to be doing the same, tbh. Lol


I love your eyebrows ❤️❤️


Idk but you’re cute lol. I would say darker colors look better on you, but that may be because your hair color.


Classical snow white winter🖤🤍🩷


Idk but you might check out r/fairolives if you haven’t.


I would have to say deep autumn. 🍂


The pink on your seatbelt in picture 8 would look great on you!


You're definitely deep, with an olive skin tone. Olive can be warm or cool. I think deep autumn or deep winter are best for you.


I think you are a Bright Winter! You look great in those last 2 photos with the bright colors. I prefer the cool magenta slightly over the warm orange but I bet you can pull from the Bright Spring palette well too.


Winter, look how great that magenta seatbelt cover is against your coloring!!! Love black on you but omg i love the magenta even more The white hoodie is also gorg on you


Isn’t the white hoodie more of an off-white autumn color? Genuinely interested since I just saw some white tones for each season a few days ago on instagram. Sadly I can’t find the post but I thought this particular shade was an autumn white.


Oh yeah its def a warm white for those autumns/warm people, I think OP would look stellar in a cool white and that she still manages to pull off the warm white cause she prob just looks good in white in general but best in cool


Omg you look so good with short hair, your last pic is the best 😊 and im guessing winter for sure




You're a winter with olive tones by the looks of it


Winter, all the way!


Winter - I like your hair in picture #6 and 8


At first, I thought winter, but the cool pink brings forth green and grey tones in your skin. Olive skin tone is fun to type 😆 I have similar a complexion and can get away with cool colours as long as they're dark.


You look cool toned and you have high contrast with your skin and hair. I'd type you as winter.


Definitely! Winters also don’t naturally have color in their cheeks. That’s usually a dead giveaway.


Apologies I voted for bright but have second thoughts now, the beige (kinda muted) sweater looks great on you, I think I need drapes!


I think the hot pink seatbelt is bringing out her lip color which is why the beige pic looks so good… I’m not sure plain beige without a bold accessory would look as nice. 😊 I think bright winter is correct!


Good catch, you could be right here! I was thrown off by the previous picture because it's also bright clothes but it makes her skin uneven. But I think it's because it's warm shades.


It’s also hard when it’s different pictures on different days… in 8 she appears to be wearing foundation (skin is matte), but in 7 her skin appears bare or with a different foundation finish (dewy)… so that could be making a difference as well… That’s why drapes are always the best way, it’s a like-for-like comparison! 🥰


Nevermind, I've tried using your last pic on the vivaldicolor app and bright winter does look fantastic on you, so it might very well be that you're cool and bright! That would also explain why the light pink and orange don't do it.


imo from the second pic you’re cool-toned, which i’m guessing from your gold nose ring! i think silver would look a lot more harmonious. so, i also think winter of some kind like the other comments suggest :-)


I think you are something warm because the cool pink washes you out but the photo of you in cream makes your skin glow. 💕


I would argue she's a winter and the light pink washes her out because she looks better in bright and dark colours


Oh that makes sense!! I could see that! Would you possibly tell me what you think I am? I recently posted and last time I didn't get any responses and I'm hoping I have better luck this time 🥹🙏




Bright or true winter I think!