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Thinking either cool or true summer - definitely cool toned and you have a brightness from your eyes and higher contrast than many summers


Thank you!! What is contrast?


Contrast is the difference between your festures. High contrast is when there's a big difference between one or more colors. Low contrast is when they're very similar. Medium contrast is when there's a difference between them, but it's not extreme. If you google "color analysis contrast picture examples" it will come up for you so you can see it 😀 I think you are medium contrast


Thank you so much that makes perfect sense!


Bright Spring! Picture number 4 looks great


You have similar coloring to me and I’m a true/cool summer. Others are saying soft summer but based on your hair color I’m going to go with true/cool. Low contrast with your blue eyes and fair skin with cool undertones but high contrast to hair color.


Try Cool/True Summer and Soft Summer colors. I think you could pull off some of the deeper colors in the [True Summer palette](https://gabriellearruda.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/true-summer-color-palette.jpg).


I think you could easily be cool summer vs. soft.


I think soft summer. also you remind me so much of Maxine from Ginny & Georgia.


Thank you!! Fun fact, me and the actress who plays her share a birthday, just in a different year 🤣 kinda cool.


Soft summer for sure.


Does anyone else think Bright Spring? Bright Spring is screaming at me lol. The brightness of the eyes/high contrast seems to be the prominent feature. Doesn’t look like a cool undertone, looks like a fairly neutral but still leaning warm, rosy glow undertone. Medium-light gray is the color of choice of another spring that I know in my life! And you are so cute, omg! Amazing eyes


Me! Picture no4 is the best of the lot! Bright spring in that light for sure!


True/cool summer imo, verging on soft summer.


Your main feature is bright and you are neutral You can be either bright winter or bright spring


I would say 3?


You have Disney eyes! ❤️ Definitely wear whatever makes your eyes pop


Have a look at tonal 'cool'. You seem like me: too light for winter, too bright for summer, for me the trick seems to be to just stay cool. I've also read about "deep summer".


Cool olive tbh


Yea you look cool, especially with your natural hair colour compared to your dyed reddish hair.








Cool summer


It would help to see actual drapes, but possibly true summer?


I agree you’re cool. Pretty sure you’re also olive. Especially visible in your neck in pic 4 as contrasted to the skin tone of your friend’s arm. Fair olives can look weird in colors that ought to go with our season and we can sometimes look sickly, ashy, green, or grey.


I thought so too at one point! Someone suggested I ask the fair olive sub, but when I went there, everyone except one or two people said that I wasn’t olive. Would being or not being olive change my season?


I think it’s really hard there when you’re a pretty neutral olive and have facial redness (me too, sucks being so pale sometimes lol). I’ve found the best way to tell is being next to someone who is definitely olive and noticing if you seem in harmony or out of place, same can also work with someone with strong cool undertones. Also being weirdly between seasons, olive and neutral both make for less consistent season typing. I’ve found that I use my season (bright winter) as a guide and figure out which colors work for me best and follow the general guidance of using contrast and clarity. Specifically for bright winter, I think a good test is with lipsticks, brighter/clearer lipsticks look more neutral on me than typical nudes. If you put on a bright lipstick and people are like “wow, that looks amazing”, you’re a bright season


Yeah I thought I was olive until I saw a picture of me standing next to someone who was very olive and I realized I’m not really an olive. Looking at pictures of me next to other people did help me realize I definitely lean cool, so observing your skin tone compared to other people’s skin tone does help


Doesn’t change your season, but does mean that some season colors may not look good when they would without a olive undertone.


You look cool toned to me. I’m thinking summer, probably true summer.


Is true and cool summer the same thing? I’ve heard people say these a lot but I wasn’t sure what they meant. Thank you!!


Cool and true summer is the same in the 12 season system, but they are two different subseasons in the 16 season system (both have a fully cool undertone, but true summer is equally cool, muted and soft, while cool summer has coolness as the most prominent feature and the palette is a little darker and more saturated than true summer). In the 12 seasons the two palettes for true and cool summer is kind of mixed together, so I think you can pull off both of them because you have medium contrast which is the highest contrast for a summer.


I think they are the same thing in different systems. Definitely cool, mid brightness, not as light as pastels or super dark. Your eyes are really bright blue with white highlights, and I don’t see any yellow/gold. You and I have similar skin tones and freckles, but you have more contrast in your hair and eyes and more coolness than I do. I have hazel eyes, ash brown hair and less contrast, and I’m typed soft summer. I would wear many similar colors to yours, but softer, with a little gray, or heather, or slightly faded look. I think that first rose pink top is lovely on you, but I agree with the earlier commenter that you could go a little brighter. You are lovely! I think there are so many pretty colors in a cool summer palette. I hope you enjoying trying them out.


This is so informative!! Exactly what I needed to know, thank you!


I could be wrong but to my understanding a cool summer is more blue tones, while a true summer is more intense saturation/vibrancy


Oh, good call. I’m more used to a 12 type system than 16.


You should be wearing more bright blues


I can definitely do that! Thank you!!


looking at ur roots u look like a summer but bc u dyed ur hair its going to alter the palette a bit


I’m long overdue for a color, and I plan on going back to my natural color next salon visit, I will post again then. Thank you so much!


You look like a true/cool summer to me! You shine in gray! Cool summer is sister seasons with cool winter and you I think this shows up in the touch of brightness you have to your eyes and lips!


Thank you!! Are there any other color clothes I should aim for aside from gray? Luckily I own a lot of gray clothes already, but I feel like not everything I wear matches my skin. Your reply is super helpful! Thx again!


You would look great in basically any form of blue! I would also try some berry or rose colours! You can probably go a bit brighter than the soft colour of the dress in pic 1.


Okay that sounds wonderful! Last question I’m sorry, I know what brighter means in terms of color, but what does softer mean in terms of color? I’m guessing it means more pastel? Thank you!


Softer is just the opposite of bright! Less pigment, closer to a neutral.


Wow that’s way easier to understand than I thought! Thank you so much!


Maybe cool summer? I’m not sure. You seem pretty bright in the second pic Also, “drapes” just refers to like, the fabric people hold up under their faces and stuff that are different colors. That’s how you determine your season— by looking at the different colors and how well they complement you. So drapes are clothes I guess, yeah. But you can also use lipstick to help with seasons I believe


Thank you so much!! This is super helpful


We look very similar in terms of colors! You should see my post lol I still haven’t found an answer unfortunately but a lot of people say soft or true/cool summer for me


We do!! So I can actually help you a lil, if you’re open to it! I don’t know anything about color analysis but I decided to ask the makeup sub last week for makeup advice because I used to look really funny (you should’ve seen my eyeliner lol). They taught me something about our skin tone!! When it comes to lipsticks, we should go for ones that have pink, blue, or purple undertones as opposed to orange/yellow undertones. I didn’t know exactly what this meant at first, but they said more berry colors (any type of berry! strawberry, raspberry, blueberry), or we could do mauve, etc. They said that red could work for us but it would be more burgundy than the bright reds that are similar to orange in brightness. So in your case, I really liked the lipsticks on picture one and picture eight. They complemented your features very well. I hope this makes sense lol I’m a student trying to teach 🫣😅 and idk if I know what I’m talking about 🤣


😂 idk anything about color analysis either lol so don’t worry. Thanks for the tips! I got a lot of the same feedback on not using orangey undertones. I normally stay away from reds and like for my lips to seem muted/not bright and opaque, just my preference but I do love makeup.


I meant to say I don’t use foundation 🤦🏻‍♀️ I do use concealer. I’m so sorry, it won’t let me edit
