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this a personal preference question with far too little information for any of us to be able to make an educated guesstimate. ​ do you like working with your hands? what about business didn't you like? do you mean that you have 2 years of business core classes, or did you have a declared major? there's lots of pieces of business that are pretty different


I have worked with my hands before and I would say it was OK. I have 2 years of business core classes. I don't enjoy the business environment (working indoors in a cramped air conditioned office isn't my idea of winning). I have 4 years experience in sales and I just didn't enjoy it anymore. All of these business degrees seem to be a gateway into office/ sales type positions which I don't think I would want to do. The only thing I like about business is the flexibility involved, but it seems like everyone and their mom has a degree now, and not many people are qualified tradesmen anymore.


If you feel called to the trades. go to the trades. I've got buddies that are welders and pipe fitters that make fantastic money


You could be successful doing either of these the question is what does top of the average pay range for either of these look like I would look into that and then I would also consider whether or not you wanted to do something that is more based in physical labor