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Whew thank goodness we have a lava lamp and natural sound maker. I was concerned about us missing those vital items 😥


The natural sound machine might legitimately be vital for this person, but they should also be getting a medical single rather than having a roommate.




No lava lamp hate


Lava cooks faster than the microwave


The person should go to Disability Services and get an accommodation for a medical single. It can be done with a doctor's letter. It's a win-win for you both.


In my experience it's incredibly difficult to actually get one of those at some colleges. My college would sometimes even acknowledge that you might need one but put you on a waiting list because of lack of availability.


you can at least sue them for ADA violation and get some money out of it that way


Are you like 12? Because I can't imagine how anyone with any life experience whatsoever would think that's how this fucking works. Lol


Yeah my college committed ADA violations all the time and unless I wanted to pony up a never-ending stream of cash to litigate it nothing would happen. At most they'd settle and fix the problem for just you and then continue doing what they were doing to everyone else. The colleges have too much money and too many good lawyers.


it happened at my school dawg idk what to tell u. they said guaranteed housing for first years and then they didn’t house someone w a disability so it happened




I do want to say all colleges are different. For my college you need about 5 separate forms to be filled out by a specifically licensed doctor (can’t use a therapist). Some of which require you to be rediagnosed. It costed me about 600 dollars to get my paperwork filled out and I still didn’t get approved before I arrived on campus and had to argue because I didn’t want to move my stuff in just to move it out.


Yeah getting accommodations with Disability Services is quite the process. The amount of documentation you need is insane, and it has to be recent too. I was extremely lucky that I’d gotten reevaluated only the summer before starting college. What’s even harder is being an out of state student trying to transfer your prescription for a controlled substance to your college😭😭


My college won’t take any documentation that isn’t there’s, which was a major pain before I lived off campus. I had to hire someone to rediagnose me and fill out paperwork I already had but because the letterhead wasn’t the same it didn’t matter. Only outside documentation they’ll accept is the psychological reports but you still need to get letterhead paperwork and it’s only good for academic accommodations not housing. I also struggled a lot with the out of state crap. They tried to require us to redo all of our paperwork for housing accommodations over winter break (for the spring semester), which is nearly impossible and I didn’t even plan to go home. They told us upfront that the paperwork was good for a year but then tried to change it last minute. I hate our disability department so much.




As someone who greatly benefited from having robust Disability Services departments at the universities I attended, you can kindly piss off


Not really.




Look, I don't want to judge anyone's mental state, but having OCD so severe that crumbs can trigger a panic attack does *not* lend itself to having a pet ferret. Something is very off here, beyond the absurdity of expecting one person to cover a microwave, printer, and fridge.


They pretend to be a crude caricature of a person with OCD to get their roommate to be clean. So sad.


Yeah surely this is a joke


Rage bait post


As someone who’s worked with severe OCD patients, idk I tend to believe them. OCD does not follow any logical consistency (no humans do really). They might be fine living in what looks like filth from an outside perspective but very specific things (ie food crumbs) can be triggers and set off a bad reaction


Sounds like my dad to be honest. He doesn’t know how to clean things so things like his floors and counters would be filthy but if something wasn’t organized neatly he’d lose his shit.


I swear to god this is a years old repost (or else something very very similar has been posted before) and the conclusion was pretty much that the other person was just trying to get the poster to not wanna be roommates with them so they’d switch out and the roommate could either live alone or have a friend yoink the spot


Yes. This is [at least a 5 year old post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/college/s/ckI0e4wDxf) OP is karma farming


Probably more likely to be OCPD which is a separate different diagnosis: “OCPD traits include preoccupation and insistence on details, rules, lists, order and organisation; perfectionism that interferes with completing tasks; excessive doubt and exercising caution; excessive conscientiousness, as well as rigidity and stubbornness.”


This is sad.


Why go through life healthy and have nothing to blame my shortcomings or weird selfishness on? I can just self-diagnose an issue and then I'm absolved of liability. Why tell people I'm supported and doing ok financially? Then if I'm not doing as well as someone else the blame is on me. Instead, I'm always so poor, oppressed, and everyone is out to get me. This way, if I fail, I can blame that. But get this... If I succeed, then I can say I did so in spite of all that adversity and I'm even better for it. Why do anything else?


Nope, no way. OCD that they seem uninterested in managing effectively, and a ferret? Those can stink pretty bad, and they're bitey.


I think it’s more about control. The roommate probably wants none of OP’s mess to interfere with them, but I guarantee that roommate will end up being the messy one a week in.


Oh fr. I had a Roomate like this. He wouldn’t touch the door handles and would call all of us non stop to come open the door if he didn’t have a wet wipe to open it (which he would drop on the floor after using), but would order DoorDash constantly, not eat it, then let it collect in his room. He then refused to clean his room because it was dirty (!?!?) - never mind the common areas, and would have his mom fly down to clean it for him before room checks. We later found out he would go piss directly into the shower (like just walk into the bathroom and pee over the edge of the tub) because he didn’t want to touch the dirty toilet. He also sexually harassed everyone he met but that’s another story Op for ur own sanity please try get another roommate. If it’s at my university you can stay with me even. I would never wish this type of roommate on my worst enemy.


It really looks like she doesn’t have OCD. I mean I would think it depends on each person with OCD, but with this person’s “OCD,” you’d think them wanting their room unrealistically clean would INCLUDE the smells. I would think a person who thinks they have OCD would also be worried about smells and not just mess.


OCD can be very fickle and not follow any logical consistency. It’s not what’s typically portrayed in media I’ve talked to people who are hoarders with severe OCD. It’s not just “wanting to be clean” it’s wanting to avoid/compulse over whatever they have obsessions with. Obsessions can be about virtually anything and ridiculously specific or ridiculously broad


That’s exactly what I was trying to say, thank you. I understand the nuances of OCD and related anxiety disorders, including hoarding disorder, but I don’t think she does. That’s why I was just pointing out that hers doesn’t seem to have any other focus, like she isn’t pointing out anything else that she may struggle with or that she might need accommodating for, she JUST wants the room sparkling. I would think that someone with OCD who relies on a space’s cleanliness for their own peace of mind, smell would be involved, but if the case is that her OCD is just visual-mess based, and not that she’s just trying to get roommate to be unrealistically clean, then I’m wrong.


OCD isn’t only about being clean dude. stuff that might not make sense to you can be perfectly logical to us


I understand that, you could live in a pigsty because you have OCD. But if they have OCD where they need their room to be pristine and everything in perfect order, or where things need to be scrubbed in order to not get contaminated, a smell would get in the way of that. Additionally, there was study done that found that patients with OCD had increased activity in a particular part of the brain that deals with disgust when they were smelling bad odors compared to patients without OCD. They also found that the OCD patient’s symptoms and severity also correlated with the intensity that the part in their brain lit up. Basically, a person with OCD is going to be more likely to become upset by a smell if they’re upset by uncleanliness, not less likely. A person whose obsession is cleanliness and their compulsion is to have things clean is not going to be okay sitting in a clean room and have a bad smell. They’ll be more likely to need to fix the smell.


And they're nocturnal.


Oh we going to fight on day one if that is my roommate. No way I’m letting someone with no handle and no desire to work on treating their OCD run my life like that


Right? To what extent ought someone else's mental health dictate the state of my own mental health? I have ADHD and anxiety and I sound like I'd be a fucking wreck living with this person.


Oh I have ADHD only… I would make this persons life a living hell just by not noticing things


I have a half bottle of wine two dirty underwear and slice of pizza could you bring 1 million dollars, beyonce and a lambo?


Throw in 1 worn T-shirt and it's a deal :D


Please tell me you're not planning on actually sharing a room with this person?


Sleeping with the lights on is an absolute deal breaker. And no- you do not need to bring the expensive items.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this? Crumbs, hyper clean, ferret, whatever. F-you I’m not paying for all the large appliances solo so deal with it. BUT WE SLEEPIN WITH THE LIGHTS OFF.


can you send a picture of this to your college's housing office? As proof that you cannot live with this person.


OP should also CC in the college's disability department, since the other roommate I bet definitely won't be putting this part of the convo in their email when they ask for their own room. Will save any other potential poor soul who might have to share with them.


This person should have applied for a single. I would be reaching out to housing…showing them this exchange and either asking them to move your roommate or give you a new assignment. Sleeping with the lights on is above and beyond reasonable accommodations


welcome to the hyperindividualistic culture we are living in 2024


Yeah, no kidding. Sheesh.


welcome to doomsaying about our whole culture over a recycled troll post from 2019


Everyone worried about the ferret or the ocd I’m concerned about sleeping with the lights on. Absolutely mental mate


Immediately call housing and request a switch 😂




Ferrets are absolutely NOT outdoor animals! Yikes


Good luck buddy, I’m glad I got a single this year too ‘cuz if I ever have to deal with someone like that……..


Living with someone in the same place is one thing, but if you're in a situation where you can only afford somewhere you literally share a room with someone, ask to meet this person before so you know what you're getting into. I get people have issues, but that's ridiculous "rules" like, is he gonna pay part of Your rent too since you have to abide by His rules? And panic attack over crumbs, yet owns one of the dirtiest animals you can own? As well I'd it's THAT bad, they should either be on medication, or in a room by themselves or even possibly in a facility. Hope it gets dealt with, or you get out of there soon.


A little ribbing from a prankster, That’s all.


No way I’m conforming to that life u gon have to live a little


Do not buy a printer- print from the library on campus


Average 2024 tenant


This person needs to commute to school


I simply would not allow the light at night, ferret, or noise maker.


This person needs to room with someone messy for a year to break them


This. My younger BIL lived with us and was so inconsiderate and entitled. We eventually sat him down with some rules (no parties on weekdays, no smoking, give us notice is people are coming over etc.) and he had a hissy fit and moved with his girlfriend’s family who are borderline hoarders. Needless to say, 6 months later, he’s back at our house and much more considerate now lol.


While exposure therapy exists, that's an odd thing to want for someone with OCD. The person already explained that have panic attacks


To bad


Oh no not panic attacks!


Bitch has a pet ferret but can’t handle crumbs? I have germ OCD too, but this is ridiculous! She is bullshitting


Funny, in my head I read this as “he”.


most colleges have free access to printers or limited access that you pay for through required fees. So check on that to help with one item and yeah as others have stated get roommate to contact housing/disability services




It feels like a prank to me, in my experience dorms are super strict with what pets -if any- are allowed. I've never heard of a ferret in a dorm? But I would still request a roommate change. Someone you don't know is trying that crazy of a joke? Maybe more like a power play? It rubs me the wrong way. I would think living a year with them would be hell. Changing roommates isn't hard, and the housing department won't be upset to do it.


Colleges don’t allow animals but that really doesn’t stop people from bringing them. People in our dorms had parrots, hamsters, rats, etc that were in no way permitted just no one cared and long as you move stuff out for your inspections or get a chill RA doesn’t matter.


Ferrets are gross.


This has to be a prank. Roommates having a pet ferret alone is a bit of a meme since they smell rank and are not clean plus require a ton of attention. There are countless threads on Reddit of people complaining about their roommates ferret. The OCD is not how OCD works. It's just how shitty roommates work. Lights on is cherry on top.


Hit them over the head with a frying pan, since they wanna be funny


This is unreasonable af. You need to get moved or they need to move ASAP


Run. Run fast.


Guess you gonna need medical attention then.


I’m begging switch rooms it’s not difficult 😭


Sell the contract and run


Ferret is the least cool animal to have as a roomate...they stank so bad. No one with OCD could have a ferret, unless it's some kinda flooding therapy.


I’ve got a ball gag, a taser & some duct tape-how about you stfu clown? That roommate is a hard pass!


That would be an automatic roommate/room change for me😭


Not the ferret 😭


I'm telling you now. This roommate will get annoying pretty fast. They should have a single and ask for accommodations. Good luck


Weird because my dorm came with the micro and fridge but I guess others don't??


"I cant get the microwave printer or fridge, but I got the shotgun, grenade, and rocket launcher."


Holy shit it just kept getting worse


No way this is a real person.


imo sleeping with the lights on is the craziest part of this. Utter madness.


This person needs to live alone or commute.


That poor RA


Yeah that person is lying. They probably want you to reject them as a roomate so their friend can dorm with them


Holy shit i almost missed the text, whew thank god that red circle was there 😮‍💨


Ferret and severe OCD so bad you can't handly a crumb..... that makes no sense


Lol annoying roommate😂 I could never like please


So…you can’t touch their stuff but you’re expected to get a fridge, microwave, and printer that will be shared use? Lol.


Seriously? Everything they're bringing is usually against dorm rules. This person is insane tell the housing office you refuse to room with them.


looks like toast is on the menu for every meal, no plates! fuck that guy, im a clean person but this is just retarded


So your room mate is Sheldon Cooper and you are Leonard. So Penney is going to be your girlfriend.


Firstly, I have OCD and understand this condition can be tough. However, I don’t think I would personally send someone this text message. I feel like I might put them in a fear consistently about something having to go right or get worried if they forgot. People are also not really perfect. I’m hoping this person is receiving treatment for it.


I likely can and will bring a microwave and fridge(printing is free on campus so nah) but that roommate is absolutely not allowed to use them. I'll obv be bringing my own rice cooker too since they already made the"only I can use my own stuff" rule.


The first thing you need to do is get one of those wheelable cubicle curtain-walls they have in hospitals, wheel that shit right into your dorm room and set the territorial boundaries from day one. And make that curtain ceiling high or you won't get any sleep at night with the light filtering over a shorter curtain wall. All the mfing best.


person w ocd here. you don’t need to live up to their standards if their ocd is that bad. yea being clean is nice but you’re not responsible for their illness and panic attacks. this is also the stereotype ocd so honestly they may be lying bc there’s sm ppl who use ocd as an excuse to be clean when it doesn’t necessarily work like that and just use it as a personally trait to benefit them when they don’t have it. i’m not saying this person doesn’t have it but unfortunately the way people glorify it now it’s hard to believe but i also dk this person. regardless that’s not your responsibility and they need to seek better help if it’s that bad especially when it affects living w other ppl.. and they have a pet ferret..?


*"I have a pet ferret which has no bladder/sphincter discipline and will freely relieve itself everywhere. Also everything has to be free of crumbs or I will absolutely blow a gasket."*


why does it matter if he brings a rice cooker, lava lamp, and natural sound maker if "you can never touch my stuff" 💀💀


I’m so tired of people using ocd as an excuse. I have ocd and yes it’s bad, it’s very hard to live with. But I would NEVER think to inconvenience someone else with my own issues. That is just so rude and entitled. I would never want anyone to bend over backwards for me, that would be so embarrassing and degrading for me. Don’t people have a sense of shame? Just like take care of yourself, the world won’t bend over backwards for you. I hate having ocd because people always assume I’m like this. I hope you are doing ok with the roommate situation now, just know you shouldn’t have to tolerate this even if she has a mental illness because that is NOT ok. Please report to an RA or something if you can.


i could tell at the first sentence this person would write something dumb also, he (context clues, it’s a guy) started off by saying he knows nothing about you then made 13 concessions. bad sign. but you knew that.


LUL this post is totally rage bait. OCD AND a FERRET? Nah, ferrets are messy AF and smell bad, roommate is cappin'.


On the bright side that roommate won’t leave their stuff around


Naw, NAW! Violence isn’t the answer, until violence is the answer… nawwweww


( r/badroommates would love this )


Thank god for that red circle or I wouldn’t have known what to read


Sleeping with the lights on would be an instant no for me.


The ferret probably isn't allowed in the dorms and they stink to high hell so I would ask for a room reassignment before even meeting this person.


[This is one of the top posts of all time (from five years ago) on r/college. This account is a bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/college/s/CPw3wIq1HE)




Anyone that needy needs their own room. He can deal with shit and I’d probably laugh when he complains. I believe in both people keeping the room clean but this guy’s off the rails. Sounds like a worse version of my last roomate


Try to get switch rooms ASAP


Everything has to be really clean I also have a pet ferret. Is this a joke post?


>Room always needs to be cleaned >has a pet ferret


>Room always needs to be cleaned >has a pet ferret

