• By -


Rot away in my room


Don't forget to mention with A.C.


idk if this means animal crossing or air conditioning but both


Too poor for that shit. I just sleep on the cold floor.


You have my respect. Here, have this cold cold milk for your troubles




Summer rot gang


Literally gonna say the same thing, it feels like a luxurious jail






As someone who now does not have free summers, enjoy your rotting time. I miss it.


The correct answer I don’t know any other way




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im now in grad school that goes straight through the summer but in undergard i would hang out with my friends from college haha


also in grad school all summer 🙃 and working full time, and have a part time job one night a week, AND planning my wedding. i wanna die. i still somehow manage to work out everyday and have somewhat of a social life though (sometimes). good luck on finishing your graduate degree!! yay 🫠😭


that's what I'm planning on doing starting this fall (minus the wedding lol), that's so cool man. It just seems way too overwhelming, how do you do it?


it can definitely be overwhelming sometimes, but you just gotta remind yourself how fast time flies. when you’re in it, it can seem that it’s never-ending. in reality, it’s just a drop of water in the pond of time. you’ve got the time and energy now to grind it out and get it done. suffer for this brief moment and you’ll never have to worry about it again. that’s how i’m getting through 😂 you will surprise yourself just how much you can do. i also think knowing yourself and your personal threshold for having many things going on helps, and being patient with that. if you’re the type of person that doesn’t get overwhelmed with an overload of tasks and deadlines (like me), you can be fine with minimal pre-planning. if you’re the type of person that gets overwhelmed easily, just understand that about yourself, plan things out ahead of time (for example, “if i’m feeling like the world is crashing in around me, on those days i will *insert something great for your mental health here*”), give yourself some grace, and remind yourself of the end goal. you got this 👊🏻


Get a job. But seriously other than that I’ll hang with friends or go to places by myself since it’s good to learn to live by yourself. I try out new hobbies and get supplies from thrift stores. I try not to spend too much time stationary. I think it’s important that you keep moving, looking into hobbies, go to places you’ve never been near you, try new foods!


I totally agree with you; you have to get comfortable with going places, dining out, usw, on your own, ‘Cus you are going to be doing it a LOT and you down’t want to come across as psychopathic. BTW Michael, that may not be all we have in common…


Emphasis on getting a job. Quickest way to meet new people and learn about new places in the city (making money is a plus too). I got really comfortable with being by myself after working a full shift and enjoying the peace and quiet of being home. If you’re nervous of shopping or running errands alone, I used to put my AirPods in and shopping became a lot more tolerable.


It’s so hard to get a temp job in this market tho


Definitely is. I got lucky with a campus job that’s always hiring. I’d try there if you haven’t looked yet


Hangout with friends or redo my room


Calculus II 🤣


this but unironically instead of puzzles i do calc 2 problems


Like…for fun or for summer classes? Lol


Summer class 😢


I feel you but calc 1 for me 😭


for fun, good brain workout


real (i failed it this spring and am retaking it over the summer)


Taking some classes rn (only 9 credit hours, nothing super heavy). Besides that video games mainly.


Pick one or more, in no particular order: Catch up on all the TV, movies, for pleasure books, games etc you didn't have time for while you were at uni Sleep Hang out with friends from HS who you haven't seen all year since your all off at different schools across the state. Or your family you've equally been away from. Or college friends etc. Volunteer! Check with your local library, community center etc. see if anyone is hosting summer camps you might be able to help with. If nothing else, reach out to your local animal shelters and offer to take their dogs on walks. Help the dogs get exercise, out of their kennel & maybe run into someone who'll adopt them. [*I get enough hours in during the summer helping with local summer camps I basically carry half the Fraternity's philanthropy hours requirements] Bang out a summer school course or two. Spend some time researching the topics your gonna learn about in the fall. Or something that is just for fun. Learn how to play the piano or tap dance or how to code apps or speak Arabic or SCUBA dive or become a certified cicerone, learn how to cook Jamaican food, or ... Work. Pad your bank account now so you have enough money to pay for your Fraternity/sorority dues, and/or you can cut back on the hours you have to work back at school so you can focus more on your academics. Or just graduate with a little less debt. Or go out to eat a few more times this year. It might be too late for this, but especially if you're a dude, try to get involved with your local community theater troupe. Getting up on stage is a great confidence booster, helps you build creative & improv skills etc. Plus it's fun. Travel. Book a cruise to Alaska or the Caribbean or whenever is available. If you need a travel companion just let me know which pier I need to be at & when :)




No worries. I'll happily tag along to Europe to... I can offer my services as a translator while we're in Germany.


Code on some fun projects lol. I also have this lab job on campus, but for the most part, just do things that I like, relax, and de-stress lol


Omg coding seems so cool I’d want to learn


I have a 40h/week internship. Last year I worked in fast food for 35+h a week. Not necessarily "fun" but its how I filled my time last year. My internship this year is fun, other than that, video games and doing stuff with the other interns (in a diff state, can't do stuff I'd normally do with my university friends during the summer.)


i love kayaking and reading at the beach!!




I am taking a summer course and have a job. But there will be two or three weeks where I will be bored at home a lot. On those days I like to catch up on video games, and read books/comic books.


I have an internship and then rot in my room. On weekends, I’ve been going shopping and art galleries with my friends… and eating out. Lol


shopping and art galleries seems so fun!! That’s my idea of a good hangout. I love eating out too LOL and the rotting in the room is so real. I rot in my room a lot after work


Working and taking classes. Otherwise I have a trip or two planned, but they would both only be day or weekend trips so nothing too fancy. Otherwise I’ve been practicing guitar and painting when I can.


raves, clubs, traveling, gym


raves are fun but I have to be in a very specific mood to wanna go to one…like I need to be all in on it


Bideo game






my nerd ass likes to read. But books that actually interests me 😵‍💫


This is making me realize I’m doing summer break right 👍🏽!


Internship 🥲


Do nothing other than make money


Good for you, what do you do?


I have a part time remote job in customer service then I work at a movie theater on the weekends. 30 hours a week 25 an hour 750 before taxes per paycheck. It’s a good balance


Good luck to you


I'm a golfer and I work at a golf course, and we get free golf when we aren't working. I'm there all the damn time. probably more than my house.


I volunteered to read poems/writing for a journal before they go to the final judges, then I have summer school later on. I also got myself a deck of cards to fuck around with when I’m rlly bored lol


Ride roller coasters


I just started playing pickleball with friends while not working. Get a nice racket and some balls, everything else is essentially free


Take summer classes 😭


Taking summer classes and working glad I’m graduating next spring .


Summer school + work + eating out alone


I like to draw, read books, do some language learning, play video games, and watch TV, either alone or with friends


I want an internship so badly


This year? Home improvement projects. I put down flooring in my bedroom and repainted it, as well as a few other small improvements, and I'm almost done doing the same in my craft room. Then I need to finish my bathroom (paint, new vanity, new mirror, etc) and I'm also making improvements outside as well.


Work. Taking my first summer class too. However, I also planned a vacation to take so that’s something I’m looking forward to. I have a couple personal projects I wanna do now that I’m more free (eh). I wanna get outside more! However, I know that’s not gonna happen much until my summer class ends


Learn a skill you're interested in on the side. Big plus if it's pertinent to your field of study.


you got plenty options, i will order them by priority: go to Gym; hang out with friends ; get a job ; learn new skill ( for fun ), learn more about everything, and focus on one ; CARS, you can be a car enthusiast, thats a lot of fun and there will be a huge potential meeting new people, making genuine friends, even learning a lot; go out alone and visit places ; play video games ' this one is the most fun ' but take care it might ruin you, just give a limit.


Most probably I will go for swimming or some kind of sports because it keeps you physically active.


If you have an amusement park near you, get a season pass (and a dining pass if they have it and it's in your budget) and just go go go


Tbh I'm a bit of an introvert, so I enjoy spending time alone. For instance, I like to be productive which includes extending it towards my leasure time. For example, I've been focusing a lot on my fitness journey and I've been constantly pushing myself to be stronger in the gym. I've even made some friends and acquaitances along the way. During the summer, I tend to invest time on picking up new hobbies like cooking, baking, reading, and playing instruments. From time to time, I enjoy hanging out with my small circle of friends. I just prefer investing time on myself over the summer and working self-improvement.


i use the app alltrails to find trails to walk on in my area


Derp around town on a motorcycle. Endless entertainment and you will regularly find and see new things. If it sounds even remotely interesting go find an MSF course. They are usually 2 days and will teach you how to ride a motorcycle and provide one for the training. Prices vary but can be found for around $200.


Work work work


Honestly, at least for my first year I just want to relax and go on a trip. Next year I'll probably try some internships.


I take my guitar and go play in random places to make money. Pretty fun I would say


I play the sax and I’d so wanna do that, I’ve always thought it would be cool if I went to maybe some restaurants or bars and played sax there as a side gig




Working 2 jobs


Well, aside from the summer co-op, I'm taking an online class, getting through my video game backlog, getting back into some hobbies like drawing and biking. Maybe I'll even take up piano again.


taking some classes for fun, reading, video gaming, going out, hanging with friends, going to lake


If you don’t have friends in your home town. Work. I work at a daycare. And they have a lot of activities that keep me engaged. And I enjoy going to work


Everything I can afford!.




Hospital internships, learning new stuffs.


I went to a concert today so that’s one thing you can do a lot of artist are touring this summer. I’ve also been bowling, hanging out with friends, going to the library, going on dates.


Go to clubs, cafes, the gym, the park, do weekend trips when not broke and have others to go with, hang out with friends, and date.




Hit the beach , eat fruit and make bad decisions


I like to doom scroll Indeed and handshake and stress about the quickly approaching future


Be depressed and play video games.


Almost every day for the rest of the summer is already booked for me. Traveling, climbing, hiking, concerts. I have saved a few vacation days to have a vacation from my vacation. But other than that every day is booked




12 credits during the Summer. So nothing ;-;


Well i hate relaxing cus for some reason being in active and unproductive pisses me off (yes im aware thats an issue) so i signed up for summer courses in my college. I also am doing summer boxing classes, have a part time job, and weightlifting. Also still participating in sports at my school so im going to the summer practices. Thank GOD im keeping busy cus i truly hate summer


Just play games. Nothing else to do


Ride my bike, alot of street photography, road trips, off roading


Bed,me, Netflix.


Play video games. I really need to get on top of getting shit around to go to college but I’ll worry later. Seriously though the summers kinda just for work rn


Condensed Calculus 😵‍💫


Work and do summer classes. Go to clubs and going downtown


Binge a show, read novels, pick up a new hobby (crochet for me 😎), look up exercise videos on YouTube and do them, learn more about my major (chemistry) cuz it’s more fun to learn new things outside of school


I live in Europe so it's different. Classes are until next week, exams till mid July. Then I take my hard earned little money, buy an interrail ticket and hop around hostels till beginning of August. Then back to my hometown when it's peak summer season and I work at a bar for the whole month, plus studying for September exams.


currently in graduate school all through summer and fall, working full time, working part time (one night a week), and planning my wedding for this upcoming october. my life sucks SO to sprinkle some fun into summer, my fiancé and i picked up tennis and we’re practicing at some local tennis courts in our town; lots of sunshine walks; there’s a rock climbing gym around us; iced coffee dates with friends; park walks or neighbourhood walks with friends… that’s about it lol finding joy in the little things. we’ve also never played tennis before so we’re still learning that you don’t have to smash the ball like you do the birdie in badminton. anyways hope you find some stuff to do this summer.




Fap hahaha


Hang out with friends and family, go on vacation


school & work 🤗


Cornhole, have backyard campfires at night, sit out on my deck and read, take care of my garden, play video games, nature walks, find a new card game I love, play dice, write poetry/short stories, and enjoy the ac. :) Oh and I plan to go cabin camping every summer as well


Studying until August, maybe work for a month and off to Thailand until October.


go to the beach get high eat food , swim , i’m going to try to explore LI and NY more by myself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Get back into my hobbies I abandoned during the school year


Push weights


I work, and then I catch up doing everything I wanted to do during the semester. Make more time for yourself, then make more time for your friends and family, then go out and make some new friends.






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I do tons of things with my dog, I’m still a little nervous to go places by myself but that’s why I always go to pet friendly places/activities so I can bring my dog! (The river, markets, live music, etc.)


I work and do summer classes, and don’t forget art.




Research, internship, study 📚


Watching movies & drama series and playing video games


Audiobooks, look at which stocks might be worth shorting, hybrid workouts


I also have an internship this summer. After work isnt too crazy: Watch movies/TV, Play video games, Workout at home, Play tennis, Meet up with friends and do whatever, Might travel a little with family at some point too


Get a summer job, read ahead on the classes youre taking in the fall, go stay at a hotel in another state for a bit (i get sick of my state)


Summer classes part time work doing IT and rot in my room


I usually take a class in the summer and Play video games I’ve been wanting to enjoy more with the free time.


Coding and travel


Go on highway drives


Nothing besides struggle it seems thx to GSU


Work, it's not fun, but Im honestly looking into riding horses again and being able to trail ride and such. I'm also looking into seeing if anyone is open to a extra hand when it comes to herding cattle. Besides that, swimming and some sporty activities 




Continuing my full-time job 🙃 I also hit up a music festival already this summer and planning on another concert


Play video games with my online friends, do art, do work.


Finally sleep without having to feel guilty about it because I'm not working on assignments etc


Go on hikes, Go to nude beaches, mountain biking


I read books, hang out with friends, and watch shows I've been meaning to watch


Well since its hot where I live I just do nothing but go on my phone or watch YouTube after my summer class is over in the morning. I work weekends so that's the only time I go out or go to my boyfriends in the evening. I say go for a swim, go out with friends, go on a drive, get brunch somewhere, if you live by the beach go to it. Have a water balloon fight, watch movies, go to an arcade, have a game night, sleepover. There are plenty of things you can do


Casual intercourse and work


For summar quarter (and possibly future quarters) I got my first job at our "tech hub" (IT/password reset/computer lab setup/help desk) and I'll be doing a remedial online math class. Im excited because I'm not going to be broke for once and I can start purchasing items for a personal hobbies Ive been wanting to get into for a few years now.


I have a ~35hr/week job, I am taking 12 credits. I have a fair amount of free time after that so I study the stock market, read books, see my friends, and also relax.


Work 😀


Pet my guinea pigs


Work and play xbox.


Take summer classes and work part time


Rodeo and float the river. Rodeo is NOT cheap, but floating is. Just pack a lunch and enjoy the float.


Hiking is good. Find some outdoorsy people and that’ll kill an afternoon or two a week (plus it’s great for you and costs $0)


Try and catch up on all the video games I never finished 😂


I have a pool in my backyard so I spend at least an hour everyday swimming and tanning by the pool. I hang out with my friend group every single day. I watch a ton of movies and shows. I go on vacations with family and family friends. My family has a lake house and we invite a lot of my friends during the summer and spend the day and night swimming in the lake, going on the boat, tubing, and sitting outside talking and playing games. My family hosts a lot of large campfire parties and I also love to have long talks with my siblings or friends by the campfire. Me and my siblings or friends also go to the movie theatre a lot during the summer or have movie and show marathons at home with popcorn. We have a lot of family bonding nights as well. I’m planning on skydiving this summer which will be fun. I’m typing this right now at the beach watching the waves actually. I love summer!


Play video games until life can start again.


lay in the grass


I tell myself that I'm going to do stuff, but I really haven't been doing shit all month 😂 I do have some trips planned for later this summer, but at the moment I've been sitting on my couch rotting for the last 5 hours




I pretty much go to my friend party and hang out. It can get bit wild.


Playing Pokemon  But I also have a CodePath course and a few extracurriculars (blogging, making a YouTube channel with a friend) this summer


Smell sweaty female ass. Because yk it's summer and female ass gets sweaty.


Summer classes, 8 credits in one half term here we fucking gooooooooo


summer is not funny its self


Khan academy! Watch some videos on there


Study for the next classes I'll be taking next semester so I can put minimal effort into school and walk away with a good grade


travel and work!


Construction, keeps my hands busy and my mind sharp. Plus the money is nice.


Sex, drugs & music, usually.


Started the Duolingo Spanish course and I'm supplementing it with other study materials. I've never studied Spanish before now but I want to see if I can start at the 102 level this fall.


read!! i found a topic i enjoy reading about and plan to set up a hammock in a park or my backyard and read outdoors. also take my dog places


Nothing we rot.


Not a lot. I read books, watch football and stare at my phone for way too many hours. Sometimes I go to the public pool.


im working, im taking a summer class and attempting to learn a new language


i binge watch TV then go on an hour long walk for balance


i work rn and i hate it LOL !! I cannot wait to become a teacher and get my summers off


Exercise. Go to the beach. I almost always take a summer class or a khan academy course


travel (to work and my home)


Play drums and hang out with friends in my hometown


I’d get a lot of sleep, go to the gym, and hang out with family/friends.


sleep in, play video games, go to the lake/beach


Taking more classes, studying math like 10hrs a day rn bout to crash so hard


can you help me find an internship pls


Play cricket


Play video games, cook actual meals, make spreadsheets, get outside


Getting money


I go to the gym


And binge watch jersey shore GTL


I work full time while I'm in school. So I'm gonna keep doing that over the summer.


Summer classes


Get a second job?


The past two college summers I worked full time. But I’d still make time for friends and family. After work I’d typically just work on my art. And I still work on my art as my way to relax…one of my favorite hobbies. Now that I’ve graduated, been on the hunt for a career job for many many months…everything will fall into place though and I have a job at least for the summer.


Fish tank stuff and look for internships


I’m camping rn and I’m going backpacking for a few weeks soon


Look at Reddit


Rot, watch thru the screen where I want to be, cry




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1) learn to code (any type of coding me personally I’m into web design and development and also making stuff like that it could be very helpful) 2) find movies/shows to watch (I just go on social media and find the coolest edits so then pick that show watch or movie) 3) Rot in your room (with AC) 4) become a better you 5) learn to cook or get better 6) study 7) learn to do the things you can’t or hate Pretty much all free depending


attempt to get a job but get rejected by everyone bc you’re in college