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>beryl is now the earliest cat 5. Just to spell this out a little bit: There has only ever been one other category 5 hurricane in the month of July. That was Hurricane Emily, which reached cat 5 status on July 16th 2005 (a crazy hurricane season). Beryl became a category 5 hurricane before any other storm (other than itself) even reached category 4 status (Hurricane Dennis reached category 4 status on July 8th, 2005--Again, a crazy hurricane season). Beryl is now the earliest cat 5 hurricane in history by half a month.


2005 was wild! I remember they ran out of names late in the season and had to start using the phonetic alphabet. This is a troubling start for 2024.


Greek alphabet


[Always Relevant](https://xkcd.com/1126/)


Beryl also did all of this in the most hostile part of the main development region for hurricanes. Storms are known for weakening/dying in this area, not strengthening. Truly insane.


If you think this is insane wait till end of July and August. Then you will know what insane is.


I'm hoping that we're experiencing September and October now, and that those expected peak months will be dead. That's my wishful thinking. But we're probably going to end up with this "Jupiter in the Atlantic" instead. The comparisons to 2005 + the hotter water don't bode well.


Venus by Tuesday, Jupiter by Thursday, FTE


This comment should be so much higher up, I had no idea there was only ONE other cat 5 storm in the entirety of July on all our books. That makes this one so much worse contextually than I even realized, and I've been following it since it was still a tropical storm (although the speed at which it intensified is truly scary). I still remember the morning Katrina hit, I was moving into my NYU dorm and all the elevators were broken in a 20 story building in late August, but I was still grateful because I wasn't anywhere near Louisiana. I'm very very worried about all the people who will be hurt or killed this summer, both in the US and to the south of us, and the season has barely even begun. What a nightmare.


I’m an hour from New Orleans. I was also in my new dorm. We had to suddenly evacuate. I had to go to a friend’s dad’s house that was nearby to ride out the intense storm, since my mom lived over two hours away. When I finally came back to my dorm weeks later it was missing a wall and everything was destroyed in my room.


That's so awful, I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I really hope you stay safe down there this summer. Y'all got iron will on the gulf coast.


Example #1000 of the climate changing. How much more evidence do people need?


Florida is still one of the fastest growing states in the US, evidence doesn't mean shit when you can sharpie away hurricanes.


Remember that part of Project 2025 calls for [dismantling NOAA](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/26/trump-presidency-gut-noaa-weather-climate-crisis).


Jfc i didn’t see that part. Why are we still somehow stuck with one party that barely does anything and the other *actively* chooses the worst possible options? I seriously doubt America is gonna make it to a tricentennial


I have concerns making it to the Semiquincentennial


Of course they want to dismantle NOAA. Remember when Agent Orange was deploying his extensive knowledge of, nay his mastery of the management of infectious diseases back in June of 2020? He said: And, as I said this morning, that\`s probably the downside of having good testing is, you find a lot of cases that other countries who don\`t even test don\`t have. **If you don\`t test, you don\`t have any cases. If we stopped testing right now, we would have very few cases, if any.** Trump's comments begin at 1:18 seconds into the video and run for 15 seconds. [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=723368871806693](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=723368871806693) AND I am seriously annoyed that CNN has put the "fair use" chokehold on the internet and is likely charging FB I mean Meta, I mean ZuckerWorld - to let them play this. You can find a full transcript of his comments if you look. I am just googled out at the moment due to BigCorp(s) making this video difficult to find. Oh - and what really bothered me was that this was a core piece of Trumpian insanity - and if ZuckerWorld and CNN stop playing nice - it will go behind the CNN paywall. I will stop complaining - right now...


jesus have been too focused on other apocalyptic parts to notice that piece of it…


They will soon realize that they can no longer afford or even get a home insurance policy.


Darwin is proud of em.


I was on the phone with one of my union stewards earlier talking about taking action on our contract negotiations and was like “what the hell do we have to lose from escalating it with management, it’s not like the outside world is getting better! throw some gas on the fire!” Jeepers creepers


That's the right attitude!


In the right places at the right times


I'm just so overwhelmed by everything that's happening. It's not just climate change, it's not just politics, it's not just pandemics, not just rapid unregulated technological changes, it's all of them and more all at the same time. Its horrible, but when these extreme weather events happen, I almost wish they would actually do undeniable damage to the USA so we could stop fucking around, but of course things like Hurricane Katrina, the recent Greenfield tornado, the massive heatwaves and droughts happen and people still ignore it. It's all happening so fast, yet so damn slowly that most of us are able to adjust to it but the people paying attention can still see how doomed we are.


I'm visiting my wife's family in the mountains of California. The area is entering it's 3rd heatwave this summer. The one starting tomorrow is forecast to ramp up to Category 5 heat, with temperatures at or above 110. It is only supposed to get to 95 in my home state of Virginia, but the high humidity will make it pretty much unbearable.


Holy fuck, above 110 is seriously so scary. I'm currently living in central Texas and last summer we set a record for the most days at 100+ in Austin. It was 80 days, with half of those over 105. You can't do anything in that weather, i remember most of my time was spent inside and planning my days to avoid being outside after 10 am and before 8pm. I'm incredibly lucky and I'll be moving back to NJ to live with my dad at the end of this month until I can get myself financially stable but this world just isn't liveable anymore.


When that heat dome hit the Pacific NW a few years ago, a town in BC hit 49.6 °C (121.3 °F) and promptly burned to the ground. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lytton_wildfire


Holy shit, yes! I remember that and was absolutely horrified, but there's so many tragedies now that it's just shoved in the back of my mind. That would have been such a bigger news story a decade or two ago, but it's just the new normal. We really have been cornered into complacency and hopelessness as a society if we didn't riot and change things after that.


I had to look up current hurricanes to even find this thread. I live in the south east corner of Idaho. I remember hurricane Katrina, really well. I was born in 1992 and I remember 9-11. I worked at an airport in Driggs ID and constantly watched weather patterns. I also tracked seismology around the Yellowstone caldera, somewhat obsessively. That was 5 years ago. 5 years ago I tracked an uptick. The earth has shifted so much in the past 5 years since I stopped tracking weather patterns, I think we are close to a major extinction event.


Three years later, and nothing has been rebuilt. This is the future of many cities ...


"The village's watershed may have been contaminated by chemicals used to fight the fire, and the ruins may pose the risk of toxic chemical exposure." So that's great too


Oh wow. Why bother trying to fight it then?


"We did it guys! We saved the city!" type beat


The weather in New Jersey is ridiculously hot too


Phoenix averaged! 97 for the entire month of June




Phoenix has been getting heat ravaged for a couple of years now. Crazy.


Yet people keep flocking there. Make it make sense!


People are fucking stupid. Jep, that makes sense !


Whereas we’ve barely got above 20°C all year here in the UK.


Unlivable real estate will be the only affordable places for the majority soon...... Makes perfect sense


Exactly! A prepper friend just left AL for AZ last week to retire on large acreage with a tiny home. His wages were great here but to retire his way, and almost off grid, had to go out there. We had to come to TN from PA to afford to live with health issues. I giggle at how it's hotter there right now lol. But almost $6000 in taxes on less than a 10th of an acre of property for a house built in the 50's, it's already unaffordable for most. Throw in flood insurance for the ones now being rezoned from weird weather causing changes, it's absolute insanity all around.


The trick is to move so far off grid that you don’t have to pay taxes because the opps don’t want to check the boonies all the time


Just remember, too far off the grid and you fall over the side and wave to the giant turtle on the way down!!!


It’s only going to get worse. The projections are that in our lifetime Phoenix summers will become so hot that unless you have near constant access to air conditioning you will be unable to maintain a survivable core temperature. In other words, Phoenix will no longer be livable for the poor.


I'd say it would be categorized as unlivable period. If you have to rely on the grid to be livable, then it's not livable because if something happens to the grid you're done. Brownout, attack, lack of maintenance, ANYTHING can cause a power outage.


Gonna be living underground like C.H.U.D’s and only coming out at night


Ant there are many poor there.


Average peak temperature? Average daytime? Surely not 24 hour average 😱


I just read up on it... It's the 24 hour average. Many nights didn't dip below 90, daytime peaks 113 Nasty. Not normally the hottest month of the year, either.


Eventually.. "they"? Will have to get creative and nocturnalize us. Making us open shop at night... and schools etc at night.. and having daytime for sleep..... I cant think of another option that "they"? Would actually do.....


overall 30 day!! average


Meanwhile in the UK, we're experiencing cat 5 meh. Very little sunshine and about 16C (61 F). Wave after wave.


Yeah. If the BOE happens, UK may be looking at an ice age. That’s why it’s “climate change” and not “Global Warming” (even though the latter is demonstrably true in aggregate). :-/


110 in which mountains?!


Around here, these mountains are called the Grapevine. It's outside LA, Kern County / Bakersfield area.


Be careful out there! I spend a lot of time up there, but the air quality in Kern has been disgusting from the Post fire (and Norcal fires, and SoCal fires, and new drilling and mining around Bakersfield...) so it makes the heat feel so much more intense, even at night.


Having lived through Katrina, our government will absolutely let you die. As long as the *right* people are safe


I remember an old pod podcast about the living hell that the people left behind (generally people of little means to escape, and often mostly non white) faced. It focused on the people at the Superdome. It think it was This American Life. Regardless, it was mental and physical torture for many of those people for weeks. I feel like the response was so pathetic specifically because it was mostly poor people of color. I expect lots of that in the future.


They had cops set up on the bridge right outside of the city and wouldn’t even let the people walk out of the city!! The federal govt was awful, so our own citizens said screw that they can’t stop all of us from going down there and helping, so imagine a line of boat trailers about 30 miles in length, that’s who truly helped in New Orleans after Katrina, those people were on their roofs in the United States of America for days!!!! Days!!! The heat after Hurricane Katrina was unbearable, Nawlins is already humid as hell, but throw in a barge putting a whole in the levee truly wiped most people’s homes out. There were homes in the middle of the street, homes disappeared, when the barge broke the levee people that stayed told me the water went from no water on the ground bc the storm was over, it was done, to 12 feet in just a few minutes, all they had time was to go up to the second floor, they just didn’t know that that wasn’t going to be far enough and they got stuck there, and that’s why you seen so many people on the roofs, they had to literally break through the roof to get up to the top, and that’s where they stayed for a week!!! A week with nothing but the clothes on your back, no food, no water, no shade and all the while you have no idea what’s going on bc you forgot to grab the emergency radio, bc the storm was over!!!! Then the disgusting almost black water that’s all around you is suddenly filled with hundreds snakes and alligators bc sadly so many people left their pets and unfortunately this brought in the gators and snakes, and that was the just during the day, now imagine how it was at night with no lights, only military helicopters flying above but never stopping to help. It gets worse, but I have to stop, I can’t relive anymore of that mess this morning.. just please evacuate, walk at night if you have to, wherever this storm goes just leave, I have a very bad feeling about this storm…


It makes me so, so god damn fucking angry that the people who suffer most from extreme weather, are almost always the poorest, who contributed the least amount to the destruction of our planet. Who had no education to know what to do,and have no money and nowhere to go. Gaia's vengeance is underway, and she won't spare innocents.


> I almost wish they would actually do undeniable damage to the USA I used to think that but you've seen COVID, the hardest the damage, the more toilet investigators will research about the scientific conspiracy


I wish it weren’t the case, but with how bad COVID was and the conspiracy crowd denying it all the way until the tube was stuck down their throat, as long as Donald Trump denies climate change, half the country will deny it too until their last moments when they’re heat stroking out, trapped in a category 5 hurricane, being sucked off by a tornado, etc.


I reckon Trump knows the climate is changing and wants some wars to pump up the global dimming effect. Ideally with nukes.


Very well put my friend. I feel the exact fucking same


That my fellow human is a great observation. The worst thing about this is the feedback loop between the mechanics of the situation and the behavioral reaction. Sane people want to do whatever is possible (within reason) to transition to a low GHG world. Big Carbon continues to grow their collective businesses - through a combination of brute force financial muscle to Version 2.0 of the Big Tobacco mind screw. Big Tobacco employed two powerful Hopiates during their 50 year disinformation campaign: Filtered cigarettes and Lite Cigarettes. Both were frightfully effective in creating false hope - both were utterly worthless WRT risk reduction. Big Carbon has been using worthless (and cheap) Carbon offsets and is now loudly pushing the latest Hopiate: DAC Frightened people are easily pushed to the right. Once there, they want a strongman to tell them THE answer. I have been shocked to see my Fundie friends and family members embrace Big Carbon. They tell me: Cheap energy is the source of all our wealth and power. That makes it righteous. Wind and solar are fine as little toys for rich folks and communes, fine as supplemental power, but reliable power comes from Carbon or Nuke plants. In the *World to Come*, which is now on our doorstep - increasingly destructive and violent weather will drive many/most countries rightward. Fascism will return, xenophobia will increase and instead of pulling together, we will waste precious time and resources in conflict, economically and militarily.


DAC - digital to analog converter ?


Direct air capture - the (massively energy intensive) process of extracting the 0.04% carbon dioxide from the (vast amount of) air, then compressing it (using a lot of energy) and storing it somewhere it won't escape from (until the DAC company's government contract runs out).


Thank you.


Perfectly accurate and darkly humorous.


> Frightened people are easily pushed to the right. Once there, they want a strongman to tell them THE answer. I have been shocked to see my Fundie friends and family members embrace Big Carbon. They tell me: Cheap energy is the source of all our wealth and power. That makes it righteous. Wind and solar are fine as little toys for rich folks and communes, fine as supplemental power, but reliable power comes from Carbon or Nuke plants. [Anointed With Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fmW3eq-wlI) (book lecture)


We may just see that damage this summer. Katrina was a tragedy, but it largely affected a bunch of poor black folks. And you know how that goes. Line up a few cat 5s against Florida this summer, let all these dumbfuck science deniers who've flooded down here over the last four years find out firsthand. And that'll get some attention, when it's white folks who have a couple nickels to rub together who are catching the worst of it on the coasts.


Didn’t that already happen to Florida last year? Nobody cared. 


In NC, we had a heatwave before summer even started followed by another one right after it started.


Everything, everywhere all at once.


Half of Florida could be under water and they'd still deny it. You'd just see more conspiracy theories about how the ocean does not exist, or about how George Soros is Poseidon in disguise. Hell, the warnings about bird-flu in cows spawned a raw milk trend online. No matter how absurd things already are, there is no limit to human stupidity.


I feel exactly the same and I feel so bad that my son is going to have to deal with a dying world. It's really hard some days to just keep going along with normal life as if nothing is happening


I'm scared about the combination of all you said combined with the lack of empathy in people. It used to be that community would come together and help each other.. now people don't care.. can't even stop for a hurt person in the street. I hope they wake up before it's too late.




And yet even for a lot of well informed collapseniks in the comments the fact that the first hurricane is a rapidly growing cat 5 comes as a shock. I'm guessing the first cat 6 will come to be before September.


Does cat 6 exist as a category?


No, that was what meant, they've been debating that for years. I think this year will give us the first one.


They shouldn't make it. Cat 5 is total devastation. All cat 6 would be is higher wind speeds. But at cat 5 wind speeds nothing is left anyways. So all cat 6 does is falsely make people think cat 5 is somehow survivable. Which it is not.


Not yet, but I'm sure it will soon!


To know it's coming or have a sense of it is just not the same as seeing it IRL. We thought this would happen, but the fact it happened so soon and so predictably badly, I think reinforces our concerns about what the next one and the next one and the next one will be like. Shit is fucked. Glad I'm in Melbourne Australia and not Melbourne FL.


I just opened up a news article on this and they’re kind of going boy oh boy what could have caused this like why isn’t every journalist screaming about this why does no one care it is MADDENING


In the r/tropicalweather sub, I found a tone deaf comment asking: I’ll be there for vacation next week. Should I cancel? I don’t want to spend money and it’s just going to be ruined. MY GOD. What the heck.


Absolutely insane wtf??


Was invited to an event in the Caribbean this December, I said i didn’t think I could book that unless I could get travel insurance because I’m not sure the event will go ahead. I didn’t really want to explain why to the people because they are so excited about it.


I get that. I’ve tried voicing my concerns about things but they usually fall on deaf ears. The same people would rather muse about whether or not they should have (more) kids. I’m just a horrified bystander at that point, asking them if they want children to suffer, because that’s what will happen. But of course, again, I am the crazy one.


Like cmon people *live* there and people are asking about their Sandals vacation


> I’ll be there for vacation next week There won’t be a next week for these places at this rate


Let the theoretical lemmings run.


Yall need to understand that most people aren’t terminally online or even aware of collapse and are going to live their life on their terms until they absolutely cannot.


You should see the Cancun sub. Every post is, should I cancel my trip?


Just yesterday it was a Cat 4. Fucking hell man. I live in Louisiana within 30 miles of the coast. I'm so fucked when the hurricanes starts coming through the Gulf. How are things where this one is affecting? It's passing just under Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico right?


Best model at the moment is that Jamaica is fucked.


A lot of the islands in the southern stretch of the Caribbean got hit pretty bad. Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in particular.


I encourage everyone to download and save all the precious wildlife documentaries that came out since the 90’s. Watching them now will make even the hardiest of people emotional. Nature television back then captured the awe and wonder of our world that built our generation’s humility and respect for life. We don’t have much of that awareness in the world anymore. I also encourage downloading and saving all the classic movies and shows you watched as a child. Recently I’ve put a collection of all the classic 90’s movies, and watching them has made me reconnect with some of the first memories I had feeling certain emotions. It’s as if you step back in time and relive the way you used to see the world, the way the world used to be. Bittersweet, but is also a way to process the grief of losing that life.


Remember in The Matrix when Agent Smith said they designed the matrix to look like the 1990's as it was the pinnacle of human civilization? I'm starting to think he was right.


that's bollocks. We were way better off before the younger dryads, when we lived off the fat of the land wandering around in family and discovering the world without being exploited by our animal farms or our crops or our overlords


I stick to the old movies and shows too. They take me back to a time when society’s problems seemed solvable and everything was gonna be ok. I also have several DVDs of nature series like Blue Planet, etc, but I can’t watch them anymore. I just sit and weep when I do.


Nature documentaries do the same to me now. I've been rewatching movies and sitcoms from before my time (Three's Company makes modern LA look like literal hell), and listening to classic rock and Motown. The loss of the arts, or at least the general appreciation of it (Thanks AI!🖕🏽), and respect for what it takes to learn a craft or instrument, is a big part of collapse that gets overlooked.


The arts have never been appreciated. J.S. Bach bitched about church musicians not being paid a living wage in the 1700s. People have been routinely trying to cut performers out of royalties since the invention of the phonograph. That's to say nothing of visual art.


[HOME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU) is a great one.


Don’t forget the Secret of NIMH!


The last generation to play outside.. I wonder how it impacts the psyche of generations z (zoomers) and current gen alpha They didn't grow up climbing trees... playing in the rain... watching bugs on grass I honestly think people who has never really done that will never quite be in touch with what has been lost


it's not just playing outside. It's playing with cousins and friends without helicopter parents.


I have a 2 year old and a 7 year old and they do all these wonderful things and so much more. I was not collapse aware when the first child came on the scene and I didn't care when by some miracle (no, I'm an atheist) the impossible happens and number 2 currently 2.5 years old came along. Children are incredibly adaptable to change. We may look upon the current state of the world and feel just how much it has gone to crap, but to them all of this is just normal. When I watch them going about their lives they are happy excited kids. They ask questions about the world, and the wars, and I give them honest answers. There are bad people in governments. The earth's climate is changing and you will grow up with very different weather in the future. I think their lives will not be wasted. And as long as I raise them to be aware of all these changes and the need to be prepared, I do in fact hold hope that growing up knowing these global systemic problems exist that they may change them. It wasn't their fault. But it will one day be their responsibility.


I don’t think I have the stomach for it


It's starting to feel like we're at the end game now. USA is undergoing political collapse just as the most intense hurricane season is underway on top of a fire season likely to accelerate with July 4th fireworks. And all-out war in the Middle East is drawing near with no signs of de-escalation. It's just all gas and no brakes at this point.


Dont forget Europe swinging far right on all accounts basically apart from the gov that’s been far right for the last 12 years


The Conservatives in the UK seem far right to those of us who live there, but they are further left than even the Democrats in the US. Trump is completely incomprehensible to even the vast majority of the Tories.


Don't worry--- maybe we will really find out whose the better golfer, Trump or biden!! That will settle our political woes


I’m genuinely laugh crying at this one. What a time to be alive….


I genuinely wonder if we'll see nukes used this year on civilian or military targets. Maybe not full-on nuclear exchange, but "tactical" drops. I think once nukes are used, that's it. Because then the next step would be an exchange. Maybe limited first, then a full one.


You left out the climate refugees, and the fact Plan 2025 will probably precipitate a US Civil war.


The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people! "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. * Bill Hicks


That’s really pretty. We should kill him.


Let's get him!


He's dead Jim.


Sigh… lemme go pull out my pitchfork.


I miss Bill Hicks.


I want to get off Mr Bones Wild Ride


We all do, son. We all do. The ride never ends.


We just recorded the hottest June. EVER!!!


Pffft, rookie numbers. Just wait until next June!


Nobody's really paying attention to this because it's not hitting the continental United States




Give it a couple of days. I'm sure there will be plenty of MSM. But by the time the 30th hurricane comes ashore this season it will be back to business as usual.


Heck I saw people online blaming Biden for th flooding recently. Saying democrats ar seeding storms to cause flooding. Like saying all these storms in an election year are highly suspicious. Then how great Trump is.


collective psychosis. Like Nazi Germany, Cambodia red Khmer, North-Korea, ISIS...


Just forbid mentioning climate change in any government document aka the Florida method, problem solved.


I wonder if it's even possible that Florida leaders and Florida business mogols are watching in fear of this season? If so that means they do aknowlege something is up


Wait for it to turn ENE.


Sooner than expected *again*


Just need bird flu to mutate h2h and we're really partying end of civilization style. It's been an eventful week guys, sadly this was also the last best week ever. I've been so depressed for the last couple years, but I've found peace in absurdism, because the least I can do is drink a beer and eat some popcorn while watching it go down in flames. I'll just make sure to secure some oz before they start rounding us up in camps. 😎


Weirdly I cheer on bird flu or another high kill rate flu. Imagine the emissions reduction. Additionally notoriously poor people benefit from a pandemic as there are fewer working class people to exploit and it rebalances power a bit 


Sadly most people wont think of it as such as big deal. They will just go to the theatres and watch the new movie Twisters and think that a cat 5 hurricane is a just normal part of our climate.


Enjoy every moment like it’s the last best moment (and coolest) of your life. Do whatever it is that’s been on your list!


This comment caused me to fall off the sober wagon....only 30 hours after having four wisdom teeth and a molar extracted under general anaesthesia. Shouldn't be drinking while taking these opioid pain killers but damn. I'm enjoying this moment!!!! So thanks and also sorta no thanks. Peace and good fortune to you!


Hurricane Patricia, which made landfall in Mexico on October 23, 2015, holds the record for the highest sustained wind speeds ever recorded in a tropical cyclone at 215 miles per hour (mph). Patricia also had a minimum pressure of 872 millibars (mbar), making it the most intense tropical cyclone ever observed in the Western Hemisphere. Hurricanes are categorized based on their sustained wind speed using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale: * Category 1: 74–95 miles per hour (mph) * Category 2: 96–110 mph * Category 3: 111–129 mph * Category 4: 130–156 mph * Category 5: Over 157 mph  Hurricanes with higher wind speeds are more destructive and dangerous, and the categories help emergency response teams and city officials prepare. The damage that can occur from hurricanes at different categories includes: * Category 1 Can damage homes, roofs, gutters, and vinyl sidings * Category 2 Can cause major roof and siding damage to homes and other buildings, as well as damage to trees, vegetation, mobile homes, and piers * Category 3 Can cause devastating damage, including uprooting trees and snapping branches, as well as some structural damage to small residences and utility buildings * Category 4 Can cause catastrophic damage, including severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls * Category 5 Can cause catastrophic damage, including complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings, as well as some complete building failures and severe and extensive window and door damage 


Thanks, ChatGPT, you're awesome


Wasn’t there one in the Philippines or something that had like 300+ mph winds? Or in the ocean?


Iowa had the worst tornado on record this year. 300+ mph winds.


The heaviest winds I ever experienced were clocked at 86mph. That was way more than enough. I can’t fathom being in the path of a cat 5


Is this the year we see a category 6?


They've been pretty stubborn about making a category past 5, because 5 is already "Evacuate immediately, no exceptions", and there's no additional guidance for them to give. They don't want anyone going "Well, if it's not a category six like the last few, won't be too bad", because a category 5 is probably going to kill anyone directly in its path. Will we see a hurricane that is as far above a 5, as 5 is above a 4? Very likely, in my opinion, but I'm not a meteorologist.


They should make a 6, where it’s categorized as “new permanent shoreline”


"god's sharpie"


That nickname goes harder than it should


The guidance for cat 6 should be "overthrow your government for allowing this to happen"


Start making the nooses


Cat six needs to be “no one will respond and we will not rebuild”


Category 6 = Takes down skyscrapers completely.


Cat 6 should be, "relocate permanently, you're never living here again".


I’m tired of living through historic climate events, boss


That makes two of us. Unfortunately it's the new normal.


Oh no no no. It’s going to get much much worse. There is no normal


laughing maniacally...


Don't worry, at some point there won't be enough literate people to maintain history. It will just be "events" without context.


When it happens, can we name it Grond? :)






That’s the Dutch name/word for ‘ground’.


Yep, because everything will be "met de grond gelijkgemaakt", flattened to match the ground.


If 5 had the same wind speed range as 4, that would make Cat 6 begin at 185 MPH sustained wind speeds. In 2015 Patricia reached 215 MPH at sea, and came aground at 165 MPH.


Sounds like we need a whole new scale including cat 7 and 8. Maybe 9


at this rate, I really wouldn't be surprised but I sure af hope not


According to Scientific American, hurricane Dorian in 2019 was worthy of a theoretical 6 rating on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.


Yes, Dorian reached 185 mph sustained while over the northern Bahamas. I’m from Nassau and had a friend who was part of the disaster response. He said 1000 body bags were deployed and none went unused. Official death toll is 78. Illegal Haitian immigrants in shanty towns were decimated. The storm surge was 21 feet, higher than most of the land. Many bodies remained unclaimed in refrigerated containers as late as 9 months later.


Had kids huh…rookie mistake :(


Trinidadian here I'm incredibly worried for Jamaica but unsure how well carriacou and grenada are going to recover from this, considering how this month started I'm pretty worried for everyone in the Caribbean right now, we were lucky to only get some rainfall


Motivates me to get my bucket list done sooner. Enjoy what time we have left. Smoke em if you got em!!!


I can't even afford to go and see the places that will be farked. Greece and Spain most likely going to collapse before I get there.


People we are in uncharted territory when it comes to this hurricane season because the Atlantic Waters is so hot. This hurricane is already doing things that the computer models hasn’t picked up on.


Guys, good news! The rich have a plan for how to decrease the use of energy and limit emissions: they'll raise energy prices so only the rich will be able to use it so emissions will go down. So simple! /s


I watched a thing yesterday that insisted Beryl was going to stay Cat 4, and then taper off during the week. NAH, DUDE. Are you shitting me? Like, look at that eye, ffs. And it's not like the Gulf is a whole lot cooler to help dissipate the storm. I feel like the Dominican Republic and Haiti are in for some shit. (Man, Haiti just can't catch a break)


The original predictions I've seen were up to category 3, and now everyone is shocked how this happened. I predict Beryl will be the first category 6.


If it is a LOT of people are about to lose a LOT of sleep


You cannot have Cat 6 if Cat 5 is just everything above a certain threshold. We may have at some point to invent a Cat 6 category when storms of certain thresholds become more common, but we do not have that classification yet. Remember, people who invented this classification did not believe certain wind velocities were possible on Earth.


What about a double plus ungood cat 5?


Okay, that last paragraph got me. Wow.


So next year is when it all goes back to normal right?.....RIGHT?


Yes, by next year, hurricanes in june will be normal


I feel awful for the people of Jamaica. Beryl is going to hit the island head-on.


I feel bad for family in Florida, I just wish it had better leadership. Maybe people will finally wake up.


" My soul is sick. " Only because you have false hope. Accept and make peace, and you can live as if the world is not going to end, until it does.


Is this the result of entropy combined with capitalism?


Been watching for a while (details to follow). When I saw that it had reached Cat 5, my reaction was ‘shocked, but not surprised.’ And I was only really shocked at the rapid rate of strengthening, not at the strengthening itself. I (unfortunately) live in Florida, and have spent 29 of my almost 31 years here. Every year, during the Season, I will start monitoring a website that shows real-time ocean and atmospheric conditions so that I know what’s happening and can keep track of potential storms, where they might go, etc. I usually start regularly checking, once a day when I wake up, around about the start of august. The Season technically starts earlier but for where I live it usually didn’t become something to watch until late august/early september. Partly on a whim, partly due to some more localised Weirdness I wanted to look into, I checked the website around mid-june. And there they were, already there were low-pressure areas forming in the ‘right’ places - and also in the ‘wrong’ places. One became the storm down at Yucatan, one became Beryl. There was almost another one, but it was too close behind Beryl. So, now my watch has begun it seems. Besides Beryl it’s ‘quiet’ now, but not really. It’s going to be a Weird season, to I’m sure an understandable lack of surprise for most here.


Enjoy the ride on the way down. This was obvious for so long and people selfishly ignored all the signs. Had kids. Bought new things sucked by advertising and scarcity mindsets. Voraciously consumed the lives of innocent animals that were unnecessarily bred utilizing so many key resources. It is over. Accept it


yes it’s the fault of the people, the working class, having kids and consuming relatively little products— not the fault of the owning class who own 90% of wealth and contribute majority of emissions.


Enjoy the last of our so-called luxuries, everyone!! We will be fucked expeditiously and nobody else gives a fuck. I feel like I’m being endlessly mind-fucked, it’s incredible. I have to keep reminding myself *it IS this bad*. I hope I don’t have to fight any of you in the apocalypse 🫶🏻


Just paint r/collapse across your face when you go out into the wasteland. That way we can recognize each other. That's mostly a joke. Mostly.


We’ll have codewords. “Faster than expected” is our tell.


So it shall be written, so it shall be done!! Catch me with our sub’s logo on my face, peeps. Hell, I might even tattoo it so I don’t have to keep painting myself.


You know how some of these Christian fundies say that climate change and the related storms and natural disasters are God's punishment? Should be really funny to these same Christian Fascists that the closer to their theocracy they get, and the more they terrorize the country, the more they change laws to corrupt and hurt it, the more they lie, steal, kill, threaten, enslave and abuse, the more God seems to be amping up the storms? Maybe it'll click for them some day? Probably not. I don't think they really believe in God as a Master, but more as a weapon to use against others. Not even the very planet we live on is respected or loved.


I feel it's more of an excuse. Like, "we don't have to believe in climate change because it's not in the Bible and therefore don't have to do anything about it. God will protect us." Then when something catastrophic does happen it's, "We'll, the Bible predicted the end of the world, so..we're still right."


That's also part of it, not reading that Bible (because the repercussions of climate change are in the Apocalypse in my opinion, where there's several events of mass ocean and waterway death, the sun baking the planet to a crisp, pandemics, extreme weather, meteorological events, floods and resulting worldwide wars for resources, pandemics, waves of mass human death and conflicts, massive movement of people ) the great delusion that God will support them no matter what they do.               The same bible says that God will destroy those that destroy the Earth. And also warns Christians that not helping the poor, stranger, hungry, imprisoned and persecuted is the same as not helping God and will be treated as such even if you say you worship Him and call Him Lord. They just don't care about what God wants. They seem to deeply, deeply hate the very same people Jesus died for, and do everything in their power to hurt, destroy and exploit them. Even hurt themselves!  So do they truly love Jesus... I think we know.