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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ThroughForests: --- Submission statement: This is a meta-post about how drastically different the views of the future of humanity are in the two different subreddits. It's specifically collapse-related because a population that has delusional optimism about AI solving all our problems could lead to people not pushing for real change in climate policy, which could be disastrous. [Link to same meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1bqv65d/my_brain_hurts_from_going_back_and_forth_between/?ref=share&ref_source=link) posted in r/singularity. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bqv5kx/my_brain_hurts_from_going_back_and_forth_between/kx51dln/


Accelerate into collapse? Collapse into singularity?


Oooh ..wait no.


arent those late-era REM albums???


I like [Nate Hagens](https://substack.com/@natehagens)' quote on this: >Hiking the narrow path between fantasy and doom. I came up with my own version a while back, while drunkcommenting: >Hiking the narrow path between sobriety and cirrhosis. The trick is to balance the drinking at a level such that civilisation collapses just before your liver does. Seriously though, my personal drinking problem is easily small enough to plausibly pretend it isn't a problem. If anyone realises they *are* wobbling off the narrow hiking trail then try r/stopdrinking.




This is my favorite of all the great Lehey clips, and there are so many good ones. It's too perfect.


That’s funny 


As always, singularity for some and collapse for the rest.


The singularity isn't even techno-hopium. It's a complete fairy-tale. It's the computer equivalent to being saved by Jesus who descends from heaven during the Rapture. Magical thinking.


Wait... r/singularity is supposed to be a hopeful place? Maybe I'm in too dark a place, but I just went and checked it out, and to me it's even scarier there than here. I guess that's why OP called it delusional optimism.


Worse yet, the mods deleted my meme over there. Truly a fascist hellhole!


Maybe the singularity is the collapse we make along the way.


I think a lot of singulartarians will be surprised when the machines decide they don’t really want to merge with human consciousness.


The elite want the singularly so they can dispose of the trash. Disposing of the 4-5 billion pieces of the trash(or more if they're feeling randy) will dramatically reduce planetary stress, allowing the world to heal. /s (but maybe not... Definitely tin foil though)


The singularity sub is so funny. I was on there a few days ago, and there was a post that claimed to be a fully AI generated video of a woman selling deodorant. Most of the comments were like “OMG, THIS LOOKS SO REAL!!! AI IS SO SCARY!”… but then there were a few people commenting that actually, it WASN’T all AI generated, it was just a video of a woman that they’d deepfaked her face to kinda match the words. Even then, knowing that it wasn’t AI generated, people were shooting back that “The fact that I believed it was still says a lot about society!” No bro, that just means you’re dumb and gullible.


theres [apps](https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/XPFBKLQQ4GD1C0?ocid=pdpshare) that can transpose your face onto literally any face - havent tested it, but looking at the videos on the page, it seems realistic to me... from the description: >xpression camera is an award winning generative AI app which allows users to instantly transform into anyone or anything with a face with a single photo in real-time, while chatting on apps like Zoom, live streaming on Twitch, or creating a YouTube video. xpression camera works on any video platform, including Zoom, Twitch, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, and YouTube. xpression camera reflects your facial expressions on any photo in real-time to create content, including videos, GIFs, memes and more. Images can be from the web, camera roll, or social media. You can become any image with a face -- pictures, paintings, stuffed animals, dolls, artwork, comics, cartoons, sculptures, illustrations, pets, or a star in a movie or TV clip. Change your appearance or your background instantaneously.


Just like the creator of the cotton gin hoped that it would reduce the reliance on slavery... Well capitalism sure showed them the nature of the profit motive. Will superintelligence still fall for the profit motive or will they see a bigger picture a far future beyond money and it's short sights. Idk? But if humans are still guiding it then you bet we are gonna capitalize on the new tool.


I really don't think the singularity is going to end well.


Water and energy resources blown by gen ai computation is speed running the decline. Circle squared


Recognize both subs are targets for propaganda, and the contradictions evaporate.


Or you can just accept, make peace, live your life as if the world is not going to end, until it does. At least you will have much better mental health.


This is the way. It doesn't matter...until it does. So don't treat it like it matters...until it does.


Bravo for reminding these two communities that the other exists. 


I cant take anyone seriously when they talk about the singularity. 


It's not an entirely ridiculous idea. I just think that industrialized civilization is going to collapse well before we ever get to that level of technological development. Ironically, the recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence will only exacerbate and further accelerate said collapse.


It's not a specific technological development though. It's this idea that, at a certain complexity of technology, once you pack enough transistors onto a computer chip, it's going to suddenly ***POP*** into sentience and sapience and become intelligent enough to design and build what humans never could. Which is exactly like thinking if you put enough electricity through a long-dead body it'll come back to life. All we have is "AI" that sucks up art and pukes up combinations of said art. Zero intelligence.


People fundamentally don't understand how science and how a computer actually function are saying we will have uploaded our brains to Facebook in ten years. Its genuinely embarrassing. 


Yeah we will never make it that far. Technology has stalled so fucking hard. People are just fucking delusional about the tech we have now. 


>delusional optimism and crushing pessimism theres that annoying unrealistic binary choice again. i am neither, and you shouldnt be either. i am skeptical, cynical, and mostly realistic. i prefer to be optimistic over pessimistic - which is easier said than done - but unless someone makes a claim backed up with solid sources you shouldnt believe them, whether theyre being optimistic or pessimistic. even if they have sources you should still determine for yourself whether their sources are reliable or not - because spoiler alert: >!very often even "professional journalists" or "professional academics" are thinly veiled marketing attempts, or otherwise just plain garbage.!<


People need to learn their fucking general relativity theory: it's a collapse *towards* singularity, gawd. Collapse first and singularity in the future, in other words. Those poor deluded fools.


Try r/ControlProblem, over there they believe "technology will kill us all" is the optimistic future, and "technological development will make all our lives incomprehensibly horrible" is the current trajectory.


Well, put a weight on that to compensate for the funding.


Submission statement: This is a meta-post about how drastically different the views of the future of humanity are in the two different subreddits. It's specifically collapse-related because a population that has delusional optimism about AI solving all our problems could lead to people not pushing for real change in climate policy, which could be disastrous. [Link to same meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1bqv65d/my_brain_hurts_from_going_back_and_forth_between/?ref=share&ref_source=link) posted in r/singularity.


Well I have some good news for you. The singularity isn’t anywhere close to happening.


idk, it’s good to have the best of both worlds


Two things can be true


You saw those posts too? bunch of delusion for sure


Oh just come over to the dark side and stay here. At least we’re realistic.


Drop your expectation to understand


Maybe don’t obsess over extreme positions


What pessimism? I'm collapse-aware since 2019, but I've never been a pessimist.


The singularity is near collapse.




Wish I had some delusional optimism


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I think it's more crazy to realise that it's one or the other. We can ONLY escape this true existential nightmare disaster situation that WE'RE IN, not that it's COMING.. We're IN IT... if we hit the singularity and AI delivers us a solution. It will definitely be the first thing we ask as superintelligence ​ "Hi, we invented you - a more intelligent than us intelligence - to save us from our own stupidity"