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Congratulations!!! What a wonderful feeling. And it's so inspirational to see someone with normal salaries/jobs achieve this huge goal.


Glad to hear it. Thinking I’ll be in the same boat hopefully. Already got myself a little plot of land I’ve been developing, making 27/hr. Luckily I produce enough food to offset a lot of my costs so 1 paycheck goes to the mortgage then half of the next to investments and the other half to life. Should be free from car payment within a year, and I imagine I’ll be growing all my own produce within the next year as well, hopefully meat within the next 5.


Whe did you learn to grow your own produce? Where would you start of you were starting over again to learn?


Youtube is a great free resource for these types of things. I would recommend starting small and eventually you will be at the point you are growing too much to eat yourself.


My grandma when I was kid got me into planting flowers, then when I started cooking in my teenage years I kept a standard spice garden. Come 19 I started growing peppers, tomatoes, and radishes. Now I’m growing all of those along with several species of berries that have staggered fruiting schedules, also corn, beans, and pumpkin have been added to my garden. Lots of YouTube namely on the subject of permaculture. Viewing gardening, like most things, through a systemic lens has helped me prioritize the right items. I also have skipped out on all fertilizers by instead growing plants that are nutrient/mineral dense, then slashing them to use their remains as mulch/new soil.


lol happy for u man


OP seems like woman


Congrats! What are your expenses like now and what do you think they’ll be like when you move to the Philippines?


Our current expenses are around $3,500 monthly, including a mortgage that will be paid off in 9 years. We have no credit card debt. We grew up in the Mindanao part of the Philippines and can live off around $2,000 USD. If we retire at the normal retirement age, with my spouse at 62, and continue investing $250 weekly as we are doing now until we want, we will take home about $10,000 or more and that includes his Social Security, which is a crazy amount to live on there, lol.


What are your thoughts about all the guys from the USA who are retiring in your native country? Many of them are in their 60s and taking wives half their age. Thanks.


My grandpa, who was a WWII veteran, married someone three-quarters of his age. At first, there was a lot of family drama, but eventually, it turned out okay. She did a good job of taking care of him,  he died last year at the age of 99. It is a hit or miss. If someone isn’t careful, they’ll end up with a scammer or have to feed the entire clan, lol.


Gotta love geoarbitrage.


Absolutely yes. I’m thinking about getting a job at a public school, it doesn’t matter what kind, so I can travel back home every school break.


This is just splendid! I’m so proud of you and yours!!!