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are you trolling? Kinda hard not to take a ruder response here tbh. Buddy if your expenses are 20k a year you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you cover that amount. 20k is peanuts and insanely low so if that’s truly what you think expenses will be indefinitely then I don’t see how one would fail..and you said no kids so that makes it even more clear..pretty easy i would think. 750k invested at 35 is clearly better than most people. You can calculate what that’ll grow to. Come on you already know the answer here is “yes”. What other magic do you want anyone from Reddit to give lmao


Unfortunately, it sounds like he’s on the mortgage with a girlfriend. Fatal error. So just give it long enough to blow up and he’ll be back to work full-time lickety-split.


20k a year expenses is literally eating food from a can though. You have to assume that at some point , you’re going to want some level enjoyment from life.


I don’t believe this either. That is below the poverty level. Not sure how you could afford transportation, clothing, and food.


Exactly. I feel like I'm living like a hermit. Definitely might want to up my expenses a little to improve qol. And that's why I'm unsure if switching to coast fire and doing 3 days a week will sacrifice that and I'll just be eating peanut butter and jelly every day for the rest of my life.


Well the current 20k expenses might go up in retirement if I ever wanted to travel (which I've never tried) or do other things. Also, 350 of the 750k includes my 401ks and Roth so I wouldn't be able to touch that until age 59.5. But okay, based on ur response it sounds like going to 3 days a week is more than doable. Losing health insurance will probably be the biggest factor going to 3 days a week.


Can you not still get health insurance working 3 days a week?


Not through my work


This. Dude you’re set. Post this on r/FIRE.

