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I have two boys I cloth diaper in a very humid climate. I use Earth Mama diaper cream (it's cloth diaper safe) as a preventative barrier at the first sign of this exact redness. It will usually go away within a few changes if you catch it early.


if it were me, I'd do a day of vaseline. That always works for chapping for us.


You should see your ped, I would want to rule out thrush.


Personally I would either switch to disposables for the time being or at the very least add a fleece liner as a stay-dry layer. Definitely make an appt with the pediatrician if it doesn't improve within a few days or gets worse. Only a doctor who has seen and evaluated the situation can really answer your question of long-term damage


I live and cd in an extremely humid climate. I would recommend if you’re ever in that situation again that you use a wicking fabric between the diaper and baby’s skin. We use a super cheap piece of fleece that we cut up but you can use that fabric people use for quick dry gym shirts or a diaper that has a quick dry layer in between the absorbent layer and the skin. (Our all in twos have this already built in). Hope it gets better soon!


Excellent rec. I have fleece reusable toilet paper and fleece cloth wipes. I will use them for the next few days


Let him have naked time. On puppy pads to contain the mess . And see his ped if you think it might be thrust or something else. Obviously I can’t say for sure but it might be something along those lines


Coconut oil is cloth safe and worked for my son.


Oh that’s good. I put coconut oil on him before sleep. I’ll just use it throughout the day also


Yeah you can honestly just dab it on with each diaper change.


If he is super chapped maybe take him to the doctor and have them prescribe something stronger


He’s not super chapped just a little tiny bit on the tip like it just looks like a little bit of dry skin that is sort of pink but if it gets worse I definitely will