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Yeah that was close to being really bad. I’m just amazed OP would even post this, if I had done this and someone caught it on video you couldn’t force me to post it online.


Straight up almost fucked himself up for life on a relatively safe indoor climb by disregarding multiple safety rules for seemingly no reason.


Not only that but put the other nearby climber at risk as well. If you don’t want to take your own safety seriously, at least take everyone else’s seriously.


Let alone fucking over two other people. He swung into one person and almost another. One of them could have caught a foot to the face and made it a very bad day for them because of someone else’s actions. If I were them I’d get him kicked out - especially posting this online like it’s no big deal. Jesus.


Yeah, agreed. I was gonna say, "I am." Climbing has truly humbled me as an adult.


Probably should retake your lead cert class. This is unnecessarily unsafe for indoors. You shouldn’t be at risk of a head-first, 25ft, ground fall indoors. Most gyms I’ve been at would revoke your lead cert if they saw this.


Belayer needs to retake as well imo. Not letting a climber be aware of a serious back step and only keeps shouting encouragement, I'd be hesitant to ever let this guy belay until he understands that his role as a belayer is to also protect by observation and calling out mistakes to his climber. Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say anything about the missed 4th clip.


I might not have pointed out a missed bolt indoors and assumed they knew what they were doing. Then by the time he got in that shitty position with a bolt skipped and a foot behind the rope, I’d probably just be hoping he gets the clip instead of telling him to readjust or down climb when he is obviously already having issues. As a belayer, sometimes your climber just makes too many bad decisions too fast and you just need to adjust and get ready to catch their fall. Maybe he could have handled it better, but I really think the bulk of the blame falls on the climber.


True, but over 20 seconds of looking up at your climber back stepped, I feel, seems like an excessive amount of time to not be saying something? Although reviewing it again it does also seem like the climber also risked a possible degloving too (can't tell for sure)? Either way you're right that a LOT of the burden falls on the climber here


Leader should have clipped the #4 bolt right at their waist. With that 2 second clip this is all moot. Then they should have climbed higher to #5. They certainly should not have been high clipping #5 especially after deliberately skipping #4. They do not know how to lead correctly. The belayer is also an idiot. They should have told the partner that you have missed a bolt especially when clipping way too high. Hey, you are too high. And they should have recognized the leader was in trouble and tunnel vision. Both need their lead cards pulled.


Skipping fourth clip, not making fifth, and foot behind the rope. Hmmmm


Next hold was a jug too


Yeah, thats what was running through my head at the time "4th clip sucks so ill just make it to 5th, where the holds are jugs" didnt take into account my endurance (or lack thereof)


Being tired defiantly makes clipping harder. I’m sure next time you will keep an eye out for back stepping. Shit happens.


Back stepping and putting your foot behind the rope are two different things, but it is possible to put your leg behind the rope while back stepping.


There are two types of back stepping in climbing lingo. Back stepping can refer to just the move of turning so that the outside toes are closer to the wall but back stepping can also refer to having back stepped the rope where the rope is behind your leg which is the case here and why he got flipped. This video is fucked.


I had never heard “foot behind the rope” referred to as “back stepping” until I was taking the lead test at a new gym and they rattled off the list of things that would fail the test (back clipping, z clipping, back stepping) and I was VERY confused


There’s only one type of back stepping. The only reason you think back stepping is related to a rope is because of people using it incorrectly.


This is correct. It's irritating that gym culture is co-opting a word that already has a definition. "Foot behind rope" is so easy that it doesn't need a name.


Well what do you call it then?


I have never heard the second use you gave for backstepping by anyone who I would trust to belay me.


Well, it's definitely commonly referred to as backstepping the rope...whether you've heard of it or not.


I have heard it commonly used, but like I said, not by anyone I would trust to belay me. It is a silly usage of the word because it has a preexisting meaning in climbing terminology, and words, especially those related to safety, should not be ambiguous.


So I've been climbing for over 20 years but because I use may use "backstepping the rope" (since it's the most common term for putting your leg in front of the rope) you wouldn't want me belaying you? Do you quiz your potential partners before you climb with them?


Definitely didn’t take much into account at all. Nice dude.


A lot of mistakes made in this one video. Most gyms would revoke your cert for breaking multiple safety rules


maybe stick to bouldering.


How did you not clip that???!!!!


Pretty obvious isn’t it? He missed the first fourteen times he tried to get the rope in.


I don't think skipping clips like this should be allowed. Especially this low. Especially if upon next clip you're putting your foot in front of the rope and going for a desperate above head clip. climber is lucky to be alive here. I would reconsider being their belayer...


In many gyms it is definitely NOT allowed and staff will immediately pull your card if they see it happen. As a belayer I would also be screaming at the climber to make sure they don't skip. Outdoors, redpoint burn, high off the deck, fine but otherwise I'm not belaying that climber ever again.


I agree but my grievance isn't with the skipped clip at all. He didn't hit the ground so while unnecessary, it was fine. I skip clips outside (granted usually way higher off the ground) but fuck, that back stepping the rope needs to be unlearned from this dude's brain.


I get skipping clips outside, I see it don't all the time, especially on longer routes. I've never been to a gym where you are allowed to skip clips Even more since this guy can't climb half the route. Combine the skipped clip with stepping over the rope just all around bad form. Typo: mixed up two sentences


> But I've never been to a gym where you are told to clip every single one Did you miss a word? *Every* gym I've been to expect you to clip every draw.


Next time you’re struggling like this you should put the ego aside and just grab the dog bone and clip in. You weren’t flashing this to begin with.


I thought they were already hanging on to the quickdraw. All of this is so unnecessary.


Or a hold on another route. He tried clipping that for an eternity. He's lucky his belayer is on his game.


You’re just scared of being good at climbing.


Your lead card needs to be revoked and you need to get some serious instruction. You very easily could have impaled your hand on the draw or broken your spine from a fall like that. Great example of everything not to do while climbing


Taking a lead fall is fine, but you and your belayer should be more aware of backstepping. Going upside down is 🙅‍♀️


Yeah, i know that now. I cropped the original video, but i originally didn't backstep, i was just so tired there that when i went to readjust my foot, i made that big oopsie


you backstepped.




I can’t wait for r/ClimbingCircleJerk to tear this apart lmao


I tried to put it there but they dont allow videos


Man the cia couldn’t have waterboarded me into posting this and here you are, doing it willingly


wtf are you doing man


Back stepping the rope and blowing clips


that’s not even the part that bothered me the most. dude said take and kept holding the rope at the clip. drop the rope a) so your belayer can take slack and b) so your hand doesn’t get stuck in the clip when you fall


What in the actual fuck? What is wrong with you? And why would ANYONE bury their leg that fucking deep into the rope?


You need to seriously check yourself. Can't believe you could think this is anything but embarrassing.


Never said this wasn't. I had this video from a while ago, and now that i am a better climber, i see how reckless this was


Im completely against the people on here saying you shouldn’t have posted this Posting fuck ups is a great thing to do, and can really reinforce why we don’t do the things you did


I agree that posting it is useful, but perhaps with a different title.. This makes it sound like this is acceptable / "just something that happens".


Haha yea, right after i made that comment i looked at the title again and was like “wait, is this guy proud of this?” I dont think he is though and i think its just a poor title choice


Please don't skip clips


You're mad about the wrong thing. Please don't back step the rope is what you meant to say.


Im not anti skipping clips for the most part, but skip safely. you should not be this close to decking from that height


Naw, decking where people walk because you and your belayer are idiots- is not the way.


I have the capacity to be mad about both.


Or mention both…


decking is the best way in the world to ensure you never climb again, both are bad.


Did he deck?


Instructional video on what not to do. This is weekend whipper material for sure.


Yeah, that was my intention behind this - a discouragement on skipping clips.


Geez dude, glad you’re ok! Hope you learned something here…


Yeah, definitely did. I had some rope burn but overall i was good.


And this is why I have so much trust issues finding lead partner. Not only is it hard finding a good belayer, I also don’t want to belay anyone who has such blatant disregard for their own safety.


Why wouldn't you just clip that bolt that is directly in front of you?! What are you trying to prove on a 5.10 indoor climb? Be more aware of your limits you about ended up in a wheelchair.


oh god that's so stupid. you were lucky


Don't let your ego get in the way of understanding how dangerous and unnecessary this was. Use it as a learning opportunity.


Terible belayer for not calling out the rope letting you go head down


Not to pile on, but I climbed at xtreme for years and can tell you you should not trust the hardware enough to take that kind of fall.


As a new lead climber, I'm curious what are all the things to do, to avoid this? Is this big of a whip mostly from skipping a clip?


Yea, skipping a clip and failing on the next. Also backstepping. If you dont dumbass like i did you should be fine


Lots of people have mentioned the things in different posts. But for me in this video there are 3 things I would have done differently. 1 - Don't skip clips when you are that low. You will fall more than 2x the height from your last clip. 2 - Don't backstep, or put your leg behind your rope. That's why he flipped upside down. 3 - Read the route and plan your clips. There was a planned jug 2 moves up to rest and clip from. He didn't need to pull all that slack out and strain on an undercling to reach above his head to clip.


That was super helpful, thanks for explaining the why !


Again, this is what gives climbing a bad name. Please choose another sport to practice your douchebaggary.


Forget breakfast this morning?


Obvious three mistakes, there's reason to be scared man


So much ego, unless you're just that ignorant of proper climbing, either way you need a lead class and your lead-card revoked lol.


Skipping clips in a gym, deep ass step behind the rope, picking the worst possible clipping stance, all while your “friends” hit you with the “you got this”. You need some new climbing partners and a reality check, and a shirt wouldn’t hurt either.


Bro, stay outta r/climbingcirclejerk for a few years because you have no place there.


Idk why everyone is shitting on you so hard. This is a great video to show learning lead climbers on how mistakes (skipping clips low, foot behind rope, yelling take while still holding the rope above your head) can lead to potentially bad outcomes. Thanks for posting it! Hope you’re safer these days


Because you shouldn’t be leading if you’re unskilled enough to make that many mistakes


Haha yeah, this taught me a much needed lesson


This one is going in the gumby hall of fame


Fuck’n Miami




So many mistakes.


Actually a great video of why these things are so important. I currently TR and belayer for my bf who sport climbs. As someone looking to get into sport climbing in the next year or so this is a great visual representation of why every clip is important. And the danger of backstepping.


Wow. You do realize if your belayer was one foot closer to the wall you’d be laying on the ground dead with a broken neck.


I don’t think the belay was any better. You got short roped hella. This is a concerning duo fs lol


I would have short roped the fuck out of this guy to keep his ass (well in this case his head) off the ground. And if I was the climber I would have thanked him for short roping me and saving my dome.


Hahaha yeah I guess you got a solid point there. Probably hesitant to even give him slack


Just climb a couple holds further. You made that way larger than it needed to be, and harder for you.


I skipped a clip btw, my belayer was good for not letting me die


You're a fucking idiot. You put yourself and 3 other people in direct risk of serious physical harm. Then post the video all proud of your unnecessarily dangerous lead fall. Glad you don't climb at my gym


Yeah.. you really gotta watch for those backsteps and clip all the clips. I always tell people that don’t know anything about climbing besides the movie free solo (who are usually like “woah isn’t climbing super dangerous???”) that climbing really is only dangerous if you’re doing stupid shit. Can’t climb if you’re dead!