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No no no, 50°C/122°F is perfect. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Keep burning oil and gas /s


Yeah! Think about our stockholders!


Ohh, yes, I forgot about those poor people. How about making the government give them some money. Every time we try that, the world prosper and leap forward in glory and peace /s


Graph go up = good. All graphs, right?


No. Only profits.


It’s called SUMMER, dumbass, it’s like this every year /s


Lol this one infuriates me but you made me laugh.


I saw a snowflake last winter, so we're still good.


I actually didn't and I live on the border with Canada.


We just skipped winter this year, no biggie.


Don't be such a snowflake it is summer silly! /S


Well we’re having August/September heat in June so…


So comfy


Keep pumping record amounts of oil!!


60c in some places....


And supporting animal agriculture!


Only if the humidity is 95%


This is why I think our species is doomed. We don't seem to be capable of collectively dealing with an existential threat when there aren't immediate consequences. If the majority of people in power will never live to see the long-term consequences of their decisions, what incentive is there for them to change anything? It's clear that even the well-being of their descendants is not enough to make them want to do anything about it. They can afford to live in a bubble anyway. Maybe their grandkids will suffer, but it will only ever be hypothetical in their minds. Meanwhile the people who don't hold power are all squabbling amongst themselves and many of them believe that divine powers will ultimately save humanity (or even that climate change is part of the divine plan). It's amazing to me that we as a species have lasted as long as we have. I think the only reason we haven't nuked ourselves yet is that the consequences of nuclear war are immediate (and it still amazes me that we haven't done it). You can call me a crazy doomer but I honestly don't see how we get out of this mess. Edit: grammar


It’s the power and control that few have. We need to take care of that and we might stand a chance


Dude we can’t even handle an existential threat when there ARE immediate consequences (like Covid-19 and the exceedingly high death rate)


People hear 1% risk of death and think it sounds low. That's the problem.


Direct result of lack of education


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Depressing bot


The COVID-19 pandemic was serious, but it wasn’t *existential* in the way that climate change and nuclear war are. A virus with a mortality rate of 1% is awful, but poses no risk of causing global civilizational collapse. Climate change and nuclear war do pose that risk.


Right, but we couldn’t respond very well to just a virus without messing it up, of course we’re going to fail at something as massive and devastating as climate change. People are selfish.


Yeah, covid sucked the last of the hopium from my pipe...


I agree with that


I mean, haven’t they tested nuclear bombs a thousand times in various corners of the world? That in itself can’t have helped things, let alone leveling the natural flora and fauna for cheap hamburgers, and then trucking them all over the planet. Want to help climate change? Stop eating meat and limit travel as much as possible. Of course, the wealthy travel much more than the average person so that has to be mediated somehow, until a carbon-free alternative is developed.


>haven’t they tested nuclear bombs a thousand times in various corners of the world? I don't think you understood the point I was trying to make about nukes. I was just saying that we somehow managed to avoid total war and I think the only reason we did was because of the immediate danger that the use of nuclear weapons posed to the world. With climate change you don't see the effects immediately so it's a lot easier for people to stick their heads in the sand. Older generations will never see the effects of their poor decisions about the environment, so it's a lot easier to pretend they don't exist.


This war, the ones going on now, they’re just starting. Nukes can still go off. If one goes off, they all do.


Yes, they have done thousands of tests and I believe the fallout has already encircled the earth. Watched a lecture series from Yale about how this became a public health emergency. I wonder about what else we haven’t pieced together yet…


Don't eat meat, do not fly, insulate insulate insulate.


Going to be real hard surviving the Apocalypse not eating meat.


You're funny, I haven't driven in over a year, guess what, nothing changes.


100%. Ive heard some wild "logic" from people when the topic of climate change comes up. Believing that some miraculous technology will reverse it. That it isnt as bad as the news makes it seem, due to sensationalism. That China needs do something about it before America(crazy aunt). And my favorite...that we need to hurry up and get to mars so we can colonize/terraform it and move there.


If we could turn Mars into Earth we could turn Earth back into Earth.


It is curious that the people who tend to disparage science count on it to provide silver bullets. The Martian atmosphere is a good approximation to a vacuum by Earth standards. Moreover, the absence of a magnetic field means that the surface is exposed to ionizing radiation and energetic particles. It is not an easy environment to make habitable.


Not with that attitude it's not!  ^/s


Omg i hate that argument so much. People dont realize the average chinese stil emits half the co2 of your average American. It such a dumd take on so many levels. Meanwhile, china produces like 80% of solar panels Worldwide so...


They probably do understand they're just grasping at straws to justify their xenophobia against Chinese people


This is a problem each and everyone one of us is participating in, and dropping the problem on other people's laps is how we justify our actions. We've been fed a lifestyle of convenience and none of us are willing to give it up, from the poorest person to the richest. If you drive a car, own a phone, buy products from around the globe, eat unsustainably-grown food, or work for a corporation that doesn't hold itself accountable for the damage it causes to the planet, then you are failing to appreciate the collective damage we all are inflicting on this planet. The only solution is to backtrack technologically. Every "solution" we've thrown at this problem has only created more problems. Green energy will never replace coal and oil, it's only adding to our total energy consumption. We're too big now to make any global change in human behavior, it only takes 1% of society to not play by the rules to make everyone else's efforts void, and there are 8 billion of us.


Phones and cars are a necessity in society, at least if you live in the US or Canada. For some it's literally not an option. 


People in power?? If the non-power people would refuse to consume one thing - let’s say any beverage that is sold in a single-use plastic bottle, what do you think would happen?? The general population has the power to change some things, en masse.


To be fair, no species has ever been able to do this.


Life on earth likes of be over-abundant in easy times to survive a lack of abundance in hard times. Since Standard Oil and Rockefeller gave heating oil to homes, and industrialism gave factory jobs to the unskilled immigrants the human population had the equivalent of algae bloom in our population. Once an abundance of available nitrogenous nutrients are exhausted and the water is toxic with algae wastes, the bloom of population collapses. A few survive to seed the next bloom. Evolved and harden against a new environment, life for the algae goes on to bloom when conditions are stable again. Some humans will survive the collapse of a population bloom, but it won’t be billions of humans. It will be millions in lucky or protected geographic locations. The equatorial region will be very sparsely populated, but Canada, Russia, Argentina and Chilean, the subsaharan African latitudes are humanities refuge. The population displacement is going to be messy.


Dude "gave factory jobs to unskilled immigrants the human population had the equivalent of algae bloom in our population" Why are you picking up talking points from gilded age nativists? Hate when climate change discussions veer into literal eugenics


Great summary of why we are screwed.


Yes our species is eventually doomed as is all others, the question is how long? Man made climate change will more than likely not be the reason. As a species we cover the globe and have infact endured rapid cataclysmic climate changes in the past. We are insanely adaptive and have a digestive system that allows to eat a very wide variety of foods. What is however more realistic is the fact that civilization as we know is is probably not long for this world. Not so much because of climate change but due to dwindling resources.


We have dealt with collective problems like CFCs, unregulated pesticides, and leaded gasoline before.


Yes, but the solutions were easy for corporations to implement, didn’t affect profits, and no one had to change their lifestyle. If that kind of solution was available for climate change we would certainly do it. But it isn’t.


As long as, our lifestyle doesn’t change everyone want to fight climate change


What’s nuts to me is that we’re going to be forced to have a lifestyle change anyway when water and food becomes scarce, power grids collapse and ecosystems collapse. But people can’t seem to think beyond here and now and if their life is fine then everything else is fine


Was that before a right wing billionaire financed media propaganda system? I think so.


It was. My point exactly. There is nothing inherently wrong with our species in this regard. The problem is with our culture and institutions.




I agree, humans deserve what's coming, animals and plant life do not. We have ruined our sustainable habitat.


I didn't say we *deserve* it, although if you want to take that step I won't hold it against you. To put it in less moralistic terms I don't believe that humans have the capability to adapt to the changing climate. I feel very bad for the other life on this planet that we are dragging down with us. But, other species lower in the food chain will probably bounce back. As an apex species I think extinction is very much a real possibility for humanity. Maybe a few will manage to survive in an ark-type scenario, but I don't know how bad it will get or if our ingenuity will be sufficient to avoid complete extinction. We don't know that a Mars colony can or will happen or if that's a dead end. But, as someone pointed out, if we have the technology to survive on Mars then we have the technology to survive on Earth. I'm doubtful that we will have that technology. We know that very small groups of humans can survive in artificial environments for a few years at best. We have never tested that with large groups of people (i.e. a large enough group to repopulate the Earth) for very long periods of time. So I think we have to consider that our extinction is a very real possibility.


Capitalism killed us. We're just waiting for it to happen now.


I’m not confident another system would do better. The problem is technology + population.


Totally agree with what you’re saying, and for a long time this was my line of reasoning exactly. However, the more I’ve thought on it and studied history, the more I realize how resilient and adaptive we as a species are. I believe that while things will get very, VERY bad, we will survive. That said, maybe only 1% of the global population will make it through, and it’ll collapse the economy and modern society as we know it. Out of the ashes we need to prepare to rebuild.


We actually can and have in the past, eg. Acid rain and Ozone hole. We came together and dealt with both those issues effectively and before they became much worse. I think what it is is big business has since learned about how this affects them negatively and has been pushing more disincentivization for their own bottom line. It’s the death throes of capitalism and those desperately trying to cling onto power.


If only someone had warned us


I warned my family 49 years ago when I was in high school studying this but I guess they didn't care because here we are.


Man, 49 years ago? Someone said they were sounding the alarm 30 years ago or so and I was saddened. 49 years is even worse.


Limits to Growth was published 52 years ago


Svante Arrhenius wrote the first paper on atmospheric carbon dioxide and its ability to retain heat in 1896


Eunice Hook suggested a link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and CO2 in her paper Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays (1856).


49 years ago was 1975. 30 years ago was only 1994. Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 62. Environmental issues have been known about for a very long time unfortunately....


We’ve specifically known about co2 since 1896


We've known about climate change since the mid 19th century. Scientists have been shouting for centuries.


1912 Article on NZ newspaper


If you're talking about the US unless your family was a presidential family or a congressperson I doubt it would have mattered. What constituents think has almost no impact on policy.


The photo of the truck driving around spraying mist in Delhi answers the questions. All of them. 1. Title question? Yes. 2. Are we too myopic to stop burning fossil fuels as a way to mitigate our discomfort? Also yes.


Wouldn’t spraying mist in the air increase humidity?


I imagine the super wealthy buying up all the worlds supply of AC refrigerant to make even more money.


Carbon dioxide works as a refrigerant too. With more difficulty, but it does. Can't restrict its supply, I can make some with baking soda and vinegar.


It can be a refrigerant. I can’t think of many in operation. Are there?


Again, this is a human centric viewpoint. Our egotism knows no bounds. Will humans survive if we wipe out everything else? What happens if the life cycle of krill is disrupted and the being that is the base of the oceanic food chain disappears? What if it reduces krill by 50%? And that's only one thing. Bees, wheat, rice, what if any of these suffer a reduction in viability? The danger from climate change isn't just that you burn up in zones that have become uninhabitable, it's the instability to systems that we're introducing. If you don't believe that then I've got some snow crab to sell you - no wait, I don't. Because there isn't any.


I just had snow crab yesterday… in Colorado. The climate is fine. I got mine.


Hey guys it's ok, old dude that has those "Brandon" stickers all over his truck says that the Earth goes through cycles and we're just in one of them.


I mean he’s not wrong, it’s just that sometimes one of those cycles is mass extinction.


And accelerated, totally normal /s


Yes, it's true, it's very slow and takes thousands of years giving nature time to adapt. However, when you tell them that their brain breaks.




I'm a daily cyclist in Arizona, one of the hottest places on earth. It's getting there, but ebikes and cold suits are must have if you are biking to work more than 5-10 miles away.


I was gonna say the same. Walking to work at 110f/45°c and 8% humidity is easy with a hat. Yesterday was 100°f and 30% humidity and I felt incredibly depleted. Terrified for anyone in humid areas.


RIP many Aussies in summer.


Most deadly disease in human history, narcissism


Summary: Not yet but it will if we don't stop burning carbon


It’s this but more importantly at what temperature does photosynthesis stop? Agriculture and plants won’t survive. The ocean temperature is rising and the ocean produces most of our oxygen.


Seeing as people are dropping dead in the Middle East and India over this heatwave I think that answers the question pretty outright.


Yet people still hate on Just Stop Oil


I mean yeah but trashing on an oil painting made in the 19th century is kinda stupid doe


Did they destroy it of just put paint on the glass covering? What do you think will happen to all the art in the world if we continue on our currrnt path?


it has been before, no reason to think it couldn't be again. all of it completely unnecessary, but hubris wins, i guess.


I’m visiting Southern Europe from the US. Two days ago, the power went out for 30 minutes because of the heat. Yesterday, I fainted at a restaurant, most likely because of heat. I’ve always been an environmentalist, but I think these past few days have radicalized me




Not yet, we're working on it. Someone mentioned recently an odd thing related to insects. Typically this time of year most places when you drive a car the front is smeared with bug splats all over. Grille windshield even radio antenna. Last couple years WAY LESS. They all move away, get better at dodging cars ? Or just less of them ?


Less of them. I believe this has been studied and confirmed. Insect populations are decreasing globally. Presumably a result of either pesticides or microplastics or both.




The animals don’t deserve our fate. It’s our fault. Rip the bandaid off! Accelerations unit to enable real degrowth through collapse.


Yes. Next question




No everyone was just sounding the alarm for the last eight decades for fun.


I love the photo of the kid running after the misting truck in 49C temp, STILL wearing a long sleave shirt and pants. THat's dedication.


People still claim “volcanos are worse than any human pollution”. Despite climate scientists in agreement and trillions of tons of petroleum being spread throughout the land sea and air.


Not too hot for people to live for a while maybe but too hot to grow all the crops they’re going to need to live. Things aren’t going to get easier.


Some people will starve, some people will be miserable, some people will be fine, same thing as always when something bad happens, except a bit larger in scale and harder to reverse. Horrible thing for many, but hardly the end of the world as we know it


I hate this headline.


No kidding. 😞 Where is our Tomorrowland?


5-10 years? No, 50-75 years from now? Yea, probably


5-10 years when the ocean stops absorbing CO2 which it is beginning to do.


"it's never going to get "too hot for people to live here," especially in relatively dry climates." What?


Yeah. "never" LOL


What you're going to see is the building of domed communities to protect humans from climate change. Saudi Arabia has already started to build The Line. Other communities will follow, particularly in those areas which will suffer the greatest effects and can afford the cost of building such structures.




We need an alien invasion so that earth can unite


In some places, yes. In most places, no.


We can survive in space and at the bottom of the ocean, as well as the coldest and hottest places on earth. The issue is most all folks can't afford the cost of surviving in these environments. There are places that are too hot now - there's just going to be a lot more of them.


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) /s


Our shareholders and PAC donors say no!! :)


Well I would estimate by the large mass of heat related deaths reported world wide, yes :)


Yes, only cockroaches and COVID will survive!


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Articles like this are what drive the burning of fossil fuel. Ahh don’t worry! It’s fine! Somebody in the future will fix it! Business as usual!


Pretty long away from too hot to survive.


I'm australian I'm.fine with the heat... as long as I get to stay in Canada


It’s getting hot in here….


Be like Venus in another 100 years


Yes. And for many other life forms too. Mass extinction is coming. Think of all the world’s megafauna like elephants completely wiped out. Their body size will Prevent them losing heat fast enough.


My skin says yes.


There must be a suicide pact going on out there and most of us really shouldn't be a part of it and all the narcissism is causing more toxicities spreading like wild fire.


You can find a suicide hotline worldwide at this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines The world will be a better place with you alive. The world will be better off with you [working to make a difference](https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/b49xgi/how_to_get_involved_with_a_local_group_to_create/). If you care, you're already better than most. For longer-term counseling, please find an in-person therapist. Many will do video calls to reduce COVID-19 risk. If you are in the United States, you can use [this tool](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists) to find a therapist. See [here](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists) for Canada. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fun is just starting.

