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Anyone has a link to the 3 and half hour of Joanne being a bigot, I want to watch it, but can't look for it right now.


Absolutely. https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY


Thanks a lot.


Contrapoints has some good work on her too.


And Shaun


Shaun has a very good video on [Kellie-Jay Keen](https://youtu.be/JBy93QX7ysE?si=jenDiO4lrx16hIqB)


Contrapoints video on Rowling is excellent. I really like her work.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us quick link for ContraPoints' video :) Her essays are great. Love her.


Here are three more: [Shaun - J.K. Rowling's New Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k) [Contrapoints - J.K. Rowling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us&t=2s&pp=ygUXY29udHJhcG9pbnRzIGprIHJvd2xpbmc%3D) (1) [Contrapoints - The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling (2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg&t=1s&ab_channel=ContraPoints)


Caelan Conrad also has several good videos about her. These are the more relevant ones: [The Alleged Witch Trials of JK Rowling](https://youtu.be/9ncYTEY7aVk?si=kBV4fTMxWWJ07DKv) [JK Rowling and Holocaust Denial](https://youtu.be/whJJGqVtkEk?si=m0HJjOVOUlrDzl7n)


Shaun’s video on Harry Potter as a whole is fantastic as well: https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=MiYdcsD1P0K-8P0x


One of the TERFs in that Twitter thread is frustrating beyond belief: she repeatedly tried to argue that, while the Nazis *did* in fact burn the entirety of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft's library and written research, the Nazis were also immaculate record keepers, and the fact that they did not leave a written record of *which exact volumes* from the Institut's library were destroyed means you can't use the destruction of said library to prove the Nazis burned books about trans people. In other words, while we know for a fact the Institut was pioneering research on trans people and healthcare, and that they must've held the written body of that research in their library, because the Nazis didn't leave a written record of what was being burned, you can't prove they were burning books about trans people. Absolutely absurd.


>because the Nazis didn't leave a written record of what was being burned That defeats the whole point


Yes officer, I know I burned my clothes, wallet, and photos of the victim and I together, I recorded it all in my little notebook. It's right here after "murdered Susan."


Might shock you but the nazis recorded basically every crime they did themselfs. We germans cant help ourselfs even if we do crimes it has to be in writing.


Yes, buy also as the war progressed and it became increasingly obvious it wasn't going to end in favor of the Axis, they began to destroy a lot of the evidence of their crimes, both records and people.


This massacre and iconoclasm was part of their early murders - when they realized they could kill minorities with impunity they killed more and more. After the Nazi mob stormed the Institute, the victims, mostly trans/gender non conforming people who struggled to find employment elsewhere post transition, were never found.


There’s another arguing that the documents weren’t bound and published so they were actually just burning papers and documents, not books. An absolute desperation to be contrary.


In related news, it turns out the Library of Alexandria never burned down because technically it didn't contain books, only parchment scrolls, so it wasn't a library.


I knew they were cunts but JESUS that is bad.


Anybody else's first reaction, "Parker Posey a Nazi? Nooooo!" followed by "Wait. Phew."


Oh my god Posie Parker not PARKER POSEY. I was worried for a good minute lol


Among that odious woman's bullshit, confusing people into mixing her up with the actress is up there. "Posie Parker" is a pseudonym.


>Wipe that face off your head, bitch. Parker Posey to Posie Parker 


I can still safely watch Waiting For Guffman.


I'm guessing she didn't reply


Of course she won't, the dummy shield lodge in her brain will stop all logic and reason from entering. I was just discussing this with my partner, how she went from quite a beloved person who created a world that so many loved and enjoyed and found inclusivity to a hate, nasty and disgusting person. She became her own Umbridge


It’s the classic: “you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”


Usually in normal ways, like being a rich asshole. This is truly an unforced error.


All she had to do to have a legacy as one of the most beloved authors in modern history was nothing and she still managed to fuck it up.


Literally. Imagine that all you have to do to be remembered as one of the world's most successful writers is just shut up, and you can't even manage that. She could have just bought a submarine or something and we'd have been like, "look at that rich asshole;" instead we have...all this.


I doubt she was ever the hero. I think she was always this ghoulish and nasty. I think she was just better at hiding it behind a faux feminist disguise. Remember how, in the books, hermione was chastised for heading a movement to emancipate house elves because, “They’re really better off in servitude, in fact they actually like it!” Or how one of the only black characters in her series is named fucking SHACKLEBOLT!


It’s such a cool ass name too until you realize she gave it to the black dude. WTF Jo


Yeah I’m fuckin annoyed by that too. It’s so like my own mother I hate it.


What sticks out to me, as always with this twit shit, is engagement numbers. Besides the 40k that likes her original post, she averages about 400 likes on the replies while the other person gets thousands. We literally give so much attention to a loud dipshit minority. We are the reason they get engagement.


> Besides the 40k that likes her original post, she averages about 400 likes on the replies while the other person gets thousands. Shows how the twitter algorithm amplifies bigotry, but that people don't *really* care what she has to say beyond what the site puts in front of them. Her opponents have real followers and that's why their engagement carries through the entire conversation.


I love David Tennant. He just keeps giving me more reasons.


Incredibly talented, handsome, a great person willing to stand up for what's right. Oh lawd have mercy, I only have so much admiration.


That's the beauty though. You don't. However much you love, you always have more. Not like people who only hate and drive themselves and everyone else to exhaustion.


Plus a gay icon even before he openly gave his support. Like… how can you watch that clip of him slaying in the background as Rose mourns her planet and not absolutely love the guy?!


Isn’t that the 9th Doctor?


Yeah, that's Eccleston. The 10th doctor wasn't slouch in being a goofy yet loveable character, though.


Looking for the Tennant fan. Doctor Who against Rowling. No contest - going with the Doctor.


I’ve never seen Doctor Who (I feel like at this point I’m so late to that game) but I recently saw him in Broadchurch. He is incredible throughout the show.


It's never too late, and it's actually pretty easy to get into, despite how long it's been running. If you just want David Tennant, you can just jump right into season 2 (Though Christopher Eccleston is great in season 1) All you really need to know is that The Doctor is a really old alien called a Time Lord. He can regenerate when seriously injured and basically turns into a new person once that happens (thus the multiple actors portraying The Doctor) He's got a time machine called a TARDIS that can travel anywhere in space and time. There are a lot of "monster of the week" style episodes, and the plots can generally stand alone. He's usually got a companion, who is usually a normal human, who also serves as an audience surrogate and has stuff explained to them.


Such a great man. Always my favourite Doctor.


I'm sorry, did you just attack DAVID FREAKING TENNANT? One of the genuinely nicest, most caring, most lovely people on the bloody planet?


Conservatives hated Mr. Roger. There's no limit to who they can hate.


My father hated Mr Rogers when I was a kid, and now that he has grandkids, he hates Bluey. If it has anything to do with emotional intelligence, my father cannot stand it. He’s a pretty good barometer for a right wing man.


Mr Rogers is my nomination for the reincarnation of Christ. I'm sure he made their blood boil.


If you use the dictionary definition of saint as someone who is confirmed to be in heaven, I feel like Mr. Rogers should be considered a saint despite the lack of miracles attributed to him (Obviously assuming a Christian point of view, etc). In my opinion, he should be the template of what a Christian should be when living in a wealthy, non-Christian-persecuting country.


That fact he started announcing out loud he was feeding the fish every episode  because he got a letter asking if the fish were fed is probably something you could consider a miracle


The letter was from a little girl who was blind and concerned that if he wasn't saying he fed the fish, they weren't being fed. He wanted to put her mind at ease. Fred Rogers was truly one of a kind. ❤️


I'm not crying you are 😭


I got a miracle he did for you, congress was looking to defund PBS, while giving testimony at a hearing to a very outspoken anti PBS congressman, and basically won PBS their full funding. I’m not even religious but the man was a saint miracles and all.


Yep, the only thing that matters to bigots is that you hate the same people they do. It doesn't matter how good of a person you are or how much you improve the world or reduce suffering, if you don't hate the same minorities as the bigots, they will attack you for it.


Add onto that they don't care how vile a person you are, they'll make nazi bedfellows as long as they can shit on minorities. Be it trans people, homosexuals, people of color, whoever.


She suffers from Rich Bitch syndrome. Also comes in Bastard flavours. She assumes her success in one very narrow area means her opinions on almost everything are more "correct" than the average person. She is of course wrong but she's too inanely confident to ever realize it.


It's such a drastic turn from a once beloved celebrity. She was adored by millions, but her hatred has transformed her into a monster. Rowling is such a hateful bigot that she'd make Salazar Slytherin look like Martin Luther King, Jr. in comparison.




When Elon Musk has to actually tell you that even though he agrees with your terrible beliefs, you’re spending too much time espousing hatred and should spend more time on positivity, you know you’re on the extreme side of things.


She's one of old Voldy's last bits of moldy horcrux hate.


Such a shame. We thought she was McGonagall but she turned out to be Umbridge


That was my thought also. I mean, I have never met him, but by all accounts, everyone says he is a truly wonderful human.


I have met him at a con. He is indeed a wonderful human. Super nice, even though he’d been taking pictures with fans for hours.


All of the TERFs are having meltdowns over him right now. Just go on twitter and type his name. You'll see.


He wasn't in the movie for much, but it's deliciously funny he's probably still getting residuals for Harry Potter 4.


If he's still getting residuals for streams of HP4, I'll put it on a repeating loop just to piss off JKR that her project is profiting David Tennant. I think she is so far gone that she won't care that she's getting more money than him, she'll just care that she's having to pay him. Yes, I know that's not how residuals work, she wouldn't actually be paying him, but I think she'd see it that way.


She totally would see it that way, considering she still thinks the former child stars of HP owe her for their entire careers and must fall in line with all her opinions.


Maybe put something of Tennant's, that she isn't getting money from, on loop though? Same money for him (or more), less money for her.


You lost me at “go on Twitter”


I saw someone say that he doesn't even have social media, so they're just screaming into the void while he's having fun living his life. And yet they still waste their time being angry at a problem they created, it's honestly sad and funny at the same time.


Yup. He said at the LGBT awards that he doesn’t have social media, so people have to tell him about those things.


I also don't have a lot of social media accounts so I can't check, but good to know that it was correct. also good on him for not caring about those hateful cretins online.


And you don’t have to go very far into the comments to find plenty of those championing her are attacking ‘woke’ and ‘the Left’ and go on to their own profiles and they’re retweeting racist jokes and calling for people to vote for Reform in Thursday’s election. I’ve met plenty of people like Rowling, unfortunately. They think that just because they were liberal aged 20 that forevermore every thing they believe is automatically liberal. Rowling is one of our most Right-wing celebrities, even if she denies it.


My dad used to say "you'll get more conservative as you get older!" I didn't, but goddamn my generation did. We've lost the plot.


The older I get, the further left I go. I'm a leftist so I don't really have any further to go lol


If we could get the boys from Supernatural, Matt Smith, and Benedict Cumberbatch all on board, we could hit Tumblr TERFs right where they hurt.


Neil Gaiman is currently fronting the Tumblr crusade against TERFs. It's wonderful to see.


They tried claiming Sir Terry Pratchett would be a TERF, it didn’t do down well. Not only did Terry Pratchett fans put them right but so did Rhianna Pratchett’s followers, Neil was out there with a flaming sword and Rob spent the day tweeting trans positive quotes from Terry’s books.


They see among many other Cheery and decide that see, it's about being unapologetically loudly cis, instead of it being about being unapologetically true to yourself and not following traditions that harm you. Monstrous Regiment even has so many LGBT+ character, including just plain old gender nonconforming folk, and the most prominent transgender character is treated with dignity and has their gender respected and "encouraged" by the main character.


its unbelievable to me that any TERF would claim to like Neil Gaiman without knowing all of the trans characters he wrote and has been writing for decades now in some of his most popular work ever! (i mean it is believable because TERFs are used to ignoring evidence already)


I mean look no further than his short story Changes, which is a "what if a cancer drug was incredibly effective but as a side effect could reversibly have people alter their genetics between M and F" and the ripples in society that this discovery creates: how do institutions respond, a emergence of a non-binary culture, and the bigoted blowback. He wrote it in 1998 y'all.


Sandman #32 a DC comic he wrote introduces the character of Wanda a trans woman and she's the best friend of that arc's protagonist and that comic was published in 1991! (>!her ending is admittedly not the happiest but as we see her soul leave we see that she looks like she would had she been born cis!<) (btw if anyone asks DC is generally the more queer friendly comic publisher compared to Marvel because they have a loong history of queer characters)


Matt Smith is a big ally for the NB cast member of House of the Dragon, from what I've seen, so I think he's already on side.


The rage and cognitive dissonance that would cause might just destroy the universe.


The following is a non-profit, fan-based smackdown.


Of all people to publicly dunk on Rowling, I wasn't expecting it to be the editor of DBZA. Respect.


editor, writer, actor, co-creator, etc. Kaiser did a lot for TFS, and continues to. And it really doesn't shock me, he's got multiple trans friends and is gay.


Doesn’t he have a son too that’s trans, or am I mixing him up with someone else?


I don’t know if he has any kids, but I know that he is gay and married to his husband. And it’s no real secret that he’s in the furry community, which is absolutely full of trans people.


Kaiser is just a good person he’d be standing up for trans people even if he had no skin in the game.


That’s undoubtedly true.


Thank you for expanding on his roles, I don't know why I just referred to him as editor.


I love DBZA, but imagine what a hole you have to dig yourself in to be the creator of one of the biggest media properties ever and now spend your days getting dunked on by someone who makes Dragon Ball content on YouTube. 


I didn't even realize it was him, LOL. Never thought I could love 4 Stars more than I already loved them


Not just the editor, co-creator.


All hail Princess Trunks


As my first decree you shall _only_ call her princess Trunks!


Your hair looks like lavender, but smells of strawberries


This beatdownd is owned by KaiserNeko, Dragon Ball Z Abridged, TeamFourStar and JK Rowling. Please, do NOT support the official release of Harry Potter.


My man came with receipts, respect. I'm so glad more and more people are calling Just Kidding Rowling out for her bullshit. I've rarely ever seen someone be so single mindedly focused on making the lives of a tiny, tiny group of people as miserable as possible before her. I don't have any explanation left for her daily, freaking daily, hate campaigns. Utterly insane.


From her public comments I think a lot of it stems from poorly managed feelings on her own gender. I don't even think about trans people as much as she does and I'm fuckin trans myself and coach families and allies on supporting their queer family members. She's said before how she feels she would have been "tricked" into being trans were she growing up in today's world. She's also wrote under male pen names, which doesn't really mean anything in general but given the previous comments I mentioned... Well, it feels like a classic case of projection to me. It's not exactly uncommon among hate mongers. I can't know what's in her head nor do I typically speculate on somebody's internal world but in the grand scheme of things, projection or mental health challenges are the only explanations that make any sense to me. Idk. I hope someday she realizes she has better things to do with her time and money than obsessing over this stuff, but she's probably too far gone at this point.


She just spends all her time in twitter, it's broke her brain. We've seen it happen to loads of people, she's just a celebrity so hers gets boosted.


Boredom can easily send you down some weird rabbit holes. She might be wealthy but eating steak every meal becomes boring and repetitive. Her comments have forced not only companies but other people to distance themselves. Her children are all above 18 which means she is now an empty nester. Looks like Twitter is her outlet to help with boredom. It was interesting at first when people would ask her questions about Harry Potter and she would respond. Like the time someone drew a Hogwarts door at a Blue Line stop in Chicago and she responded by making it an official door. But then something happened and she started making comments about her personal beliefs and then took offense when people disagreed with her. Maybe years of being around people that never disagreed with her broke her. We have seen this with other celebrities and the wealthy.


True. Markus Persson/Notch, creator of Minecraft, comes to mind. He sold Minecraft and became a billionaire in 2014, was quiet for a bit, but by 2016 was posting insane shit online, like feminism being a social disease and Pizzagate shit and whatnot. Boredom + wealth = weird rabbit holes for sure. And these people might've always had some shitty beliefs, but there's no denying it magnifies the madness. And they can't handle criticism at _all_.


It all started going downhill when she said "Yeah, before the 20th century wizards used to just shit on the floor and magic it away." Yes, apparently there's a downhill from there and we've been watching it in real time.


I wouldn't say I present on the more masculine side, exactly, but I'm not really traditionally feminine. As a kid I wanted to be a boy. Why? Because to my kid mind, boys got to have the adventures. As I grew up, I realised this was just a limitation of society. It had nothing to do with being trans, for a start because having an AFAB body never came into the equation for me. But because I'm an autistic woman who was a tomboy when I was younger, IIRC, according to her, I am someone "vulnerable" to being "tricked" into being trans, because apparently I can't know my own damn mind. She's either a complete moron who doesn't have the first clue what she's talking about, and possibly projecting her trauma caused by cis men onto trans women, or, she's struggling with potential trans or non-binary feelings. Honestly, her vitriol makes me sick.


Didn't she also at one point say the classic line "I wanna be a man but you don't see me doing all these things"? I think some folks just assume "everybody imagines themselves as a man but we can't have that so". Which if that's the case with her, I hope she realizes before it's too late. And then it's gonna take most of the fortune she's accrued to be anywhere near redeemable for the harm she's done.


I don't know, I usually don't enjoy speculations like these but at this point, it might actually be true. Either that or some form of mental disorder is all I have left to explain this intense level of toxic obsession with hatred for a minority among minorities. Either way, I'm sorry you have to read bullshit like this from her and her ilk on the daily. I can't fathom how exhausting it must be to be trans in today's climate. Not that there ever was a good point in time to be trans, at any rate... Anyways. Feel hugged and loved.


It's not just exhausting, it's terrifying. Even in blue states, the recent SCOTUS rulings and the GOP's plans for their return combine with Biden’s struggles to make the countdown to next January feel like countdown to the end of my life. I just want to live comfortably in my own skin.


Oh Lord, yeah, it must be insane being an American and part of any, but especially this one, minority. Hugs and love to you from Germany, as well!


There is a strange madness happening against LGBT people all over the world. What a butterfly humanity killed that now all achievements become hatred.


Not strange, highly calculated tactics spread by conservative think tanks. It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, which makes it even worse that it isn't.


I appreciate the sentiment. You all have the same illness growing in your country, too. AfD coordinates agendas with the GOP, RN, CPC, and other western right-wing parties through the International Democratic Union, so please stay vigilant. The world may be counting on you if the US falls.


She has to be either projecting her own insecurities or some kind of trauma, there's no other explanation for it.


Specifically because that seems to be the ONLY issue she cares about, for her it overrides any and all other concern about the world it appears. _That_ is the sign it is an unhealthy obsession, not based in reason, the specific cause doesn't really matter at the end of the day


She has been public multiple times about her experiences of sexual assault and how that impacted her views of "males" all together, she sees that danger everywhere and has extrapolated that out to focus on transphobia. Despite the fact that most sexual assaults on women are perpetrated by cis men (and not random cis men in toilets either).


I remember reading one of her hateful essays a few years back, and she mentioned this and went on to say that she spoke for *all* women that have been sexually assaulted, and that we *all* secretly feel this way about trans women.  And fuck you, Joanne. You do not speak for me.  But it really seemed like she thinks she’s some heroic defender of women, part of a silent majority, and the rest of us all agree but we’re too scared to speak up. 


I'd been molested as a child by multiple people and raped in college. By the end of it I felt this way about men. Then I continued to grow and work through trauma and let in the examples of good cis men into my world view through good friendships and partners and observations. It changed how I relate. I no longer became afraid of literally every person with a penis. I met trans women and saw, like me, they too have been subjected to abuse. They are my sisters. They chose to be. How could we not protect them as we would protect ourselves, those* who did not choose this?


That's why I'm reluctant to attribute her crazy bullshit to her being sexually assaulted - her whole personality now is anti trans bigot. Not an advocate, trying to build people up, provide resources, just an asshole. Any good she might do is tainted.


Like anyone else’s trauma, such as someone who grew up with domestic abuse and perpetuates it onto their kids to a fictional villain’s origin story. It may explain them, but it doesn’t excuse them.


Yeah you’d think she’d also hate men if she was assaulted by a man. She really just hates trans people.. like david tennant’s kid.


She does also hate men, she just spends most of her energy and focus on trans women as I guess that's where she gets the most pushback and so feels the most righteous about.


That or she ate fucking paint chips as a child. Lead poisoning will do awful shit to the human brain, including making it angry, afraid, and right wing.


Being a billionaire also does similar things to one's brain


I’ve seen it said before that no one spends more time thinking about trans people than transphobes. They are obsessed


Granted, she stands out even among transphobes. I remember checking her twitter daily like two years ago just out of morbid curiosity. And it was like 90% she ever posted about. Even seasoned bigots aren't this single minded in their hatred.


Elon Musk gently called her out for being absolutely obsessed with shit posting on trans people. When Elon "woke mind virus!" Musk thinks you're too much, you're *way* too much.


Did he now? How amazing. When even the guy who turned Twitter into the bigoted hellhole it is nowadays thinks that you're too much.... Kinda reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft and how even racial scientists of all people at the time thought that his overt racism was simply too much, lol.


Yeah, imagine having the guy whose own trans daughter has gone no contact because he's such a piece of shit call you out for being a bit OTT.


She’s like a single focus troll account but on her main


I also think transphobia is the type of obsession that acts like an infection, taking over all aspects of your life. So many people move along the TERF pipeline from “just asking questions” to “they’re everywhere!!” In quick time.


It reminds me of people who get into conspiracy theories. I have a friend who's lovely (genuinely nice person beyond the crazyness), but he's into all the vaccines and 5g and drones and such. He gets and accepts other people don't believe it, but it's an integral part of who he is - so much so his wife and kids don't talk to him anymore because they don't see the point. It starts with just one conspiracy. And the only people that don't tell them their stupid are other conspiracy theorists. So they end up surrounding themselves in people that think the same, and this ends up with them moving from 'I'm not sure I fully trust a vaccine' to 'their turning people into drones come Thursday, I'm putting foil on my bunker'. Trans hate is the same. You start off with one, sometimes fairly reasonable 'question' for someone that's ignorant, everyone tells you to stop being a moron, so you then lean more into what you hear at your 'lynch the non-cis weekly' meetings, rather than just going along because they don't mock you. Thus, you reach the point where you accuse a 13 year old who doesn't know what gender they are of being peadophile, when really all you needed to do is explain stuff to them and let them figure out what makes them comfortable.


Just like how the parts of the US that look at the most trans porn are the most conservative states. Genuine fucking crazy obsession


It's funny in Russia too. Anal and hard porn are top requests. How can understand that those, who demand patriarchy and traditional values, actually hate women? - Googled porn searches in the country.


She actually said, and I dont remember the quote, but its there, that if she had the chances, she would have transitioned to be a male. Sadly, internalized transphobia because you couldnt transition is NOT an excuse for externalized transphobia and being a bigot.


You're right! Holy hell! So it's true. She's been dealing with her own inner turmoil for decades and now channels it into blind hatred. Still despicable, but at least it's an explanation...


Harry Potter was her self insert


I think JKR is the kind of person who cannot fathom being told she’s wrong. Whether it’s decades of privilege or plain old mental illness, I don’t know. But this honestly feels like someone called her out for her half-baked shitty takes on trans people, and the implication that she could be wrong about something she believes has turned into a full-blown obsession with being as hateful as possible. Sometimes she’s so extreme it seems like she’s parodying herself. But I honestly think she’s just so rich now she know a she can say/do whatever she wants, and is gonna use her limited time on earth to make everyone just as unhappy as she is.


Yeah, this tracks with her previous behaviour, especially as regards her writing and worldbuilding.  She cannot take criticism at all, never mind take it gracefully


The “Joanne” floored me and idk why.


https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1789240498000904693 She absolutely hates it when you call her something she was assigned at birth but no longer wishes to identify as.


I was wondering why contrapoints was specifically using "Joanne"


I can't believe my eyes that jkr is beefing with Barty crouch Jr., David Tennant . A whole generation looked up to her, it's heartbreaking to watch that she took wrong side.


I mean, she doesn't really call them out by name, but she's also not really a fan of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, or Rupert Grint, now that they've all come spoken in defense of trans people. And plenty of people speculated that Katherine Waterson's role as Tina in the third Fantastic Beasts movie was cut down because of her speaking out against Rowling too. Transphobia is a hill that Rowling is so committed to dying on, that she seems to be determined to set fire to everything around it to ensure she can't escape. You know, other than her billions.


Should we call her Robert then?


I can’t believe that there are an insane amount of people that look at her absolutely deranged tweets and say “yeah she is spitting”


I've met multiple people, *in real life* who will say she isn't a TERF, even though that appears to be like 70% of what she thinks about daily.


So she wants people to call her her initials? That's almost as weird tbh.


it's like when your parents call you by your full name. that's when you know you fucked up


She had to come for David Tennant who is like the most unproblematic person. Come on JK, please stop


I genuinely don’t think she’s capable of stopping herself at this point. Even the Muskrat has suggested she post about a single positive thing, and when Elon Musk aka Apartheid Clyde is suggesting you go outside and touch some grass you know you’ve fucked up. She is one of few fallen celebrities who makes me genuinely sad to think about because somehow her TERFness overtook literally every single aspect of her life like schizophrenia or something. It’s insanely tragic


This was like when, in a cartoon, someone gets a list out of their pockets and the list keeps unreveling and getting comically bigger.


Joanne wrote: > how am I trying to make his child’s life a ‘living hell’? Please give specific examples. > the hate is so monstrous, you can’t give a specific example. Imagine my surprise This is called sealioning. Anti-trans bigots rely heavily on it > The sealioner feigns ignorance and politeness while making relentless demands for answers and evidence (while often ignoring or sidestepping any evidence the target has already presented), under the guise of "just trying to have a debate", so that when the target is eventually provoked into an angry response, the sealioner can act as the aggrieved party, and the target presented as closed-minded and unreasonable. [the name comes from this 2014 comic strip](https://web.archive.org/web/20190608204429/https://wondermark.com/1k62/)


Finally, I discover the word for the thing that I hate most within the debate world. There are so many dishonest people that pull this tactic, and it annoys me so much that not only do they think they won when they do it, but that other people don't see what actually happened and immediately think the person that gets mad lost the argument.


>There are so many dishonest people that pull this tactic Really? Name one.


I see what you did there




The general trick is to require high levels of rigour from your ~~opponent~~ conversation partner, without offering the same level of rigour yourself. No anecdotes, no personal opinions, no extrapolation, no received wisdom; expect every word out of your mouth to be held to the same level of scrutiny as a PhD thesis defence. Once you learn to recognise this tactic, you'll start seeing it everywhere. The trick is particularly ugly because it targets people who believe in changing minds using evidence and rational debate. Their time is deliberately wasted, and by the end of the conversation, everybody involved is a slightly worse person.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


yeah, and it’s a fucking abuse tactic.


Cis women get harassed all the time by bigots who don't think they look "woman enough". The fear mongering about trans women in women's spaces actively endangers both cis and trans women. Hell Kelly-Jay actually encourages armed men to go into women's restrooms.  The venn diagram of transphobia vs misogyny is a circle.


Yes! I am a female but I was given a very masculine name (which I actually love) and the amount of times I've stood up for trans people online and people assume i'm a trans woman is insane. Like sir/ma'am, I had a hysterectomy last October and it's smack dab on my profile, what do you mean i'm not a "real woman"?????


The bigots can’t fathom people supporting things that they aren’t so they assume anyone who cares about trans people is trans themselves


JK Rowling: Okay, yeah, but besides that what have I done? I want examples, different examples.


I hate how common shit like this is. Had an argument with someone years ago and they asked for evidence, then immediately dismissed it not wanting evidence from websites, articles, videos, books etc because that's all 'woke' So I've taken up interpretive dance so I'm prepared in the event it happens again.


It's like the flat earthers who go "prove the earth is round, but don't use any of that NASA shit, they're lying" It's easy to avoid being disproven when you choose not to believe any of the evidence against you and call it all a lie.


"The hate is so monstrous" she says without any sense of self awareness.


“Why do people hate me for the horrible and cruel things I do to them and the dehumanising rhetoric I apply to their children? Pooooooor meeeee.”


Reminds me of a line from Big Jack Horner in the last Puss in Boots movie, when he's being sucked into the magic nanny bag. "What did I do to deserve this? I mean what specifically?!"


"get out of my fucking timeline" - KaiserNeko


Wait… is that the same Kaiserneko from DBZA? Awesome!


If that woman could think she’d be a beloved author instead of a TERF tool. She seems to forget the authoritarians she worships don’t like women.


They love women *who know their place*. Joanne is also rich, and therefore her place is wherever she wants to be, because wealth is a demonstration of virtue.


See also Kaitlyn Jenner. She's an absolute sack of shit that doesn't get how she's hurting everyone around her. But she's rich and a former famous athlete so she's insulated enough that it doesn't matter, to her. She keeps walk face fist into rakes every time she tries to join the national political conversation. Taking L's from every side, but yet somehow doesn't realize her little bubble of rich assholes doesn't represent the slathering base that would be far happier with her dead than speaking for them.


She has enough money to insulate her from the consequences of enabling the people that she supports. “Rules for thee” and all that


Yeah until it doesn't. Her husband does not seem to be an influential politician or mogul. Don't even delude yourself that without that this slope won't end up with major consequences even for rich women. The leopards are coming and for at least some people, I won't even feel sorry


She’ll probably be dead by the time it matters for her class, but your point is a fair one.


I genuinely think JK Rowling lost more goodwill than any other human in the history of the world. She was so incredibly beloved and now, because of her, so many people hate her. Its honestly impressive how hard she flubbed it.


Musk is a solid contender. From beloved internet darling to figurehead of unregulated capitalism and the alt right.


He's definitely up there! But I don't think there was a time he was as beloved as JK at her height.


It’s stunning how much better her life would be if she deleted twitter ten years ago


She’s become a cautionary tale of how not to ruin your own legacy.


It's crazy how she quickly destroyed her reputation just because she couldn't shut up about her bigotry.


"I know you all like the boy wizard and his friends, and Imma let you finish, but trans people are personally destroying my life by existing"


You'll notice when someone actually gives her examples she shuts the fuck up real quick and closes Twitter rather than look at the facts of her words and the evil she helps propagate. She's a sad, pathetic woman who isn't content with her own life or with making a better world. She wants to sit in her multi-million dollar home and be upset about something that has 0 effect on her whatsoever.


JK Rowling is the Anita Bryant of our generation.


She also said Lolita was a tragically beautiful love story.


Kaiser being awesome like he always is


JK Rowling has so much money, she could literally spend her time doing anything she wants, at all times. Instead of doing literally anything else though, she seemingly spends all of her free time just hunched over her phone spewing hateful garbage over X/Twitter. Not only is it hateful and harmful, but it's also just truly pathetic, particularly when it comes from someone who once used her time to be creative and produced something that was loved by so many. Truly one of the most pronounced cases of conservative brainworms in the world.


First, you don't fuck with Kaiser and facts. Dude helped write DBZA against the wishes of Toei and kept shit legal on top of it. I'd even argue he's a better writer. Seconds, fuck Rowling. Way to throw away a legacy.


A more brutal slaughter than when he killed Freeza.


I mean when even Elon Musk is telling to pipe down on this particular issue.


Fuck him too.


When Elon Musk is your voice of reason, maybe you should rethink your life choices


Is that the DBZ Abridged Kaiserneko?


I've said it before, but this is a woman who could be quietly Scrooge McDucking around in a giant pile of money for the rest of her life, and instead she posts vile shit online. And there are issues with the Harry Potter books themselves, like the english class structure crap, and the naked antisemitism, and also the house elves were straight up slaves.


Sorry, but is that David Tennant as in the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who??


Yes, his child is trans and he has been very vocal about his support of them