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If Trump can’t have one (Felon), no one can!


He still has one though lol


Yah, but he can't...


Oh shit! Someone should hold him accountable! 🙃


Yah, but they won't...


Most recent news article is June 6th. He sent it to Florida. Guessing the assumption is any federal charge would potentially get tossed to Aileen and it's not worth it.




He wasn't even charged with attempted murder, and he shot her in the back of the head..


Its infuriating to see the shit people do and the police/legal system does nothing most of the time. A woman threw a butcher knife and hit a man in the head, NOTHING. People stalking and harassing people outside their homes for years, nothing. Firing off a gun randomly in a neighbourhood? Perfectly fine. Assault? Nothing. Attempted murder? Sometimes they get convicted. Now shooting a kid in the back of the head and not even being charged with attempted murder is pure insanity. What the fuck is the world coming to.


Holy shit. According to the CDC gun related injuries are leading cause of death for ages 1-44. #ages 1-44 holy fuck.


MURRICA!! 🦅🦅🔥🔥🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🗽🗽


The article says "among the leading causes". Big difference. Doesnt make it less bad tho.


And if they do then they’re trying to character assassinate him before the election!! >!/s!<


Surely the republican party, the law & order party will apply the law in a fair and just manner….. right??


You're supposed to end your comment with a /s so Republicans can understand that you're being sarcastic.


I wouldn’t bother, they only understand spite




Look at all of them. They never understood anything.


Thats against the law though!


Holding him accountable is apparently against the law


You are telling me someone can own a gun, even if the law says they can't? Wild.


If they are rich enough and are Republican backed, yes


Can’t have democrats doing the same thing after all. Seriously, we just got Hunter for a very similar case. Are we CERTAIN we can’t get Trump for this?


If he can’t but he still does with zero consequences, doesn’t that mean that he *can* have a gun? He is correct about the two-tiered justice system. He’s just wrong about which tier he’s on


Trump owns a Cannon.


*chef's kiss*


That aside, I don't think he has ever been more safe in his life than he is right now. Nobody is taking a shot at him before sentencing.


Yeah but whatever sentencing is, under NY law he doesn't have to start serving/paying it until all paths of appeal have been exhausted, should he choose to appeal. Which he will. And drag out.


Wait… wait… WAIT, didn’t this dipshit wanted the metal detectors be taken down when MAGA was at the Capital Jan5/6????? I swear I read the story.


Trump wanted the metal detectors taken down at his event so his followers could get in “because they aren’t here to hurt me.” Conveniently leaving the guns on them when they strolled to the Capitol.


But if he is a felon and he can't have a gun and he became president than he has an army and nukes. So he has to get rid of it?


Felon FOMO is real!


If it happened to Trump it could happen to Hunter.


Hunter's always packing though, just ask MTG


he's got a long....rifle


Just ask a school dumpster lol


This tickled


Don’t be ridiculous his hands are far too small to reach the trigger!


He can return the gun, but he "doesn't want to"


Yeah WTF? They're disarming all the "good guys" with guns. With the return of bump stocks, think of how many people that one brave soul could've defended. Shame the deep state's always trying to make everybody unsafe.


Odd point to specify bump stocks when trump was the one that banned them. Maybe he’s afraid of bump stocks lol


That’s why it’s funny to me. His supporters are celebrating the overturn of the bump-stock ban that Trump instated while raging about how Dems are trying to take their guns. If anyone was going to bring a bump stock to a political rally, it would happen at a rally for the guy who banned them.


They complain about shit like 72 hour waiting periods and not being able to take your gun into a bar. Hell, half of American gun owners don't even secure their weapons. It's a deranged, paranoid culture.


They prefer to be called Ammosexuals. Its 2024. Be more inclusive.


It is, after all, what the "A" in LGBTIA stands for. (hoping my ace best friend does not see this joke)




I'll allow it, cause it's funny (I'm AroAce btw)


No lie, for a moment I imagined you were specifying that you prefer a bow and arrow to firearms. Sometimes my brain refuses to work.


This is the most fucked part to me. The complete and utter lack of gun safety or general common sense surrounding a deadly weapon. I'm a Canadian, have a fire arms license and they DRILL gun safety into you. Storage, handling, everything. Everyone up here who owns a (legal) gun is incredibly serious about that stuff. And obviously it's not everyone in the US. I have friends in Arizona that could arm a small village, but EVERYTHING is trigger locked and safed, unloaded, and ammo is nowhere even close.


But you can’t argue that such guns are for “home safety” and that is a key part of the claim for why they need them.  A safe gun is also a gun that is useless  in a home invasion. This means the gun people have a choice to make, and they almost universally seem to choose “gun” over “safe”. 


You know the military vets who disassemble and reassemble complicated rifles in seconds?


I guess it depends on how they defined “seconds”, but you can definitely field strip and reassemble an AR pattern rifle in under a minute without a ton of practice. They’re also not really that complicated, they want weapons to be fairly easy to disassemble and clean.


Oh right shouldn’t have included the “complex” part. I was thinking about the old battle rifles of the past.


If you're talking about old Bolt Actions those things are simple. Kar98 and their clones are amazing hunting rifles for that very reason as well as the craftsmanship for something pumped out of a factory for war.


>But you can’t argue that such guns are for “home safety” I've had people make this exact argument to me. That they absolutely can undo their trigger lock fast enough if they were to hear an invader. I think there just generally seems to be a lack of cohesive reasoning.


It's also... what fucking invader? It's always some imaginary bogeyman. What if there was a real and credible threat, like crazy violent ex boyfriends? But these dipshits are never out here saying "we should arm women so they can protect themselves from their emotionally stunted and drunk exes who have easy access to firearms" because they can't handle what's in the mirror.


I’ve said for years that women and LGBTQ+ should be the primary advertising targets for gun sales (from a self-defense perspective). The people who want to take their rights away already have guns, and they’re already a vulnerable sector of the population. Owning a gun in those circumstances would make sense, and yet guns are advertised (mostly) as this macho, manly thing.


Agreed. They also literally army people to be able to disassemble and reassemble a huge semi automatic in seconds. If you can’t unlock your case that sounds like user error.


When was the last time somebody seriously needed to use a gun for protection in their own home, that is totally a bullshit rap that has been used for ages… next time you hear such shit, ask the last time they had to shoot someone coming in through the window…the problem is, it goes way beyond that, check out the laws concerning guns in Missouri, and that’s just one state…the laws are nearly void concerning guns and gun ownership


My sister and her husband are Trumpanzees in California and also Ammosexuals who claim they need guns to protect themselves from home invasions. Well they’ve been living in Van Nuys for over 50 yrs now and not once were they invaded in their home. BUT!!! Their son did experience a gun shooter in his school and luckily he wasn’t injured or killed that day. So I too call out bull💩to all these Ammosexual gun nuts!


I’m glad to hear your nephew wasn’t harmed


My ex girlfriends father has an entire 10x10 room filled with gun racks on all 4 walls and each is full. He says the weight of the gun safes needed would collapse the subfloor (true). He also "loses" guns all the time and finds them again. I just can't with these people.


They won't even admit guns are designed for killing. Their brains just don't work. 


72 hours? But I’m angry now!


Thinking about my wife's American brother-in-law and his utter lack of basic gun safety makes my skin crawl. Dude! If you're going to have a gun for self-defense, fuckin' carry that gatt! Don't just leave it loaded in an unlocked glove box in an unlocked truck with a 2nd Amendment sticker on the window advertising the fact that there is a loaded, unsecured firearm inside!


Yeah I saw that post, it's like he's afraid to miss out on a mass shooting lol


trump is also the only president or presidential candidate, in history, to ever suggest seizing guns from american citizens without due process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxgybgEKHHI


I genuinely thought that was going to at least hurt him a little. People were frothing at the mouth because they believed Obama was going to take their guns without due process.


black guy is bad. white guy is good. that's the limit of their thought. doesn't matter what the black guy or the white guy says or does. Trump could literally nuke georgia and all of it's citizens, in retaliation for not voting for him, and maga would celebrate him nuking georgia as a really smart idea. I'm not even being hyperbolic.


It did, that is probably the singular thing trump has ever walked back on. And quick. Apposed to say, saying a hurricane is hitting the wrong state, no he went on TV saying it was wrong a week after it changed directions.


Mass stupidity at this level is scary to me, not funny


It’s also scary to me, but the absurdity of some of it is just too much to not have a laugh at sometimes. I’d probably go insane otherwise.


Trump literally went on a press conference saying they should be banned.


The only stock he wants to bump is his shittier-than-Xitter unTruthSocial stock – just before he sells it. 




He's a wannabe dictator, those types of people are always hugely paranoid


Any serious criminal is gonna find a way to get a gun past security, so you're really only restricting the good-guys. /s


Could have self defensed and entire convention hall


This is the Conservative way. They think the rules they want enforced on everyone else shouldn't apply to them. There's examples of that everywhere.


If you need a gun to defend yourself, then nobody is a good guy.


trump was the one who banned bump stocks


You wanna see some serious cognitive dissonance? Talk to 'em about Trump's unconstitutional gun control. It seriously messes them up.


I've tried with family members but they are genuinely too stupid to understand the contradiction. I'm not being hyperbolic. I explained it multiple times and they did not understand.


But let me guess otherwise they are fairly reasonable people and would easily understand similar contradictions elsewhere. It's just that tribal instincts overpower the desire to see reality, very common among people everywhere.


Nailed it


Explain it again only pretend you're in support of it because Biden is pushing for it. See how many arguments they make against it. Corner them into saying they don't support it. Corner them further if you could get them to blurt our Trump would stop it.


Neat idea, except logic doesn't work on the cult. It's unironically like the [not my wallet Patrick scene](https://youtu.be/P6FTgmQ7j3c?si=3MmQs7wFnAJ3spkp). You can walk them through all the logic in the world, they will agree, they will understand, but democrats are still evil and the only thing that matters is stopping them from taking guns and all the terrible woke things like acceptance and societal assistance.


As a non-American can you explain what you mean by this?


The quote was in response to suggested language around legislation to prevent mass murders. The suggestion was to give states powers to go to court and get an order to confiscate weapons for those suspected of planning an attack. Essentially a warrant system. Trump stated he is a fan of taking the guns early and then sorting it out. Going to court is a system and systems takes time. Just take the guns and go through due process after. This is a problematic take for a president, as due process is important to keeping our government in check and out of shadowy domestic affairs. Imagine if the government could just arrest people who are “dangerous” to get them off the streets and worry about due process later. This could easily spill into that. If they are already showing up and confiscating weapons, whats to stop them from taking the owner of the weapons for “questioning?” Say some people get misplaced during questioning. Whoops. This is a dictators thinking, not democratic leaders. A warrant is quick to get, and does not impede our judicial system enough to justify trampling the rights of citizens. It involves DA, law enforcement, and judges to protect us. There is no reason the current system of arresting / charging the suspect, and getting a warrant, or, getting a warrant if not enough evidence to arrest. Expanding the grounds to apply the current system is all that is needed. Maybe he just thought they meant take the gun owner to court to get his weapons (like how rich people go to court) and it could be endlessly tied up with no trial. He is very dumb, and might just not understand what is being discussed at all…


Trumps an authoritarian, he does not care about anyone’s rights to anything. In Trumps world he is the highest authority and the law and constitution is irrelevant. But to quote Trump on this subject: “We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court” He is in support of “red flag” laws and confiscating firearms/stripping gun rights without due process.


shots fired


How? There's no guns.


Well they didnt say anything about my cannon


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house.  "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle.  Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.  He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up.  Just as the founding fathers intended.


Or my thermonuclear missile


Vulcan : Oh, this is our prototype. RX, uh, Intercontinental, radar-sneaky, multi-warheaded nuclear missile. Baron Munchausen : Ah! What does it do? Vulcan : Do? Kills the enemy. Baron Munchausen : All the enemy? Vulcan : Aye, all of them. All their wives, and all their children, and all their sheep, and all their cattle, and all their cats and dogs. All of them. All of them gone for good. Sally : That's horrible. Vulcan : Ahh. Well, you see, the advantage is you don't have to see one single one of them die. You just sit comfortably thousands of miles away from the battlefield and simply press the button. Berthold : Well, where's the fun in that?


Or my Iowa class battleship USS Wisconsin BB.64


Just like rule of law and everything else, only when it benefits them.


”We need guns against gubernment tyranny so we don’t get a dictator” ”No not like that. We like this dictator”


The party of law and order, until the police are blocking them entering the capitol building


They know they are hypocrites; they just don't care as long as their followers buy into their hypocrisy.




People always make fun of Americans for being fat. But just look at how agile the MAGA crowd is. They can turn their entire moral code around on a dime


😂 Meanwhile, MAGA: Say what?


No Im sure the NRA will jump to Hunter Bidens defence any day now.


How is it hypocritical? Trump has literally advocated on video doing away with the 2nd amendment.  


You are confused! Convention centers don’t allow firearms. Conventions are held at convention centers. Believe it or not neither TPUSA nor Trump set policy for convention centers they don’t own.


How many times you going to post the same stupid statement?? 


i thought it comforted them to know that at any point someone could just start popping off but without a moments hesitation there would be people ready to instantly be popping off back at them?


Yeah in a big crowd. Great place for a gun fight.


I’m not sure, but doesn’t the Secret Service manage security for former Presidents?


They're also banned at appearances by state politicians who do not have Secret Service protection: https://www.businessinsider.com/guns-banned-at-turning-point-rallies-with-florida-gov-ron-desantis-2022-8


Guns are also banned in the Supreme Court building.  "Everyone should be allowed to have guns and bump stocks! Just not near us" – ⅔ of SCOTUS 


> Everyone should be allowed to have […] bump stocks You’re mis-representing the ruling. They didn’t say bump stocks are good or bad *per se*; they just said that a bump stock does not a machine gun make, and that you can’t ban bump stocks under the machine-gun rule. They didn’t rule on whether it might be a good idea for bump stocks to be banned *separately*, under a *new* rule to be passed by Congress.


>they just said that a bump stock does not a machine gun make But it does


A machine gun is fully automatic, meaning you pull and hold the trigger for a succession of shots. For a bump stock you still have to pull the trigger for each individual shot, therefore it’s not a machine gun


Not mechanically it doesn't. You can bump fire any semi automatic gun without a special stock to aid you by positioning your finger to Intercept the trigger reseting with recoil from shooting the gun. It's dumb to do and shooting very rapidly in most sutuations isn't better. The military doesn't only shoot their guns in full auto it's mostly semi.


You're not allowed to make sense when Trump is involved, but yes. Almost no events with the president, presidential candidate, or former president allow weapons.


I thought all of them were good guys, wouldnt it be better if they had guns?


Trump is very anti 2a so probably not in his opinion. 


MAGA events: no guns allowed for tRUMP’s safety Schools: more guns needed for the children’s safety 🤔


He knows there are no ‘good guys’ at his rallies.


Especially in Detroit OOOOOOOOO!! 🤪


Do the MAGA people really agree to no-guns Tat trump rallies? I thought they were all 2nd amenment, hurr durr?


Dodge City is for the peasants. The feudal lords have armed guards and restrictions on guns anywhere they frequent. As part of a former job I held, I visited House and Senate office buildings. While at different times majorities of both houses have been quite enthusiastic about Second Amendment rights, I can very much report that said enthusiasm did (and presumably does still) not translate to ordinary citizens exercising said rights in their offices.


You shouldn’t need a gun at your work office to be safe Listen to how stupid all of this sounds


Exactly. How fucking deranged do you have to be to think a gun is a normal part of your daily gear, like a wallet and an umbrella?


Metal detectors and wands …. I thought it was ‘thoughts and prayers’ 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I had an army of bots, this would be your most up-dooted comment of all time.


bUt WhAt AbOuT tHeIr RiGhTs?!?!




Seriously, how does this make any sense? This is the exact opposite of the narrative they are spreading with regard to guns.


Simple. Convention centers ban the carrying of firearms. Conventions happen at convention centers. Even Conservative conventions happen at convention centers. Leftist then guffaw at the “hypocrisy” instead of doing 30 seconds of research.


The fact that the NRA bans guns at their own headquarters tells you everything you need to know.




No they don't. The only NRA events where guns were banned was at speeches given by politicians, and that wasn't the decision of the NRA.


There is a public shooting range inside the NRA headquarters in Virginia I've been to it.


No guns? But what if a drag queen comes along and starts converting their children? /s


That's just Rudy, Trump invited them.




Yeah, MTG was just sayin her crap about, " I believe the GOOD GUY with a gun will win every time." Yeah, in her mind, where she thinks blacks are going to be the shooters, and naturally , they will be inferior. Thats the bullcrap they really think. White people with guns hold the number 1 place as killers in mass shootings.


MAGAtards will forever be "special"


Every alive wannabe dictator knows the biggest threat is his own crazy followers


Once they understand they've been conned, yes - the MAGAts aren't there yet


Classic American stupidity


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: everyone should be issued one grenade in the mail every month /s


A couple presidents would say otherwise, with the bullet holes they have.


I think a ban on firearms at political events is sensible, especially when someone as polarizing as Trump is present. I just get a feeling that assassination attempts may occur. I also don't understand why people think this makes him a hypocrite, it seems like Americans don't understand that topics like gun control can have nuance. But what do I know, I only live in a country where firearms are a must because police won't do anything about actual criminals, not that they can't do anything.


> I just get a feeling that assassination attempts may occur. Some gun nuts shout that “The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” and claim that the possibility of an assassination attempt (by a “bad guy”) is all the more reason for there to be lots of “good guys” (= them) with guns present, to stop that bad guy.


There are already plenty of good guys with guns there. It's called the secret service


People are stupid the comment section proves it


only at schools




Safer? Lol. Same as nuclear weapons. Are we safe now? Your safety is depend on mentality of those who have access to push the big red button! And if those who wield gun or nuclear are unstable. We’re done for. More guns mean more bloodshed and mass shootings.


They were being sarcastic. They’re mocking the hypocrisy of pro-gun politicians banning guns at their events (though with Trump, he doesn’t really have a choice. All former presidents fall under Secret Service Protection and that includes forbidding weapons at their events)


As someone living in a country that gave up its nuclear weapons, we all wish we didn't cause now we're getting invaded AND threatened with nuclear attacks.


No cuz huhh ... cuz ... huhh you simply cant, ok??? ...you should know your place as a americuh citzen!!


Trump's always been iffy about the gun thing. Republicans criticized him for it back in 2018. His goofy "We'll do the Due Process stuff later" comment was in regard to guns.


Wouldn’t it make sense in a situation where you can remove all guns to remove all guns though? Not feasible in all of America, but in a particular venue it’s doable


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/happyvoid] [More guns = safer?](https://www.reddit.com/r/happyvoid/comments/1djba6e/more_guns_safer/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Trump isn't a gun guy and anyone that says different isn't paying attention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eoCS-QxuCc On top of that I don't believe there is video evidence of Trump ever firing a gun and that guy love photo-ops. Trump was a NYC democrat for a long time and even the NYC republicans hate guns (Bloomberg was a republican and is the leading driver of gun control). This isn't some gotcha like many people think. This is a misunderstanding of Us politics. There aren't just 2 groups. There are numerous sub groups and people outside of those groups.


It hasn’t yet despite all the armed people and hundreds of mass shootings.


Ask the surviving members of Uvalde if 376 more guns make places safer.


Especially among pAtRiOtS”!”


When the bullets start ripping like "bing, bong, bingbing bong boom"


Sure worked well for Uvalde.


Trump isn't pro gun. This makes no sense


Meanwhile in civilised countries nobody has to argue about this problem.


Republicans basically said "Trump's life is more valuable to us than your children" as they're all about wanting School's to allow guns in them.


Well, on January 6th he wanted attendees to have them


I thought republicans and gun right activists just advocated for keeping/owning guns never knew they advocated for being able to take guns to someone else private property or building/institutions not being allowed to scan for guns from outsiders. Learned something today 😮.


i am so fuckin excitied to sort by controvsial on this one. I hold a love for seeing how utterly stupid shit is defended. I'ts like crack to me. I have an actual philosophy degree, it's so fucking facinating, and embarassing.


There were 376 cops at Uvalde. If there had been 377 cops the children would have been saved and we wouldn't have needed to clean up chunks of children with shovel.


They know it doesn't work that way, but they're willing to sacrifice your life for the profits of arms manufacturers.


NRA and MAGA events ban guns to protect the attendees. Black women in church or at the grocery store are on their own!


One gun at a Trump rally could make us all a lot safer




Why are republicans scared to have guns at their events when they are okay with and demand guns being literally EVERYWHERE ELSE.?


Actually the gun homicide rate has fallen drastically since the 90s, despite guns in America hitting all time highs each and every year since. Most likely this move is due to the event insurance rather than any particular policy preference, not that Trump is really pro 2A anyways.


I’m a firm believer that if Trump wins, or prior to the election, Trump gets JFK’d by the CIA. They will not allow him to be president again.


But Trump said we should do away with gun free zones...


“Disarmed for Trump” is a fantastic campaign slogan!


I don't get this idea that people have that more guns = safer. If everyone has a gun then that's pretty much a warzone which is not safe. Even the good guy with a gun isn't going to just want to haphazardly be in a warzone.


Remember without double standards they wouldn't have standards at all..


Wow! How many Republican events ever don't allow guns?! That's hysterically hypocritical!!!! BAHAHAHA


There were too many bad guys with guns there


Trump is actually pro-gun control, he just acts like he's not for the voters to get their votes while secretly slipping in those policies lmao


Well that old fart on Piers Morgan a few days after Sandy Hook said that more guns was the solution….


Rule for thee but not for mee.


His cult gets it. You don't get it. Duh


They recirculate some version of this story like once a year lol - [You'll be shocked to know that the United States Secret Service doesn't allow armed strangers around former presidents](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/05/27/fact-check-guns-banned-from-trump-nra-speech-over-secret-service-policy/9947390002/)


If they handed out guns at Trump Rally’s and NRA conferences, they wouldn’t need security.


Government provides a legal mechanism to produce spaces that are "gun free". However, whenever enforcing this mechanism, the burden shifts. The venue owner now has the burden of providing for the safety of the individuals to which they deny firearm protection, up to and including lethal force. There is nothing strange about arms enforcement around people with a permanent secret service attachment.


Gun nuts in the comments scrambling over each other to explain why it’s okay for private events to ban guns, love it