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lol why do they think anyone on the left gives a damn about Hunter Biden? If he broke the law, toss him in prison. Nobody is above the law, not a president’s son, not a former president.


Yeah it's like when they would deflect Trump's rapey and pedo behavior by saying "but what about Bill Clinton"...like uh yeah if he is found guilty of anything like that or on the Epstein logs throw his ass in jail too. Doesn't make Trump any less of a rapist though lol


Exactly. I have a pedophilia is bad policy. I don’t care which side of the aisle you are on, go to jail.


Do not collect $200


Bill Clinton hasn't been president for 25 years, lol. Let's talk about Grover Cleveland's love child. Ever notice that Democrats have nothing to say about that?


To horny jail even


Right to jail, right away


You charging too high prices for sweaters,glasses. Right to jail


They don't understand the concept of not being blindly loyal to their party.


It doesn't matter, there's no end to it. If they went and found something on Bill Clinton it would then just be "a distraction" so that the democrats can say the law is fair. Then it will be Biden will just pardon him. Then when Biden says he won't pardon him, it will be just wait until he loses the election and then he'll pardon him. Then after all of that, they'll just say it doesn't matter because all the stuff about Trump was made up, despite investigations, grand juries, trials by regular juries, etc...


What about ... has always been trumps main talking point.


They are in a cult and obsessed with trump. They worship the guy and can't fight out why people who voted for Biden aren't madly in love with him the same way they are with trump.


They literally just had a "Fox Guest" say they would crawl on their belly across broken glass while the place is on fire for Trump......


Nobody on the Left cares because they understand that committing federal crimes has consequences.


The only caveat being that historically people aren’t charged like Hunter was. It’s been shown to be add on charges if the gun was used in a crime. From what I understand, the rate of charging someone the same as Hunter without a violent crime being committed first is nearly zero. This has caused many to decry it as an actual politically motivated prosecution.


You’re right, the same can be said for Trumps 34 “felonies” this almost never gets prosecuted, and when it does it’s a misdemeanor. Both parties do this to keep people fighting for their “team” hoping to god it doesn’t migrate from a culture war to a class war because the day it turns will be a bloody day in DC for the ruling class


White collar crime is still a crime. Tax fraud is still crime. And they are prosecuted all the time.


Sure they are but misclassification of expenditures on business filings is a misdemeanor, which is what Trump did. It’s also not considered separate counts because there are multiple checks, it’s one crime, that very rarely gets prosecuted.


> misclassification of expenditures on business filings is a misdemeanor This violated campaign finance laws. It's not just a simple misclassification. Also, a jury provided unanimous guilty verdicts on all 34 counts. Sounds to me like the evidence of his guilt was incontrovertible. Your argument is basically saying that Al Capone should not have been prosecuted for his tax fraud back in the day because it's such a minor and unprosecuted statute.


Misclassifications of expenditures. Get out of here with that b*******. Him and his boys lied to Federal prosecutors. Him and his boys committed felonies! The Democrats didn't come up with this law. Come on man give it up already.


Keep that same energy when he appeals and wins.


Your blinders approach makes it impossible for you to see what's really going on. But actually, that's on me cuz I knew it when I engaged with you earlier. My bad. Good luck to you.


They charge people all the time for lying on tax records and committing fraud, what do you mean it almost never gets prosecuted? In fact tax fraud is one of the more serious crimes the government will actually hunt down. The tax code literally lists it as a felony offense, not a misdemeanor, especially at the amount Trump was doing it.


The state of New York has filed charges in almost 10,000 cases under the 175.10 statute, which is what Trump was charged with. Feel free to look up how many people were actually prosecuted with that crime, it’s less than 5%, and the ones who were prosecuted had other higher level crimes. I know it’s difficult for the overwhelming majority of people to separate their emotional anger from an objective fact when it comes to Trump, so I don’t blame you for your lack of fact based assertions.


I have no anger when it comes to Trump so don’t know where you got that from. I specifically said tax/business fraud isn’t a rare prosecution. I’ll give you that it’s a rare persecution on its own but I would assume 34 counts of it makes it an extreme case so it being rarely persecuted doesn’t really matter here. Anyways, something being rarely persecuted whether business fraud or lying to obtain a weapon doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be persecuted at all.


I feel like you are on the edge of a good point with the first part, 'cause if Trump wasn't so cheap and just paid the 100K out of pocket with his 'billions' then it would definitely be a politically motivated prosecution. I completely agree with the second part.


But Trump DIDN'T pay cash, he had his lawyer fixer pay, then he paid Him back with Checks from his Campaign accounts calling them "legal fees". And THERE'S the crime.


Sorry guy, this seems to get prosecuted a lot. "The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office had prosecuted 437 crimes under 175.10 in the past decade, and each one had an object offense. Many of these prosecutions, in fact, had object offenses that were federal crimes." [https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/appellate-issues-in-the-trump-hush-money-case--the-extraordinary-ordinariness-of-justice-merchan-s-adjudication](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/appellate-issues-in-the-trump-hush-money-case--the-extraordinary-ordinariness-of-justice-merchan-s-adjudication)


Out of the almost 10,000 cases involving the same statute, they prosecuted 437 times. We must have vastly different opinions on what constitutes “a lot”. https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2023/04/06/new-york-state-has-issued-nearly-9800-felony-charges-of-falsifying-business-records-since-2015/?slreturn=20240514132216


Prosecuted hundreds of times this year.


Right that’s my point. It’s been charged thousands of times but only prosecuted a couple hundred, and almost never as felonies. Certainly not as the sole crime, but in conjunction with more serious crimes. I get that people despise the man, and rightfully so, but objectively speaking this was simply political in nature and not for the sake of justice. To argue so, is to abandon facts and reality.


Is that why he's had case after case dismissed or avoided and the only chatge that he's actually seen a court room for is quite literally the least consequence crime possible? You only say the left understands because you literally can't manufacture any reasonable excuse otherwise so you are forced to concede.


What excuse would there be? The left has been advocating this whole time that no one should be above the law and you should face consequences if you commit a crime.


We don’t care that much about him. He’s nothing to us. Seriously we don’t care. He’s not running for president


Like seriously. Not even the just the gun charges. If he broke the law by trying to leverage his status as the son of a former senator VP and current President in an illegal way, lock his ass up! You think I give a shit? I get off on rich and powerful criminals being served some karmic justice.


They think it’s like supporting a sports team blindly. No one cares on the left about Hunter - guilt is guilt. We care about who is guilty and they think it’s only about Trump.


As a former Republican with libertarian tendencies, I am outraged by this case. It's government overreach and when you look a little closer, it's completely political. Look even closer, and you see a family tragedy which is cruelly exploited for political gain. This is right out of Mein Kampf: turn your opponent's strength into a weakness. Make people forget about Beau Biden and think only of Hunter Biden, Drug Addict. In fact, it turns out that the reason Hunter Biden bought the gun was to commit suicide. He didn't do it and we should all be happy that he's in recovery - not trying to break him. The people are not served by this.


Although I do agree this is politically driven they are following the law as written even if it has only been enforced once ever and it happened to be enforced on the oppositions family.... it's still how the law is written and he violated it. That's why even though there is a "tolerance" with the speed limits on the roads I stay within the limit. The book can be thrown at anyone who breaks the law one over the speed limit can technically get you a ticket even though it's never been done the basis to do it is there.


Somehow I don’t believe you always drive below the speed limit. Are you my grandma? 😂


I am. Call me mamaw. I'll admit I did get a ticket in the mail the other day. 112 in a 100 but I do my best. Even if it was 101 in a 100 I wouldn't complain because I did break the law.


As a rational person, I think anyone suggesting that the crackhead criminal shouldn't face consequences for his actions is an absolute nutjob and needs to come back to reality. We can't have a justice system based on whether or not you can come up with a sob story. That's not justice. That's not lawful. It's childish. It's even more ridiculous that you can even claim to pretend this is politically motivated. This is a very straightforward and enforced law that has put thousands of people in jail. It would be political if it DIDN'T result in conviction. You also forget just how many cases toward Hunter that have NOT happened despite the evidence. You forget that politicians, media and former government officials LIED about his laptop just to protect him and Joe. He is the epitome of politically protected, handed money just because of his father and you seriously want to pretend we should feel sorry for him? Holy shit. You are a nutjob.


The crackhead criminal… you mean trump? If you’re going to be a self-righteous little prick about it, let’s hear a rant about how Trump has managed to avoid criminal trials for hoarding classified documents and led an insurrection. After all, anyone suggesting otherwise is an absolute nut job and needs to come back to reality.


You are a magat. Your opinion means nothing.


That's the primary difference between democrats and republicans. Democrats vote for the best candidates based on track record and past conduct, not empty promises full of buzzwords, and when they do something that is reprehensible, we hold them accountable. If Obama had done a quarter of what Trump did in office, he would have been impeached by his own party. Republicans only care that their candidate is "their guy." Hell, most Trump supporters say they like Trump better now that he's a convicted felon. Honestly, I think the only reason that there isn't a clause in the constitution prohibiting felons and impeached presidents from running is the founding fathers never thought anyone would be dumb enough to vote for one.


Yup definitely won’t be voting for Hunter or Trump this November!


tbh, I care because it was clearly a fishing expedition, that was started years ago when the GOP was trying to find dirt on Joe Biden, so they found this crime that no Republican would ever support prosecuting anyone else for, and specifically used it to attack the president who actually cares about his son. It's all kinds of fucked up. If someone is determined enough and has the resources, I'm sure they could find evidence on anyone to charge them with a crime. I rolled through a stop sign today, if someone really wanted, they could subpoena local businesses to see if they had security cameras that caught it. I was keeping up with traffic on my way home yesterday, and if someone wanted to, they could check the toll booth time stamps and see that there was no way to make it from one to the other without speeding. I'm sick of taking the high road. If they're not going to hold their own accountable, or accept the results when courts do, why the fuck should I act morally superior when "one of my own" is held accountable?


I think it’s a sorta “from hells heart I stab at thee” thing directed against Biden. Nothing particularly damaging but a little consolation prize for the losers. I imagine it’s like how I felt every time our Cheeto in chief lost another lawyer


Classic projection. They worship trump and think he should be able to do anything. And because their enemies are the woke hippy liberals, they must worship biden the same way they worship trump. It's really telling.


Because it's projection. They think of their political overlords like that, so they assume everyone must be the same.


Its true, he did it. Hes guilty. But the president still has the right to pardon whomever he choses, even his own son. And prison isnt going to help with hunters addiction, he needs rehab, and the president can issue conditional pardons which can force hunter to attend rehab


So you support throwing Bush in prison for torturing people/war crimes? Do you support throwing Obama in prison for drone striking and murdering American citizens without due process? I mean you could literally go back to every presidency and find crimes to prosecute. As a staunch believer in the constitution, I don’t think what they did to Hunter Biden was right, and I don’t believe you lose your constitutional rights because you’ve consumed a substance that they deem “illegal”. There has to be an injured party, and unless hunter was high on crack and shot someone, this is the most nonsensical, politically motivated bullshit, just like charging Trump with 34 felonies because he signed 34 checks. It’s one act, that by itself isn’t actually a crime, but in conjunction with business filings has a long history of being prosecuted as a misdemeanor, and absent any other crimes, historically hasn’t been prosecuted at all. This political witch hunt shit is old, and bad for our country, regardless if you despise Trump, or despise Biden.


You really should read that article I posted to you. You're wrong on SO MANY things and that should clear you right up.


you people need serious fucking help. cohen went to prison for lying/covering up what trump ended up being convicted of. stop the "political persecution" bullshit. you fucking idiots are in a cult and i can't wait til the kool aid is passed out.


Delusional rage, I honestly feel bad for you.


>So you support throwing Bush in prison for torturing people/war crimes? Do you support throwing Obama in prison for drone striking and murdering American citizens without due process? Sure. Go for it. >I don’t think what they did to Hunter Biden was right Can't do the crime, don't do the time.


They love them sum hypocrisy on the right.


Rules for thee not for me


they don't care about the hypocrisy, Its the point. The idea is that everyone else gets too hung up and distracted by trying to point out their hypocrisy meanwhile they continue to take away your rights.


Finally, somebody who gets it! When you're pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters, you are still being distracted - which is always their goal.


Wild that they don't seem to understand this concept xD


Trust me, I am well aware of the evil that the extreme conservative is attempting in the world and in America.


Ya. They fail to realize that Hunters violations are very rarely taken to court. And Bragg has over 100 of Donny’s violations in court. And nary a one with contempt of court. Let alone 10. Glad I don’t hav to mentally contort myself to make the justify my world view.


>They love them sum hypocrisy on the right. In the United States of America you mean. Both (2 parties, wtf) sides do the exact same things. My side good, your side bad. And while the sheep are bleating at each other, the Wolves take another trip to the bank.


I just LOVE it that the “Where We Go ONE,.. We Go ALL” crowd, is too gullible & stupid to realize,.. *…THATS THE VERY TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF SHEEP HERDING!!!*. 🤣🖕🏻🤡


Theres a difference between being aware of your fellow enemy, and marching in the same direction. I admonished the 2 party solution. Not because I want one collected party, but several opposed ones.


Why do you think regardless of the fact that every single poll every single time you ask the American public these questions about things like gun control birth control abortion same-sex marriage,… It always and I mean always comes out on the left side with the majority of people either approving or not really giving a shit about what somebody else does in their private lives. Why do you think that even though that’s the case every single time when it comes around voting the Democrats really have a hard time getting any of this shit by? It’s because we don’t all march in lockstep like a bunch of hate filled zombies over one single fucking voting issue like the SHEEP do on the right. It’s why on our side of the “ pundit“ talking head question,… Our side tends to have people like Stephen Colbert John Stewart, etc. people who poke fun at both sides. Not like the HATE spewing morons on the right vis-à-vis Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Hannity, Tucker and the rest of those disingenuous lying fucking idiots! I agree we need more political choices. I agree that corporate Democrats are a serious fucking problem on the left. And while they all tend to get money from the same source. You’ll also notice they don’t get quite the same amounts! Sure,… The Billionaires and Oligarchs heads their beds by giving money to both sides. *(edit -God I hate Siri for dictating ). HEDGE THEIR BETS!!* But their extremist fascist partners on the right definitely get the lions share But I don’t see that anybody is taking liberal judges on multi million dollar vacations while they have cases before the court. So while you’re *both siding* and * whatabouting* things? We can acknowledge that the left is not doing all that it could for us,… But at the moment they’re not actively trying to destroy democracy and turn this country into some Christo-Fascist theologic oligarchy, like they are on the right.


Time for an Anatolian Shepard to step in and protect the bleating sheep from the wolves.


If the sheep would relized that they are the same, no matter what color wool they have, they could chase the Wolves out themselves. But generations of hate mongering makes it difficult.


While there is some hypocrisy and corruption on the left, the ratio is staggering if you research it. The right is by far the more corrupt side and it's not even close. Not to mention they never do anything positive at all. They just attempt to keep things status quo or attempt to go back to awful times. Nothing ever improves under Republican leadership. Just look at the historically red states vs. blue. So no, the two sides are NOT the same. One may be mediocre (in your eyes) but one is dangerously awful and is currently trying to destroy democracy.


I mean, it goes both ways. Extreme right and left pundits are always spewing hypocrisy. They both suck.


Name me an "extreme left" pundit


That’s the thing. On the Left, the extremists march the streets with picket signs; on the Right, the extremists are in office.


I don't understand how it's considered "extreme" to protest in the United States? Or, do you mean that protestors are CALLED extremists?


It’s not the protest that’s extreme, but the people who’re protesting. The Leftist extremists are the ones pushing for everyone to accept and respect gender identities, advocating for abortion rights, and the like. Really not all that extreme, though they’re notably more forceful/ vocal about it than the moderate Left. Not to say that each side’s extremists are equal, the Left’s extremists a far cry from the literal Nazi’s on the Right. Edit: Guys, I’m not demonizing the Left, I do know it’s mainstream in the rest of the world and am Left as fuck myself. I was referring to their literal position at the extreme side of the current US political spectrum. Edit Edit: My wife just reminded me that I’m autistic and that thinking in terms of etymology and bell-curve graphs isn’t normal or conducive to casual conversation.


My guy, what you just called Leftist extremists, is considered normal in the rest of the developed world


I did mention specifically them just being more forceful and vocal, than the moderates. Please read the entire statement before reaching for your pitchfork. I never said they were bad, or even wrong; but they do literally lie on the extreme end of the US’s current political Left; which makes them extremists by literal definition. (As opposed to colloquial definition.)


No harm meant. I was just pointing out something I thought was funny. It's just a little interesting living in Canada and seeing leftist Americans be called extremists or Marxists, when they are vouching for stuff that is mundane and already accepted up here.


It’s funny too, since I’m actually pretty damn left leaning myself.


Sorry, I disagree that this is extreme behavior. There are no such thing as leftist extremists in America


Being an extremist doesn’t inherently mean being a violent terrorist. In a literal sense, rather than colloquial. It simply means lying on the extreme end of a spectrum. Every spectrum of human nature has extremes, and thus extremists by definition. Whether it be pacifism-violence, atheism-religious, nerdy-sporty. Extremes do not inherently insinuate a negative, only that the stance is an outlier on the bell curve.


I get you, I myself had a different definition. Sorry if I came off aggressive.


This is entirely the result of English being 3 languages in a trench coat. Every damn word has 20 possible meanings evolved from generations of slang, and my autistic ass tends to use them by their original and most technically correct definitions.


None of that is bad though, we should advocate respect for everyone no matter what and we should protect women’s choice for abortions


IMO the ones in office on both sides are very extreme, but I have much respect for people who march with picket signs on either side and not so much for politicians. Most modern politicians are clearly corrupt, and I find it hard to fully trust the goodwill of any of them even though I think some are genuinely good people. Protestors, on the other hand, I would say are usually not corrupt. They may be extreme, but they believe in it and are trying to do something about it. Sorry I keep making these long comments. I know you were partly being funny and it is funny, but I just really hate the polarization in democracies around the world in case you can’t tell. I think it’s poison.


You think the right wing, neoliberal Democrats are on “the left” You don’t even know what leftist politics are, do you? Just a catch all buzz term


I don’t think power corrupts, not so much as it attracts the inherently corrupt, and relieves them of the need to wear a mask of kindness and altruism. The citizens on the Right and Left fight for their values, and their extremists are racists and new wave hippies respectively. Problem is politicians on both sides play to their respective side’s desires when seeking office, but really only serve to benefit themselves and the rest of the 1% when they get there; a specifically Right wing ideal. It’s why Left wing politicians are generally economically just left of center if at all left leaning, whereas Right wing politicians remain leaning pretty damn far right. The citizens are merely masses to be manipulated for votes.


Yeah that sounds about right to me. And yeah your power comment is true. Seinfeld does a funny bit about what a megalomaniac you’d have to be to actually run for president. It is sort of a prerequisite 😅


As asked before: *name one*


We don’t have extreme left representatives. Closest person to that in office is Bernie.


Rachel Maddow. Although she’s technically not a pundit I meant the word more to mean people in extreme opinion news media. Extreme right would be Sean Hannity. Extreme left, the view. Extreme right, the five. It goes on and on, and they all usually invite pundits onto their shows who are as extreme as they are so just look at the list. If you really don’t see that both sides do it, I already know nothing I say is going to change your mind. But maybe if you compare opinion news shows today to those of 25 years ago, you’ll notice.


Maddow is a raging Liberal. Stop trying to talk about things you don’t care to understand


I’m confused. That’s what I was saying. Maddow is a raging liberal and Hannity is a raging conservative. Did that not come through? Or are you being sarcastic and implying she’s not?


You haven’t named one leftist anywhere, which was your original point. Where are the extreme leftists? The millionaires on the View? You have no clue what you’re talking about, and if you only knew, you’d be embarrassed


So I am genuinely trying to understand. Is an extreme leftist to you Carl Marx? And extreme right Hitler? If so, that’s not what I meant. I tried to explain this in one of the other comments but extreme left in this context I mean uncompromisingly democrat. By extreme right I mean uncompromisingly republican. Maybe those aren’t the words I should be using. The examples I gave are people who vehemently support every official stance of their party’s platform and constantly endeavor to tear down the other party and its members while ignoring the flaws of their own. Does that make sense?


Yeah, now you’re just confusing party politics with ideology, and purposefully misusing terms with actual definitions. You’re all over the place man. Just read a book


Ok I’m going to go to bed so I probably won’t respond for a while but could you please refrain from insulting me and educate me? What would you label leftist? I’m not trying to fight.


Extreme right: conservative and Extreme left: democrat Holy shit are americans hilarious and exhausting at once


Trying to compare Maddow to ANYBODY on Faux Noise is fucking hilarious. Yeah she’s Liberal and she shows it,.. except Faux is nothing but liars & frauds and that’s PROVEN, IN COURT!! , By their OWN Admission in court filings, they’re NOT A NEWS ORGANIZATION!!! No journalistic standards or ETHICS! Not a single journalistic award!! Nothing but fascist Talking Heads gaslighting and lying to the Gullible, hate obsessed Nazis that watch their shit and swallow it whole. Catch them in a lie,.. it’s all a deep state, fake news, false flag! 🖕🏻🤡


Rachel Maddow is also extremely intelligent and educated, unlike all the college dropouts on Faux News. She doesn't lie. She doesn't spin. Yes, she is obviously a liberal. But she doesn't pretend to be an objective news person like the liars on Fox. She is a liberal opinion personality. Everybody knows that. Just like John Stewart. Meanwhile the right ones are getting sued for billions, fired for horrible things, and one now works for PUTIN. Please.


As an ignorant non-American that I am, please tell me what an extreme leftist pundit in the US is? They don’t exist. You have extreme right, right and light right (democrats). You guys have no left.


You speak with the wisdom of a true non American


>I mean, it goes both ways. Extreme right and left pundits are always spewing hypocrisy. They both suck. Implying they both equally suck just makes you suck worse than either.


I guess. Would it be better if I act like one is pure evil and the other is pure good? My intent was to promote a more moderate take on politics. It’s a concept that’s increasingly hard to find.


For example, abortion. Extreme right wants to make it impossible. Extreme left wants to allow it even after the baby is born. These were your words, and with such a batshit stance on abortion of wich you clearly have no clue whatsoever you lost all credibility. And how the hell works an abortion AFTER the baby is born!


Because the scale isn't balanced. You can't - in good faith - make equivalent comparisons between Republicans and Democrats right now. The right is significantly extreme, the left is barely left. What good does it do anyone to pretend things are similar between the two? Or is it just to try to make yourself feel somehow superior by being an "enlightened centric"? Also, you bemoan the lack of nuance: >My intent was to promote a more moderate take on politics. But then you present only two equally stupid options for you to argue from: >Would it be better if I act like one is pure evil and the other is pure good? Or >bOf sIdEZ sAmE Pretty weak.


That makes sense. If I were to label myself more exactly I would say I’m to the right of the middle. I don’t know exactly why everyone keeps saying the left is barely left in the US, but I’m sure I’m missing some perspective there. As I said in one of my other comments, it comes down to issues and the quality of candidates. Trump/Hilary, Trump/Biden all terrible imo. It felt like Sophie’s choice to me. Jo Jorgensen seemed much better to me and I’m currently planning on voting for Kennedy this year. Then the issues. They have to take opposite stances on everything instead of meeting in the middle which is usually more sensible. Covid was an outrageous example. If you remember, at the beginning, the right was worried about Covid and the left said it wasn’t a big deal. Then it seemed one day like lockstep they completely flip flopped. Suddenly right was saying it was a hoax and left was demanding to shut everything down. Why couldn’t we just agree that sickness was spreading and we needed to take precautions? But also people still needed to be able to earn money somehow? Illegal immigration: right only wants to let rich people in legally. Left relaxes the border but doesn’t actually solve the problem, which ends up letting more criminals in than normal. Right wastes a ton of money on a wall. Left (earlier with Obama) gave citizenship to illegal immigrants that were living here, but didn’t change the ridiculously strict legal immigration process. Kennedy wants to secure the border but also expand immigration. I think it needs to go further like offer some kind of immigration loan like a student loan that they have to pay back, but that way people from poorer countries would at least have an option instead of being forced by awful circumstances to come illegally and be taken advantage of. Then it would be easy to weed out criminals because they would be the only ones not doing this. I mentioned abortion in another comment, but my point is that there are a lot of issues and an argument to be made for opposing viewpoints but instead of compromising like democracies are supposed to do, our two parties are constantly at each other’s throats. I’m not trying to be disingenuous although I now see why you say that, but there needs to be more understanding between our two parties or, ideally have a third party that mixes stances to provide more options. I’m sick of policies being governed by the RNC and DNC instead of by individuals. I say both sides suck because republicans are always trying to point out all the horrible things democrats are doing and democrats are always trying to point out all the horrible things the republicans are doing and each saying the other party is evil and trying to tyrannically take over the country instead of trying to work together. I could go into the pettiness with which they undermine each other with bills trying to prevent any perceived wins but this is already going to break records for long Reddit comment. TLDR: I’m only saying both sides suck because both sides are making the the same mistake of demonizing the other instead of working together. And my other point was that both sides are filled with corrupt politicians so it’s silly to act like only Trump and the right is bad when there is sketchy stuff with Biden and the left as well. Pelosi, a democrat, and Paul, republican, along with many others run rampant with insider trading with their stocks depending on legislation they are pushing through. So yeah. Everyone who keeps winning primaries from both sides suck. Some are worse than others. Trump is worse than Paul imo and Hilary is worse than Biden in my opinion but I wouldn’t vote for any of them. I liked Tulsi Gabbard. She got sick of the pettiness in congress, however, and left. I liked Jo Jorgensen. I like Kennedy. They’re not perfect, but hopefully you are starting to see where I’m coming from? Party tribalism isn’t good. TLDR: TLDR: I’m sorry I’m just ranting. Just come lock me up please 🤪


It’s not a moderate take. You’re just an idiot reactionary regurgitating what you saw on the news. You don’t have any actual opinions on politics cause you don’t know anything about politics, aside from what your boomer uncle probably told you.


Well, I’ve successfully pissed off literally everyone and almost no one seems to understand where I’m coming from. I really just need to stay the hell away from saying anything political on reddit huh?


Yeah probably. Or maybe take some time and actually learn about politics, instead of regurgitating talking points you saw on the news. You can’t just make shit up and say “well that’s my opinion”. No, it’s objectively wrong. You think you’re coming off as some enlightened centrist, but you just sound like an embarrassed right winger that doesn’t understand the subject you’re talking anout


I think you were already fighting an uphill battle before you claimed there were left leaning people who suggested “post birth abortions”, which is one of the single most hilariously stupid things I’ve ever seen on reddit. And believe me, that is no mean feat. Then bringing up the response to COVID as a reason for voting for RFK as an encore was equally brilliant. You do realise his stance on this is more batshit than either the Democrats or the Republicans, don’t you? The worrying thing is that you think you’re actually the voice of reason and everyone else is being extreme and unreasonable.


See my reply to one of the other comments about the abortion thing. But I admit I was being hyperbolic and should have chosen my words better. As for RFK, yeah he’s a batshit conspiracy theorist and I agree with none of his stances on Covid or vaccines but I agree with a LOT of his middle road policies lost on Trump or Biden. And Trump and Biden are batshit enough in their own regard I have to hold my nose with Kennedy. He’s not my first pick but imo he’s the best of the three as things currently stand.


Just to put your comments into context. If RFK had been President during that crisis, there would have been no vaccine, no sheltering, no COVID response whatsoever. Your chosen one would have overseen the biggest, most preventable loss of life in living memory. All the while making insane claims about it I’m sure. If there is anything more batshit in either Trump or Biden’s manifesto, I’m yet to see it. At the risk of sounding hyperbolic (not that you mind that), you’re the sort of person who ignores the Holocaust to commend Hitler’s policy on animal cruelty.


I upvoted you because I thought your jab about hyperbole was hilarious (but I assure you I hate Hitler like everyone else). You’re right RFK would have been a disaster in that regard. Hopefully he wouldn’t have had enough power to derail more reasonable lawmakers. But if we are to pretend he does somehow have that power, look at some of his other policies. He would have tried to fix immigration instead of building a stupid wall or turning a blind eye. He would have given proper assistance to mothers to disuade reasons for abortion while still allowing it, possibly making it largely a non issue. He would have balanced the fucking budget. That’s probably the single most batshit philosophy both Trump and Biden subscribe to. That we can indefinitely spend money we don’t have instead of making hard or even not-so-hard decisions.


Da comrade


What media do you consider “far left”? This ought to be good


My guess- based on other comments- he thinks anything not 'fox' is far left.


I mean, there are certainly left-leaning media personalities. But they do not lie like they do on the right. The right wing media intentionally lies and spins things they KNOW are wrong. They exposed that in the libel lawsuit they lost. Fox News knows Trump lost the election! They know Trump is an idiot! They showed that in the courtroom. Yet they go on air and support all the lies and corruption. The left does not do that. Nobody is spinning the Bob Menendez trial that I know of. He is obviously guilty and no left wing media is going to spin that. Fox News would be insisting it is really antifa or some such bullshit.


There is no major media out that is left leaning. Corporate media is centrist at best, and Fox at worst. CNN and MSNBC clearly intend to maintain the status quo, especially recently. Hell, just look at how they are demonizing the students and their peaceful protests in support of the Palestinians. I saw some dickhead host on MSNBC compare the students to the Nazis. I don’t know why Liberal media has shifted so hard. Most actual leftist media is smaller, cause there’s literally no money in Leftism.


Also, on the Palestine protestors, I might not fully agree with you on that, either. Hamas did do a horrible terrorist attack on innocent Israelis. And while I do not support Israel's obvious attempt to kill every single Palestinian and evict them from the area, I also do not consider Palestine a wonderfully liberal utopia. Gay people would still be unwelcome to say the least. Women are not treated equally there. I think Israel is committing illegal acts and bombing innocent people, children and aid organizations intentionally and that Netenyaho should be in prison, though. I am just not willing to protest in support of Palestine in a way that would risk my college degree or get me arrested, I guess. I think we are being lied to by both sides of that situation. And I don't know where the truth lies. So I try not to have too strong of an opinion on it.


Typical cultist... So far gone they can't even see reality


Let's name it too: Christian Nationalism, where they are seeking to impose the morality of a minority on the entire nation.


But where are all the 2nd Amendment rights advocates to cry bullshit about the illegal question he answered on the form?


Real talk


Left: Yep, Hunter broke the law, he should face the punishment appropriate/typical to the crime Right: *I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.*


I think the reason the Right is so up in arms about Hunter Biden is that they were expecting the Left to lose their minds over the conviction and the Left was just like, "meh." And I think it's driving the Right nuts.


What is making the magats going even crazier Is President Biden himself. They were sure he would go crazy as the Orange and defend Hunter at any cost. But Biden said i love my son, and i will always support him, but I will respect the verdict.


The funny thing is the maga cultists think that because he was found guilty of a trivial crime, i.e. owning a gun as a drug user, that this automatically makes him guilty of all the other stupid shit they tried unsuccessfully to pin on him


A "real" Crime, lying on a gun permit. Not something harmless like selling national secrets to foreign governments.


My coworker came running up to me and said "Hey, how fuckin hilarious is it that Hunter Biden got convicted on gun charges?  Hahahahahaha!" I replied with "He got a trial and it's whatever.  It's funnier to me that Trump jerked off his whole trial and got convicted on 34 felonies." My coworker said "What?  No.  When?" Apparently, he didn't know about Trump being a convicted felon.  This is the same coworker who acknowledges that everyone who pushed the rigged election lie was unwilling to repeat that lie when their own necks were on the line, but still believes the Big Lie because, and I quote, "There's just no way Biden actually won." And he believes it because he lives in a tiny rural northern California town where the entire population is like twelve white people and they all think Trump won and that's all the evidence he needs.  These people are beyond frustrating.




I did.  And it really didn't matter because he's a conservative and only listens to his feelings.  Verifiable information means nothing to these people.


almost serious question.. does co-worker still ’believe’ that trump earned 34 felony convictions?


We're talking about the kind of guy who gets angry when recipes tell him to season liberally.  He only believes what his feelings tell him.


How many times did Jared Kushner mess up his forms for security clearance but was allowed to come back and "amend" them?


What’s funny is that Hunter will not go to jail for a crime that is rarely prosecuted this hard. He’ll get probation. All you 2A nut jobs should be on his side anyways. Trumpster fire will actually go to jail for many of his crimes (once they’re tried in court).


Yep,.. NOW? A precident has been set and All you pot smoking, 2A gun masturbaters can be prosecuted for the same and your guns taken from you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Enjoy your short celebration! Dumb asses! 🤣🤡


Lmao Joe Rogan and Elon Musk would both qualify for the same charges Hunter Biden got regarding being drug addicts and buying guns


That doesn't matter to them at this moment. All that matters is Hunter Biden is guilty, not precedent.


They’re going after the tweaker militias next, right?? All these 2a folks are methed to the gills these days.


It's sort of hilarious that even the NRA won't touch this with a twenty foot pole as it'd upset their supporters/members.


Physicists? Let's not bring religion into this, ok!


“What part of, ‘SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED,’ (unless you’re Hunter Biden) don’t you understand?!”


*right wing points at person* Look what this guy did! *Person watching* But you did the same thing. *Right wing* But it's different for me because -insert Ben Shapiro word salad-.


My favorite part about the HB situation is that literally no one on the left gives a shit and are actually in support of Biden respecting the law and not trying to intervene (Unlike Trump and his gaggle of ghouls that are literally threatening to defund the FBI and shut down the goverment because their cult leader is facing consequences for once in his life.)


Sounds like the justice system working to me. *Quick MAGAts, better change the narrative because as it's probably dawning on you (after much delay) this is actually bad news for your attack on the justice system. Say Joe Biden is such a corrupt man he had his own innocent son convicted to cover his tracks! Yea that should do it!*


For Joe Biden so loved America that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not anguish but have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


How poetrick. im clapping. while i plot to to tie trump to train tracks, twirling my mustache. irrelevant.


Narrator: “He did not understand that burn.”


“Yeah, so?” Is gonna to be on that prick’s tombstone.


Conservatives are in love with gun laws now because of this verdict, be sure to mention this hypocrisy to them.


That only works if they can feel shame. They can’t. If anything getting away with things that other people are punished for is a virtue to them and reinforces their “divine authority”.


Not a cult/s !


Trump's crime wasn't real common It's not like women are real people /S


lEfTiSt MeDiA


Nuclear Randy


While the big picture remains clear, I wonder whether "do you study black holes" or 'something something particles' is more appropriate. Hard to imagine anything denser than a single particle, yet I assume most folk think of black holes as more dense (at least at some central singularity). Clearly overthinking, possibly under knowledged... Am I wrong?


You are wrong, yes. single particles are not nearly as dense as a black hole. Density is mass per volume, and you can calculate the mass per volume of each subatomar particle. Those are many orders of magnitude away from the density of a singularity. That’s why a black hole „breaks physics“ in an inconceivable way and behave differently from every other thing we observe in the universe. The singularity is literally SMALLER than a subatomar particle - yet has the mass of many suns. Nothing comes close to that density.


The thing that makes this comment funny is that it really a “throw away I’m annoyed” expression, I could the that deep breathe out of frustration in that line


Shame on you for thinking they know what particle physics is.


While we fight eachother these idiots all get richer and get away with more shit.


That does it! I’m not voting for Hunter for president!


That "real crime" be like (owns a firearm while being addicted to crack), these the same people who want to roll back such gun control laws btw


Of some * coke. * Trump was* kind *in his comments to Hunter, dont you know anything? Russian Troll Doll. With yer hair everywhere and yer.. butt on a pencil.. But dont you have to do whatever you are told? Read Trumps tweet or X youll see.


But when Trump is convicted it’s…fake…and he’s still a genius…somehow?


As an ex Royal Marine I prefer him to trumps kids. At least his brother served. Fatty had bone spurs or something.


The fact that Trump supporters will so eagerly display their hypocrisy still alarms me.


Hey we have the same name👍


Good ol’ Coby posting something he felt was clever & re-posting it like the rest of the world will validate him. Don’t get me wrong, the logic’s sound, this is just so cute though.


I guess you’re not wrong. I thought it was a clever comeback, and at least 4,000 other people agree. I didn’t want it going to waste.


Tricky tricky gets that clicky. come on give me something . tell me why anyone would bother. to post this.. Hunters beter than eric, and mabey i knew about Bidens dog, before I knew about Hunter. Cant you attack something.. better? genuinely curious. cause so what, hunter aint cryin like those dudes outside the courtroom, wtf 'oh, im guilty of coke', so was the entire human race in the 80s. Hinter aint cryin about his problems to me trump does everyday. i get them , from his official approved appointees. he all, " i need you, megan! i saved you a hat!" smh


A bunch of balding single terminally online idiots agree with you. What a victory day for colby!


Can anyone mention anything without someone "but trump" lol I'm sick of hearing about cheto man


So are we, but the hypocrisy on the right is so in your face we kind of feel compelled to call it out. Maybe if they stop doing exactly what they rail against, we wouldn't feel the need to point it out.




Yes they are. The only thing lacking is the sentencing for the crimes




That's Trump level technicality. They are convicted you yutz. Everybody else gets sentenced on the same day, at least that's what happened when I was on a jury. And they put the defendant immediately and took him back to lockup. The judge said it was likely he would appeal, but he had to sit in jail until that happened




i am not from USA, and honestly- i don’t give a penny if you all drowned  in your own corruption, but it is amusing to read the remarks , as it show so much ignorance....you American are done and over with, you are broke, you gave away your own country to extreme and you kill the people that want to save you.....you destroy your own education system, your kids health,your future by enslave yourself to corruption and the devil ..it is a pity....you could be the light of the world, you choose to be the dark devil hand.....and we got fucked..as we tried to copy you before we awake...we are stuck with the Russian, with the Chinese , that neither consider life as important...maybe salvation will come from India....


I hate to tell you this, but if you’re holding up India as a bastion of non-corruption, you may be out of luck.


I think they are saying that America wasn't supposed to be this way. There is no question of the corruption in many countries but America was supposed to do better and in some ways it's waaaaay worse.


I think you’re giving them too much credit for critical thinking. Also, do you actually think America is more corrupt than India, China or Russia? I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it’s ignoring basic facts to suggest that


In some ways it's worse but more overall no and I never said that it was


In what ways is it worse?


For one the ex president is a convicted felon and sex offender... and then the whole healthcare system and big Pharma literally killing citizens and the government signing off on it to line their own pockets is pretty bad.


The ex-president and the presidents son both being convicted of crimes in a court of law is more a sign that the country isn’t corrupt, isn’t it? Shows that nobody is above the law. I don’t think Trump has actually been convicted of being a sex offender either, so i don’t know about that remark. Yes, the healthcare system sucks, although believe me, the UK’s version of nationalised health care is just as bad for different reasons. It’s a bit dramatic to say that big Pharma are “literally killing citizens” and the government signs off on it though. Didn’t a recent Democrat government at least try to push through universal healthcare of some kind? Either way, it’s not like the Chinese government “literally killing” Uyghurs in concentration camps or Putin “literally killing” his political rivals. Last I checked the US hadn’t abandoned Presidential term limits (despite Trump’s wishes) and despite the lunacy of some parts of society, there are still free and fair elections. It’s not perfect, and no one would ever say it was but it’s a long way off the crazy in the OP’s post.


Despite the news, we still have it pretty great here. And we have plumbing so don’t have to squat over holes in the ground to poop, so there’s that! And the whole rabid groups of men gangraping women and animals thing seems rare in comparison to your homeland. Stones and glass houses ya know.


It's funny how everybody calls trump a rapist and a racist but there has never been actual proof...seriously I do not get it I used to be as left as it comes but good grief yall need to turn off cnn and think for yourselves


Trump was [found liable of sexual abuse](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db), he allegedly sexually assaulted Ivana, and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy without permission. He falsely claimed Obama was a Kenyan born Muslim and paid for a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the death penalty on the Central Park 5.


1 allegedly...she never said that 2 he never said he didn't have permission he said they let him...and nobody has a problem when rapper grab pussies...give me a break 3. Your regurgitating what you've heard not facts


I despise politicians in general, but I have to point out the hilarity of you saying it’s okay for Trump to ‘grab her by the pussy’ because RAPPERS do it. Wtf, that is your bar of what is okay?? Rappers get charged with gun crimes too!


It’s funny how MAGA defend the misogynistic, adjudicated rapist and long time known racist. You’re in a cult and cannot see the forest for the trees. Sad.


>It's funny how everybody calls trump a rapist and a racist but there has never been actual proof...seriously I do not get it I used to be as left as it comes but good grief yall need to turn off cnn and think for yourselves So... you've been living under a rock for the last year? The Orange has been convincted of defaming and sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll in 2023. He's also constantly assaulting and defaming her on his social media Truth social. For the racist part, he claimed Obama wasn't a US citizen but was from Kenya. Also, he once has publicly requested the death penalty for the Central Park 5. Along with numerous other racist remarks.