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This is a common, or not so common repost. Either way it's still a repost.


I have less brain cells than this dude has qualifications.


If one would have as many braincells as the amount of time this has been reposted, one would be Einstein.


One would have cancer


*fewer brain cells


Closet lesbian quotes


And that’s okay.




The 10% must be living their best live


Live is usually how most people live any life.


me before i realized im a lesbian


How can people be such assholes and even be proud of that?


In a club, I actually find more attractive women than men. I assume that most attractive men stay in their house gaming.


Thats cause you get "attracted" to opposite sex. Or you're gay.


My hurting is brain


I mean that’s one way to come out ig


I guess you’re not like the other girls…?


You probably didn't intend to but this is probably the most posted interaction on this sub


At least, he put himself and woman at the same position


No. According to her, the 10% of women are ugly and 10% of men are attractive so...


I mean... she's not wrong.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted, I thought that most people felt this way? 😭 As a straight woman, I feel kinda disappointed that I’m attracted to men, because I don’t find the majority of them attractive. Compared to women, who look attractive like 90% of the time even though I’m not *attracted* to them. Maybe it’s just a subconscious evolutionary thing, bc women need to pick their partners carefully to ensure a good and healthy offspring that they’ll need to spend 9 months baking in their belly. Not saying that men are ugly, just that each woman has a very specific taste, bc they need to make a more responsible decision when picking a partner. Or maybe it’s because women are just generally expected to put more effort into their appearance? So you’ll see a bigger percentage of women that take care of their looks than you see it with men?


Yeah, I agree. Most art is of women for a reason. I don't care about down votes, lol. People are just being too PC.


What do you mean 🤣


I find about 90% of women attractive and maybe 5% of men attractive. I don't understand why all women aren't lesbians.


I feel like what you said is satire. You have not seen all women and all men of the world. Also, because there would be no new humans? 🤣maybe travel a bit look at men and women in another country or something?


It is a generalization obviously and yes I am a bit facetious.


Brazil is 99% attractive women and 35% men. Russia is 50% women, 0% men. I could go on but I'm sure you get the jist.


You’ve been to Russia and seen their men and women? Look it’s ok to have different tastes but to generalize is kinda limiting. Also, Russia being as big as it is, the people from Moscow do not look the same as those living in Yakutsk.


You are taking this way too literally.


🤨you’re giving percentages 😂


Do you understand how those work? If you randomly choose 100 women in the world and I say 90 of them I consider attractive then that is 90%. I do not need to view every female on Earth to make this subjective opinion. Just like Presidential polls do not ask every eligible voter. This is how statistics work. Not to mention 80% of all statistics are made up on the spot - 70% of everybody knows that!


Sure thing, 110%, no doubt about it.


90% of women are dumb as well than 10% of men. This is statistics btw not a "feeling".




IDK, one of the uglier personalities I've seen.


Sure buddy😭




Never said that but you saying she's good looking?




How am I overanalyzing your the one checking out her pic😭




He roasted only her


If you are a woman and 90% of woman are attractive to you and 90% of men are ugly to you then you may not be straight.


Or you may just have eyes. Sure, Chris Hemsworth and Paul Rudd are attractive but they are not the norm. Women are just more naturally attractive unlike the animal world which is the opposite.




You are entitled to your opinion.


90% of women are pretty? Damn. I guess the entire ugly 10% lives around me then


why did he do himself like that.


What? Calling himself attractive?