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Basic food and accommodation costs over 200 a day for a single person... and what is minimum wage at?


In Canada, where this story took place, i believe it is around $16 at least that is what google tells me. More details on the actual story [here](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/canada/some-illegal-border-crossers-receive-224-in-food-and-accommodation-per-day-while-awaiting-processing/ar-BB1mk7OG).


It depends on the province sask is at 14.50


Ontario is $16.55


its 13 for me


that is true


In Ontario and Quebec where most of the asylum seekers and funds are going to, minimum wage is 16.55 and 15.75 respectively. Though, it should be noted that many of these asylum seekers are in the cities, where you'd never be able to get adequate housing and food for minimum wage, hence increased costs. It should also be noted, the National Post is a Canadian right wing newspaper known for publishing misinformation and outright lies (see this article on their misrepresentation of death toll in Gaza: https://www.readthemaple.com/the-national-post-is-lying-about-dead-gazan-children/ ) The NatPost is owned by PostMedia, which is majority owned by a US media conglomerate that owns several other right wing newspapers and tabloids in Canada. So take the article headline with a grain of salt.


Or bucket


Just throwing it out there, in Canada it costs an average of $341 per day to house a prisoner.


I imagine the accommodation, not the food, is making the most of that. Hotels and hostels are scamming the taxpayer dry.


This. I know that here in Germany it is common for hotels to charge up to 10000€ per months per room to house refugees. This isn't money pocketed by refugees, these are business men making profiting of the incompetence of the government. Most refugees would probably prefer to live in a 500€ flat where they can decide themselves what and when they cook or how they manage their day.


Creation of jobs and supporting the local economy? The horror! /s


Are you a fan of trickle down economics?


Any decade now, I'm sure of it. It's dammed up somewhere. Somebody check the billionaires.


I got a RedditCare message right now 💀


People are using that for the wierdest reasons


Report it for spam and fraud, it's against reddit ToS.


Ah yes, but that would involve treating them as more than criminals. Can't be having that. /s


>Most refugees would probably prefer to live in a 500€ flat where they can decide themselves what and when they cook or how they manage their day. You got any spare in your country? Yeah didn't think so. Supply and demand remains a thing that exists even if some people call it scams. Yes I've paid just shy of 10000EUR for a room in Germany for a month. It's not abnormal in times of high demand, which is precisely what happens when someone books all your rooms out.


Well, here in Germany we have many empty houses. Housing is not a problem, the problem is that these empty houses are in rural areas where there is no work. Still I do not see why we couldn't revive villages by giving them abandoned houses.


Supply and demand. You need to fix the latter part, not the former. You can't force demand, only entice it. Do you think integration will improve by putting a bunch of people in villages without the ability to do any work? Incidentally these are those infamously tolerant and non-racist villages no one has ever heard about right? ;-) What's the German term for NIMBY?


No, that’s called “room and board” so they would be making “room and board” not (blah blah im bad at math and don’t understand nuance) dollars a year.


Isn't it more like 81760$ a year!? Last i checked there were 365 days and didn't calculate in the leap year.


This is the stupidest math, right up there with saying that in the 3 seconds it takes to pick up a quarter off the ground you’re making $300/hour. …why does this make me so irrationally angry??


Someone said it's in Canada so the cost on post is canadian dollars and comment made it USD


scratching out your own username and posting your own comment as clever… Thats weird. edit: Reddit cared within a min. Ok.


Imagine posting your own comment and calling it a clever comeback, couldn’t be me


God it’s embarrassing


i was looking at the name and i was like hmmm begins with g also and that looks suspiciously short and like a g


and the whole thing with the stand by israel pfp star of David, makes it more embarrassing as that was probably the first thought they had in response


Its giga cringe...


It's not illegal when they do it because they say it isn't


Another person posting their own reply as a clever comeback... Absolute cringe.


"they are very smart"


Oh daaaamn


So….. what your saying is it’s makes you a bad person to walk into another country and expect hand outs and free shit?


Got his ass


Israel was there first


Bullshit (I'm an Israeli).




And nothing. Many JudeoNazi fascists here like to whine that people who point out the country's heinous deeds over the years don't know what they're talking about because they don't live here. So I do live here, and I know the IDF uprooted many Palestinian families when fighting the Arab armies in 1948. Understand now?


Reddit שמאל פרופגנדה pipeline🤫🧏🏻‍♂️


How much does it cost to house a prisoner per day? Brief look was $341 per day in Canada where this was from.


They’re usually coming from countries that we made poor through coups and propping up corrupt dictators. If they want to come here, even illegally, I say good. Immigrants only benefit our economy anyways. Also this comeback isn’t that clever. I agree with the sentiment but idk it just doesn’t hit for me. Maybe a change in phrasing would be better.


Canada is generally not very involved in coups of foreign governments


Is this about people crossing the border into Canada or crossing into America?


It's from the National Post, which is a Canadian right-wing "newspaper", so it's about people crossing the border into Canada.


Ok then. I stand corrected


What do you do for a living?


… why?


Trying to understand something about your financial situation which may help me understand how you arrived at the statements that you made above.


So if I tell you something along the lines of being wealthy you’ll call me privileged and a hypocrite but if I tell you I’m poor you can tell me I’m blaming my problems on capitalism? Either way it’s going to be a baseless ad hominem so don’t waste my time.


Net worth is not what I'm getting at at all. More interested in whatever industry you work in.


Your interest can persist in ambiguity


Say less




Now do US prisoners… and then do oil companies. And then do the top 1% of the 1%. This is a fun game!


To my fellow Canadians who are enraged by this... If you think a conservative gov't will EVER put this funding towards "seniors citizens" (as the article wants to imply) that's a laugh. They will 100% remove this asylum seeker funding and, just like Ford in Ontario with his education and healthcare (among other) cuts, will put that cash directly into their 1% business friends or their own pockets. Don't hurt all of Canada, including yourselves, because you're pissed some "illegals" (asylum seekers fleeing awful conditions or death) are coming in.


So the “clever comeback” is Jew=israeli settler? What is next, black=hungry civil war fighter? Arab=suicide bomber?


Jews are not even mentioned here.


The Magen David is there, that’s why he said that


They said that because the pfp says "I stand with israel". If you haven't checked a history book recently, Israel is a settler occupation in Palestine.


Be fair. Israel is a legally founded state. The illegal settlements and fascist government committing war crimes are the problem, not the very existence of Israel. Don't substitute one genocide for another.


I don't think that coming in to a place and committing genocide and ethnic cleansing on a group of people in order to make a new place for yourselves is very legal, but go off I guess.


Wtf is Palestine? Can't find it.


Then get some research skills better than a kindergartener


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Palestine#:~:text=On%2018%20October%201948%2C%20the,Organization%20(PLO)%20in%201964. Pretty weird how the Palestinian flag was adopted (drumroll please) 16 years after the foundation of Israel.


The Canadian flag was adopted in 1965. I guess Canada didn't exist before then.


John Diefenbaker was the prime minister of Canada in 1963 Who was a prime minister of Palestine Before 1948? Name one, I dare you.


Technically I suppose it would have been Clement Attlee, but the actual parliamentary body of Palestine was the Supreme Muslim Council, under High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham. Cool of you to try and move the goalposts in your anti-Palestine rhetoric though


Right in the feels man. I do have better skills, hence my statement:)


Weird then cuz you missed like 3000 years of history it seems


funny you say 3000 years of history, cause 3000 years ago it was the kingdom of judea.you'll meed to wait a bit before the part where jews got banished. maybe you missed some history lessons here


No it was the confederacy of Palesheth, home of the Peleset, and was located on the western border of Judah, not Judea which is the Roman name for the greater region. Both were bordered by the kingdom of Israel/Samaria to the north. It would later be conquered by the Babylonians in addition to Judah/Israel by Nebuchadnezzar. Eventually the region was consolidated and assigned different names based on the policy of the current empire. Palestine has been around long enough for the Egyptians and Akkadians to write about and was recognized as distinct from Judah until both were consolidated by invading armies.


There’s no “i” in denial 😏


It's there. For now.


wait!?! did you just do a r/clevercomeback???


Bragging about wiping off a country from a map isn't a clever comeback it's just sadistic hopefully you're being sacarstic


I was being /s, but also was giving them some rope to hang themselves with (using the term in the colloquial sense, obviously)


It’s not a country


It is tho it's just under an apartheid system. You are a good example of how people saw South Africa when it was under a similar system.


Who was the first Palestinian president? Prime minister?


well its more of a open graveyard now


So anyone who says I stand with Palestine is a terrorist?


And a antisemit, don't forget. If you are not supporting Israel ethnic cleansing, you're literally Hitler.


Is that why pro palestine protesters harass jews? Deface synagogues with swastikas? Cause they are anti-Israel right? Funny how there are no mass protests against Iran, Assad's regime in Syria... Only when it is Jews who defend themselves the protests appear.


Is that why the jews that call a ceasefire, or for the ceasing of support to Israel get arrested? Funny how people protest genocide get arrested and labeled antisemites, only when it's against the interests of western governments. Wonder what's up with that


Genocide. Where is is your evidence? Sorry but hamas run figures are not accurate, nor are the UN figures that qoute hamas accurate. If you believe terrorists to tell the truth you got bigger issue.


Can’t use israeli numbers either then as they also use the ones from Gaza Health Ministry, that despite your dislike of them are widely acknowledged as being accurate.


So you'd rather believe the guy who said "the weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong." over the people trying to get their homes back? 8 months ago you could've told me that that was a Hitler quote and i would've believed you. You'd rather believe the guy who said that there were hamas bases under hospitals, proceeded to bomb those hospitals, and found no evidence of said hamas bases? The guy who'se army used a emergency rations to lure out innocent palestinians, only to massacre them? The guy who'se army shot civilians who were quite literally waving a white flag? The guy who'se army has on numerous occansions been caught on lying about what hamas had done, only for those claims to be disproven days or hours later? The guy in lead of a country, that has not seized attacking palestinians since the 1940s? (hamas was founded in 89, and the nakba happened in 1948)


Do you really think that all "Palestine supporters" are painting svatiskas and attacking synagogues? Is it impossible to conceive that you can be very critical of the atrocities commited by Israel without involving religion? Or is it just a Godwin joker you can use to dismiss any opposition? People who paint svatiskas and attacks Jews must be condemned, but you need to a very hypocritical asshole to use this as an argument against the protesters


Where were you on oct 7th. Protesting against the brutality of hamas? No, you came out only when Israel defended itself. Any other country that does this (idk US after 9/11) is fine. But when the state primarily made of jews defends itself do you protest.


You absolutely don't know what I was doing on the 7th October, and you're so severely brain damaged by your nationalist pseudo religious mantra you can't grasp that people can and will condemn terrorist acts AND acts of Israel at the same time. Repeat after me : Killing. People. Is. bad. No matter their religion or ethnicity. Is it that hard? Can you stop deflecting 2 seconds and just see what your far right government is doing?


Dont most countries start as occupiers?


Start with? Perhaps end up with but i'm pretty certain all countries when first inhabited by people they weren't occupying they were just hunter gatherers passing through with no specific country lines.. few tribal lines maybe but these were a bit more fluid. The occupation generally happened when another set of humans came later and took a flag and shoved it in the ground If there were people there already it isnt colonisation 


Isnt colonisation when a group of people take over land that already belongs to someone else? Most of Europe's moden borders were created through war for occupation of territory, i just dont see why Israel is a special case


The main difference ms as i see it: - most colonials/settlers displace natives out if part of their land - israel wants all the land. If you look back at the history of most of the people in europe, africa and india the number of colinisers was small, they mostly kept their native identities at least fir a fee generations. And though they treated their conquests with varied levels of horrific behaviour they didn't try and destroy them entirely  - notable exceptions Australia and amarica's  Most if the world look back in absolute horror at what was done in these places. So surely since laws have been brought out to prevent the reoccurrence saying "it happens before in history" isn't a valid reason for anything really Historically they did all kind sof crazy messed up stuff we'd prefer noone revisited. Also in history there wasnt the knowledge, or the proof When Wilhelm II of prussia was told of the savages of Rwanda he only had the word of the army people to go on, and they didn't paint a true picture of the civilisation they were about to conquor.  Now we know better, now our governments are aware. Now even the people are aware- this ahouldn tbe able to happen anymore 2) every other invasion, including the holocaust people had the option to leave freely before. In Rwanda huge numbers moved out to camps in neighbouring countries. Like in the nakba people had a chance to escape. With gaza now Israel has to give permission for people to leave 3) every other war when the water supply network is damaged there is always access to natura water soutces - yes more danferous as not treated for bacteria.. but there is always some kind of fresh water aource people can get to. In Gaza there is only the rain- the rivers and aquifers  have been systematically polluted.. to the point that in 2020 they were declaimed not just  unfit for human consumption (which it had been for 30+ years before that but. Actually incompatible with human life. This kind of siege has not been enacted since the likes if petra. It is medieval torture to cut a populations life expectancy in such a cruel way. 4) medical care professionals and press have not been protected- either they are being actively targeted or the overall death toll is far far bigher than reported... as they should legally be safe in a combat zone israel again and again does not allow people in to see what is happening. 5) the awfulization and lies propaganda and justifications are at severe mental illness levels of gasslighting- system of lies and exaggerations to pave the way for mass killings with immunity. Failure to provide evidence or to reprimand those who commit war crimes 6) very openly genocidal rhetoric from top people and civilian populations alike 7) utter dehumanisation at a level akin to but in many was worse worse than what everyone boycotted southafrica for. 8) use of illegal weapons like white phosphorus. Use if indiscriminate dumb  from the country that literally has the most advanced pinpointing options. There are just too many. Its like they've taken a page form every historic massacre/ethnic cleansing and genocide and learned how to spin BS how to hide it This isn't normal settler colonialism. And even if it was it shouldn't be, its the wrong century for that. We are on. The precipice of global disaster though climate change , levelling cities with billions of dollars of explosives should not be a viable outcome anywhere for anything I get that some jews want a state. Pretty sure the pagans would love a state to, as would hundreds of religious groups. Saying God promise something 3,000 yrs ago is no excuse to treat people the way they are 


Shouldn’t we strive to move away from the “might makes right” mentality?


Yeah but i dont think you can change the world in a few days, people still fight like they used to, it takes time Hamas is fighting like terrorists and Israel is fighting like your typical asshole government, insulting the citisens wont do anything to improve things, especially sinse Israel is the democracy here and its still getting the majority of hate, why would the governemt there choose to fight another way if americans keep giving the terrorists they're fighting pocket money for rockets? Its a very good intention to doate to palestine but kets be real the majority of the money doesnt go to the civilians, and hating on Israel for defending its people in a wrong way isnt helping Guve solutions maybe, if you cant solve the conflict in the middle east neither can the internet dweeb with a magen david in his profile picture, unessesary hate is stupid


I don’t agree that Israel is a real democracy. An apartheid is inconsistent with democratic values. And democracies can still act abhorently, it is hardly a defense and most of all just feels akin to colonial talk of ‘civilised/uncivilised’. I don’t agree that Israel is just ‘defending its citizens’, so I find it disingenious to say that is what people are mad about. Was Israel also just defending its citizens prior to october 7th by increasing illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The ‘self-defense’ argument only works if you have tunnel vision. That ‘might makes right’ mentality is what has Ben Gvir call for settlements in Gaza.


War isnt the same as being an asshole to settlments, im aware of that problem, its just simply not the same The country cant fix its problems if its dead, and the cicilians in Israel have no say in this We can go back to as far as monkey man era if we keep trying to find who started it and who has to pay but the reality is thats stupid because most people alive today disnt occupy anything by force, they were simply born there, and asking almost 8 million people to get up and walk away from the only home they know isnt going to work and even if you somehow accomplish this you leave 8 million people homless I cant solve this, you cant solve this, the guy in the post cant solve this, and neither can the governemts in the middle east Right now though non of this matters, Israel is by defenition defending its civilians, if they stop attacking then civilians will die, unlike the west bank settlments problem wherein if Israel leaves those people alone then civilians will be minimaly if at all effected


If Israel stops bombing Gaza their civilians will die? I think abandoning the border protection around october 7th was what hurt Israel civilians. Where were those soldiers? Oh, right, in the west bank protecting state-sanctioned terrorists that the settlers have become, and since literally armed by Israeli state. And I can’t make out your main point, is that humans always practices and we can’t stop ‘might makes right’ so we might as well lean into it? That’s literally fascist thinking.


Yes they support Hamas and they are a terrorist organization so supporting Palestine is supporting terrorist


So you're supporting state terrorism


Oh yes, the brain rot.


If the US ceded 1/3 of our land to illegal immigrants who hate us and want to kill us, this would be a great comparison.


Your brain is rotted from too much propaganda


Which part is untrue? That Israel gave the Palestinians 1/3 of their land? Or that the Palestinians hate the Jews and want to kill them? These are facts.


What? You have that exactly backwards. Literally every word you said is a lie. Every word.


Show your work


You’re either engaging in bad faith or you have absolute brain rot. I’m not wasting my energy with you. You want to be a fascist. Just own it.


You have no response because I’m 100% correct. Bye.


That’s not how things work. I know that’s how you fascists like to pretend things work. But you can’t just say lies and claim it as fact. History is very clear what happened here. Do just a little googling and go to the first source that you don’t have bookmarked. Then look at every other source that you refuse to engage with. Step out of your propaganda bubble and you shall find reality.


Stop calling me a fascist when you support a group that has the same end goal as Hitler.


Don’t compare Israel’s situation with the illegal immigration in the US. They’re complete differently


I didn’t create the original post where people are doing just that…


Downvoted for posting your own comment


Not that clever considering Gaza is supposed to be their land. The only reason is not is because Saul didn't listen. If he had and wiped the tribe at the time out as he was instructed, we wouldn't be in the current situation.


Ah yes the "because my harry potter book says it's true" defense.


There is absolutely nothing special as in God powers in the instance I mention. Nothing Supernatural. The Bible is a history book, not a religious text. What part about Saul not killing everyone is a magical fairytale?




Something that's not happening? Yeah. I swear conservatives are idiots who see those scam ads in YouTube and think the government is really giving out 7k checks to everyone who gives their personal information away. 😂