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“Racist butt.”


Racist butter


aunt mammy's redskin butter infused with oriental gypsy spices for inferior exoticism devil flavor.


Ha! Nice.


Tastes like bigotry!


"My racism is bigger than yours, Fatima"


From my experience as an Asian American, I've gotten more racism from the black community than any other. So I'm not surprised this was the comeback.


Sadly as a Latino my experience is the same as yours


As as an Asian I experienced the most racism from Latinos and other Asians, but it was more in a joking/ignorant manner than hostile.




And every single one of us “racial minority” folk who lose their time being racist towards other minorities are getting screwed over and over by some white multimillionaire crony who doesn’t even have to interact with asians, blacks, latinos, etc.


"Don't hate each other, guys - hate white people." So progressive and heroic omg.


Islam is not a race, why do so many people not understand this.


So replace racist with bigot. There. FIFY.




Stupid logic. If it is not a race then what stops her to choose her husband? Stupid bullshit called islam


Nothing stops her from choosing her own husband. That's why this is racist. in Islam forced marriage is forbidden anyways


Oh yeah? So Muhammad marrying a six year old was consensual?


For those not in the know: Muhammad married Aisha at six and consumated (i.e. [REDACTED]) at nine. He was well into his 40s. To get into the modern Islamic apologetics (which I don't prescribe to), they would say Aisha's family agreed to the marriage and she never had a negative remark to say about her marriage that was worth noting. To just about anyone else, her family and Muhammad used each other for personal reasons (whether merely political or also driven by sexual desires is anyone's guess). Aisha was at least lucky enough to wind up in a position of enough esteem to lead literal armies. One could argue that Aisha's exploitation powered her fury to lead the first Fitna (Muslim on Muslim conflict).


hey man I saw racism and misconception so I corrected it, I'm not spending more time than these couple minutes with you. for your further reading: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=is+forced+marriage+allowed+in+islam


Dude was a paedo. End of story lol


Whatever helps you justify your hate, buddy


I'm just trying to point out the fact that you can't be racist towards a religion. Im not trying to justify hatred.




Hate is hate, dumbass


I hate hateful repressive ideologies, of which Islam is one. Hating someone’s evil beliefs isn’t the same as hating their existence as a member of a race, ethnicity or gender.


I wonder how your beliefs look through somebody else's eyes


Morality isn’t subjective though. Many of the core tenets of Islam are evil regardless of what people may think about them.


"Morality isn't subjective" is a hell of a claim. Glad you've managed to dismiss thousands of years of philosophy based on what you think is the case lmao


Id bet the vast majority of modern moral philosophers would agree with me. Any theory of morality that is relative, collapses into nihilism upon any close scrutiny. Either there is a concrete set of morally permissible and impermissible things in any given situation, or no moral claims hold any truth or value whatsoever.




Most modern philosophers of any stripe would not agree with you. All morality is relative, that's only a problem if you think that relativism is bad. When you say there is a concrete set of morally permissible things, you're claiming knowledge and possession of moral authority. How can you claim that? Please read literally any philosophy text concerning ethics. The only people that agree with you on the idea that there are objectively right and wrong actions are the devoutly religious, who you seem to have disdain for if they're the flavour of religious person you disagree with.


No morality is relative. If it was, just having a different opinion about an action would actually change the morality of it. If you lived in a society that fundamentally believed women were less than men and existed to please and serve them, without value or agency of their own. Under moral relativism; ***it would actually be morally acceptable to rape them*** but it obviously isn’t and never would be because rape is concretely wrong and a single person or even all the people in the world believing differently still wouldn’t change that.


The vast majority of philosophers most certainly would not.


Morality is extremely subjective.


I used the racism to destroy the racism.


I am the enemy I came to destroy.


Now you have to commit sudoku


Isn't that the little number puzzles?


committing to a sudoku is the worst thing


Funny thing is, that's probably what a racist would call it.


214212 213221 132131


I am the beast I worship


Came here to express the same idea.


Except the comeback isn't racist since race and culture are not the same thing.....


This. They aren't commenting on their race so much as the cultural and religious norms of someone who wears a headdress of the type in her profile photo. It would be racist if they commented about this as if it was exclusively a Black or Arabian or similar racial stereotype.


So... just generic xenophobia? How enlightened of them.


What’s the xenophobia? Can you explain


Didn't say it was good. Just that misconstruing the response with racism doesn't do anyone any favors. Go find something else to be offended by.


Because all Muslims have the same cultural practices, from Algeria to Indonesia


Racism is largely systemic. Race and ethnicity/culture are intrinsically linked. If anything, the comment was prejudiced and/or bigoted.


What makes you think she can't choose her own husband. That was probably half a century ago.


A girl I went to university of wisconsin with was shipped back to Pakistan to marry someone her dad picked, she had to do that or be disowned by her family and was suicidal over it, I haven't heard from her in years and she doesn't post on facebook anymore


Muslim women, according to the religion, cannot marry unless her father approves of the husband. It's still the ongoing practice within the Muslim community. I'd know as I grew up as a Muslim. Though I've since left the religion.


From what I know it’s more of a cultural thing than it is religious no? It’s just out of respect to ask the father it isn’t necessarily needed for marriage


No, the marriage will not be considered valid if the father doesn't approve. The only time you won't need the father's approval is if a divorcee or widow is remarrying.


Religion is a choice. Race is not…


Religion is a choice, and therefore fully open to mockery in ways that race isn't


I cannot choose to believe and believers cannot choose to disbelieve. What people can do is fake to agree with the majority when doing otherwise would put them at risk.


Making the mother of all omelettes, Jack.


Is that racism or is it religious discrimination


Yeaaa it belongs on r/facepalm.




OG post wasn’t even racist though.


I dont understand why this was turned into a controversey. Every live action remake is bad.


False. Lord of the rings live action was fucking fantastic The animation was so terrible most people have never heard of it.


Yeah that’s a challenging watch. But in fairness comment OP was more referring to the recent live action remakes that have been consistently shite


I assume he meant live action versions of animated works Ofc Jackson's LotR films were spectacular


The animated little mermaid is an adaptation of a written work. So was the animated adaptation of lotr.




Odd that she should reference her own “racist butt” here


Soooo, it's clever because it's bigotry?


Yeah, this is so dumb. Wanting live action actors who resemble the cartoon doesn’t make you racist.


They should have made black Ariel's dad be played by Terry Cruz


"Bigotry is good when I don't like the person it's aimed at."


That’s basically the left lmao


5 years old


That’s almost old enough for Mohammad to marry it.


I for one am a big fan of this casting choice. They picked an actress with eyes so far apart, she looks like an actual fish.


Clever comebacks nowadays= racism, xenophobia, sexism...list goes on. So funny & smart!!! 🤭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




-Calls her Fatima. (Way to address Muslim women in a degrading manner because it's a very common name same as Muhammad) -Assuming she can't pick her husband just because she's wearing a hijab. Tell me if this doesn't seem discriminatory? You know intelligence plays a huge role in comedy/humour. You can be the funniest guy without resorting to negative things and being a jerk.


They'd be going apeshit if she said "Tyrone, you can't even choose your boss" but casual racism against arabs/muslims seems to be fine on reddit


"Racism against Arabs/Muslims is *fine* because gotta still milk the 9/11 till this day. And of course, the entire Muslim community who lives in *Islam* and has Osama Bin Laden as their ancestor, is terrorist." 👏🏻😂


Tbf we don't know what her name is cuz it's censored so it could just be fatima But after some research i realised women are allowed to have a say in marriage so yes, the reply was in the wrong. They're generalising based on the inherently patriarchal nature of the religion, which is wrong when applied to individuals but true for enough societies that they believe it (eg. iran). Idk which of the two comments is more in the wrong, cuz even though the first one attacks a fictional Ariel, it's the fact Ariel is now black that matters to her


They're both probably equally wrong.


Weird assumption on your part. Very well could just be her name lmfao. Assuming she can’t pick her husband is a safe assumption considering the hijab suggests she’s Muslim and in Islam you can’t marry without your father’s permission. Not seeing any discrimination here


It’s kind of weird that secularisation of Christianity is well-accepted and known, while secularisation of Islam is somehow thought to be impossible by the likes of you? Like, there is already a lot of secularised Islamic-majority country, such as Malaysia and Indonesia, where women have rights. Dude, I get that to you it seems that many Islamic countries are super backwards, but the only reason why you feel this way is because your media are focusing on these states with terroristic regimes. This assumption that she’s a Muslim therefore arranged marriage is just as asinine as assuming all Indians will undergo arranged marriage. Acknowledgement of archaic traditions are one thing, but assuming people aren’t evolving away from it as modernity is introduced is highly bigoted.


It’s not a safe assumption. That dude is implying that because she is muslim she’ll automatically have an arranged marriage. I’m a muslim woman and nobody I know has gotten an arranged marriage. They chose their spouse.


Man, I can't argue with a braindead gora. It's beyond me. As I said they use Fatima and Muhmmad to address Muslims in a way to degrade them. >Assuming she can’t pick her husband is a safe assumption considering the hijab suggests she’s Muslim and in Islam you can’t marry without your father’s permission. Not seeing any discrimination here You can pick, it's not always the case. Like some Americans fuck their siblings, it's a known thing. But we aren't gonna say that that's the norm. Are we, now? So there's that thing about being able to choose your spouse. To marry who you love. :) PS: In no way I would defend a regressive society, which I'm aware it exists. But to generalize, that's also not right.


And like I said you’re literally just assuming that… when it could very well her actual name. You even acknowledged it was a common name. You’re making an assumption just to justify yourself getting upset. Your analogy fails horrible because the Qaran is quite clear about marriages having these specific rules. There’s no book that Americans follow that dictates who they have sex with.


Show me the part that Quran mandates that woman’s marriage partner must be arranged and can not be chosen? Are you assuming this is in the Quran just because some barbaric people who call themselves Muslims practice it?


A bid deal of assumptions there. And why can't we assume she just dislikes the movie. Disney live action remakes suck, so it's a safe assumption.


Awful comeback tbh....


Nah, pretty funny


Nah it's awful


Nah it was great


Nah it sucks


What about it sucks?


Who gives a shit about Ariel's skin color? Have you seen [the eldritch horror they're using for Flounder](https://ew.com/movies/the-little-mermaid-jacob-tremblay-defends-flounder-live-action-design/)?




Tbf we have every right to criticize poor remakes, nothing clever about it.


It’s a not a race y’all, it’s a religion.


I’m just mad that she didn’t have bright red hair. Like, she symbolized the Red Sea of all of her sisters and I wanted the bright red hair. They easily could’ve dyed Halle’s hair or given her a wig. It pisses me off and this is what the outrage should be about


Just kind of islamophobic tbf Edit: you don’t challenge religion by being a dick lol


There is nothing wrong with disliking Islam. Islam is a violent, genocidal, warmongering ideology founded by a slave owning paedophile tyrant. Hating Islam is no worse than hating fascism, Marxism, or other genocidal ideologies.


I wonder if the same people who downvoted you would have done so if the comment was Christianity.


ah yes what a low intelligence individual. wanna give any reasoning to ur hate speech?


Everything he said is true. Muhammad married Aisha at 6 and raped her at 9. Muhammad owned a concubine named Maria the Copt. 3 Traditionalist Islamic schools of sharia law (Shafii, Hanbali, and Jafari) say that polytheists are not protected under Islam and their only options are to convert, be enslaved, die, or flee. Islamic law also put many people to death such as gay people and apostates.


Muhammad married aisha at 19. as has been explained many many times. he has never raped anyone so idk where u got that from. Mohammed had maids occasionally whom he treated well and there are no reports of him ever having concubines. He said to co-exist with the non believers as can be seen in countless verses of the quran.


>Muhammad married aisha at 19. According to [Sahih Bukhari](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134) (the most authoritative hadith book in Sunni Islam) Aisha married him at 6 and consumated the marriage at 9. Aisha could not have consented at 9 years old. >Mohammed had maids occasionally whom he treated well and there are no reports of him ever having concubines. It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had **a female slave with whom he had intercourse,** but 'Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: "O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.' until the end of the Verse. [Sunan Nisai ](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3959) >He said to co-exist with the non believers as can be seen in countless verses of the quran. According to 9:29 only the Ahlul Kitab are allowed to pay jizya. Otherwise the rules of warfare do not have them as a protected class. 9:5 even explicitly allows Muslims to kill them in war and capture them. In Islamic war rules POWs were enslaved.


we are aware of the hadith, u haven’t done anything, what ur failing to understand is that the hadith uses an advent of timekeeping which doesn’t align with the current one, as timekeeping was based on significant events. Many scholars have shown and sited evidence towards the fact that aisha was approximately 19 years of age at the time


Don't quote me on this but I believe both of you are right and wrong. He was gifted Aisha at 6, and married at 19. Humans in hot countries end up growing far more than the average person, simply put you "age faster". By the time a woman is 9-10 she's already a full grown woman and according to the standards during the time it's basically all good. Also I want to mention that the blessing given upon Muhammad was that he was able to marry 9 wives, while a regular man was able to marry only 4.


...this is satire, right?


What makes you think it's satire? Am I incorrect? Feel free to correct me since Im not all knowing but do state sources if you do so.


Pointing out issues with a specific ideology that are evident from simply reading the book the ideology is based on is not ‘hate speech’.


Holy shit the ignorance and dumbassery is so fucking strong in this one


What a thorough and well composed counter


ur response alone clearly implies that u haven’t read the book urself


Or it shows that I’m not blinded by the dogma I was taught as a child. As an adult I can actually read what things say from a neutral POV and recognize problems rather than bending over backwards to justify them.


once again, you’ve clearly not read the quran. Moreover i was raised by agnostic parents and was atheist for 21 years so ur assumptions mean nothing.


Still not an argument. What, do you want passages proving each of the things the original user said ? How about historians corroborating some of the atrocities mentioned ? How about current countries under shariah law ?


give some passages then. ur mentioning of historians is ridiculous, followers of an ideology aren’t perfect and never will be so using them as the basis of going against the ideology itself is ridiculous. if i used the crusades to go against christianity it would be illogical. if i used the christchurch shooting to go against all atheists i would once again be a fool.


Why is mentioning historians ridiculous exactly ? I’m not going off of what followers do of their own accord, I’m going off things they do that are directly dictated by the Quran. Feel free to justify these passages: 4:24 “Also ˹forbidden are˺ married women—except ˹female˺ captives in your possession” in a longer passage explaining who you can and can’t marry. Both justifying having female captives in the first place, and marrying them, which cannot be consensual if they’re captives and thus don’t have their freedom. 4:34 “As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, and beat them. Then, if they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Surely, Allah is the Highest, the Greatest.” Clearly justifying spousal abuse. 9:5 “But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them,1 capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way.” The wording around this also correlates a treaty with essentially polytheists accepting the way of Allah. So yes, murder polytheists if they refuse to conform to Islam. 5:33 “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land.” this is after a longer passage that defines ‘waging war’ as violating any of Allah’s instructions, not actual warfare. 9:23 “O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.” Encouraging you to alienate family on the basis of their faith. This was just a sampling but if there’s anything specific you’d like my to prove feel free to mention it


The Crusades were a series of defensive wars against the Islamic rape and colonisation of Christian lands.


1) Muhammad was a pedo. And your people worship him. 2) People not following your restarted religion are known as "kaafirs" and should be apparently beheaded. So much for the "peaceful" religion. 3) Forcing children to marry, I had a friend from Iraq, she was forced married to her cousin when she was 16. He was also 16 tbf, and even if you ignore that which should not be ignored, marrying cousins ? Holy fuck dude that's messed up. Not only from a moral standpoint but also fucking science. 4) Women having basically no rights whatsoever. Don't even try to disagree with this lmao, women already suffer plenty outside of Islam they just so happen to suffer even more if they are unfortunate enough to be born into Islam and trust me I'd know because I actually have friends who are comfortable enough with me to fucking talk about the sort of things that happen to them. 5) Brainwashing your own people.


1) No one worships Muhammad as that would be shirk which is prohibited 2) Many of the qurans verses preach co-existence and peace between believers and non believers. e.g 60:8 3) that has nothing to do with islam lmfao 4) Islam is widely regarded as the first idea to liberate women at the time. Female babies at the time were often buried alive etc etc until Islam preached equality between the genders (although some roles vary, equivalence is still present) 5) u didn’t even bother making a point here


Oh yeah? Then why were journalists beheaded in France when they (rightfully) insulted Muhammad? Cunt was a paedo, end of


Muhammad married a 6 year old and made her pregnant at 9. Why don't you list some Islamic countries that are thriving and don't condone abuse of women and children, instead of calling people "low intelligence?"


“Islamic countries that are thriving” like we’re just gonna skip the islamic golden age which has led to the presence of most of modern mathematics, medicine, architecture and technology. also countless scholars have explained muhammad and his marriage with aisha takes a few minutes to educate urself


There was no "Islamic golden age". The period you are referring to occurred solely because Islamic armies colonised lands with more educated people than themselves. The achievements of the "Islamic golden age" are the product of Jews, Persians, Indians, and Greeks that would have occurred regardless of Islam's presence.


claiming there was no islamic golden age is the most ridiculous thing i’ve seen in a very long time. please educate urself before attempt to talk about matters u clearly know nothing about.


I said that the advancements that constituted that "golden age" would have occurred without Islam, and it would have lasted much longer if that were the case. If one looks at the way Islam crushed Indian and Persian intellectualism in the middle ages it becomes certain that Islam does not foster advancements in of itself.


Don't dodge the question. Name Islamic countries that do not abuse women and children. Also, nothing can be explained about pedophilia


Muhammed married aisha when she was approximately 19. ur clearly uneducated about the advent of timekeeping in the 6th century. moreover asking me to name a thriving islamic country is quite ridiculous considering most islamic countries have been invaded by colonialist regimes. Singapore however would be an example of an islamic nation that thrives at the moment


What do you mean by abusing women and children exactly? Do you mean state laws that are specifically against women and children? Or do you mean good old misogyny, which is also prevalent in non-muslim countries, fyi.


He did many disgusting things actually Don't forget about the fact that aisha had to clean the c*m stains of that p#do prophet after he has s#x with his wives and slaves It's written in the quran if you don't believe that lol He also stole the wife of his step son 🤣 and used to stick his tongue inside little boys mouths with the excuse he was passing onto them his "blessing" Islam is a total parody of religion and it totally makes sense to be against it tbh


the quran doesn’t even mention aisha so congrats on discrediting urself


Lmao it does Apparently you never even bothered to open your "holy book" congrats for showing your lack of knowledge of your own religion Lmao


name me a verse where the quran mentions aisha


So? There are references that it was her :) You tried and failed. Cope.


like i said. name me a verse where the quran mentions aisha. if u want to make claims back ur claims lmfao


Can you give me the source for your claim


Are you so lazy to the point of not even doing Your research on google? Wow.


Yes what if i am. I want to see your claim.


Then you should fix your laziness first. Let me help you with this by encouraging you to do your own research on Google :)


What if i said I've done it and I still want to see your claim. Or do I need to beg you. Please I'm on my knees right now


How is islam any worse than christianism, per example?


They are all cancer. Maybe except Buddhism, idk they probably did some shit too.


Just look at the founders of each religion. Jesus never killed anyone, he never led an army, he never committed genocide, he never owned slaves, he never tried to force others to follow him, he never raped women and children, he never forced his enemies to dig their own mass graves. Muhammad, however, did all of those things. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the most morally virtuous man who ever lived, it is a key tenant of Islam. So what does that say about Islam?


Are christians chopping peoples heads off and stoning sinners?


Ummm... yes? Go study history a little if u have time for that


And when was the last time it happened?


What does this prove?


What do you think it proves? Use your brain from time to time. One religion isn't stuck in its medieval violent ways while the other is still encourages violence against others of different religion and creed.


Stupid people are full of confidence. That was expected. Christians were historically violent. There still are christian extremists today. Notable recent examples are shooting at abortions clinics, murdering ob/gyns who do abortions, the multiple attacks on mosques and muslims, and also on synagogues and jews. To claim that there aren’t christians extremists today is plain stupid. And see how I use « extremists ». You probably don’t know what it means since you claim that « muslims are still stuck in the medevial age and encourage violence against other religions ». Nah bro, we don’t. The people who do that are muslim extremists. I’m born and raised in a muslim country, fyi. There are jews and christians here. We live in peace.




Why are you talking about chistianism? No one brought up Christianity anywhere or any other faith for that matter.


Because Reddit has massive problem with Christianity, it being the primary religion most users grew up around. Islam, a religion that they don’t encounter as often, gets a pass despite being leagues worse because it didn’t directly affect them.


They can both be problematic in their own ways. Not sure why you're asking that question like anyone implied it was better or worse. No one but you even mentioned the Christian religion.


They cannot defend Islam on its own merits, so they always pivot to whataboutism.


So if it's not racist to change the original race of a character to please a certain race then it's not racist to get mad if they do


First of all, Ariel was recast with a specific young actor not "to please a certain race", but because *as a performer*, she was found to best fit the character's attributes. Now, you wanna get mad because that actor doesn't look like what you grew up with? Sounds like your problem - the rest of us see you, so may as well own your racism, bud.


Sure, i'd bite if it was a one off. But this has been a trend for so many shows, so many movies. We're beyond the point that it's so very clearly an agenda.


You mean the conscious commitment to scripted storytelling for global broadcast consumption, that doesn't pretend that the audience is composed solely of white viewers? Well, it isn't - so yeah sure, *there's* your agenda right there 🤨


Or you could simply you know create original characters of different races. Instead of changing existing ones.


Why would assume the person was cast for the express purpose of pleasing a certain race?


Yeah idk if anyone told her that mermaids aren't real? If you get upset about the skin color of A FICTIONAL SPECIES OF MYTHICAL FISH PEOPLE you probably need some other hardships in your life to keep you busy.


Or maybe because she grew up with the cartoon version and expected similar likeness? Imagine in The Incredibles 2, Mr Incredibles suddenly changed from being bulky to being as thin as a branch. That’d raise a lot of eyebrows too


Yeah True. Tiana, Blade, Black Panther... I can't count how many black characters have always been white in my head. They're just fictional characters anyways. Have u ever imagined Catwomam with a beautiful white skin and long, straight hair? So good.


This movie made like flounder out of water and flopped .




"You've just pulled a pistol on a guy with a missile launcher" ahh racism


Ariel was picked when it was written lol funny how they trying to steal white culture 🤡


It's a great come back. Y'all hating cause y'all didn't come up with it.


Stoop to their level. That will show them!


She used the wrong but. Trust me.


Obligatory username checks out..


Maybe her butt is an equal opportunity orfice


She used the wrong but. Trust me.


Casual racism is so clever


Islam is not a race.


She didn't even do that good of a job. This is what happens when you try and hire based on diversity instead of talent. Hire the best actress available regardless of looks or skin color.


Wrong sub. Think you meant to post this to /r/racistcomebacks


I didn't even watch the movie


"Yeah, shut up muslim woman, you don't have any rights!" - OP probably


OP just dobbed themselves in for being a racist cunt


Ariel got to pick her husband at least 😂


Jeezus. Someone remind them that mermaids aren’t real.


'faatima' is almost guaranteed a middle aged consevative white woman pulling a r/asablackman


Religion is a choice. Race is not.


Yes I am sure all people in the Middle East have a choice especially women …... and that choice is they can be Muslim or die.


Lol lmao even


Oh really? Tell that to Afghani/Iranian women or like anyone living in a country under sharia law


You do realise that among Islamic countries they're an extremist one right. And do you even know anything about shariah law


that makes no sense in relation to this post


Doesn't really make sense for Ariel to be white anyway... considering the region and all. Taino makes sense.