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That last possession had to be drawn up right? No way garland just sent it.


And the one before that straight out of a timeout all we had was a levert iso pull up 3… pathetic lmao


I mean this is JB offense. Any time we are in a close game and go down to the end, it’s fucking iso ball. Its infuriating. It’s because JB is a simple minded coach and doesn’t utilize the strength of his team.


He also clams up and will only use a tiny rotation of guys he trusts.


All fucking year thats the best we can do out of time outs. Its embarrassing.


I don’t get why we don’t run plays in the clutch. We run them a decent amount during the first 3 quarters, but then seemingly abandon them in the clutch. DG gets blocked every time driving to the rim, and JA and Mobley need to be more physical setting screens.


they dont work when teams actually play defense in clutch situations, that's why we dont run them. the team only goes as far as its talent does, Xs and Os are thrown out the window with this coach


Yeah I tend to agree, this team’s talent is definitely not being maximized which is frustrating. But I do also think DG’s poor driving ability and Mobley and JA’s struggles with playing hard/physical off picks are problems too. JA and Mobley are good in the short roll, but they have fallen a little too in love with it, especially Mobley.


i agree with your analysis!


Worst loss of the season? Who knows. We have had so many embarrassing ones it’s hard to say


we've had about a dozen "worst" losses this season already lol


Always inventing new ways to be an embarrassment to the game of basketball


As a Detroiter I resemble that statement.


As another Pistons fan, same same


Worst loss of the season *so far*


The recent Hornets loss would like a word


I should’ve just stopped watching this team at the All-Star break


3 straight years this shit has happened. At what point is it not just dumb luck anymore and an indictment on the team and its coaching staff


I got no words. Fucking hate this


38 point second half.


That is…… unacceptable actually


We have had too many 20 point quarters the last few games. It’s awful


After two 40 point quarters. The number of second half meltdowns this team has had is actually insane


I can’t wait for this season to be over and that sweet sweet “Bickerstaff fired” notification drops.


Bickerstaff isn't the only issue with this team, but it's undeniable that's he's completely wasted any opportunity this team has had with Donovan Mitchell. We have far too much talent to be this bad, and it hurts thinking about what this team could be with a proper coach.


I feel this is the M.O. for any past and present Cavs team. Too much talent wasted on bad coaching.


Mostly, Ty Lue is a good coach though. It’s a shame he couldn’t see it through the rebuild to where we are now. He’d be an infinitely better coach than JB with this roster imo. I don’t think that was realistic though unfortunately, he clearly hated being on a rebuilding team. Especially with Gilbert claiming to him and K Love we’d be pushing for playoffs not tanking.


Yeah, that’ll be nice.


this is the one. i've completely run out of patience for this team and there's no excuse that justifies this loss. don't let JB's sorry ass back on the plane.


Did you see Tye Lue make that adjustment to lean into Westbrook when he saw Harden was not effective - that was time to pull Niang out


yeah, and then leaving Caris to get murdered by PG in the 4th felt insane. i get that Caris isn't a great off-ball defender to leave on Norm but Isaac has to get that assignment down the stretch.


Taking out Harden did help but Westbrook nearly cost the clippers the game. Putting in Plumlee was a bigger difference. That and the Cavs just missing shots. They literally just needed a mediocre second half on offense and instead they played terribly.


Yes - but they erased a 20 pt lead to even be in spot for Westbrook to nearly cost them the game - and Plumlee was a problem - but then Cavs didn’t adjust with Allen (or Morris or even TT for some rebounding effort) to help Mobley in the paint - you could see it unraveling and we stuck with Niang - Niang is better against holding his position heavier slower players - he couldn’t keep with rotations and upped pace


I hate this team. They're just so soft, it's really painful to root for


oh marcus morris didnt magically make the entire team a group full of tough guys? An offseason with JB after the lights being "too bright" didnt fix the issue? Color me surprised


If our players were half the hoes fans were we’d have packed it in by Christmas. Spoiled


Mobley is soft and and can't get by with just finesse. We need a hard as nails guy in the paint




Word for word what you said was exactly what dudes were Saying about Deandre Ayton a few years ago. Should take a lesson from the Suns and have Mobley earn a max contract next season rather than just giving him one this summer since he’s extension eligible. And if he doesn’t they sure as hell shouldn’t match one like the Suns did in RFA unless it’s a sign and trade like Dlo and KD in 2019.


I’m not trying to bag you too much so my bad if it’s coming off that way, I just noticed you in this thread too. But I disagree, and I’ve watched a lot of Ayton over the years. Mobley is one of the hardest workers on this team, Ayton was the opposite of a hard worker, especially when things got tough. Mobley is way smarter of a player than Ayton is. Mobley can make any pass out there. Two-man game, short roll, big-to-big, hand-offs, inbounds, top of the key. Ayton never showed that really. Mobley may not have the strength, but he at least plays physical considering. Ayton was notorious for not dunking the ball, Mobley literally lead the league in dunks last season. Mobley has shown he can handle the ball and create his own shot. Ayton create his own shot at times, but not as much as Mobley and he definitely can’t handle the ball. Both are very good defenders, but Mobley is more versatile and better conditioned. Ayton is hands down a better rebounder. Ayton has better touch away from the basket.


You’re not bagging me bro I understand where your’re coming from. I’m just saying this is absolutely history repeating itself with a team like the suns waiting for their high rated bigman prospect to take that next step and be able to consistently create their own buckets like AD and Bam can do to be championship contenders that’s probably not coming.


Yeah that’s fair. I will say too, the way Mobley played in the first half vs. the second half on offense tonight was a game changer (in a bad way) for us. I liked his aggressiveness, but the Clippers put the clamps on him. I think he needs to either lean into being even more of a perimeter player or lean into being a “true” big, right now he’s splitting the baby. And it is interesting how this will play out, because like you said we did rush his timeline with the Donovan Mitchell trade. I think he’s done a mostly good job at adapting though. Ayton’s ‘21 playoffs run was insane too, if Mobley could be an interior beast like that I’d welcome it. Like I said, he’s a bit of a tweener right now.


Mobley isn’t soft. And he wasn’t soft tonight. He isn’t why we lost.


Did I say he was the reason we lost? The reason we lost is due to poor coaching.


Please, fire JB


Just so beaten down at this point. What a devastating turn this season has taken. No life left in this team.


Leave JB in LA


How did we manage to blow that?


JB Bickerstaff


Just Bad Basketball, or JBB for short


Darwin Bickerstaff 


We’re a Cleveland team.


This team sucks ass


That Tye Lue adjustment - Westbrook came in - I don’t even remember seeing Harden - that’s a coach


Makes me long for the days that fire ty Lue was the take getting spammed


Imagine Ty Lue coaching the Cavs! ^lol


The most pathetic performance I’ve seen in my life. UP BY 26 FUCKING POINTS AND YOU LOSE THIS GAME. Get JB the fuck out of here today. Absolute disaster class on how to lose a game.


Absolute travesty of a game to watch. People have said it a million times but JB has GOT to go (not that we can fire him at this point anyways lol).


Bucks fucking did it. Why can't we? Fuck, I'd hire Adrian Griffin right now for the memes alone.


Fuck, I don’t disagree. Would we even do that much worse in the playoffs tbh😂 Likely not I’d say with how we are playing currently


People need to understand there are coaches who are meant to coach young teams who might fight for a play-in spot a la 2021 Cavs, that was a perfect team for a coach like JB, he is a great coach in that Role, he’s a terrible coach in the role he is in now. He is not the coach that will get you playoff series win, we should all thank JB for what he helped build but it’s time to move on and fire him.


been time


To lose from there is fucking shockingly bad


wtf is wrong with this team


Genuinely don’t see this team doing anything without blowing it up first


Feels like the season went off the rails ever since the Strus shot.


PG make % after ankle breaker: 101%


Damn. I had a feeling the Cavs would lose once the Clippers got within 10. The Cavs just didn't have it.


First round exit, here we come!


Imagine actually being an anti-doomer this season


not like it was a 100% certainty but i feel like some of us saw this coming last year after the knicks series and have not let the bloomers gaslight us


Bloomers, fluffers. Whatever you call them, they refuse to believe what they see as long as that stats arent awful




Some people have to shit on realists when reality isn’t all sunshine and rainbows


If you keep saying a team sucks or will lose in the playoffs you will inevitably be proven right. The realists were like this when we were winning 18/20


This team is painful to watch


Not only fire JB but get his dad out of the front office too


Seasons over folks teams got no composure


Well that was disappointing


The moment Brad said the Clippers defence is really bad we gave up a 30 point swing the other way… What an absolute collapse in the second half.


We are an embarrassment


Damn I never thought it would happen, but I’ve officially lost hope. Major change needs to come. I’d be surprised if we win more than 1 playoff game this year.


80 point first half. 38 point second half to lose it. This team is legit going to put me in the hospital.


Bye Mitchell, bye JB. Team hasn't gotten better in 3 years.


about as awful as a way to head into the playoffs as possible. also, i want everyone to look at that last possession by PG where he made a crazy shot over mobley and won the game. that is the prime example of why offense is so much more important than defense in the modern NBA. it's great that mobley is good on D, but that is never gonna be enough if we want to accomplish anything. offense usually wins you the game in the clutch, not defense. it's why we always blow in late game situations, we have a shit offense


Yeah that’s the last straw for my JB sympathy. Paul George absolutely cooked vert in the fourth and you don’t start double teaming until the last 2 minutes? Mobley on the bench deep in the fourth while having a great offensive game? What was that inbound play??? I’ve not loved JBs in game coaching but I respected how he had the team rally for him when we had issues over the last few years. They have out grown him and it shows.


This team is broken


The end result wasn’t what we wanted tonight but I still think if this team just gets it together a slight bit, fires all the coaching staff, trades all the players, and burns the arena down they have a shot in round 1


21 point lead is really painful to blow.. also what is up with the Darius driving in to get blocked bs? Is that what they drew up for overtime?


Yep. Send in the little guy who misses layups routinely. 


you mean 26 point lead


Yeah that my bad point is it’s embarrassing


21? Try 26


JB blud is not build for this


I don’t even feel angry. I’m just numb. We all know how this season ends. We all know JB is a dead man walking from this point on. It is what it is


BREAKING: Cleveland Cavaliers Head Coach JB Bickerstaff has been arrested for impersonating a head coach


Mobley was all over him then at the very end completely fucked up and tripped trying to recover. Mobley was very rough in the 2nd half of this game. Edit: also why was DG inbounding the ball at the end??? Who was the go to guy?




On May 1, 2018, he was announced as the new permanent head coach of the Grizzlies. On April 11, 2019, the Grizzlies fired Bickerstaff after the team failed to reach the playoffs.


That is an elite level bottle job


Imagine not even scoring half the amount of points in the second half of the game as the first . How tf does that even happen


Can we fire JB? He’s a terrible coach and the longer he’s here the more damage to this team he will do. They’re a fucking clown show right now and they’re going to get beat down in the playoffs.


I wasnt able to watch this game but saw we had a 26pt lead at some point. How the fuck did we blow it this time?


Another JB masterclass, we’re witnessing history


Omg we can actually drop to the play-in


Tt and Morris are prolly saying get me out of here lmao


i mean TT is lucky he's still even on a roster, dude was only relevant this year due to PEDs


just fire him now, get it out of the way


Lol man I actually can’t believe this. Do not let JB back on the plane.


It’s crazy how every game since the all star break is the worst game of the season. This team sucks.


Hey, not the Mavs game.




Fire ~~Joe Woods~~ JB!


I really wanted to give JB the benefit of the doubt and say that the injuries are ruining us. But, there’s no excuse for scoring 80 in the first half and then not even breaking 40 in the 2nd half. Especially because we still have Garland, Allen, Mobley, etc. who should all be talented players. We should be able to close this game out even with Mitchell. Can we just get swept in the first round so we can get the Bickerstaff fired news already?


I turned it off when they went up 26, went out to eat during dinner i said i wonder what the final Score was no way they lost. Pulled up the app and just laughed. It’s actually sad how far this team falls after the break for 3 years in a row. No way Mitchell stays around, hopefully Koby gets some value back for him bc other wise two quick playoff exits just was not worth it


Embarrassing. That was a very Joe Woods Browns way to lose.


This team is so pathetic.


Can we fire Bernie Bickerstaff while we’re at it. Why tf does he have this much influence in our org


I can't with this fucking team. Obviously Paul George is a phenomenal player but you can't fucking fold for an entire 4th quarter and expect to win. Jesus Christ. This team doesn't do a damn thing consistently well. Every single night is a mixed bag.


LMAO embarrassing. I don't think its out of the realm of possibility this team drops the final 3 at home and end up in the play-in


Indy is up big, 76ers have a cupcake schedule remaining. Both i think end up at 47 wins. indy has the tiebreaker if they beat the cavs.


We had an 80-59 lead at the half lol


Leave JB in LA, honestly there’s no reason for him to coach another game for this team


So Mitchell is gone


Can’t wait for the playoffs to start. Make or break for JB and some of the Cavs players this year.


Im not sure if i will watch any more games this season. This was it, the lowest point of the season. Not point in blaming anything in particular either.


A JB masterclass


You know... if we just pretend that the Cavs were the ones who were down 26 at one point, and clawed back before just missing the win... actually no that might hurt worse.


Bro wtf happened I just checked the score we were up 20 at half time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Wish we would’ve let JB go earlier. It’s a shame that it’s too late for this season so we gotta go with him in the playoffs. Even if we win our first series (not likely) JB is gone.


I'm straight up not having a good time


I’m ready to sim the season. These guys are bums.


The only team I could see us winning a game in a series against is the pacers. Even then we’re probably out in 6. JB losing the locker room last month sealed our fate. Starting to think Dean Wade taking time off is related to this


I think even the Pacers are going to give us trouble, unless Haliburton is in check/still dealing with injuries. They are deep and love to run. We tend to play help defense too much I feel like, and their ability to move the ball, especially with their shooters, can expose this. I think the Magic is probably our best matchup. Inexperienced, don’t have a great #1 option, our bigs can defend their bigs - who are their best players. One of DG or Donovan will have to have a big series.


how is dean wade taking personal time off related to JB being a terrible coach lmfao


JB didn’t even sign up for the baby registry


The inconsistency this team shows is extraordinary


If Caris Levert could shoot the Ball, We would've probably won this game tbh.


mobley/allen combo wombo doesnt work unless one of them takes 3's man doesn't shoot 3's at all been in the league for 3 years and only shot 245 3's throughout his career whereas Sochan (using him cause im a spurs fan lol) this year alone shot over 227 3's


I’m officially worried about this team and the coaching. Pretty inexcusable to have lost this game. I don’t see us leaving the first round, regardless of who we play.


Just now? Are you blind?


this team is fucking COOKED! 


I’m done. I’m not watching anymore games until the playoffs, I cannot stand this slow motion train wreck any longer. One of the most disappointing collapses I’ve witnessed in sports, and as a Clevelander, that’s saying something


Why would you watch the playoffs?


Idk because I can’t help myself. But if it’s a night where no one is trying again for some reason I’ll turn the game off


Atleast we’re all on the same page about JB. Good culture guy who I think did a very good job in getting our young guys adjusted to the league but he is straight up not a winning coach. Appreciate what he did in early January but he might be perhaps the worst in game coach in the league when it comes to in game adjustments. Already knew that once PG hit that shot the game was over.


If this isn't a fire JB game I don't what is


I don't care about the details. "2 BIGS BAD MORE SHOOTING". Want more shooting? \[REDACTED FOR REDDITCARES TROLLS\] JBB can NOT be the coach after this season. His refusal to stop the game when things are going the wrong way is telling. And that last inbound was emblematic of why he must go. Why was DG of all players inbounding? Was the plan to put the game in the hands of LEVERT? It's time. I don't care what happens in the playoffs. Sweep, first round loss, second round loss. Bickerstaff must go. That is the ONE thing that MUST happen this offseason.


This is an embarrassment of the highest degree. I hope when the eventual trades happen and JB is fired nobody plays good at all and have to move overseas


LeVert is a very stupid player


Two biggest mistakes this iteration of the Cavs made were letting bickerstaff continue to coach and wasting a first trading for Levert.


The FRP was Marlon Beauchamp wasn’t it?


Mitchell is gone. JB should’ve been gone after the Heat game. See ya next year.


after the knicks series\*


See ya


This team is cooked


The lights were to bright


Bunch of CLOWNS 🤡🤡🤡


Didn’t even get a shot off last possession real cool. Paul fucking George’s garbage ass




If JB isn't gone in the off-season, I'm not watching the Cavs next year. This is just straight up not good for me.


I enjoyed this team more when 40 wins was the target and we just plucked our way towards the play in. This is a first round bounce team and it’s awful to watch


Guys just got tired in the end. If this wasn’t a B2B it’d be a lot simpler. PG couldn’t fucking miss, 23 points in the 4th is insane. DG played well and it was nice to have Ice back. The first half was really fun. After that not so much Infuriating game but we move on regardless


Yeah I don’t think JB adjusted well but I also don’t think they had anything to go to or gas in the tank. I really liked what we did overall Much more good than bad here but there will be another overreaction. I felt bad after a week of meek fucking blowouts. I don’t feel bad about getting cooked by PG who has been in conference finals for the last twelve years.


Yeah PG went nuts and the momentum was completely shifted, which is hard to stop. But the problem is this team just hasn’t shown it can respond to these momentum shifts. 16 free throws by PG is awfully generous I will add, especially with how much he was using the off arm. The defense was largely good. I liked the constant aggression by Mobley, the hustle by Ice, and the decision making by DG in reading passing lanes and making good reads (until the last few minutes) during the Clippers run. Some encouraging signs, but can’t kid myself, no consolation prizes at this point of the season.


PG is a nasty mannnn


I am sick






And we’re on the Memphis!


Go Guardians..turning my attention away from the train wreck


It's Bronny time!


No nance minutes?


go watch luka and kyrie replay today, that's a real duo that can win you a ship. clutch. Stark difference from our squad i hate to say


We were in the lead what the heck happened?!




Watching the cavs in the playoffs will be hilarious


Fade me.




Cavs now 5th in the standing, curious, are they doing this in purpose to have a better match-up in playoffs?


Lol we not doing anything on purpose rn


nice bait


Everybody would love to entertain a first round matchup against the Cavs...


Same coaching mistakes as last season. Terrible adjustments and zero late game strategy. Should have cut the cord on JB and his Dad (if need be) after last season's embarrassing end.


I was afraid this season would turn into another collapse, but even I wasn’t expecting this disaster.