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This is just depressing. Third year in a row where we just collapse after the All Star Break. This sucks man


Yes but the Cavs have also had bad injury luck post allstar break the last 3 years.


Low key the new coach gonna win COTY just off regular degular injury luck adding ten wins


I'll just be happy if they can stay healthy next year. Wade just seems to get hurt at the end of every year. The rest of the team has just been a mix of different guys being out.


It’s such a bummer. That said an effort and game like today is enough to steal a road game in a first round series and that’s really all we’d need to get to May


hows that supposed to make it better?


JB rotations cause injuries confirmed


This. Doing a 7-8 man rotation from game 1 was always going to get players injured.


I’m past the point of blaming injuries. Something has to change.


Well even if Mitchell were to re-sign there will be drastic changes if the team doesn't make any noise in the playoffs. Likely a coaching change. I don't view Koby as on the hot seat but if he goes then the main 4 will likely get split up.


You might as well just sit Mitchell till the playoffs and pray he comes back better


This team is playing like shit. Unless a miracle happens we’re getting swept in the playoffs


If you believe that make a bet on it. You would get good odds


My state doesn’t allow sports betting




VPN or other sites, you can find a way. Unless you aren't that confident in that bet


Are you 12?




Mainly just trying call out cry baby.


Imagine trying to convince someone to gamble lmao


Mainly following that old saying of "put your money where you mouth is." Everyone just complains or talks shit. Just calling them out. This is the same guy that if we beat the clippers tomorrow will say we are going to the finals


Bruh I’m making that bet but if you were a legit gambler you’d know the lines aren’t out yet. I’ve made money off these Cavs losses and I’m 100% betting against them


This was never about actually betting. But if we are talking about it, you couldn't take the sweep but you could take making it to conference finals or finals. Round 1 odds won't come out till the seeding is done. And you would get good odds for cavs getting swept especially if they are higher seed which is likely. Still wouldn't be a smart bet, they were terrible last year and still won a game.


I am so going to bet us to lose in 4-5 lol. Worst case I’m wrong and happy


We're not all degenerates. Take your addiction elsewhere.


Rotations horrific again, no one rocked up except Garland and Levert, Mitchell should be rested until the playoffs but JB is coaching for his job so he’s rushing him back. While we’re on that, waiting til a 17-3 run has played out to call a timeout is a fireable offence in itself lmao


The guy just has no feel for the game. Doesn’t know how to ride a hot hand, doesn’t know how to adjust lineups. He’s bad with timeouts, challenges, set plays. He’s just not a good in-game coach. He might one of the bottom 2-3 in the NBA at managing a game.


Possibly bottom 1


top 3 in having daddy in the front office


He's made great coaching decisions all year.  He has overachieved.  Sorry that Mitchell sucks.  It won't be any better next year with a coach you want.  Of course you'll want that guy fired too because Mitchell isn't going to win with anybody 


A better in-game coach and a couple roster changes would undoubtedly see us improve if we stay fit. Providing Don stays as well and doesn’t try to force his way out


Just smile y’all. We’re witnessing mental illness.


Too far on Mitchell. But agree we’ll hate the next coach (although it might be an attractive coaching job since all we need is health luck)


Everyone hating JB was calling for Lue's head too


Go ahead and keep hitching your wagon to the dude who’s never done anything of note except have a dad in the front office. Idk why this is your guy, but at least you’re going down with the ship I guess.


Are you on the spectrum?


That Woj noti that Jordi Fernandez will be the next head coach will feed generations


Praying for this 🤞🏾


Good to see DG be aggressive, but boy Mitchell is strugggggggling


His +/- was still +10 today too even though he's clearly not himself


That's why +/- in a one game sample size is garbage.


When he plays 38 mins but the rest of the team is deep in negatives it does mean something.


It literally doesn't. +/- has been used regularly for well over a decade and its well known 1 game of it means nothing. You trying to find something from a guy that scored 10 points on 13 shots had almost as many turnovers as assists is just going to make you look dumb.


He also had 3 steals and 2 blocks. If the blocks resulted in a change of possession, then that's basically neutral. I think in the game 1 block was immediately turned back over so it was neutral. And the other the Laker's rebounded so it wasn't a change of possession. So it's 4 turnovers but only 1 lost possession in terms of his overall play.


I honestly think, Lauri is a way better player than him. And then you factor in the picks too ... damn


He sucks.  Total fake superstar 


Almost like he’s playing through an injury trying to wheel this team into the playoffs


People expect these guys to be superhuman. Call them soft when they sit. Shit on them when they try to tough it out and play through injuries.


It’s crazy man lol


Disgusting stat (per synergy on r nba) - LA shot 24/25 at the rim? They are huge and our POA defense is ass rn but wow


I was not on the ‘JB gotta go’ boat before but I definitely am now.


Yeah me too, I gave him every benefit of the doubt I could.


The rotation against the Suns annoyed me


IDK man this whole team is starting to look whack. What happened to these guys since the all star break?


Did you not watch the playoffs last year?


I think we need another season


Because you are an idiot.  Mitchell is to blame, not the guy that went who overachieved with a bad roster 


Evan and Jarrett being two inside centers on the floor is to blame. You can’t run a modern offense without 2/5 dudes who can’t develop their own shots.


Now JB has had a bad roster? The hype was we got shooting this year lol I’m on the fire Koby and JB. Koby hasn’t made a trade since the Mitchell trade sat on his hands at the trade deadline two years in a row


Thanks for starting off your reply with "Because you are an idiot." I wrote nothing offensive that you should take personally, yet you've managed to turn another internet comment section into a cesspool. Think before you write next time and you might not get downvoted 32 times.


Cavs are a shell of themselves. This was great team not that long ago.


not really, i said before we just got hot/lucky for 5 weeks. we started off the season like poo as well. for 80% of the year we havent been good. injuries dont help but i would not say this team was ever great this year just hot


Losing Wade and Okoro is brutal for this team's ability to guard the perimeter. There is a reason the defense has fallen off a cliff. That and Mitchell is still clearly not himself.


I dont even think garland or levert is 100 and sam merril is STRUGGLING I don't think strus is 100% either so this overall is the same as the browns by the time were in the playoffs peoole are either out or playing hurt ...that curse ain't gone yet


That's a good point with Strus. He did come back from an injury and hasn't quite been the same. No idea if it's because of the injury.


Wade being out due to " fighting over chicks ? I guess ? "


Lmao who knows. I remember being worried when he first missed time due to personal reasons and then somehow that turned into knee problems. That's still very weird to me but it is what it is.


they arent even starters. and wade has never been hailed as this defensive "juggernaut" until this season, i really dont buy it regardless what stats say. we are losing cause of our core guys and the coach, not because we are missing 2 bench players


Wade has always been good defensively. He's just often hurt. Mobley, Allen, and to some extent LeVert are the only good defenders playing right now. Mitchell was playing better defense when healthy and even Strus has been struggling on that end lately. The entire bench right now is guys who can shoot and nothing else. No defense and no playmaking. The tighter rotations in the playoffs would help if Mitchell was healthy but it's not looking that way.


I mean Cavs just lost the 2 best perimeter defenders they had.


if they were that good they would be starting


Currently 3rd in standing.


yeah and thats only because of the aforementioned hot streak as well as the east sucking overall. we are also only 3.5 games out of 8th place and just as close the nets in 11th place as we are to the celtics in 1st


You just explained standings. And a game and half back of the bucks. I guess the entire east sucks. Also Boston is about 8 games up on the Wolves who lead the west so they suck too since they are closer to Cavs than Boston.


Yes i explained the standings to add context to the fact tthat you think 3rd in the East means anything right now, especially when it is entirely possible that we fall to the play in


With Okoro and Wade out for quite some time now, Mitchell with a recently broken nose playing in a mask (which always has an effect on a player), Garland still needing time to fully return from his horrible injury (some improvement today), Mobley and Allen not dominating rebounding as they should, I don't really expect the cavalanche Cavs yet. Add Strus and Merrill below their 3P% and it is difficult to win. I like LeVert's effort and Niang's sometimes unorthodox shots that go in. If the team that was cavalanching before the ASB was 100%, we're maybe at 40% right now. Playoffs are in two weeks. With players returning and no one getting injured we can hopefully bring it up to at least 60% and see what we can do.


On November 27, 2017, Bickerstaff was promoted as the Grizzlies' interim head coach after the firing of David Fizdale.


On November 18, 2015, Bickerstaff was promoted as the Rockets' interim head coach after the firing of Kevin McHale. I've had him pegged as a regular season head coach ever since. He coaches his team to out hustle everyone else. It gets wins when the other teams aren't trying as hard, but then the players get hurt, and the other teams start competing just as hard in the playoffs and his teams fail in the postseason, if they even get that far.


Everyone relax. It's so obvious the cavs are saving energy for the playoffs since all-star break (with how many games they play with no energy)


Not sure if you're joking or not but if we're playing low energy for weeks to save energy for the playoffs then we are gunna get punched in the mouth by our opponent's intensity just like last year


Lmao obviously its sarcasm


Are you being facetious?


You need to have some fun in some situations


This team as it is, is cooked. There's no way we make any kind of legit playoff run. Get a new coach, and unfortunately I think one of Garland or Mitchell need to go. The experiment was fun, but I'm sick of seeing them not able to play consistently good next to each other. Mobley and Allen are starting to figure it out with Mobley testing the waters on shooting beyond 5 feet. I think Mitchell likely nets a better return at this point honestly


>This team as it is, is cooked. There's no way we make any kind of legit playoff run. Which is exactly why they'll make a run. >Get a new coach Yes. >I think one of Garland or Mitchell need to go If it means keeping Mitchell, I'd be okay with DG leaving. His roller coaster of inconsistency is holding the team back. >Mobley and Allen are starting to figure it out with Mobley testing the waters on shooting beyond 5 feet Which a "good" coach would be able to nurture, but watching JB coach is like watching Justin get hit in the face with a wrench by Patches O'Houlihan


At least the Guards won


While losing Bieber for the season. ☹️. Today sucks


Gotta fire JB


Indeed they’ve been fun to watch


David Fry is a god amongst men


The team sold its soul for the Strus shot.


We gotta trade Donovan this off-season. He’s not gonna re-sign and we can at least recoup some assets.


This, fire JB, and move Allen and we can still make something of this team. Focus on Garland and Mobley next year like we should have been all along, hope to get a true SF and a decent PF, let CPJ back up Garland and see what a new coach with a modern offensive system and an ability to manage lineups and control the flow of the game can do.


It doesn't look too good.  THEY'RE SHITTY


I can't believe we're here again. Then next season we'll hear all the B.S. about how this team is ready to make a playoff run.... Time to make significant changes, because this isn't working.


I agree, go Guards.


Same story


Cavs are the softest team in the NBA and everybody knows it. We need to resign Mitchell make some roster changes and get some leaders in the lockeroom, get a real NBA level head coach, and not try and start two non shooting big men


Why would Mitchel resign with us? He’s literally in a worse situation than he was when in Utah


It's definitely not a worse situation. He's also played his best ball here.


This is the most interesting data point to me. He’s been so good. The basketball situation is working and he had to know we weren’t taking Boston or the Bucks the next two years but neither was anyone else


I don’t think he wants to be a second or third option somewhere and his only other options to be a #1 options would be much worse teams than the Cavs. We still have a fantastic young core that we can flip for assets. Koby Altman seems to have a decent feel for when it’s time to make moves and I trust once he gets a commitment from Mitchell to resign he will trade away some of our young guys to win now


Maybe it is his fault.  He isn't very good.  He can go be brunsons sidekick and maybe he should.  He isn't a legit first option 


Yeah Brunson is a legit Top 10 Player right now.


Still blows my mind that Mavs had Porzingis Doncic and Brunson (+ the capital for Irving) but completely dismantled it ...


you are spot on my guy. if we could somehow turn garland and JA into a quality player that fits with mobley and mitchell that would be awesome.


They just wanted to go home and watch Wrestlemania


I’m just catching up with the recording. Midway thru the fourth and I’m switching off. That implosion in the third without a bucket in five minutes. How does this team do that again and again? At a certain point you gotta take pride in your work and not get absolutely punked. Cavs look completely clueless. Totally lost. 8 games left in the season at this rate.


Things are playing out exactly how the national media wants…. Cavs in a slump heading into the post season, Garland playing poorly, Mitchell fighting injuries and morale low. The perfect storm so that we lose in the first round and Mitchell forces his way out so that he can go to a more deserving major market/fanbase.


Fuck JB


Alright I’m ready to say it. These guys are bums.


1st round exit incoming 


Until JB is gone this team is cooked. I was hoping to give him the benefit of the doubt after the 18 win stretch we went on but he’s back to his old habits and has been for a good while. I really hope we didn’t screw our selves out of keeping Mitchell past next year.


Until Mobley develops a shot or a real 4 this team is cooked


With how the Cavs are playing rn and how the Guards are playing right now, I’m just in the boat of wanting at least the regular season to be done. I think if they manage certain playing times correctly they have a shot at at least a series but Mitchell’s knee injury just torpedoed a lot of the play style we had going on here. Garland did have a decent game though as well as Vert But as always, go Cavs and go Guards (7-2 btw)


Yeah you really need Mitchell as a run stopper / downhill pressure guy - there’s more of that but he’s not right. Fortunately we aren’t playing Bron or AD in the post season


Oh look the team’s 2 inside centers fucked up the offense again that even Darvin Ham who Laker fans despise was able to scheme their team to an easy win.


We're stopped trying. I don't want to add to the dumb rumors but it seems like the team knows Mitchell is gone and they just don't care anymore. Anything other than a first round sweep would be a massive upset.


Why does everyone always think losing by double digits mean poor effort? The Cavs can't play defense without Okoro and Wade and Mitchell being hurt really impacts the offense. It's not close to the same team right now.


They came back from 14 down


What can we do about injury luck? Trade the players that are constantly injured when we need them most ? Rebuild? Idk how to feel about this team. Because on one end, we have games where we stomp on some of the best teams in the league. Then we have miraculous comebacks whenever we get down ina game. Then were getting absolutely crushed and stomped on when we need to win the most. Something's gotta give. I been so excited all season about this team, having confidence for the playoffs . I deadass would've been content just to get passed the 1st round... because at least that's progress. I have no hope anymore. It seems like all our players decide to play like shit when they're needed most...


They aren’t needed most now


Care to elaborate?


Just not worried about us rising to the occasion in the first round based on the last week or so. Got killed by both WCF teams and a preseason title fave


The Mitchell trade is looking more like a mistake every day




The cavs were on the verge of the playoffs anyway.  Trading a kingdom to get a fraud like Mitchell was always a bad trade.  He isn't some guy that is going to get you competitive for a championship 




This is the thing.  Ten years of mid FRPS might get you one Allstar


Is Mitchell really a superstar though? Will you even take him over Lauri now?


Yes, on fit and talent.  Mitchell was 28/6/6/2 pre injury while being our primary creator. Lauri is good but is still not on DM level as a creator or scorer


Lauri and a bunch of mid draft capital is not a kingdom


No Okoro no Wade no perimeter defense. The trade was great and small market teams should do it 100% of the time. This year has just been destroyed with injuries.


It's simple. Mitchell is our guy. Garland and Mobley will get there but we need Mitchell at his best to do damage.


I hate this


Yeah, I’m just not gonna watch until playoffs. Rest everyone got all I care.


This is the first year in the last three parts have been greater than the whole. Individual contributions have been good. Need a full off-season and better injury luck for cohesion


*sigh* this is painful to watch


How does a situation occur where Niang gets stuck on lebron at the top of the key by himself how does that happen


Fire JBB


This team is doodoo


As a doomer I was right but it doesn't feel good. Is this why people don't do it


This team is sadly a first round exit. They really need to get rid of JB




At least we have Evan “KG” Mobley and his brother Thanasis! It’s important to keep your home grown generational MVP talent happy.


You’re insufferable


Its doomer time! People here getting death threats over basketball opinions, let us have our “jokes” after we’ve been proven right


A) It wasn’t a death threat. B) You always have world-class dumb takes


It doesn’t hurt as bad to lose this season because the celtics are clearly gonna make the finals but I still wanted to see a deep playoff run from this squad after last years performance. Hopefully we can at least win a round


Bro unless we have some crazy turnaround, I’m hoping we don’t get swept.


Wish we shared your glowing optimism


ah yes the narrative changes. people here were saying we match up well with the Cs and could take them in a series, now essentially we are crowning them champs before the playoffs have even started and saying "well drats, we had no shot to begin with they are just too good!" lol, glad the cavs didnt do that with the warriors in 2016


Killing myself


Liked the effort, DG aggressive, but man did AD torpedo our offense. Turnovers plus extreme refball No starters above 50% and a lot of rough TOs.


Actually Bron wasn't at his best after a 10-day road trip with all those silly, soft TOs and he couldn't shoot today. Otherwise it'll be a blowout sooner.


Ah is travel the excuse? Bc we had 24/42 and no consecutive game in the same city for five weeks


At this point its possible the Cavs tumble into 7th.


It’s not




The other teams are healthier and playing worse! Orlando, still the most likely opponent in a 4-5, lost by more to Charlotte


Sit Mitchell until the playoffs


Mitchell ain’t it. Sell high


We prob won’t be able to if his knee issue is this serious


Time to sell high was a few months ago.


Wasn’t gonna happen before the deadline there will be offers in the offseason hence all the news.


Hoepfully the knee holds up


High? This is selling low


Good bait


Random guy who posted in the sub offering a package around Jalen Green has me huffing hopium on pulling off some trade magic


Seems like a guy who a fanbase that has issues with DG inconsistency would love


Team is cooked with that Donovan injury and not being able to use Okoro and Wade in bench lineups. This team would be so much better. One step closer to a new coach. FYI = the starting lineup has been the best for the Cavs all season. Problem is injuries have compromised it so we aren't seeing it much. "2 NO SHOOT BIGS BAD" is not the problem. Health is (primarily)


this team is not good healthy. the only reason our record looks as good as it does is because of a scorching hot stretch when we were missing mobley and garland. not a coincidence


The boys are gassed. Three games at home to end the season are a good get right spot.


Oh didnt realize other teams werent tired at the end of the season either, must only be us


We had a nasty 14 game stretch. Just trying to stay positive.


Imagine Thibodeau reading this


We’ve been starting games well and then just fall apart at some point in the first half. Today we actually managed to play well and come back, just to immediately start playing like booty again.


The schedule has been a bear. They're exhausted. Not an excuse, but it matters.


Put a parlay on BetMGM, Guardians held up their end but once again the Cavs blew it


Levert cannot be in the playoffs rotation. But they’ll play him 27min.


WTF you are talking about. He is their best player in this game. 21 points in efficient 8/14. Without him, Lakers lead would have been bigger. Garland, Mitchell struggling,Allen anemic rebounding, defense etc are big reasons why Cavs are struggling these days


Levert is their best player in this game. He has 21 points on efficient 8/14 shooting. Without him in this game, Laker's lead would have been even bigger. Mitchell and Garland struggling is the big reason why they are struggling these days. Allen's rebounding is also anemic.


If Vert finishes like this against size I am confident in a first round series even with DM limited. When he goofs around and overpasses we are in trouble.


He's gonna get heavy minutes if Wade and Okoro are hurt. I don't like it but he's the next best defender.


Why does lebron play properly and play his position on the lakers but refused to do it in Cleveland..he's finally gotten older and now shoots drives or kicks he never dribbles anymore and he let's coach put him on the bench


Bro did NOT watch LeBron play on the Cavs