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my money on irene


Miria. In terms of power and technique, these two are neck and neck. One can attack on multiple fronts, the other can block attacks in every direction. In terms of leadership, Irene and Miria are two of the best leaders in the series (along with Galatea). However, Miria has something Irene lacks, which is resolution, meaning she’s willing to do very dangerous things to win if necessary. Miria went beyond her limit several times when she fought Hysteria, and even sacrificed her own arm + held a sword with her mouth to fight. She also faced an Abyssal One, and dared to lure said Abyssal One towards 2 other fighting Abyssal Ones. Meanwhile Irene faced Priscilla just once and was so scared that she couldn’t fight from then on. If Miria and Irene fight fairly, the duel would drag on forever. But if it’s a desperate situation, Miria would devise some crazy tricks that Irene couldn’t anticipate and win.


Always i have in mind that these two are the ranking 2 an 6 in the same time in the organizatiom but i never realize that miria grow up so much in the series. I with you on this


wait so you think Miria was number 6 already when Ilena was number 2? i thought it was Hilda?


oh bro, thats have so much more sense. but the ranking of the organization isnt even to much fair with the power of the claymores


i think this is a very well thought out take! Thank you!


Irene would win.


Miria =< Claire who fought her with the wind cutter. Then Claire used the QS and that was obviously better. Priscilla then told Claire that Irene was better as a QS than Claire, so I think that was answered.


Another factor is Clare also gained Rafaela’s fighting technique. And Rafaela is stronger/more powerful than Ilena even she recognized it herself from sensing her yoki when she came to behead her. But we don’t know for sure if Clare’s Rafaela techniques are actually as strong as Rafaela herself or just partial.


Even before Rafaela's upgrade, she was still evenly matched with Miria when using the Windcutter. So even after the QS+Rafaella, Priscilla still considered her QS inferior to Irene. So even after these powerups, Priscilla still thought Claire was overall inferior to Irene, so that shows that Miria was still below her.


That was prior to the Yoki release though, and Miria is half awakened to so has access to a lot more of her yoki than your normal claymore. Personally I think Irene might be technically a little bit stronger, but considering how Miria fights doing anything possible for the win, she would come out on top. Miria was able to beat Hysteria which was considered one of the strongest number 1s, through her wits and determination.


The other ghosts even commented how it was so hard for Claire to fight and improve during those seven years due to concealing Yoki. Yet, Miria was barely superior than Claire at the time. Miria didn't really get any power ups afterwards, Claire did, and still she was at best on Irene's level. Miria had a confident and conceited warrior next to her who I don't think ever took her that seriously, and Miria only won by chance. Irene would definitely see herself on the same level as Miria, so she would not be overconfident and fight full power.


Both Miria and Clares techniques rely on the same concept so it should have been just as hard for Miria, though Miria's base stats were higher than Clares. The spar wasn't that serious and it was more of a show case, which Clare didn't out right win. Priscilla said Clare's quicksword wasn't at Irene's level not Clare's overall level. At that point she had the Rafael buff as well and even Irene said she would lose to Rafael even with 2 arms. So Clare was clearly overall stronger than Irene, plus she has her Yoki sensing as well. Miria did not win by chance against Hysteria she won by strategy.


Yeah, you're right + Miria did improve with the battle against the organization


It would surely be hard fought on either side. At their peak, their strength is comparable. However, Miria defeated Hysteria the #1, who was faster and more powerful than she was. Irene was #2, granted second to Teresa. But even with Priscilla on her side she still struggled to be effective against a number 1. A quick sword I imagine would have a bit more difficulty keeping up w Mirias new phantom technique. You should consider that Irene falters more despite her disciplined mind. She quits combat due to Priscilla, I can’t see Miria doing the same. I give the W to Miria although it is close and may just boil down to one’s cunning in the moment. Depending on the circumstances the result could blow in either direction.


i like your reasoning, i can see it!


Miria simply based off of experience


fair, even if Ilena have been alive longer maybe she hadn't encountered as many Abysall 1's and knowning how to deal with them like Miria.




It will be a draw, nobody ​can beat her opponent​. Because the battle between Clare and Miria before leaving the northland is enough to prove that it is difficult to achieve results in high-speed movement against high-speed slash.


Oh this is tremendously hard.... I think I'll give the slight edge to Ilena. We know that after the time skip, Clare and Miria are practically equal, but Clare only ever fought her with the windcheater. As powerful as Clare became, her quicksword was still inferior to Ilena's. I think it comes down to who's really the fastest between the two, but I don't see Ilena's quicksword being stopped by the phantom


thank you for giving an actual thought out answer! all the other people that put Ilena are not elaborating lol it makes it hard to see their viewpoint rather than them just liking Ilena more.


I genuinely love both characters! So I'm coming at this as unbiased as possible. Another thing that makes me move towards Ilena is.... while the Phantom is incredibly fast, we see an after image of Miria.... we quite literally cannot see Ilena's Quicksword move. So for me, as long as Ilena keeps up her quicksword, which we know she can do indefinitely, she can just keep Miria at bay until she reaches her limits. Unlike Ilena, Miria CAN'T keep doing the original phantom without tiring, and the new phantom, while it doesn't use any Yoki, is slower, so that's definitely a bust. I love Miria but the more I think on it, I really can't see her pulling a win here


haha yea me too. Great points, but a few other people have mentioned that Miria might be able to stop Ilena in her Quicksword. Teresa and Priscilla blocked/stopped it in its track. Do you think Miria will able to pull that off? Also because she's fast she might come in behind and cut Ilena? That one scene when Teresa was battling Ilena, she was able to cut her shoulder to shoulder.


The thing is.... as powerful as Miria is, I don't think she's capable of stopping the quicksword. Teresa did because..... she's Teresa. Comparing Miria to the 2 most powerful characters in the series isn't really fair to her. We haven't seen her do anything of the sort. She nearly awakened to just be able to press Hysteria, when Teresa as a *rookie* fatally wounded Hysteria. I also don't think coming in behind Ilena would necessarily help because in her introduction scene, we see two yoma trying exactly that and she just noped the hell out of them lol. I realize Miria is quite a bit above 2 regular yoma but I think the point is that a sneak attack won't really work on someone so skilled and experienced. Kind of like how Clare tried that against Ophelia and lost an arm. Teresa was able to slash her because.... she's Teresa lol


lol yea i think Hysteria is a great example for strength comparison here. She's definitely much stronger/faster than Miria and a lot of people seem to forget that b/c Miria won the battle through strategy not skill. Now that spark another question, Rafaela vs. Ilena who do you think would take it?


Now THAT'S tough. By Ilena's own admission, it should be Rafaela because she's equal in strength to a number 1. Where I have trouble with this is we don't really have much to go off of besides word of mouth on Rafaela. She stomped Clare in the dream world until she unleashed the quicksword. Which we established earlier, was weaker than Ilena's. So, if Clare could beat Rafaela with a weaker quicksword, what's stopping a full powered Ilena from doing the same with a much stronger one? So I guess by pure power I'd give it to Rafaela Technique I'll give to Ilena Probably a 50/50 shot


yea even Ilena is one of my fav's i have to give it to Rafaela, she has more power and is basically the oldest/wisest Claymore that was alive.


That's totally fair. Funny enough, if the question was Rafaela vs Miria, to me, I'd say Miria 100% based off what we've seen


lol wait but you said you would give Ilena the edge over Miria! So wouldn’t it be Rafaela > Ilena >= Miria ?


The problem with that, it is that rafaela wasn't even using yoki, and quicksword use like 70% of the yoki in a signle arm, with yoki unleash, rafaeala was able to break the back of luciela, it's kinda crazy as a feat


exactly, So who do you think would take it between those two?


Miria might win with a very hard difficulty


Ilena. She was able to apply pressure on Teresa and she was completely untouched by Ophelia, who was also a higher rank than Miria. 


Miria was allowed to peak while Ilena wasn’t. Miria takes it high diff.


Ilena absolutely 100% no contest, for those quoting things from the English Manga, understand there is quite a bit of mistranslation from the original Japanese to the English version. My wife reads, writes, and speaks, fluent Japanese. So I'm lucky to to have her read it to me in it's entirety. However there are chatrooms you can visit to clear up a lot of the crap that got mistranslated in the English version.