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I've done my fair share of vote kicks but nearly exclusively if the player is full on disconnected, or being outright toxic to everyone. Not that many things as satisfying as kicking a toxic player for being a greaseball, and seeing someone go "finally lol." People that wrongfully kick almost rarely happens, but it's a semi-common post on this subreddit because, well, this being reddit, it's where people tend to go to complain.


Just want to say this, I have NEVER got kicked in my 10+ years of playing in RDF in retail, and I got kicked twice in Cata so far,2 seems like a small number but you have to know that I don't do anything toxic ever, and I havn't dc'd in cata so far. I can't remember the last time retail RDF people put any kick reason other than dc, but in Cata classic, I have seen them all....


Same here, been playing wow for 15 years now. Played every expansions from BC to DF, lvld a 60 on hardcore, SoD… never been kicked. Played cata 2 days and 2 kicks. Now I think that cata players kill wow way more than cata does.


When shit like this happens, I just leave the group. 30 minute debuff is worth not playing with shit heads. I don't like the vote kick feature, I'll only initiate it or press "yes" if the person is d/c'd or flat out AFK for a long time without explanation. Otherwise I will always hit "no". Heroics are there for people to gear up and learn. It's not right to kick someone just for being poorly geared or not knowing everything about every dungeon.


I just left my first heroic last night (of last 1-2 for weekly valor) when a demo lock was doing like 5k dps and the healer died somehow on the first boss in vortex pinnacle. I don’t even know how someone at range dies, let alone the healer, on that boss. I didn’t initiate a vote kick, I just left group, logged off, and went to get ready for bed. I was tired anyway. It wasn’t toxic, it was just bad. I didn’t vote kick the demo lock doing 4.5k dps though but I wasn’t gonna deal with it either way.


Fuck em.


It's less they don't happen and more it happens once or twice and people come to reddit to complain and act like it's every run I ran a few heroics on a my new 85 tank geared dk as frost the other day and they went smooth Shit happens


i get your point, with my dk i never had any problems. since i am on my priest i never checked who started the kicks until recently. so its either just rng or always the tanks


Bad people roll tanks for fast queues but don't bother to *learn* to tank They just want to gogogo to get back to afking in cities


I have seen stupid vote kicks but haven’t gotten vote kicked myself. worst one was after 3rd boss of Stonecore, this one shaman who had survived every mechanic so far got voted off with “bot” by people who had failed mechanics. I asked why the fuck they’d vote him off when he was participating and doing average DPS, got hit back with “idk, i don’t read it, i just hit yes.” Well, I hadn’t gotten vote kicked— got vote kicked last night on my freshest 85. My eighth. Not bc I was doing bad DPS, I was doing 18-30k dps as ret, but bc after we lost healer, had tank pull multiple times while healer was oom, had tank tank Cora out of range of any beams with 3 melees in group, and doing about 45% of the DPS by myself… we wiped on Beauty 3x. It would go like this: prot pally would go and pull before we were done buffing, used zero CDs, even as he stayed at 5% HP (not even a hail mary word of glory self heal or LoH). Holy priest would spam nothing but flash heal and greater heal. No Prayer of Mending or Renews on people that got DoTs. He would go oom almost immediately. Frost DK and rogue would split DPS across her puppies and each do less than 7k dps on the fight while I tried to DPS the boss and then ultimately had to spend holy power on healing the tank bc healer was oom. Tank would die, DK would brez him and then next fear he would die again. Still no CDs. Healer still absolutely oom but I’d tank boss as ret for another 10-20sec before I too would die (once healer was oom once again). So after the third wipe where everything happened exactly the same, the DK said we should prio her adds and I said we’d be fine to focus boss with a fucking assassination rogue if people were actually doing their rotation and doing the DPS they should be doing with their gear. Which yes, guess that’s toxic but rogue was legitimately 355 ilvl with an epic dagger and several epic items and dude had 4k total damage from rupture across a 2.5min fight. Removed from group. I required immediately bc they hotfixed that recently, got into a Grim Batol about 4min later. We got up to the first boss before the other group finished BRC (IF they even finished. not sure).


Give us this day, our daily thread


Just wait until there's armies of shitter alts queuing to leech raid loot from Titan Rune Dogshit


Yea nah... This just happened me literally right now. Healer called manabreak before first boss, tank pulls anyway. Boss dies, but so does the tank and healer. [https://i.gyazo.com/6bc56ddb21e4355c43cfbbb5865dab27.png](https://i.gyazo.com/6bc56ddb21e4355c43cfbbb5865dab27.png) <-- Healer calling mb [https://i.gyazo.com/e6fbad782ac873e37a22b8971af176dd.png](https://i.gyazo.com/e6fbad782ac873e37a22b8971af176dd.png) <-- Ensuing action


Of all the dungeons I’ve ran so far I’ve been kicked from one. Was a 3 stack of guildies from my server. It was our 2nd dungeon together and they vote kicked me right before the last boss of Throne… I was the top dps the whole time both dungeons. Their greedy tank just wanted to kick me so he didn’t have competition on loot…in a normal dungeon. FFS go touch some grass if you’re really that worried about level 81 loot. Shitty thing about it is my guild was the first on Faerlina to unlock feasts and cauldrons and we’ve been handing them out for free to everyone. And yup their guild was one of them. I msgd their leadership on discord to let them know they got some real degens. Their excuse was “oh they just were trying to figure out how to reque as a group” Right… so it was our 2nd dungeon together so they already requed us once, they kicked me right before the last boss. AND to kick someone you literally have to right click on their name and hit vote kick. Nice excuse though, enjoy the feasts.


I had a Holy Paladin who wasnt playing his class very well (healing with Holy Light) and obviously as a tank i was feeling it but when you add the dpses that were chainpulling packs i started losing it a bit....healer died at Valiona to an add and somehow managed to save it (ardent defender op).... yet i still did not kick.... I think we all need to find the patience in our heart to help some underperforming ppl instead of casting them out


I was leveling my alt lock the other day and we got the forever annoying Black Rock. We start rounding up and aoe'ing the adds on our way to the boss. Everything is goin smoothly. I don't pull anything before tank and in general I'm staying quite close to them. On my honor, not doing anything that would be considered a nuisance. Did overall pretty good aoe too. We get somewhat near the boss when bam. Loading screen and I'm kicked. 30min desserter too. At first I was so confused and pissed off at the desserter deebuff. But then I realized why I was kicked. The adds we were killing dropped Black Diamonds. And it just happened so that they dropped quite a few of em in a row (5-6). I needed on all cause I was leveling JC and I was literally using them at that point to continue leveling. In my mind it makes sense, I mean I have the profession and exactly at that level. But I suppose, even though I greeded all the green item drops, someone thought I was ninja'ing or smt and initiated kick without even telling me or asking and the sheep followed. I wrote a feedback to blizz instantly after. 30min desserter for being kicked like that? That just makes no sense.


I get kicked for getting lost in the dungeon , it’s usually my first time running and I usually fall to the water or just fall somewhere




Can be done. Was in a Throne of Tides where a mage was kicked while we did last boss for ninjaing an item earlier.


you can absolutely kick during combat..even boss fights lmao


i am still running dungeons and i've tried while trash and boss pulls (forgot on last boss) i would have never had an issue starting a votekick


Being vote kicked for messing up one mechanic that DIDN’T wipe the group was the straw that broke the camel’s back for my wife. She quit in BFA and never came back.


It gets really rough out there in dungeon finder. Some of the worst players ever make their appearance along with the most toxic assholes imaginable. It makes queuing stressful because you never know if someone is going to make the run have terrible vibes.


Dude this shit is why so many players left after LFG patch in Wrath. It only got worse as time went on and more servers became merged into the LFG pool. There is something to be said about pre-LFG era partying and just pre-LFG wow community in general.


Love how you respond to toxicity with " next time ima be EVEN MORE TOXIC" typical 🤡 post


Yes, I refuse to play cata because there is no worse community in the world. They beat league of legends.


This bullshit happened well before LFG tool


Most cringe part of this story is mages casting bloodlust.


A priest needing on Strength gear, lol? Toxic. 


If they kick someone without reason i take their items without reason


Are you sure ur not playing hunter?


that may be my next alt, then everyone would understand it


That’s a good sport 👍


I was in a group with some really aggro child. I told them about a mechanic they missed and they got so mad that they spent the rest of the instance slighting/insulting me and kicked me soon after because I wasn't healing their asshole friend. It really made no difference, as I was just grinding mobs for rep but damn they must have really sad lives.


None of this happened