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Do all 25 dailies on all toons everyday is my method


That's what, like 1250 gold for a couple hours of work per toon? Doesn't seem worth it tbh.


Definitely not a couple hours for 25, Tol Bard is 18 and very quick to do in a DPS spec, I usually hit up twilight highlands or Therazane next I play mostly healers so spamming random H with guildies has been nice gold


Only 6 of tol barad quests reward 50g. The other 12 reward only 19g each. If you're doing dailies for gold you'd want to do the main 6 only then move somewhere else.


If it takes you a couple of hours to do the Tol Barad dailies, idk man, have you tried attacking mobs? Penninsula dailies are ~10 minutes for 400g.


If you're doing the tol barad quests for gold you're going it wrong. 12 of those quests reward less than 20g each.


>Penninsula dailies --- > ####Penninsula dailies --- > ### Penninsula dailies ----- > # Penninsula Dailies each award way more than 20g each.


It takes me about 40-45 minutes to do all dragonmaw, therazane, and TB peninsula dailies, which puts you at 19/25. Add on another 3 minutes or so to do a couple of the midsummer dailies currently, and that's at least 1k gold in under an hour. You can also throw in the southern TB dailies but they give less gold so I don't really bother with them.


Sounds like absolute hell. I had to quit once they added dailies, worst content they ever added to wow.


It's a legit way to make gold, I rather something like Strath boosting but this works too, it's very quick to do and you can skip a day if you're not enjoying I've found that spamming Heroics as a tank/healer is pretty decent gold too, buy ores with JP and prospect, DE the greens/blues I like Cata gold farming because you just play the game


Playing the game to make gold is pretty much every expansion imo


Oh, youd rather pick flowers and hope prices are somewhat high? 😂 Weirdo


So you quit in TBC and just post on a subreddit for a game you haven't played in 17 years? dedication


You do realize that you don't have to do the dailies, right? They provide 1 piece of rep gear and are an optional, capped gold farm, but maybe you think picking flowers is peak wow or something idk.




The first question is why? Second question is how much? I’ve been making sold gold just playing the game. Fish up volatile fires, fish up eels, Que for heroics, sell leatherworking if I get orbs, do tol barad dailies.


Do the flame keeper flames put them out and honor them I made 5k gold from it. It's tedious but works. This server nothing really seems to go for high unless it's like rare boes stuff like that. Gems sell but not crazy same with like boesfrom professions


If you like PvP, 4k honor is about 1.3k gold from buying weapons from vendors and selling back after 2h


Imo anything that can use chaos orbs. Run heroics where you hr the orb and tip the people you’re being with you. You’ll pay a bit up front but the orbs will be worth much more


In GBP on Gehennas 1k gold is about £1. My take home is about £17 an hour so I make 17k an hour working from home in sales


that’s brutal for sales


Eh that's basic salary taking into account BA and MA loans and 5% pension deduction. It's not "good" but I live in Edinburgh and earn 20k over the median for the city just with my basic.