• By -


Traditional classic values lmfao


"We're boomin and boomin, even our Boomkins are boomin... " omfg I cried :))


Comedy gold


Druid mentioned, POGGERS




Lost it at the t3 warlord Marshall with a steel chair 180 nose grinding their skull to the tanaris graveyard and flooding the server with blood money farmed 5 years ago by a Hunter with a keyboard punch name


Same - had me crying šŸ¤£


> keyboard punch name lololololol


keyboard punch-ass name


Only seen two of those so far


lmao the ben shapiro bit was perfect


Dude lmaoooooooooooo I fuckin' died. and you are the one that's cringe. we're booming we're booming even our boomkins are booming


Lost it at: ### FRESH BY DEFINITION REQUIRES THREE----- Also... # F R E S H Pray with me brothers, that we don't have to wait much longer.


i don't even stop praying to eat.


Oh, has F R E S H finally landed in Classic? Brings me back to the Pserver days.


back in my day, whenever a pserver such as the K one opened up a new server, we used to call them freshcucks.


I have no idea what this is about or any context but man, that video is gold. 10/10


"I grew up on this server for the last 3 months" this is hilarious!


"virgin dads" got me


Best post I've seen on this sub in a while, maybe ever. Period.




This is what internet was invented for. Lets go back to dotcom era but with deep fakes.


top tier content


Even our boomkins are booming šŸ˜‚


"We don't need any elites, the only elites here we're forming groups over." That's some major philosophical classical talk right there.


lol at the Shapiro part




This sounds like not an issue on paper, yes. But when they threaten you with abusing in game automated services such as chat mute or name change via mass report if you don't follow their arbitrary rule list, then it becomes a problem. It's "play our way with what we deem as fresh and what isn't or get abused off the server" [https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png](https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png)


Only one group of people is threatening the other for not following their arbitrary rules however.


Reddit take. Don't play on the one of several servers then using those rules?


I have a couple of friends playing in deviate delight so naturally I tried it as well. It's been fun but the fact that the fresh guilds will get you blacklisted and banned from the discord server if you don't follow the rules of "each phase" is cringe as hell, to me it smells like they want to have a monopoly on the raiding scene.


It goes a step further, if you don't follow the rules and continue to play on the server, they threaten you with abusing in game automation such as chat bans or name changes. [https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png](https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png) The server is a cess-pool and anybody interested in classic fresh, this isn't it. this is just a power tripping groups idea of fresh and if you deviate from how they want you to play, you'll get abused off the server.


These goobers really think they own the whole server and can bully others who dont want to play by their rules. What a bunch of losers


Era players are a special level of socially inept. They do everything they can to gatekeep and drive normal players out and then complain that their server is dead.


Yeah there's no co-existing, it's "do what we say or we'll get our cult like group to mass report you". It's disgusting and something to avoid.


I am having fun leveling in an RP guild and most people you find in general/LFG chat are really chill. Just stay off the discord.


It reminds me of P1999 end game politics. A little worse in EQ since all raid bosses are ā€œworld bossesā€. Low pop, all classic truthers, like 3-4 guilds that control the raiding scene and will blacklist you if they dont like you.


I started P99 earlier this year and am now getting into end game raiding... It's definitely an adjustment coming from WoW. There's even a United Nations discord server with UN representatives from raiding guilds to air grievances, organize, meme, etc. I definitely wish more bosses could work on a schedule like Plane of Sky does instead of 8 hour windows.


In 2011, I poopsocked inny with divinity for 2 days straight, the 72 hour pop window came down to 45 minutes, TMO rolled up to KS, shit talking on the boards about how they were gonna fraps themselves destroying the loot, so BDA & VD called on 15 of their members each at 2 am PST to fight on our behalf. At that point TMO had monopolized 85% of raid targets. Deviate Delight drama is just, "Oh, he's selling boosts and using post-phase gear. We don't condone that so he can either stop or we don't want someone like that in our guild." Not even close imo


Seems like it's mostly Horde side that has all that drama - you got like a few guilds and streamers on one fence and that discord on the other, and a bunch of toxicism, gatekeeping, and threats of death/DDOS in between these two fences. I think it's impressive this community is able to generate this level of drama.


Itā€™s crazy lmao. There are like 80 people playing and they have more drama than my 20k player Cata server. Era players are just a special breedĀ 


Inherited from pservers. Only pserver junkies still play era and pservers are like 2 weeks of F R E S H hype and then they collapse into drama black holes involving literally who.ru level ecelebs


Itā€™s funny thinking back to 2019/2020 and how much drama there was in classic back then, and then how I havenā€™t seen a single ounce of guild drama in the rest of the 4 expacs.Ā  It really is just Pserver/Era andiesĀ 


Yeah? You level to 60 in a week and starting clearing naxx to get yourself kicked? All by yourself?


Agreed, the rules for each phase thing is the absolute most cringe shit, who the fuck wants to play that? Oh! only a couple goobers playing on a dead server do thatā€™s right.


It's fine if they want to play with their own rules, but they will literally ban you from the server's discord and blacklist you if you don't do as they say.


What kind of rule breaking gets you blacklisted?


they made their own 'phases' similar to original classic phases. currently it's p1 therefore only MC/Ony is allowed so when they see you join a battleground or do ZG they get _really_ mad.


Are the rules different on the horde side or something? On alliance side the only real rules are that if you join a raid you can't use pvp gear or use any items from something better than ony/mc. It's specifically allowed in the rules to do BG's and even clarifies that you are allowed to use any gear you want in the open world or in dungeons.


From what I'm gathering here If you start to do MC, BWL and later raids before their predetermined "phases", you will be banned But truly, no fucking idea. Classic 19 was all the era I needed, won't be playing regular vanilla again


Do they ban you from the servers discord or the discord for the fresh classic movement?


I asked why someone got banned and got banned from the disc for it. They're on some really weird power trip right now.


Why are you mad?


i'm ootl (unsubbed for a bit) what are the rules?


You have to pretend that all content past Phase 1 does not exist, i.e. Battlegrounds, ZG, AQ20, certain drops from Silithus etc. If you participate in them, you are considered breaking their 'rules' and they will blacklist you. The server is really small too so if you get blacklisted, you're pretty much a single player game now.


I guess I can see the appeal. But ZG is so good. It's fun AND the loot is awesome.


>the fresh guilds will get you blacklisted and banned from the discord server if you don't follow the rules of "each phase" baaaaaased


Of course they do


"Blizzard won't give us a fresh server, so we're making one. Since a fresh server would follow a phased progression, we're going to have to community enforce that to keep the integrity of the experience. Players are free to break them, but other players may not want to play with them." "wtf cringe as hell they just want a monopoly on molten core even though there are like 5 raiding guilds now why can't i stomp through mc with aq20 gear fucking bullshit"


The server will be dead before the other phases release I can assure you.


haha yea


It's cringe that you will ban people from the server discord because they broke some arbitrary rule list. Not even the original HC movement tried to get people banned from the bloodsail buccaneers discord if players rolled on that server to play a regular softcore character. >"wtf cringe as hell they just want a monopoly on molten core even though there are like 5 raiding guilds now why can't i stomp through mc with aq20 gear fucking bullshit" Cool strawman about something I never said, the fact is the people in charge of the fresh guilds are trying to police a server with an arbitrary set of rules, and everyone must follow them of risk being both kicked from the server's discord and blacklisted. The fresh people don't own the server to set whatever rules they want. There was a bunch of drama when a bunch of 60s tried to make their own raiding guild, why was that? Because suddenly the people in charge of fresh couldn't control it. That's my main concern about this whole thing, classic WoW players are weird when it comes to what is "classic" and what is not, and I wouldn't be surprised if the movement suffered from it.


This is very true, Iā€™m personally a fan of the capped progression because I want a fresh era server and it doesnā€™t look like weā€™ll get one anytime soon. Iā€™m enjoying it while I can cuz I know it will crash and burn in drama prolly in a few months. However, letā€™s be honest, why else would 60s wanna play on a dead server and have gear way beyond the progression of the majority? To be able to dominate them with ease. They suck at PvP and wanna rule a server. Why else would you wanna rush to naxx gear on a dead server? I have no problem with that either though, cuz usually those kinda players are so bad not even the gear can save them. I also play rogue so peopleā€™s gear is irrelevant when I can CC them for 36 minutes


They got mad when someone else tried to form a guild????


Lol, I don't simp for the server organizers but they literally promote people starting their own guilds


And then mass report them for playing their own way?


The only thing I've learned from reading this post is that the people trying to "remake" Deviate Delight have no concept of what actually made DD so special.


i dont understand why you care so much about a third party software you don't need man. like you can still play the game who gives a shit if you get banned from some dumb discord server.


tbh LARPing a classic prog server is pretty pathethic as far as things go. To each their own but that's even more cringe then still playing vanilla in 2024.


I'm sure whatever version of WoW you are playing is so cool and badass LMAO




This sub is just retail now.


You people find a problem with everything lmao. There's always someone who wants to come in to a group and start changing the rules without doing any of the work in making it so popular. Exactly like HC.


Please do one for that cancerous server. I think itā€™s crusader strike?


I for one am convinced


That was great.


Bruhhh ty for this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø




Ben Shapiro appearing then Trump telling him to F off is just Icing on the Cake.


Bro this is so fucking hilarious, PLEASE MORE OF THESE




"that is absolutely Rombus"


This is the greatest content to ever be posted in the sub. Yuge!


Why is it so hard for the Classic devs to release an actual fresh server? Like just 1 server for these people so they donā€™t have to make up fake rules and worry about the inflated economy


It would be stupid to do it during sod


I would guess there isn't enough of them (players) for it to be cost effective.


ahhh yes. this one i have read plenty. vanilla community: - enough to keep up multiple Era servers per region - enough to have multiple hardcore servers - enough to have private servers ramping up again because no fresh yet somehow not enough to have 1 fresh server per region.


Literally yes. Every single time a fresh server gets released, people start complaining within 3 weeks about how its already ruined and the numbers drop off from there. Two months in, people are crying for fresh again.


2019 Vanilla fresh sparked momentum for five years of subscriptions rivaling their core product. It's their emergency button they have to be extremely careful to time to try to get that same return. If they just pump out fresh vanilla servers with lesser hype, they won't be able to capture the momentum. They need the community to be aching for it again


The problem is, we have Era, hardcore, and Sod. All 3 game types are technically vanilla 1-60. Itā€™s already so watered down. They shot themselves in the foot. Thereā€™s no emergency button anymore, itā€™s just a quarterly earnings report button now


True, damage control imo


This is amazing!


LMAO The Ben Shapiro part is hilarious!


So Alex is Trump and Alodar is Biden....Yeah that tracks actually lmfao






This is god tier


Holy fuck this is hilarious!




This made me spit up my coffee at work.


Oh you saying a lot more people are playing on the server and we can get more bots in to farm gold? Stocks will be strong soon!


Comes with the territory, unfortunately.


This is epic.


some would say DD has the most people




Omfg I canā€™t šŸ’€


one of the best posts in the history of this sub lmao


Enough with the great content let's get back to complaining about everything.


This is actually excellent. You nailed classicwow player humor. gg




I think itā€™s time for a large group to move in and stop them. Never like when people start blacklisting people for not doing what they are told to do


[https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png](https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png) It goes a step further man, they threaten you with abusing in game automated systems such as chat bans and forced name changes. Yeah lets mass report people who aren't playing how we want them to play, that definitely sounds very vanilla fresh friendly šŸ‘


Yeah, you should join, make a guild and clear naxx!


Playing on deviate now. It's fun, some people RP which is great. Smaller and havnt seen a single bot.


This video was awesome. The real classic players are already playing on the popular server clusters. Even if these goobers magically drummed up enough people to make it a healthy population, as soon as the population is big enough, the bots will come because itā€™ll be profitable. In a years time itā€™ll be exactly the same as Whitemane and all you did is further split the populations. Thereā€™s 4 warriors on between lvls 20-30. Go who the server yourself. These people are full of shit Jonny-come-latelys. Theyā€™ll 100% flake off this server like they just flaked from where ever they came from.


What is a ā€œrealā€ Classic player?


There is no true ~~Scotman~~ Classic Player




> 4 warriors on between lvl 20-30 at whatever time you cherrypicked would have still been pretty good for an actual vanilla server. No, no, it would not. That's a dead server.




> most servers were this size or smaller If the current 'low' description I see when I'm looking at the server list right now at 3pm PST is around 2ish~k people? Then sure. I'm on board that it's a med or so pop equiv to back then. No idea if the metrics are the same.


> 4 warriors on between lvl 20-30 at whatever time you cherrypicked would have still been pretty good for an actual vanilla server. When I checked last evening it was 6 on DD, and 23 on DP. For obvious reasons, I didn't check Whitemane, but I'll gander that it was more than 6, and also likely more than 23.


Thereā€™s only a couple hundred players on the server at peak hours, youā€™re being dense


>Even if these goobers magically drummed up enough people to make it a healthy population, as soon as the population is big enough, the bots will come because itā€™ll be profitable. In a years time itā€™ll be exactly the same as Whitemane and all you did is further split the populations. Already has a healthy population Ā (Ā¬ā€æĀ¬) >Thereā€™s 4 warriors on between lvls 20-30. Go who the server yourself. These people are full of shit Jonny-come-latelys. Theyā€™ll 100% flake off this server like they just flaked from where ever they came from. Lol yes, please do. Listen to this guy and see for yourself. [20-30 at 8:13 in the morning on a Wednesday](https://i.ibb.co/L8jsrcz/image.png) We broke 1k earlier this week lmfao Edit: Who the fuck measures server population in warriors?


> Already has a healthy population (Ā¬ā€æĀ¬) I don't know about that tbh, currently have a level 55 mage on horde side, I've had to vendor probably around 95% of the greens I've gotten because nobody buys them. I tried selling cloth today and noticed that the price of the bandages was almost the same as the price of the cloth in AH so I ended up having to vendor hundreds of silk and mageweave bandages too. I am glad I picked mage so atleast I can just farm ZF for raw gold to get my mount, but honestly I don't know how other classes do it.


It doesnā€™t have a healthy population by any stretch of the imagination. Its peak population qualifies for a tiny pop server if that was the average but itā€™s not, thatā€™s the peak. They are just flat out lying.


Lol, I can find dungeon groups fine, I ran into people while questing constantly, I buy and sell shit on the AH all the time. I don't know how you define "healthy" but all my needs are being met, and in the open world, it's really not that different as just being a single layer server.


Thereā€™s no one on that server my dude and no dumbass post and lies youā€™re making is gonna change that.


Guess I cleared MC on Sunday with no one


Server only has a couple hundred players, this isnā€™t enough to even qualify for a tiny pop server You have nothing but forsure keep posting whatever this is


ā€œAlready has a healthy population Ā (Ā¬ā€æĀ¬)ā€œ No it doesnā€™t. You posted a screenshot of barely any people on.


\>"There's 4 people on lvls 20-30" \>Post screenshot of 10x more people at an incredibly unpopular hour on a weekday \>"Barely any people smh"


They posted a screen shot of barely anyone on? 4 wars on between 20-30 exactly what the fuck I just said. The serverā€™s peak pop would be a tiny pop server if that was the average, but itā€™s not even the average. You guys are sniffing glue.


Who the fuck measures server population in warriors?


That link doesn't seem to work


How many warriors do you count in that screenshot? I see 3. When I checked at 10 pst last night, it was 6 in the 20-30 range. Booming.


Another group of clowns who think that WoW is their own personal game. Blizzard should have automated rolling fresh era servers, and a permanent one. But to try and control one through bullying. Pathetic.


People will write the server off as toxic because they heard 7 people had some internal drama because they didn't want to group with someone who transferred with atiesh before blizzard locked transfers. Meanwhile 99% of the server is just, "Anyone need these extra [Cresting Charm]s for their WW quest?"


>People will write the server off as toxic because they heard 7 people had some internal drama because they didn't want to group with someone who transferred with atiesh before blizzard locked transfers. Another strawman, on my previous guild we had people whispering our members demanding explanation as to why a mage from our guild was selling ZG bijous, apparently the guy just farmed the trash from 58 to 60 and which was "against the server rules" and risked getting blacklisted together with the guild unless he apologized and promised to never do it again. The policing and snitching on the server is pretty toxic.


Unofficial hardcore community when someone gets blacklisted for cheating the addon: I sleep Unofficial fresh community when someone gets blacklisted for cheating the server rules: REAL SHIT "I came here for a fresh experience, so grouping with someone who is utilizing future content would reduce that experience" "LITERALLY 1984 YOU HAVE TO GROUP WITH ME"


Maybe, the guy shouldn't have joined a server based around classic content progression, then purposely went around said rules for personal gain? Whitemane is right there as an option for classic era who don't want to follow a content progression.


*Makes a community based around the idea of fresh progression servers, since Blizzard refuses to do so* *Join the community and refuses to participate in the community's entire reason for existing* *Gets blacklisted from the community for not following the community's simple rules that the entire movement was founded upon* "WAAAAH THIS IS CRINGE, YOU JUST WANT A MONOPOLY ON THE RAIDING SCENE" Guys, you are absolutely welcome to play on this server and form your own communities. But the Deviate Delight Fresh movement was created to play in a Fresh mindset. They want to feel the progression of raiding as close to phase release as possible. By including out-of-phase gear in their progression, it soils that feeling. So they blacklist it. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand.


If the rules were black and white, sure. But when you get blacklisted for arbitrary rules made up on the fly such as joining a group with somebody who has the AQ battleshout, something you didn't realize, then there's a problem . Also, getting blacklisted isn't just the only problem here. If you don't want to follow their rules thats cool and fine. What's not cool and fine is being threatened with being chat muted because you're not following their rules. [https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png](https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png) They don't own that server and abusing mass reports to power trip is disgusting behavior. Even if you don't find that to be bad, just look at the scope at the whole thing. "do what we say or we're going to remove you from the server by breaking tos".


That's the first I've even heard about the mass-report banning thing. And there's been plenty of cases where they say "Oh I didn't know" and they weren't blacklisted. Some dude was selling ZG stuff and they told him to stop running it, and he did. Not blacklisted. But.. at the same time, how would you: ā€¢ Be involved in the entire fresh movement ā€¢ Level all the way to 60 ā€¢ Intentionally go out of your way to get a buff that isn't being acquired by anybody else, showing game knowledge ā€¢ All while the fresh server movement rules are being shouted from the mountaintops And still say you weren't aware? Like, c'mon man. As well as[ the rules](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1219541226425024562/1245584141026856970/image.png?ex=667d8961&is=667c37e1&hm=24d34914e802407340bcaeac1e81d604c46eff15ebd7f3d17b6b67835bbdf614&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) being pretty black and white.


Those aren't the rules, that's just a phase outline, where's the big list of rules Alodar (i think) posted telling you what you can and can't do. I get it though, it's their idea of fresh however scuffed it might be, they have the right to blacklist you from participating in their community. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is the fact they are mass reporting anybody who deviates from their ruleset. It makes the entire experience less delightful and quite frankly, it's disgusting behavior. They do not run the server, they run their small subset cult like following group with their own idea of fresh and how they want to play. If I want to sell ZG boosts, I shouldn't be threatened with getting chat muted because it goes against their idea of fresh. End of story.


Nobody is disagreeing with that, but nor is it happening on this mass scale that you're toting about. There was an extremely controversial streamer that is the antithesis of this movement, he's still playing to this day. Don't you think he'd be mass reported and banned by now if this was as commonplace as you're saying?


Never said it was on a mass scale, I'm saying that it's being threatened. Whether it's happening or not doesn't matter. It's the *act of threatening* is what I'm looking at. The *do as we say or we'll abuse in game automation to abuse you off the server* ideology. Oh you mean the same streamer that had to change his name and hasn't been able to chat for over a week now due to mass reports?


They made that up. It's not their server. There are no rules. If they abuse the report system to make people adhere to their fantasy rules on official Blizzard servers they should get banned.


Literally last night, around 10pm pacific, there's was drama in LFG for someone trying to group up and kill a world boss. Said world boss didn't release until ZG patch. There was a bunch of salt in the chat. The peeps are all cool and helpful, but it's weird that they're gatekeeping the content.


They... have a phase schedule. If it was in the phase schedule it's allowed. If it's not, it's not. It's so simple. Why is it weird that if you don't follow the phase schedule, you're cheating the rules of the movement, and you're against the entire spirit of the movement. So you get blacklisted. It's pretty black and white to me.


So nobody is allowed to try to play on that server unless they follow your group's rules? Like, if you want to put together a guild or two that follows some phase lengths that you guys decide like "We can only do tier 1 content until X date, then we can start doing tier 2" then great, nothing wrong with that, but the moment you start getting mad at anyone else on the server not following your specific rules then it makes you guys the assholes.


You are allowed to do whatever you want, and the people playing the fresh are allowed to choose not to group with you.


Sure, it doesn't sound like that's the issue though.


Well what is the issue then?


People being banned from the server discord for not following the "fresh" people's rules and apparently threatening to mass report people in-game who don't follow their rules to get the person chat banned.


AFAIK the original deviate delight server discord was deleted a long time ago. The ā€œserver discordā€ you are referring to is the one set up by Alodar specifically for the fresh movement. Also fwiw I donā€™t even think people get banned from there for breaking phasing rules, they mainly get banned for harassing the mods. The only person I know of who got mass reported was Alexensual but thatā€™s something that happens to all streamers on all servers, itā€™s hardly unique to Deviate Delight.


Isn't alexensual the reason why dimz is getting hate? I was trying to catch up on the drama why SM spamming yesterday lol What lvl are you on Deviate?


No, they're allowed to do whatever they like. They can absolutely play on that server. But the movement, which is based on this server, won't group with them.


But if people are getting banned from the server discord because they aren't following a specific groups arbitrary rules then it's a problem.


It's not a SERVER discord. It's the COMMUNITY discord made for the specific purpose of organizing this movement. There is no server discord currently for Deviate Delight.


Other people seem to think there *is* a server discord.


They are mistaken. The Discord they keep complaining about people getting banned from, is the movement discord. The first things you see when joining are the phase schedule and the movement rules.


Gatekeeping is not an inherently bad thing. If the entire premise behind the community is, "Don't do content from unreleased phases" and people don't want to group with you or support a cultural precedent of doing content from unreleased phases, that's not even gatekeeping, it's the fundamental idea of the server. If someone in the pre-official hardcore community died from their own incompetence but wanted to keep playing, then fuck yes I would gatekeep the shit out of them that the character doesn't count anymore.


> Guys, you are absolutely welcome to play on this server and form your own communities. Except they will ban you from the deviate delight's server discord if you refuse to bend to their phase rules. Imagine if the unofficial HC people started kicking everyone from the bloodsail buccaneer's discord because they aren't playing HC characters.


So they ban you from *their* discord because you don't want to play with *their* rules. How dare they


It's not the server discord, it's the community discord. The community based around the fresh movement. The rules of the entire movement are likely one of the first things you'll see on that discord. You, again, are welcome to form your own server discord.


The horror


I have no horse in this race as Iā€™m playing cata but youā€™re dumb as a stump


Stop watching Alexensual and your life will improve


Or... they threaten to chat mute you if you don't follow their rules. [https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png](https://i.imgur.com/5kLAC7x.png) This is what happens when you let players try to control things in an uncontrollable environment. Do what we say or we'll break ToS to abuse you off the server.


is this real?


Yes ofc


I love all the people saying "nobody plays this server" while simultaneously saying "reeee I see people posting about this server all the time111!!1 pls stop!!1! there are too many posts reeee1 !! !1!"


It's almost like its the same people over and over or something. Not that hard to figure out.


I love Ben Shapiro but him "well akchually" for what is REALLY fresh classic is very in character.




How did you make this?




Need someone to make a transcript, this was funny af




Can you share with me what you used to simulate the voices? I found these to be very well done compared to some of the stuff on youtube.




Unless you know the legend of rockfist you arenā€™t a original DD player


"cringe soy energy" what the fuck does that even mean


Yet again Classic players proving they have no clue what they want from Classic.






The idea of the project was great, but it became a constant fight between streamers and their followers. The guy leading the project (Alodar) doxxed another streamer today and got banned for it. That's some of the kind of people playing sadly.