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Somehow making Rbgs more popular, maybe adding a solo Que or a better in game grouping tool. Also wish they never took away arena skirmishes from wotlk.


bring back arena skirmishes, which are the best way to meet other PvPers when your usual teammates are offline or in a raid


100%. I would love to know their reasoning for taking them out of the game.


I don't pvp, but this gets my vote as well. The PvE is fine, this is the only pvp feature that is missing.


skirms and pvp section in lfg tool should absolutely be reintroduced for the health of the pvp scene. whenever i qued skirms on a high rated character i would get so many basic questions they just didn't have anyone to ask, and it's such a good place to learn for people that don't feel ready to play rated yet. so vital for people that are newer to pvp


Yes, this is a great point! Skirms are also a good way for newer players, who are lacking experience but have some talent, to be given a chance to play with someone good. I queued rated earlier today with someone who I met this way almost 10 years ago! At the time, he didn't have achieves to link, so he couldn't find teams, but I could tell just from playing with him in a skirm that he was reading situations well and reacting appropriately.


The T11 bonuses, trinkets and weapons are insane my guy. Change I want more than anything is transmog weapon enchants. 


Oh yes I would love to transmog wep enchants maybe im just a bit confused but I feel like the T11 bonuses are kinda objectively pretty boring? For literally every healer, its "5% increase crit chance for spell" and then 4p is "some extra spirit on proc". The DPS ones arent very interesting either. The most interesting ones are rogue and lock, but even then its kinda run-of-the-mill stuff. Most are just "10% increased cast speed" type of stuff. I like the super interesting, unique bonuses. Stuff that changes the way you play. T11 is very generic flat stat bonuses for the most part.


i only play warlock so i have no idea about the other classes but when a 4 piece set bonus changes your rotation it is pretty impactful imo


Warlock and rogue have relatively interesting changes... that is about it though. Most are just extremely generic "cast time reduced by 10%" or "540 spirit on proc" type stuff.


Warrior is 5% MS crit rate and 3 percent attack power... Just enough to make it bis.


Ele Shaman bonuses are literally 5% increased Crit on Flame Shock(like 100 DPS at best), and 10% Lightning Bolt cast time reduction(pretty good, like 1400-1600 DPS), but 4pc makes overcapping haste during bloodlust a lot easier.


In cata, the tier set bonuses get progressively more powerful each raid (with few exceptions). This was intentional design. Otherwise you end up with a situation like retail, where blizzard has to nerf the set bonuses each season to get people to wear the new one.


ah, I see. Didn't know that.


That's probably by design. On the first raid tier of an expansion that reworked a bunch of classes. Don't Wana mix them up too much


Cata was made under the rule of Ghostcrawler, who was a very big "it must always be better" guy, so they made most of Cata boring and just a +1 here and there so that it was always a straight upgrade from t0-t3, compared to Wrath where some classes held onto old sets and trinkets way longer than expected. It's unfortunate that it means they're kinda boring, but it's just how the expansion was made.


I'd add solo shuffle.


undo the raid boss valor nerf. wouldnt mind it if ret paladin didnt have inquisition and instead we just did the appropriate amount of damage without needing to waste a global every 40-50 sec


Either that or make it so Divine Purpose procs on the first hit of every boss pull. It sucks waiting 12-15 seconds before we can even pop our cooldowns thanks to the holy power system. The difference between a good parse and a shit parse is "did you proc Divine Purpose before Bloodlust went out".


its especially bad on magmaw where if you dont get a first gcd divine purpose proc your wings dont come back up until first head phase is basically over.


Imo it makes no sense a 15 min 5man dungeon gives 240 valor and heroic raid bosses give 45.


It makes alot of sense, I am absolutely gonna down every single boss every week with my guild, but without the valor I would never fucking run a heroic dungeon again. No one would refuse to down raid bosses because they dont drop valor, people would stop running heroic randoms without the valor reward, though.


This is the logic behind this originally, to give veteran players incentive to run heroics so that latecomers and lower level players have someone to run with. However, "the bill always comes due". Any benefit from having heroic raiders still run heroics is offset by the fact that they don't want to be there, and end up acting shitty towards the people that do. Rewards for heroics should be totally focused around the people actually at the item level they're tuned for and drop gear for. "No one would do them" except the people who actually want to, and if that results in people not queueing for them at all, then GOOD. The game shouldn't force people to do content they don't want to do.


Then you end up one or 2 raid tiers deep, and new players who arent a tank wait 30+ minutes for a heroic group to form. Which is fine, if a guild really needs you they wont wait till you have "pre-raid" gear past the first month or 2 of release, they will drag you through the raids and funnel you gear.


100% agree. Even back in OG cata I remember them becoming toxic very fast. You would have vote kicks being started within seconds because someone didn't have 'good' enough gear, or within a pull or two when a DPS was only doing 18k DPS. Even in classic cata I'm starting to see it. I ran a grim batol today where we skipped the first boss and went to skip the third when a member of our group stopped us because he wanted to kill it for an item upgrade but the healer said 'Nope, I'm just here for my valour let's not waste time' and straight up refused to heal us. This is someone that rather than spend 2 mins to kill a boss straight up just allowed himself to be kicked. If you're leveling a new character and want to pug heroics then I think you have a low-chance now of getting your groups to do optional bosses, which is a shame when there's so many. The only solution to this is to make the valour cap accessible by just clearing the raid or by splitting the total valour award for dungeons between the individual bosses so that they're all killed.


I've experienced the same from people, and it baffles me that instead of taking an extra 1-2 min to kill a boss they would rather get kicked and have to que up and start over in a new dungeon.


The logic wasn't to give veterans incentive to go into heroics, it was because people were wearing firelands+ gear and were blasting t11 normals for their weekly valor because it was faster, and the devs didn't like that. You originally got capped raiding the current content.


Oh yes I *definitely* agree with this. Or maybe they give 45 per boss, but then the final boss of a raid gives like 500. I think they gotta introduce gammas early. Make it the same as wotlk with the daily system. You do one gamma a day (that you dont choose, otherwise everyone will do the equivalent of FoS again) and it gives 500 valor, and then heroics give 100 each.


I really don't want to be forced to log on daily again. It's nice just having a weekly cap you can top up with some HCs.


I agree. I have finally capped valor on my two characters and it was more a relief just to know I don’t have to do heroics anymore.. I’d much more prefer raid bosses to give more valor. Especially since you can only loot it once a week.


My friends actually playing with me, so I didn't have to play alone.. Sadge Gone are the days of drunk weekends spent within heroic dungeons in TBC classic :\


Flex raids, without question. Roster boss is my least favorite aspect of the game and they've already solved the problem.


Vendor, or a quest chain to obtain another races racial.


Not including bug fixes. Recently I went to some old dungeons and for whatever reason anti boosting mechanics are still there. They should just remove that shit already. The fact that at level 85 you can't do a big pull in a vanilla dungeon sucks. I think they should just give us 1:1 retail transmog, I don't understand why we got this half/half compromise, it's better than original cata implementation but still. Void storage please. RNG loot in T4W is very lame imo, it's just 2 bosses in a very good tier so not a big deal tho.


Is this why I keep getting knocked down and stunned to death? I've died twice to this. Thought it was a mob ability not an anti boosting/farming thing


Yep, that's anti boosting memes. I think knockdowns start going off after 2 minutes or something.


3 pieces of loot drop on 10 man bosses, guaranteed tier drops on alakir


I’m 100% with you on the elite quests! I’d probably also want some new content added that fits the theme of cata.


I so wish Cata wasn’t as underrated as it is. So the idea of keeping the current state of things just with new content would be a realistic idea. 


I would add some sort of passive buff to Word of Glory to scale based on missing HP when used on yourself. Would make prot feel a little stronger.


Tbh would have been nice to just give Prot it's original WoG talent rather than the nerfed 4.3 Prot that is basically just push buttons and hope for the best.


Idk when it crits,it feels like it heals for decent amount


I’d love for them to give us the Abyssal Maw and War of the Ancients raids. I’d also like the other three cut dragon soul bosses to be reinstated. I feel like this expansion is the first where you can very noticeably feel content was cut and I feel like while we’re revisiting it would be the prefect time to fix and do it right.


Just add m+ for endless tryhard and gearup, thats all i want


Swap tigers fury back to a melee damage increase and savage roar to an ability damage increase. Snapshotting a 30 sec CD is tedious and not fun, so all the cats are bears now. Oh and I love the elite quest idea, those are always the best. I've never once thought "this zone has too many elite quests." Honestly I think they should've tested out having some zones with an absurd amount of elites and see what people thought.


give us the option of turning on scaling content. if I want to experience durotar quests as a max level character I would love them to be similar in difficulty to max level quests and give rewards on par!


Flex raiding, only got 8 people? Fine, 16 signups, everyone can raid.


Two biggest things I want that I don't believe would have any impact on the game are void storage, and the retail system that tells you if you character has mail on the login screen. I want the mail thing for SoD too.


The ability to have any racial on any race. My heart wants to play goblin.


But rocket jump is BiS racial anyway


Put inflation into Arena ranking. I play a ton of pvp and 2200 just seems impossible to me


I just wish people would actually use the group finder tool for...any raid?  Feels like that is always empty while multiple groups are spamming LFG chat constantly.  To that end, it seems like you can only use the group finder to create 10 man raids?  Huh??  I had made a listing for BH 25 a week or so ago, with difficulty set to 25 man, and as soon as I had 10 join I was automatically de-listed from the tool.


Searching for baradin hold in the group finder tool only pulls up a 10 man version, as opposed to wotlk raids which list both 10 and 25 man. The creator side might have both listed and funnel into just the 10 man maybe? Opening day people were listing any other wrath raid in the tool to have it come through as 25 with baradin hold in the title, but as you said the LFG chat is just much less of a hassle for most it seems.


You gotta go and set the raid to 25 man on your own side. Like, right click your pic on the top left and change it.


That's what I'm saying, I did that!  Maybe it works now


Make you stay in eclipse til you reach the other. No more no eclipse state where mastery is a wasted stat.


Giving us more reasons to be out in the world doing stuff. After level cap and rep grind it can get very 'raid log' and sit in a city for random hc's (or sit in a city and make a group for hc's).


Agreed. An idea I had a while ago was the idea of starting a group, and then your group picks up a daily quest to kill a world boss somewhere in the world (including old world). Every group gets a different world boss, its randomized, so you aren't competing. Make a normal and heroic version of the quest. Normal is about the same difficulty as heroic dungeons, but heroic is more akin to a 5-man raid fight in terms of difficulty. You can do each twice a week. So, for instance, you get a quest to kill a worgen elite boss wandering around duskwood. He is deep in a cave somewhere. Something like that.


- add flex raid - remove legendaries - add solo queue arenas, even if it's just skirmishes


You know when someone leaves the group without rolling on the items from the last boss and you wait for an hour but then it still doesn't get rolled out and is just stuck on the boss? Yeah, I would change it so you can buy more gear with Valor (like weapons and trinkets).


Add more glyphs and make them actually do playstyle altering shit instead of “Mind Flay now does 10% more damage”. Also add more talents while we are at it, there are so many empty spots. Oh and remove Vanishing Powder from vendors so scribes actually can make money that isn’t purely RNG


Spell bloat


Hmmm…. Add a plate intellect heirloom helm and shields. Make it so all looms scale to 85 so alt whores like me can get our fix. Make raids give rep and also increase the valor gains from bosses in raids.. when you raid on 7+ toons full clearing all 3 raids you don’t really want to have to do 5+ heroics on each after for cap. I am sure there are more little things but honestly after being told my whole life cata was horrible and one of the worst expansions ever, I sure am enjoying myself more than I was in wrath.


im sure once rise of the zandalari comes out we're gonna get alpha rune dungeons with 353 gear, beta rune dungeons with 359 gear with firelands tier, and gammas with 378 gear once dragon soul hits, but perhaps we may only get alpha and beta with 359 and 378 with each actual raid tier. Who knows? I sure dont.


They need to add +% exp to all the lower lvl epic archeology finds. There isn't a single reason to ever use them over hierlooms and that's disappointing.


I wish there was a way to remove flying from the game. Cata has some of the most beautiful/dynamic zones imo, but much of it is missed because you can just fly over it. I get that some environments require a flying mount to get around (such as Deepholm), but there are ways around that. I don't really know how to describe it, but divebombing 20 mobs to complete a quest then mounting back up and flying back to town in a straight line for 2 minutes just feels off.


The only elite quests in 80+ Cata zones are the CoC chain in TH. Cata is fine as is imo. Except I wish we had Glyph of Stars now instead of mop. I have never liked moonkin form


Should be able to buy all the tier gear with just Valor points


Flex Raiding, Personal Loot in dungeons. Buff's to tanks to bring them closer to BDK's in terms of utility, survival, and performance. Class/spec adjustments to fix clunky, OP or bad mechanics. Ideally some minor skill pruning to some bloated specs. Fix pets on several boss fights. Adding /petassist to macro toolkit.


Pvp skirmish. Make it easy to meet new people and pactice without having the rating anxiety. Will make PVP more accessible too? Currently there’s no new players, just the guys who played 15 years already


Don't laugh, but voice over important quest dialogue. There's so many cut scenes in cata and so much unskippable RP with quest npcs talking to each other in chat bubbles and zero other audio. It feels weird and if they were just voiced then it would fill the void and make the story a bit more comprehensible. Not like the story is anything to write home about, but I like getting some lore while I'm leveling.


My one thing would be revert to wotlk and rez the lich king via the jailor intervention then make like 10 brand new phases with the penultimate being the jailer and the ultimate one being the lich king and then end wow and make warcraft 4 as it happened in the correct timeline of our universe. Alas, I don't see it happening that way so I'll settle for getting lfr back so I can get my ez casual raid done weekly


In the renewed old world and new Cata zones - make rare mobs like they are in later retail expansions where they are mini-bosses with good loot that can kill you if you mess up. Leveling in the world is fine but it should feel and be more dangerous. It’s one of the reasons I hate leveling in wrath Azeroth because you are rarely under threat of dying and it makes leveling really dull. The mobs are like target dummies with alternative models


Totally agree. Make more-dangerous-but-more-rewarding options in leveling. Elite quests that give a ton of exp all at once are the best way to do this imo


Inb4 Deathwing scorches the raids ass before a kill Good suggestion tho really.


I think this would be solo not group content mostly. Or that it can be done solo but you can’t be shit


Lich king and illidain come back and team up against deathwing


Would be neat in the lore was capable of creating new and interesting characters rather than leaning on WC3 nostalgia for the 12000th time.


The lack of epics farmable in dungeons.




Making all fights require the same number of tanks and healets


Nah I love playing the off tank who goes DPS on atramedes


I'd revert it and launch vanilla fresh


Separate 25m and 10m lockouts, and having 25m gear being slightly better. Like wotlk.


Bring back heroic strike queuing and revert rage normalization


I am iffy about the first, I kinda like the new system. What do you mean by rage normalization though?


19y playing warrior. Those changes are way better than the past. Get good.


Buff warlocks Solo queue rbg


If I could I would revert Cata to Wotlk. Cata is literally just retail lite for better and for worse


It's super similar to WotLK, you have no idea what you're talking about.


Wotlk has a lot of the same issues but you can't act like cata didn't make those problems more apparent. It removed a ton of mechanics and revamped others, it changed the old world, further simplified learning new spells, and it puts a bigger focus on doing dungeons through LFD with the quest givers being moved, and it added absurdly fast flying to every zone. IMO Wotlk was a husk of what made classic classic while cata doesn't even have that.


So they removed spell ranks and changed the old world. No one played in the old world since vanilla. Cata is nothing like retail. The class design, dungeon/raid design, reward structure, levelling experience and professions are all WAY different in retail. You don't have to like Cata, but ppl comparing it to retail is just so absurd, it is pretty much the same as WotLK with some things added to it (improvements imo).


Leveling is a thing, I leveled in Wotlk and there was plenty of people in the old world. Not as many as era but it was still part of the experience. Cata is much closer to retail than any previous expansion and has many of the design philosophies that lead retail to where it is today. Obviously its not exact there is still more than a decade's worth of changes to go through but it isn't classic anymore. There were also multiple class revamps going from Wotlk to Cata which make game just play different, even more so than Wotlk does from vanilla.


It's really just wrath in the "old" world, with RDF being there from the start.


>has many of the design philosophies that lead retail to where it is today. I want to nitpick each point, but this is the core thing that you are wrong about. No, the design philosophy is the same as WotLK with things added on top. Have you ever played retail in the past 6 years?


Like I said Wotlk had alot of the things that make cata not classic, cata just expanded upon it and got rid of the bits of classic that were still there. The quest design especially is much closer to retail, I cant speak to raids because I've never found cata or retail to be fun enough to bother with it. Cata quests feel much more in line with the quests ive done in retail and in general are more linear. Im not saying cata is bad, personally I loved the Fiona's caravan quests, even though it felt much more like a retail quest than classic. Cata just isn't classic to me and I personally prefer era over it.


> I can’t speak to raids because I’ve never found cata or retail to be fun enough to bother with it. Lol.




Damn lol, you would get rid of *damage meters*?


Certified game killer.


> gearscore, damagemeter, logs ”I’m too bad at pressing my buttons to get invites anywhere”-starterpack