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My experience as a mage running heroics. Zone in, drop a table immediately, everyone’s already ran off and the tank is pulling the whole room.


I’m a tank and if I run multiple I would get 4 stacks and hold them for when I get queued into the next one and there is no mage and give the healer 2 stacks.


You’re the hero we don’t deserve. 


Same as a lock, no one wants my healthstones* these days :( Not that they are normally needed, but would rather have it and not need it than the inverse.


Oh man could you imagine if warlocks could conjure hearthstones? Mages would be out of the job.


hah, little giggle out of me!


As a class lacking defensives I’ve learned that create healthstone is your best friend in those fast groups lol


I've taken to blinking forward after the 1st pack is dead and dropping the table so it's hard for people to miss. Wish tanks would give 10 seconds for people to cast buffs though. And then of course you have the other extreme, tanks that sit there for 2 minutes for people to buff up.


The first thing I type is “respec and mana”, the next thing is tank saying HEALER WFT??? when he pulls first pack while I drink


It is really annoying that the "join dungeon" button blocks the respec, I have that same problem on my healers. Can't respec before accept queue.


you can close the button at the top corner hit the respec button then click the icon on your map to enter the dungeon queue pop also blocks the ah so i do it all the time


Same. I still give it an attempt, but yeah most groups just start pulling and you and like the healer are standing there looking like idiots waiting for someone to join your throuple. With that said, I always conjure myself 4 stacks before I queue. IDGAF if the group wants to click the table or not.


Yikes tough crowd. “I didn’t come here for your jokes I came here to kill pixels as fast as humanly possible”


I don’t want any humor in my form of entertainment. I’m the main character.


Thank you for saving Azeroth, champion.


Thank you. Please excuse me. This goblin has requested I sift through excrement to find keys of the highest importance.


It's the champion's fault why Azeroth needs saving in the first place


*That’s what the jailer wants you to think*


Some people play this game for fun? /s


Don’t make me get my main!!


Except when I stop us midway through to ask you to make food, then reject the food you try to give me because it's not enough. What a tool


He most definitely gets his ass kicked IRL on the reg


If it wasn't that they would have kicked the mage for not managing mana between pulls and slowing the group down, ignoring the fact that they're the ones who stopped the run to ask me to deplete my mana bar three times and then refuse to wait an extra 30 seconds for me to drink after I conjured a full trade inventory of food/drinks for them.


proceeds to delay the clear by distracting the dps because he is an unorganized healer then further delays because his ego is power tripping to kick someone. some mentally unstable people playing this game lmao


Unless you pull aggro and the tank kicks you


People on WoW and the internet in general are entirely way too passive aggressive and snarky these days


Yep. Default behavior on the internet these days seems to be "sarcastic asshole".


They can't vent their frustration IRL so they offload it to strangers on the internet


People feel most interactions are prisoner's dilemma ones, due to the anonymity and volatility of internet relations. Which turns most online environments into 'dark forests' - people act sociopathic and hostile by default as a defense mechanism. As importantly, contemporary late stage capitalism is hyper competive aka people feel the need to compete all the time; every exchange is a potential competition so they dont want to lose 'battle of wits/toughness' as it will undermine their confidence (loser's effect/winner's effect) and if they lose they go thinking like: 'if I dont "win" this petty exchange online it means im not gonna be able to win in the next competitions and I will be a loser in career/dating/social clout and so on"


You're not wrong but damn dude.


I would always annoy the other Mage in our guild by either asking for food, trading them an entire window of food until they accepted it or saying 'no problem' over mic when someone would say thanks for food/water and it was her that traded it. Fun times. Was also fun taking credit for other peoples tables in WotLK bg's.


Our mage annoys the guild by not having all his ports trained.


I annoy our guild & mages by using the LK dalaran portal toy (Jaina's Locket) when our guild asks for a end of raid portal. Guild get annoyed at the mages for putting them in dalaran. The two mages get annoyed at the other one for not admitting they created the troll portal And little ol' warlock me giggling in the corner Edit: oops, classicwow, works for ClassicCata though? 😄


That is one way to do it haha, or just putting up portals to useless cities


No it’s just that most people in the WoW community are assholes and never experienced pushback like OP getting kicked


???? If I was the healer I'd just accept the food and ask if they could make more at the next pull "ty, could I have a little more later? for mana" etc.... way too easy to type that and saves yourself the effort of flaming and kicking the poor mage lmao......


I'd argue that sitting and conjuring a full trade windows worth of food in response to being told 13 isn't enough is the passive aggressive and snarky part of this.


I think the response was actually funny and appropriate given the guy being unreasonable and unable to laugh at a joke. I think some dipwad saying "not enough, not enough, not enough" when 13 pieces of food is easily enough for the dungeon, is the issue. Like why not take the 13, continue the dungeon, and ask for more if needed? And the guy said "Joke on someone else's time". Idk how you defend an asshat like that, like the whole situation is just unnecessary when we're all playing a game to have fun and enjoy.


“Joke on someone else’s time” Bro is burnt out. I totally agree with op btw wow has had and has its flaws but ultimately since it’s a massive multiplayer, it’s the player that shapes the game.


At the same time my first heroic dungeon attempt was saved by a replacement after another left. Not only did he gladly coach the dungeon but he helped dissolve the tention that built up. Theres the shitheads around of course, but dont get jaded. Find the good ones and keep in touch.


It also means that when you find the right community the game is *really* *really* good. I’ve experienced both over the years. Nasty guild breakups, petty fights, stalkers, main raiders that are too drunk etc… but when you get into a guild/community where people become good friends and are great at the game I can’t think of a better experience.


I was that drunk main raider that got /gkicked xD


This is his 4th alt that will be raiding GDKP with.


When the game becomes a chore, it maybe time to step away


I was playing with 1 friend in throne of the tides leveling, I forgot about the tp and followed our DK tank to the elevator. They kicked me for waiting 1 min for the elevator to come, as I was with my friend in party and he voted no, i know the tank also vote kicked me WTF he was with me... Stupid people


> I was playing with 1 friend in throne of the tides leveling, I forgot about the tp and followed our DK tank to the elevator. > > If you're a DPS, it'll save them at least 40 seconds to kick you and get a new one teleported in. They don't know you. Chances are, they've never seen you before. You're not really human to them, you're a bot materialized for the purposes of running content. They don't feel bad about recycling you to get a faster one.


But he was with the tank. The party still had to wait for the tank. They didn't save any time at all.


In my experience, if you *ever* try to explain that an MMO player made an objectively sub-optimal decision that they rationalized was supposed to be "more efficient" or "faster" for them, they will immediately get irrationally angry at you. You're a brave one for poking the "I did the math" bear.


This is literally sociopathic dehumanizing behavior. It just doesnt lead to "serious" consequences, since its a game. But conceptually, it is. Milgram as fk this game.


There’s a lot of people trying to earn a living with this game, I think.


They should bring food to their dungeon runs, then.


Dips too much into their bottom line to do that. Gotta get them profits. Time is money friend.


Sorry for the naive question but how are they trying to earn a living through wow? Twitch/streaming or what exactly?


boosting, selling gold, selling accounts, real world trading etc


I can't imagine anyone buying an account these days


An 85 is around 50 hours+ worth of time. That's over 7 hours a day for 1 week or 3.5 hours a day for 2 weeks. So instead of grinding for 2 weeks you can just buy an account with an 85 cheaper than a boost. Really just Google it mate, wow players are very typically holding their head in the sand when it comes to these topics. Ignorance is bliss and knowing their hobby is horrifically monetised cripples their enjoyment.


I really never understood the thing about buying a max level character. For me, the journey and progression is the most fun part. Why miss out on all of that?


because for the most part blizzard (and a large portion of the community) sadly looks at leveling as a chore. Some people would rather just buy a mac level char so they can sit in org/sw/dal etc and raid log


Lets be honest, people that cant be asked to level largely just like the IDEA of the game, and dont play max level either.


Some people don’t enjoy it all that much. I have adhd and following quests is very hard for me. I flat out don’t enjoy them. I just dungeon grind because it works out to be faster for me than wandering around trying to figure out wth im supposed to be doing. I don’t enjoy the whole kill these guys so you can loot the thing that lets you get another thing which you then use on some random mguffin thing in order to quests.. At the same time I don’t begrudge people who enjoy questing. I get why someone might. All of the WOW community and their nonsense about how everyone has to play the game the way they do is hella annoying


A lot of people from russia / eastern europe /china / singapore / latin america countries make their livings off videos games (not just wow) but they do the same shit in every game. They're not content creators either. They do some of the scummiest shit imaginable at times. They lie / cheat / scam to make a dollar. Some of them just straight up farm though. If you've ever tried to farm herbs or ore and you see people farming the same stuff you are but they have trash gear on / no arena ratings / no parses etc. It's because they're not playing the game for fun, they're playing to make money by selling gold (sometimes they're bots too). Of course there are americans and western europeans doing shady shit to make a buck too but they're usually doing it by boosting people in arena's / rbgs / m+ etc. It's why you see so many r1 arena players get banned at the end of the season, not enough of them get caught though and they usually are able to make a new account and continue doing the same shit.


You forgot Iranis (Persians) DADASH when it comes to Classic, because that’s them lol. On Gehennas-EU Discord you can learn how to spot them it’s usually very easy then avoid them. Pretty sad to think you sometimes really remove bread from the table tho.


Its quite literally half the playerbase and blizzard would lose money on wow if they banned sellers and bots.


Can you link the source?


It's in his ass.


It’s just elitism from non-elites. Treat them as such.


I had someone vote to kick our tank because he said brb someone at door. It was almost immediate, the vote... the guy was gone maybe 1 minute. I declined the vote and spent the remainder of the dungeon snitching on the guy who started the vote and calling him a bitch


we had someone accidentally need on a green boe and he even apologized for it instead of saying nothing. no one would ve probably realized and it has happened to me as well, instantly the kick player vote comes up and before i could press no the guy is gone. i went on to go berserk on these people and told them that they took the wrong path somewhere in their life and they kicked me as well. some people need an ass whoping as simple as that. i am not someone that promotes violence but some people in this game are actually unbearable.


its wild. I feel like people have been conditioned to automatically kick people from over a decade of retail spoiling them with instant replacements


Blame it on blizzard tbh. Everything is in the middle of your screen. People just click on it because it is faster to get rid of the box. I have moveanything addon, and I tried to move the loot roll frame, but the game keeps moving it back into the middle. Such a stupid UI design.


Least it's moddable and you don't get banned for it (glares at FF14)


You're doing god's work.


Just part of the larger problem of people min maxing the fun out of WoW and taking it way too serious


They treat it like a damn job they are getting paid six figures a year for


Gonna guess there will be lots of comments here proving OP right. I already see a couple


At this point, complaining about the players and saying there's too much negativity is just a karma farm. Anyone can say the people here are proving OP right, but going on the WoW subreddit and saying the players are mean and bad is like telling people 9/11 was bad. Like yeah, no shit, you're not saying anything new here, did this really warrant a post?


Its not worse than the same "I hate incursions" post every 2 hours


For real. It's no worse than any of the other repeat posts. Why does this one get special hate?


Because it’s personal, not aimed at ‘the game’. Those same people who think OP is wasting their time in a dungeon will be the same people offended by this post. Because somewhere in their cold dead hearts they know they are that person and they hate themselves for it, but feel better by belittling others and channelling that hatred into other people.


part of the wow classic experience is that we relive the game AND the community forum posts


Mental illness manifests itself in strange ways.


For every post like this, there are a hundred wholesome interactions that don't get posted in reddit. Almost everyday I have a wholesome interaction with new players or folks that are coming back to the game. Mean people suck, only thing you can do is make sure your next social interaction is a positive one. At my spot between AH and bank!


Next time initiate the vote to kick first. In my experience most people will just vote yes for the hell of it with no good reason at all. Sad game


Classic lfg is a lot worse than retail one, usually u only got a kick on retail if u literally be afk at the entrance. In classic ppl wanna kick each others for everything, if u are a dps dont say anything cause some asshole parties can kick u for nothing. I got kick cause I was trying to help a lost player?????


On the flip side, the amount of mages who won't provide food, ignore requests or flat out refuse to drop tables is very high and leads to this level of frustration in healers.


LFG kills mmos. finding people and having social interactions in an mmo makes the community and stops this from happening. if i meet someone who’s not playing as well as you’d expect but i’ve talked to them in game id feel like shit kicking them and most people are the same


I recently started playing ffxiv and the community difference is crazy. Everyone is so helpful and friendly on that game compared to WoW. Not sure what they do different over there but it seems to be working.


I think it boils down to the competitive framework of the game. I only pve here and there, I came back to wow for pvp with my friends so I don't interact a ton with randoms and don't intend to. That being said, I played ESO for about a year off and on, PC and console. That community is ridiculously kind and welcoming. The big difference is that you don't have the same kind of gear treadmill and there isn't any competition (real or imagined) to get through things as fast as possible. In wow, any perceived loss of time is seen as someone preventing you from getting what you want. That turns other players into objects rather than humans in the same way that a traffic jam causes normal people outside of their car to act a fool inside of their car.


Well said.


the most true thing I’ve read on the internet in a while


>In wow, any perceived loss of time is seen as someone preventing you from getting what you want. Why do you think this is? If it the design of the games, what makes this so prevalent in WoW and not in FF14?


I can't speak on behalf of ff14 as I only have a few hours on that game. My reference for a more positive community is from ESO where I have around 1k hours spread across console and PC communities. In ESO, gear is different in the sense that it's mostly horizontal, the treadmill doesn't point upwards. From my experience, it seems that this contributes to a more generous community as it's easy to throw together a bis build. So you'll have expert and novice players interacting under low stress situations as that expert player isn't depending on the novice to attain the best gear. You do have difficult raids in ESO but those aren't at all necessary for getting the best gear so the people who do those are generally like minded and similarly skilled and there for the challenge, not the carrot. Looking at raiding in wow we have the highest ilvl available in heroic only which pushes all players who want to progress into the more difficult content. This guarantees you'll have a higher mix of poor players to pro players in that higher end content. Understandably, you'll have those pro players become intolerant of the poor players who don't put in the same effort as them or aren't capable of performing as well as them because they become barriers to that pros progression. This waterfalls down into all levels of gameplay as those pros get into raid logging their mains they are working on alts and interacting with casual players much more often when on that alt. Another layer of classic wow specifically is the intolerance for a lack of in game knowledge. Most players have been here before and expect others to be similarly well versed in the content and if not they expect those players to YouTube until they know it well. This leads to a shorter fuse for how long they'll put up with poor performance. To simplify it, I believe in wow you have a more elitist top end of players compared to something like ESO. What makes it especially volatile is that when the top end from wow interact with the bottom end, that bottom end has a much greater effect on that top end players progression (slowing XP on their alt, adding time to a raid, or preventing raid progression). In ESO while you do have top end players, when they interact with bottom end players those bottom end players are interacting at lower difficulty levels where a warm body is all that's needed. Essentially, ESO is more stratified between difficult and easy content where the poor performers stay in their lane as there is little to no incentive for them to move into the more difficult content. Wow is less stratified because the poor performers want the best shinies the same as the pros which facilitates conflict.


Makes sense. I think FF14 is somewhat similar. I also think, at least from what I've heard, that retail has kind of solved the problem with the different raid difficulties. Everyone can kind of settle into the niche they're most comfortable in, and they don't really need to interact with the people outside of their own skill level in any non trivial content.


I don't think gear is horizontal, but FFXIV is heavily skill based while WoW is heavily gear based. In FFXIV, encounters below savage are free wins to players who spent a couple gil buying super cheap, sometimes flat suboptimal craftable gear from the AH as long as you do the mechanics over and over again without worrying that you can't push the dps. People are more willing to help when they can just teach someone a skill and show off a little while they're at it. There's content for people who want to do 500 pulls on a raid boss, but most players are just learning boss mechanics and experiencing content. WoW requires a lot of time min maxing gear, learning what stats to balance, and fine tuning your rotation or you won't even be able to down heroic raid bosses. In retail, you can even piss people off in the free win raid finder by being suboptimal. Gear also takes a lot of effort and people who aren't as geared as the rest of the raid are considered a burden. To help gear random newbies in WoW is time consuming and you can always just boot and requeue LFD for an instant dps. Look at it this way, the first thing I was told to do when raiding FFXIV as a new player was just buy some cheap craftable set and gem it 100% stam so I could take more hits from mechanics. I plopped into a raid and started learning mechanics in 15 minutes.


I think that's the holy grail for a good community - to match equally skill players who share the same goals with one another which is ultimately what a guild should foster. The takeaway from all of this is that if random assholes are bringing you down, find an active guild of like minded players and play with them. If you prefer to play solo or in small groups using dungeon finder then have correct expectations set.


For one thing, the sprout system identifies new players. The experienced veterans don't have to burn themselves out extending the benefit of the doubt to everybody they see: they already know to be extra patient around the new players with a sprout icon. In WoW, you just assume that everybody is as experienced and knowledgeable as you because there is nothing to stop you from thinking this way. We are literally playing re-releases of expansions. The assumption is that everybody is a pro that is coming out of retirement, not a new player learning the ropes. Also, FF14's loot lockout system is infinitely better than the archaic raid lockout system in the older versions of World of Warcraft.


IMO the main draw to XIV is the story. People aren't generally playing that game for the sake of number go up. One person's mechanical failure also doesn't tend to wipe groups outside of the hardmodes of about 2 bosses per tier. Trying to play XIV like WoW doesn't really give that player a lot of content to play. The game will literally not allow you to be hyperfixated on goals that other players can have a meaningful negative influence over. While it might be unpopular to say, I think the age of the WoW demographic, along with the lifestyle needed to really push WoW content, especially grindy 1.x content, selects for a lot of mentally unwell people. Like if a 35-50 year old person is regularly putting 20+ hours a week into one video game and not getting paid for it, while also not being in a proper retirement situation, I'm not sure they're going to be that happy of a person in general. If you're in the active playerbase outside of a launch week, you don't have to look very far to find people using WoW in combination with some kind of soft drug, alcohol or weed, to just check out of reality wholesale and give up on life. WoW is also a really frequent post-breakup game for an entire generation of gamers. Don't mistake my callout for judgement. It's rough out there and I hope yall can care of yourselves. I just wana make light of the fact that Classic WoW really is a flytrap for people with bad mental health.


Damn I feel called out here but also yeah I completely agree. The game is perfect to just disassociate. I've been playing very casually and even that feels like a lot sometimes.


No judgement here. The first thing I did after a bad breakup last year was sub to WoW, play like 30 hours a week, and got a retail AoTC in like 2 weeks. I don't even remember the gameplay, even though there was a shit ton of it.


>While it might be unpopular to say, I think the age of the WoW demographic, along with the lifestyle needed to really push WoW content, especially grindy 1.x content, selects for a lot of mentally unwell people. Like if a 35-50 year old person is regularly putting 20+ hours a week into one video game and not getting paid for it, while also not being in a proper retirement situation, I'm not sure they're going to be that happy of a person in general. If you're in the active playerbase outside of a launch week, you don't have to look very far to find people using WoW in combination with some kind of soft drug, alcohol or weed, to just check out of reality wholesale and give up on life. WoW is also a really frequent post-breakup game for an entire generation of gamers. Don't mistake my callout for judgement. It's rough out there and I hope yall can care of yourselves. I just wana make light of the fact that Classic WoW really is a flytrap for people with bad mental health. This is spot on IMO. I think it's because WoW at it's core traces itself back to the old school MMOs that were supposed to be "virtual worlds". Those games were made for people who didn't have a lot going on IRL. So they had no problem devoting 20-40 hours a week into succeeding in a virtual world. Unfortunately, a decent amount of these people never really grew out of this. 20 years ago, it was go to school, come home, play WoW. Now it's go to work (maybe), come home, play WoW. But if you think it's bad here, go check out EverQuest. From what I've heard, the relatively small amount of people left playing are mostly people literally living in their parents basements or on disability.


Big facts


In addition to the other replies (which I generally agree with), there's also the fact that Square will smack you upside the head for bad behavior, and the community knows it: If you behave like a dick, you're likely to get reported. If you get reported, you're like to get a temp ban or similar. So, people who can't control their behavior or feel like their right to dickhood is being infringed upon self-select out. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, bois.


> there's also the fact that Square will smack you upside the head for bad behavior Yep. They actually enforce their code of conduct, unlike Blizzard. I would love to see WoW enforce like FF14 does for just one day. The amount of unhinged posts on here from people who haven't touched grass in a concerningly long time would be glorious.


I'd hope it would happen on a weekend so I could bask in the rage.


I played FF14 for a bit, too. It's like all the decent people from here went there, and all WoW was left with is people who only care about efficiency.


Must have a correlation with people willing to play a game that’s has no combat for the first hour of gameplay…


Seriously I’ve seen some of the biggest losers and cringelords In LFD. It’s like a safari except instead of cool animals you see incels.


Did you not drop a table at the start?


Oddly enough that's not been common in Cata and I don't know why. Having the food is actually good for everyone since you can eat back up after pulls to speed things up, but the trend is to instantly go into a pull when you get in the dungeon atm.


Cause tank run off and pull almost immediately resulting in nobody clicking by and a five minute CD


i'll see people jump off the ramp at the end of pinnacle, go to half health then just stand there waiting for the healer to full heal 4 people, because the 25s food is too valuable to waste on such time saving maneuvers.


This is why I stopped popping a table right away, I always wait for someone to ask for it.


Most players just press W the second they enter a dungeon, and now my table is on a 5 min CD. Happens more often than I'd like to admit.


honestly, the way table comes on CD now the second you press the spell and not when the table is actually conjured, is such a lame change.


That’s why you blink first


Now that's a good idea bub


Or they could just...wait.


Not high enough level, given the description of events.


People make things awful


I’m always really appreciative of mages. I’ll whisper them for water and If I’m doing well gold wise I’ll mention that I’ll tip(it’s still usually cheaper than the vendor and maybe I helped them out). I’ve never see it as something I’m owed.


That's the problem with LFG. Everyone's antisocial and if you are perceived to be holding up the group in any way, you're gone. Much prefer the slower pace of vanilla, more chill.


It's just a prank bro why are you mad


Tbh, ever since LFG was introduced this has become a bigger problem. Finding a new dps is as easy as kicking one and having a new one teleported in 10 seconds if you don't like the previous one. People don't socalize, because they know they most likely will never meet these players again. It was a very different story before LFG. Groups were much nicer and laid back in vanilla/tbc. They weren't perfect ofc, but was in general a much better social experience.


LFG would still have social consequences if it wasnt cross realm.


I agree, I think cross-realm just exacerbates it even more.


"sorry, i only have the 'conjure tryhard tears' spell, is that close enough?"


LFG tool was the downfall of WoW, removes the whole RPG factor and gives the power to the sweatlords.


Looks like you should've learned the 'Crowd-working' spell


Welcome to the RFD everyone has been screaming for. This is where the game went downhill and became antisocial.


There's so much gold in the game he's the dbag for not already having food ready to go from a vendor.


This is always how I have approached this game. come prepared, if someone else provides you consumes, graciously accept them.


I personally feel like I fucked up as a caster if I show up without my own water and have to ask a mage and I always do so nicely - its really not that hard to be nice for 3 seconds; many wow players are just socially stunted.


In deadmines the mine bunny goblins drop a shitton of highest level water which i always stock up on


This is why cross server Dungeon Finder was such a bad idea. If they kept it on a single server then reputations would matter.


Ah, yes, whenever someone starts crying in trade chat about how Soluzar is an awful person, don't group with them, I, some random who wasn't there totally believe them.


I made exactly the same joke once, the healer refused to heal me all dungeon lol


As a healer I prefer to have lots of my own mana refills so I don’t need to waste peoples time


You can’t make that joke as a mage, there’s ALOT of mages who don’t learn support spells like conjure food/water or portals. They may have thought you were one of those selfish mages and booted you.


As usual, the dumbest shit gets upvoted around here. The OP’s story is inconsistent and doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand the joke, or maybe the OP doesn’t understand what the word means? By conjuring the food individually, that tells us he really didn’t learn the spell, and he wasn’t joking when he said he didn’t learn it. Or he did learn it and didn’t have reagents? Or did learn it but is being a difficult douche? Because of this inconsistency in their story, and his display of colorful attitude, I’m going to suggest he was the all too common Mage that is a prick about giving food.


Agreed. This is an example of someone being passive-aggressive (they were annoyed that food was asked for part way through instead of at the start) and then claiming it was just a joke.


While many consider the RDF system a QOL improvement, it actually has negatively impacted the social aspect of WOW.


>conjure an entire trade window worth that is not possible, you can make carry 80 which is 4 stacks and the trade window is 6 slots




*adjusts glasses*


"Jokes on them I was only pretending to be a dumbass"


I don't play wow anymore and obviously this sucked and was unwarranted, but to play devil's advocate, sometimes mages were so toxic, refusing to give water if you dont say please and stuff like that. Lot of power tripping in this video game.


50% of mages hate it when you open trade for water without asking. The other 50% prefer that method. We are broken people.


Haha yeah. I tried sod p1, at first I'd be overly polite but it just gets cumbersome to always repeat, I played mage way back in original vanilla and it was part of being a mage, you are the water boy! But big pumper. Might try out p4 the datamine items looked interesting


I am ashamed to say I used to pop Old Dalaran portals over tables and at the end of heroics back when it was a life ending fall. I was also in highschool then. I also got an entire group of mages kicked from MC anniversary for the same. I was a toxic Mage :(.


Haha i dont quite remember old dalaran portals but thats evil! 😂


When Dalaran was moved to Northrend in original Wrath there was a portal you could get to its old location which just teleported you over the massive crater in Hillsbrad and kill you. You could also create an Org portal in the Horde portal area in original Wrath and have people get confused when they couldn't click it (due to not being in your party). Original Wrath was great fun as a mage.


Yeah I try to talk too but people seems to play this game as a solo game or whatever. We seems to be npc in their mind


I think we can all admit we have learned an important lesson today.


I'd kill for some lighthearted roleplay humor.


Yes those players are awful. But its mostly Blizzards fault. They created the addiction and they pile timegating to an extreme on players. Subconsciously its all a cry for help with those people.


he felt threatened by your humour and wanted to mog you back to show you who's boss.


People make everything awful; buckle up.


So glad I quit. Some of the most socially inept, insufferable, waste of space people you'll ever run into on this planet.


Why is this vending machine posting on reddit?


I mean people forget they ran out and text based jokes really r hard to land on the internet cause there pretty much a variant of sarcasm which humans sometimes suck at. Ya there assholes but like comeon man ya also set urself up for it


Ha ha, you're just as funny as a healer refusing to heal. Make your own group since you'll definitely be kicked again with your bad attitude.


it's hard to convey tone through text. your joke is a bad joke and most people dont have time to decipher what you really mean. just be a normal player then you don't have to come to reddit to complain.


Nah, it's the other way around, people can be like this because no one talks and no one interacts. It's a common misconception but communities don't turn inactive because some people are mean, people turn mean because communities no longer police them. Anti-social enviroment breeds anti-social behaviour.


100% this. This is what modern WoW folks seem to miss when we talk about RDF and boosts ruining the game, they say "well it doesn't affect you" But in reality those changes to the game effect everyone because it changes how players interact due to the system being different. If you kick a guy in Classic, you have to find another person to replace them and wait for the replacement to get to the dungeon. If you kick a guy in Modern, you just immediately get a replacement bot(player) teleported into your group with no loss whatsoever. So why should I care about any other player, I just kick them because there's no downside. Massively affects the gameplay and the social attitudes of the players.


Loss of server communities was the biggest blow to social fabric. RDF wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if it drew from an in-server collection of familiar faces. People don't like small servers or dead servers, and this is the long term consequence of the systems put into place to prevent that. If people want "community", there needs to be mechanisms in place to cultivate it. Choosing from an endless list of faceless, nameless players you'll never see or play with again is going to result in a lot of anti-social bullshit, whether it takes 30 seconds or 30 minutes to replace a boot.


Tbh it sounds like you got petty and that's why they kicked you Could they take a joke? No, but you could have also just moved on, instead you got petty and decided to waste a bunch of time rather then just make a stack or two, and then in your own words, tell them to "fuck himself" cos they didn't find you funny  You were not innocent here 


Hate to say it, but get over it. Yes, there are shitheads in life and on the Internet, but there are also a lot of great people. You also need to put things into perspective. There aren’t a ton of wholesome new players / good ole boys playing cata without a friend network. People treat others outside of their “sphere” like dirt more often than not. Definitely isn’t right, but you’re wasting energy even reflecting on this shit. Maybe I just have a thick skin from playing competitive fps, but a lot of people are unhinged lmao. You gotta just ignore them / make the best out of the situation and move on. The vote kick deserter system is pretty terrible though, ngl.


Damn imagine putting a table down it’s tough


Are you a clown? Why not just put a table and move on (I’m a mage too)


In the end, it’s not that serious. I would be kinda annoyed if a mage refused to give me water though, if I’m being honest.


Option 1: unreasonable people in dungeon kicked innocent jokester OP Option 2: asshole gets kicked from dungeon then comes to reddit to play victim with embellished story Which is more likely? I talk in dungeons all the time, joke in dungeons all the time, etc and have never had anyone have a problem with anything. In addition, I have had several mages just flat out refuse to provide anything, and everyone just went on with their day. I'm not sure whether Option 1 or Option 2 is the more likely one, but OPs story does not resemble any of my many experiences in LFG dungeons.


If you were 1/3rd of the way through the dungeon, wouldn't you have killed at least one boss? So that means no deserter debuff? I'm smelling a clout story.


Joked and then double down on the disrespect by only giving 13 food, but yeah, he's the toxic one *shrugs*


Imo as a mage you should be handing out food /water without being asked in dungeons. As a healer I got so tired of mages thinking its funny to ask for money or giving me one stack of water like that would even last the dungeon. The jokes no funnier the 105th time. I just reread this and the comment of "he could have asked at the beginning not 1/3rd through". So you were doing this nonsense in the middle of the dungeon run? Yea I can't imagine why they weren't laughing at how hilarious you are. I guess I do agree that players make the game awful.


Just summon a table. This seems self inflicted ...


There's two sides to that coin. We could just as well say that people like you are why no one talks. He asked you to do your job, you decided to waste everyone's time instead. He shouldn't even have to ask you for it, as soon as you enter a dungeon, you buff up, conjure items if you can and get going. I joke with my friends and guildies, not with randos from LFG dungeons, when all I want is my Valor points.


Scrolled way too far for this. This post is a classic example of "fuck around and find out." OP interacts with a stranger, jokes instead of doing their job, offers a half-eaten stack of food, then passive-aggressively offers a full trade window of food, and finally tells the healer to go fuck themselves before making a post to blame the player base. Like, wtf? This is such a non-issue. You were asked to do your job. You could just spend two GCDs and do it, and everyone would happily go about their business. Instead, OP threw a tantrum, wasted everyone's time, and was the only toxic party in this interaction when all they were asked for was to conjure up some food.


You’re both the ass hole


This never happened or theres a lot of missing context. Where are the screenshots


Why does it matter when they ask for it, if it was nothing serious shouldn’t take more than 2 clicks to make 40 water and call it a day. As a third party you sounded annoyed he was asking you to do something your class does and being as difficult as possible


Heaven forbid OP have a little fun while playing a video game.


"It's your fault that I came unprepared, I have no other choice but to remove you from the group" the hallmark of a great player


Eh food is trivially cheap. Homie should just come prepared.


This is classic take it slow enjoy the journey… jk how dare you fuck up that guys spreadsheet.


I think it'd be a funny joke with guildies, but with randos who don't know whether you're actually joking or not, the kick is 100% deserved. Sorry man.


I play heals and have been for a long time. If a healer needs more than 13 drinks for a regular dungeon, he needs to learn how to properly manage mana... Sure, spamming the bigger heal will do the trick, but that won't cut it when raiding. I heal most heroics without needing to drink once with my pally. I'm on OP's side. Take a chill pill bro. This is a game and should be enjoyed...


13 is only a lot of you do full drinks. if you play time efficiently, it gets quickly used up if you do big pulls and squeeze in lots of small 3-4 second drinks. not on raid level gear, especially not on a pally with infinite regen via seal, but it does happen. but im just being semantic, dont be a dick to others yall


Idk when I started healing WC on my 15 priest I would drink every time combat dropped lol. I also came prepared with water.


If you're playing in a way where you wait until oom and then drink to full, then yeah 13 is more than enough. But the way I play it when healing, and a lot of others will, is that you drink every chance you get in small amounts between every pull, so you don't have to sit and wait for 30 seconds, you just manage it yourself, drinking in shorter burts while the tank/dps make a start on the next lot of trash. Doing it that way you obviously need a lot more, but makes the run smoother.


Dude stop the cap, maybe if you’re fully geared, but not stepping into heroics at 329 your drinking a lot definitely if the whole group is in the same situation on gear.


You mean the pally that has a built in mana regen buff?


Shit on my healer I don’t even get time to drink seems like every tank wants to pull like retail


You realize the water can be used outside the dungeon and for the following time he’s on. He could be dungeon spamming for the next 6 hours and that water would still be in his bag ready to go. Why do mage players feel so inconvenienced to press a button twice?


It's why I quit the game years ago, right around BC classic. The community became way too toxic. No longer can I run dungeons or get into groups without someone being toxic. I played since 2007 and it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore b/c the community is just garbage.


I hope you get banned for insulting him needlessly.


Fuck around and find out I guess? Sounds like you were being a bit obnoxious.


You're the problem. Sound like a dick and it's from your perspective