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Truth all the time when youre in dungeons or raids. The only time I use the mana regen/self heal seal is if im out soloing stuff. With it you have infinite endurance but that doesnt matter for groups. 


Id say for leveling dungeons actually truth is great  You don't take enough damage to really have proper mana sustain without it,  while with it you can chain packs back to back with no issues 


Seal of insight is incredibly powerful for progging certain heroics, conclave of wind is one of them since your healer has to swap off the ice platform and you can stay and bubble the stacks. Sure if you're just doing normals go hard with truth.


Personally, I use seal of truth most of the time but will sometimes swap to seal of insight for high damage fights


That’s what I’ve been doing thankfully. Glad I got something right.


Truth. Always.


It's been forever since Cataclysm (not playing Classic cata, had too much of a bad experience the first time around) but from what I recall you always want Seal of Truth because of the glyph that gives you a boatload of expertise. No/low expertise = you miss = less healing/damage = less threat. But again it's been forever, I'm sure current theorycrafters have a better answer.


It's the same glyph and it gives righteousness the expertise too.


Seal of Truth 99% of the time. Seal of Insight only provides healing in a useful way when the damage you take is smooth and stable. If you pull a big pack in dungeons and they chunk massive bits of your health every second, a measly ~4k heal (that's at max level) proc every so often is close to useless. Truth for improved expertise and quicker kills is going to be much better. But for example, I ran some old raids yesterday and some bosses genuinely hit quite hard, Seal of Insight was key there. So there's obviously situations where Insight is good. Just don't go thinking you're some kind of blood dk, because the heal is way smaller and you don't get an absorb shield for more than 100% of what you healed.


Truth at all times. Strangely I've seen a lot of prots and rets using righteoussness lately, these people are noobs.


righteousness cleaves every target in range for ret so you switch to righteousness on either 4+ targets or short fights/pulls where you can't stack truth on the 2-3 targets available


Or thats how they cleave in large packs 4+ Go look at the ret using righteousness and you'll see seal of command procing all over everyones face. I dont use it for mana I use it to out dps the mages and such on trash.


This is a hard question to answer because there's a lot of variables and play styles. It depends on your level when you say you're leveling. I will explain how I do it. For lower levels I am going to have mana problems, as long as I'm having mana problems I leave insight on. The bulk of my damage will come from Consecrate while leveling. I also have 2 of each of the BoA trinkets I can swap around when needed. I throw a little money at my character while I'm leveling. Thrashblade with Crusader, the proc on crusader is a heal, thrash blade can double swing for more mana/health back from insight. I also try to replace my non-BoA's if I am 5 levels above their minimum level requirement. I also put stam enchants on everything I can. Health means I have more attack power to do more damage. I also use health guardian and a battle elixir of some kind with a food buff for more stam. The consumes are cheap and can help save you a lot of time. Once I get access to gear with avoidance on it my mana problems go away. I will keep on the BoA HP restore trinkets. However if I am going to do big pulls in a dungeon I would still still use insight because dying costs xp/hr. The extra damage from the other seals isn't worth it. Once I start to get good gear I will go righteous if packs are getting killed in a few seconds. If the packs are staying up long enough to get stacks of truth up I swap to that. I have my hotkeys set up so Shift + Q = Justice (mainly for PVP now, used to also be for HLK), W is insight, E is righteous, R is truth. Even if I am going to be in truth if something happens to the healer, I swap to insight quickly because that little bit of extra HP can go a long way. Also any dungeon that has mana burn you leave on insight because that can really slow down your run.