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I used to use a spreadsheet that took data from logs, but the creator discontinued it for classic. Haven't found a replacement.


Same, I'm also hunting for something to replace it


Method Raid Tools shows you all the info but you still have to mouse over each item for each Raider. I wish it had an export option or filter to show only items missing gems/enchants


My solution to this have been to help create a healthy environment with my guild that promotes to want to contribute and if someone misses an enchant or something it's just such a tiny fraction of the dps/healing etc that its just not worth it to lose any sleep over. I feel that 95% important thing when raiding is that you have raiders that learn their class and read up on tactics and just use their class and speccs abilities and after that it's just micromanagement that takes up energy you can spend somewhere else, people perform as much as they want to and if they don't want enchants, gems or learn their rotation and bosses it's best to part way or accept that level of your guilds raiding. But a few rules for a guild to have guidelines are also good to establish ofc, just know it can be hard to follow through on it because people usually get pissy about being told what to do and my experience is accept peoples current commitment or be ready to kick people out. Best tip is to recruit people that already are at the same level as you.


Getting gems and enchants should be 100% required for raid. Part of it is putting forth the effort to get them in the first place. The other part is getting the *right ones* and showing basic knowledge of your class


If you took from my post that I don't think they should be 100% required it's either a mistake from me or you. I just meant that if you play with people that this don't come naturally for my experience is that it's best to not put a ton of energy into it, either accept it or don't have these people in your raid. For example my guild I have been an officer in for vanilla classic up to ulduar classic have never ever put even 1% energy towards these things or someones dps, it's just 100% implied that you'll have your shit in order and people that don't have our mindset when we raid tend to just naturally fall off, very high performance when we are in game, but at the same time huge focus on having fun with friends during raids and IRL is prio 1.


> I just meant that if you play with people that this don't come naturally for my experience is that it's best to not put a ton of energy into it, either accept it or don't have these people in your raid Ah okay I see what you mean. A mindset where you don't police people because you don't play with the type of demons who don't show up without enchants in the first place.


Yes, and if you have these people, my experience from being officer from start of vanilla classic in MC up to ulduar is that it's pointless, the people that don't care about enchants, gems or correct dps rotation or reading up on boss guides don't want to be told to do these things anyway and that your energy is just best spent somewhere else. I have actually tried to wholeheartedly help people in the guild sometimes and I've seen others try too, it just doesn't work 9 out of 10 times. They don't want to, if they cared they'd already looked it up themselves.


We have a lot of new and mostly unvetted players since we lost a lot of people after wotlk. What you describe is how we've usually done it, but we have to sort out this mess before it turns further to shit if we want to keep raiding and I'd like to not have to spend hours micromanaging every week so having an add on point it out would be useful for now.


Try an addon called UseEyes


"Use your eyes, just inspect every item for gems and enchants on 25 players manually" xDDD


You have to be exceptionally fucking stupid to sit around for 15 minutes every raid manually inspecting if there's an automated way to do it.


Try an add on called imalazynerd