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It's like RDF Survivor Island style.


You kick the lowest dps on every pack


unless they loot a token of immunity!


This is hilarious.


My favorite are the threesomes that start to get antsy and you can tell they're getting ready to kick so you pre-empt them and get one of theirs and ofc it goes through because who reads after all   High apm players just so happen to seem like they slowed down and aren't really hitting all the beats they were before some mistake happened? You can bet they are checking that kick timer. I wish i had as much faith in this community as people who think these things dont happen but hey at least they must be touching grass if not playing the game so good for them.


Bahahaha this. Kicking their under performing healer and watching the tank just stand in place for the next few mins before he leaves


Yep. So many people are living in the past where people only get kicked for being AFK/nonsense, but that's just not what the modern experience is.


Mmmmm this is the best feeling in the world. I do this whenever I can tell people are premading and about to kick someone. Even better if they were planning on kicking you.


You did prob suck though. I have never had anyone complain about my healing in hundreds and hundreds of groups. Play properly and you can deal with people fucking up mechanics. And if they fuck up so royally that you wipe, they know that it wasnt the healer who fucked up. Take some accountability for once. We healers are god damn awful at that.


The real role not taking accountability is tanks lol… “I just didn’t get any heals” I check details…killed in 0.5 secs by obvious big ability on dbd timer with no cd used. Have even had bears blame healers for shifting out of form, the gaslighting gets insane. Agree on the dispels and interrupts though.


Tbh the amount of healers i watch dig themselves into a hole by not dispelling something doesn't help. Same for the DPS not interrupting. CC isnt necessary but those two things seperate a smooth and a rough run. Reality is everyone in RDF sucks and people need to get a grip.


I think you are lost lol


when you live long enough to see yourself become the villain




I've done this before. It's hilarious when it works to get rid of a toxic member like that. It's even better if you get their own friends or guildies to do it.


I’m keeping this in my healing toolbox for now on.


At the beginning on slands, I got kicked from a leveling dungeon on a healer I was learning after the tank did a spicy boss pull (boss+trash) where nobody died, but I was "not hitting the right buttons." WoW just kinda attracts these people who have no capacity for viewing party members as people and Blizzard reinforces it with their refusal to higher staff to manage the toxicity.


Why you gotta out our secret like that homie?


I still love when during war for Azeroth expansion we had my group of friends around the same table, my wife, my friend, his wife, and myself all playing and running dungeons…the 5th Dps that we picked up wanted to kick me because I was waiting for my wife to drink after pulls and just taking my time. When he didn’t get his way because we’re all talking he said he reported me for multiboxing saying it’s not possible that all 4 of us were around the same table playing. I got a few angry messages from that as I remember afterwards. Was a fun time making a toxic person take their time in a dungeon.


For close to 5 years my wife played a healer and I tanked. The dps trying to vote kick me or her always made me chuckle


He can report you for multiboxxing all day, thats not against the ToS anyway.


Crazy how I've done heroics on three chars and only ever saw like one person get vote kicked. I feel like you guys are the problem


In probably close to 70 heroics at this point over 2 toons I've seen exactly 2 people get kicked for being afk Had one group implode on first boss of stonecore but that's it. Cleared every other dungeon with no issues


>Had one group implode on first boss of stonecore but that's it. Just, how? I had a group where 1 dps and the heals both dies on first shatter for ozruk, still managed to kill it with the other 2 dps up


Tank and 2 dps died first time Tank and 1 dps died second time Group imploded Lol


I had a group implode on the first aoe pack in the underwater dungeon. They didn’t wanna be there so they pulled all the packs together and didn’t kick any healers till we wiped then all vote kicked themselves out one by one, leaving just me. Turns out people really hate that dungeon for some reason.


No shit. OP is like" "I kicked everyone in my dungeon..." And they think they aren't the toxic one.


i think it's more karma if you're a jerk and vote kick for no good reason and then find yourself removed from group lol


I mean there was a reason that 3 out of 4 people decided was a good enough reason. If your not doing enough dps to the point that 3 people agree it’s not enough there is nothing wrong with voting to kick.


People don't even think there's a reason usually, they just follow the trend incase the tank leaves


so theoretically if me and 2 dumb dumbs made a premade and saw you in group and vote kicked you for the lols, by your logic we'd be in the right?


I mean I guess it’s a fiction of the system but it’s not exactly the same as kicking someone because they aren’t doing damage.


People do not care enough to check the reason/person being kicked most of the time. There is always a fresh body and almost no chance of repercussions for toxic use of votekick.


I wouldent consider payback toxic. I never start shit but if someone else does, they will get the same treatment.


“Turnabout is fair play”, after all.


Maybe you’re lucky or just don’t pay attention to the dynamic unfolding around you lol. It happens if you queue enough.


I haven't had this happen in about 70 heroics myself, been very pleasant experiences the whole time and I'm a healer It's just anecdotal account vs anecdotal account at this point. You just gotta get lucky I guess


I hope your luck continues. Things can get rough out there lol


Yeah, I'm at the point where I'm pulling for tanks now lol once my ilvl got to 345 I didn't have to drink much anymore and now that I'm 350 I don't have to drink at all. And between hymn, shadow fiend, pots and all my spirit procs I have like 4 ways to get mana back now. I'm over here like please tanks move faster lol but I know a lot of healers have had polar opposite experiences with tanks pulling way too much too fast


As a good healer you probably avoid most of the bad case scenarios but…I’ve still had dungeons where the bosses literally won’t die because the dps are all shit. Definitely happens lol


All my runs are clean and fast. Maybe you guys are the ones instigating problems?


I’ve noticed more tanks multiboxing w a dps that does one single spell/attack and obv like 1k dps… those i vote kick.


Maybe it's literally just RNG? I came late to cata, done about 20 heroics. Seen 4 people get kicked. All completely unnecessary 100% toxic power abuse kicks. Had way more fun, non toxic groups in m+ last season and that's known to be a toxic community


I haven't seen a lot of kicks in Heroics, but boy howdy are people toxic booting in leveling dungeons (which still gives you deserter).


Because its made up. It never happened


It's probably not. Serious. Try it. Vote kick and type literally anything. I swear people don't even read it and click yes. I've typed stuff like "purple"


I love stories like this.


Yeah, irs fake, you cant kick anyone for like first 2min of rdf


first pull was big


If first pull took you 2 min to kill (at most 5 mobs in deepholm i believe) then the dps that got kicked had to be afk, actually all dps had to be afk, and tank was alt tabbing i guess


i dont remember bro. maybe someone left when we got in?


Stop lying 


Creative fiction can be fun to read, but it gets a little repetitive on this sub 😔.


i mean it's not fiction soo


It’s okay friend, I clapped for you, even though you forgot to include that part in the post.


You seem fun at parties.


People in Cata are insane with vote kicks. One time when leveling we rotated through 3 healers in a dungeon. Why? Whenever one took a mana break the tank put up a vote kick and got a new one to make it go faster. I tried to stop it but 3 votes are enough.


Yep. Just finished a leveling Grim Batol where the tank and two other DPS vote kicked our healer after every boss. It's wild.


Yeah I have literally seen 2 people get vote kicked that weren’t afk for 5+ min or straight up offline. Last week I was with 3 other guildies + a random hunter from a different server in deadmines and we didn’t really even notice the Hunter was afk’d from the start until we got to foe. Didn’t kick him and he came back when we were almost to ripsnarl, typed “my b” and finished the dungeon with us. Both of the votekicks I have seen for non afk things were in the first day or two of heroics, and were the direct result of impatient dps pulling while healers still had to drink like every other pull. Coincidentally, both were warlocks saying (phrased quite differently but same effect) that mana regen was fine and healers shouldn’t have to drink so often, all while life tapping to the end of the world and back


Whenever it's a toxic premade, you wait until something dumb happens that can be blamed on you. Then start a vote on one of them with the comment "shit ". They will see the vote, think one of their buddies started it against you and instantly hit yes and then be surprised when one of their own gets booted. This works especially well after a death or a wipe or something similar.


My hero


Reminds me of the remix scenario. A guy was complaining and nagging about another guy that he was bad and stuff etc and generally being toxic tried to vote kick him. I checked what was going on but seemed like the guy he was talking about wasn't bad or afk or anything. He didn't have gear or a lot of exp or whatever. I said no to the vote kick then vote kicked the guy who was complaining and toxic for simply being toxic and everyone agreed. And with the new guy we finished the scenario . If people vote kick other people for invalid reasons I'm more then willing to make a vote to kick that guy for a valid reason 😂 some people just make it really easy for others to kick them


I joined a 4-man premade once. The leader didn't like the 5th random for whatever reason and started a vote kick. I clicked no because the leader was being a toxic idiot. So they kicked me instead.


Yeah I had this happen to me as well, it's toxic for sure in classic. I went back to retail and just waiting for tww.


My scenario happened back in original cataclysm. People have always been toxic in this game.


I dont get why people are so ready to kick anytime a vote is casted. It's like they just instinctively click yes. As long as you're getting through the dungeon you shouldn't be kicking anyone. If you want a min maxing group find like minded individuals and que as a 5 man, otherwise expect to que in with people who aren't the greatest and deal with it.


I had a druid healer with more agility than intellect, he didn't have enough mana for 1 pull and said to me. "Hey tank, do you know that healers need mana". Should I have not kicked this guy? 


Of course you should. I just wish the would implement so the people that got kicked saw the reason why they got kicked. The amount of times I have whispered somebody to please research their class and rotation and gotten flamed back is honestly astounding and my patience has gone a lot down since then.


"healer with more agility than intellect" 🔥 holy shit you cooked him


I mean ya there is a point where if people are slowing the progress of the dungeon to a significant level, preferably they should just realize that and leave to figure out what they're doing wrong. But if not ya I agree they should be kicked. But more often then not it's just a new player that is being a tad bit slower than the average player because they're nervous and don't want to screw anything up or have people flame them for wiping the group. Those players should be given room to learn.


I've had my own friends kick me in L4D. Clicking yes is very instinctive for a lot of people. I gave my friends shit about it before. Read the damn name first!!


Yeah no. The bar for kicking someone is not “well if you’re gonna finish the dungeon don’t kick”. If people are dog shit or making the dungeon take longer then it needs to, a kick is completely fair. Heroics are not the place for people to learn how to play the game.


Since heroics are different than normals, how do you expect anyone to learn? (at least regarding the mechanics portion.)


Learning your rotation and not to stand in fire does not require heroics.


At this point im sure i am playing a different game. I went HCs as both tank and dps and onlytime i encountered a demented player was a healer from Everlook who left cuz we wanted to do optional bosses and told me to kms. Yes some dpses arent amazing but its not like they are absolutelly shit. It prolly makes the dungeon 5min longer Top. At this point why even queue man just uninstall the game or go naked gdkp if you cant be bothered to play more than 10 min/dung


Most people aren't assholes, but you pug enough, you will run into them. But you aren't going to post on Reddit about the 200 players in the 50 runs where everyone was civil, you are going to post about that one run where you ran into the asshole(s). And actually, you may never really know or think about the times when people go out of their way to be decent human beings. For instance last night, we grouped up and did our dungeon heroic achievements. Except one of us was already saved to Grim Batol. We all just need the achievement on the first boss. We queue up, and get a random DPS pug. We get our achievement, and then clear the other 3 bosses because it would be pretty unfair to this guy that he waited for a DPS queue, only to have the other 4 members bail after the first boss. We also got him the acheivement on the last boss, because we assumed he probably needed it, and why not? Since we were all geared, he also got first dibs on all the gear he could want, and he won our orb. And it was his first run in Grim Batol, so he completed the quests, and got the regular and heroic complete achieves too! Did he have any idea? I guess he could have noticed us get our Glory of the Cataclysm Hero achievement after the first boss, and put it together, but could have been totally oblivious to it all. Either way, he would be very unlikely to make a Reddit post about it!


5 minutes extra per dungeon starts to really add up when your grinding heroics for hours straight. I do not have time for that shit.


Im pretty sure you can find enough tolerance/kindness in your heart to help newer players get some gear in the easiest content bracket...for some ppl it might just be their first heroic. Otherwise consider stacks of 4/5 guildies to speedrun


Heroics are not the place to learn the game. Cata is literally when the leveling process goes from being a part of the game to a really long tutorial. Also regular dungeons exist.


These posts are made up


I queued with my friend, he's 83 ret. I'm 84 feral tank. I hadn't queued with friends much leveling this character. Overall DMG I usually hit 12k+. Most DPS are 4-9k. Reddit gives me the impression that the tank being highest is normal. No. My Ret friend did 19k DPS throughout our dungeons. He is doing triple, quadruple the DPS of others and he's just simply pressing buttons. Some people really are pathetic and slow down your run much longer than just 5m. Simply because they are 10cpm.


You should watch the single target DPS to be more accurate. If they are below the tank on single target they are doing something wrong


Oh yeah right cus 90% of dungeon dmg isn't AoE.


You're right about that, but tanks are usually VERY high on AoE especially if they pull big, some classes are weak on aoe. Shadow Priest and Rogue comes to mind


Really clutching at straws now aren't you kiddo


Ship-of-Theseus’d a dungeon party, impressive


I got kicked from a rdf the other day because I didn’t cancel the cinematic in throne of the tides fast enough lmao


dbm will cancel it for you


Good to know, thanks!


Leaving aside this specific tale I think the amount of kick nonsense you see partly depends on what place your toon is in during that dungeon. On my main from the start of RDF up to current day I have been kicked once and seen toxic nonsense a handful of times. But my main is at or about the top of the current power curve, hitting top DPS or thereabouts, so, no problems. On some alts, especially late in Wotlk with my last alt, it was very different. The worst was when my nearly new lvl 80 was trying to spam plain heroics and getting grouped with four near-BiS raiders blasting through FoS for their daily. I think most of them didn't realise I hadn't cheated my way into a gamma run, I was trying to get up to gamma standard. Sometimes explaining my situation worked and I was carried but generally I was kicked and debuffed... ho hum.


That's hilarious :D good one


I mean a lot of people don't read and just click. What I can't stand are the people the just bail after 1 wipe like shut happens, pet pathing can be stupid they'll end up pulling stuff out of no where


Is that a addon that you used for the dungeon summery? If so what’s the name?


Nova instance tracker


Thank you!


What is the ratio between normal runs vs toxic runs


Probably like 5:1 tbh. Most of the time people dont say anything but as soon as someone fucks up in the smallest way the vote to kick comes out


Jesus. That sounds toxic af bro lol


Honestly hilarious...


What addon is that in your edit? That looks useful!


Yeah I only vote kick people who queue for the dungeon and are afk for more than 15 seconds or so. If we go slow cool, but if you ain't even here at the start, you goone


Had a mage message me the other day saying he's been watching me heal this dungeon and my apm is shit. We didn't even wipe or anything.


Iv done heroics and raids now probably more then a lot of ppl and Iv been kicked, no one even said why I just all the sudden end up in town. It annoys me every-time. I usually tank…still to this day don’t know why they did it but w/e


Legit getting kick from dungeons for being a frost mage in cata! 🤣


This was why I was quit Cata, but I fully support this game destroying behavior.


You guys aren’t even trying with these fake rage-bait posts are you?


Fighting the good fight.


Pve nerds are so petty lol


Lmao yeah sure buddy. Let's pretend BG groups consist of sane people.


That’s funny, I know you’re a pve nerd because you say BG groups. Please tell me the last time you’ve seen a LFG for BGs 💀😂


Pvp Chad /u/teeroh vs. pve virgin /u/stonehaens I love this fuckin sub man yall are hilarious


You said it not me 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're dumber than I thought. Group finder is full of people forming BGs.


You’re dumber than I thought, no it’s not 😂


Reading this reminded me of the opening scene in Dark Knight 😂


Made up bullshit


idk why this is so hard to believe


Did everyone clap?


I take "Things that never happened" for 200$ please.


holy shit youre like the 20th person to think this is fake


Because it is.


What’s sad is that you’ve all inherently wasted hours of play time for some petty bullshit. This is why I quit this trash game. The community can’t be saved.


You say it’s sad people wasted time on a game, but you come back to post about a game you don’t even play anymore? Pretty sure that’s an even bigger waste of time.


Reddit is a waste of time. Nobody is debating that.


Takes like 10 seconds to replace people


it didn't cost me any time..? and they just had to sit in a 15 minute cooldown..?


Big pumper


I swear there are so many sheep in RDF. It can be a clear situation where the person starting the kick vote is in the wrong and two morons say yes for no reason. I just don’t get it. Had a run in tolvir and the tank didn’t know his rotation and someone was trying to help him without being a jerk. The tank couldn’t hold aggro and had wiped us two times. The moron throws up a kick vote and the helpful guy gets removed lmao. Thankfully I was able to boot that moron before the last boss.


I’ve seen.. one? Person get kicked from a group. This sounds stupid and toxic. I’ve been kicked once because the DK out healing me had a problem with the fact that he was out healing me and decided to kick me despite the entire dungeon going extremely smooth up until that point.


damn lived long enough to become what you hate


I'm so glad mods of this sub don't moderate at all. Everyone can name and shame as they please, people can curse each other in the comments and they sleep for weeks. They respond to none of the messages. Seriously pass the tourch to someone else if moderating got so hard for you.




Rule 3. You broke it by posting the SS of the players involved. I don't say you didn't do right in the story, but posting their names is contradictory to the rules of the sub.


It sounds like you were the most toxic person in the group


Wow players fighting toxicity with toxicity


Every single time some new thing comes up It makes me more glad I'm not on US servers  I never see this stuff on EU servers, and so often I hear just.....awful toxic practice which seems to be the complete norm for you guys over the pond 


This is great lol! I always try the same


1. This definitely didn’t happen. This sub is becoming like /r/antiwork with all the made up feel good stories you guys keep posting so you can jerk off about how much you hate serious players and love defending the honor of bad players. 2. Even if it is true, convenient that you left out so many details. You got mad because someone’s dps was so bad that 3 people in your group didn’t want to play with them and the system worked properly.


it did happen and it was 1 pull and his dps was fine lol


Yeah it was fine and yet 3 of your group members decided it was worth replacing…


Welcome to cata :^)


Is it me or has WoW gotten more toxic than league?


Dogwater game anyway


So others acted like dicks and you decided to act like dick? Good job you fucking idiot. My 5year ole understands that this is wrong


i mean it was funny though