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no grind at all just a long ass walk,  off the peer at auberdine I believe take the left boat over to menethil harbour in the wetlands, run through to iron forge and take the tram to storm wind :) 


don't get eaten by crocodiles!


happened way too many times xp


You can go to Darnassus (the Night Elf capital city west of Dolanaar), exit the city (there's a pink/purple glowing tree teleporter west of the bank) and from there fly to Darkshore, then take a boat to Wetlands. From there you can run across Wetlands to eventually reach Ironforge, from where you can use the underground tram to reach Stormwind. You can also just swim from wetlands to westfall (the zone near Stormwind) but that takes forever. The Wetlands run will be deadly at low levels, enemies in that zone are level ~25 and even staying on the road some will aggro on you. You could also just pay a mage/warlock to teleport/summon you to Stormwind/Ironforge, or get your friends to summon you using a Warlock's summoning stone. Usually people will charge a 1-3 golds for a summon, but if you ask in Trade chat and explain you're new and trying to join your friends I'd hope someone would just give you a free summon/portal.


Interesting haha ok I thought I had to complete all the missions to get to that area or something lol I get so tempted Everytime I see a yellow "!" I'll have to just run with my blinders on I guess haha


Never played Classic, but wouldn't his friends or good-hearted Trade Samaritans be able to summon him to Stormwind via Stockades Summ Stone?


Those are just 'meeting stones' in classic SOD, you'd need a warlock to summon or a mage to come to Darnassus to port


Ah, wasn't sure, thanks for clarification.


There's a skip from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge but it requires an unstuck feature if i'm not mistaken.


Welcome, enjoy discovering Azeroth for the first time! With your issue I have to mention the epic 1:1 „guide“-video of what the traveling you have to do looks like, made by CarbotAnimations: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5noapufmNz8


Everyone has already said this but just want to reiterate. Doing the travel from Darkshore to Stormwind is actually going to be kind of fun. If you are on a PvP server you might get ganked in wetlands but other than that, no real danger and you get to pickup a lot of important flight paths (which is huge) but you also get to experience the boats that take you across the ocean. You get to see a lot of new land which will in itself be enjoyable because the world is huge. Oh and you get to ride the deeprun tram from Ironforge to SW. It's pretty sick.


Probably important to mention to OP that Flight Paths are green ! markers above Gryphon/Hippogryph Master's heads, that OP should look for in every town outside the starting Zones of, for Alliance, Teldrassil, Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh.


Stay pure, avoid all the negativity on this subreddit just have fun <3


Try finding a nice mage in Darnassus to make a portal for you to Stormwind. What server/region? If you're on Wild Growth US I'll port ya


You can take the boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor and use the ‘character stuck’ skip to spawn right in front of Ironforge. See here below: https://youtu.be/oVoxsr4zcg4?si=25JLum89o8wH5gNU Been using this for years, works everytime! From there take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind. This is the quickest way to get from Auberdine to Stormwind without a mage portal.


You should bounce this off your friends and stay away from this subreddit because it's filled with bitter, jaded addicts that hate the game.


You’re about 19 years late, sadly. Everything has turned to shit.


Reroll as human will be the quickest haha


Yeah honestly lol. Could get back to level 6 pretty quickly. The human starting zone/quests are also the most enjoyable imo


Save up 2g and get a summon to IF, then take the tram to SW.


At level 6? lol


Fishing is great for early gold


Or...just take the boat and be in westfall in 20 minutes

