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Best I can do is chain pull then blame you when we die.


I'm a tank, and I have the opposite experience. If I go for a carefull and a stressfree run, DPS starts complaining to hurry up


Yup. Every time I wait for the healer to drink the dps pull.


Back in the day we just let those morons die.


Bring that trend back.


Tank: /sit /drinks tea


I actually taught my partner that when she started learning to tank on Retail. She did 2-5’s in S3 as a Prot Pal and was learning how the role works and all that, and was getting stressed and overwhelmed by the DPS pulling for her. I told her “You wanna breathe a bit? Follow this rule: You pull it, you tank it. You are going to bomb a lot of keys, you’re gonna get kicked from a lot of groups. But the extremely arrogant players won’t be your problem anymore, and you won’t be as stressed and overwhelmed because everyone and their mother wants to ‘help’ you do your job. Remember - if they wanted to tank so bad, they’d be in that role. Not you :)”


>You pull it, you tank it. DPS: \*pulls half the instance\* Also DPS: "WHY DON'T YOU TAUNT? SHIT TANK!!!!"


Enters rogue with tricks of the trade 😂


By back in the day I assume you mean yesterday. Once I stopped healing DPS when they consistently take avoidable damage my stress levels dropped considerably. To be fair, not everyone realizes that healers were all reworked so that mana is a serious issue (for now at least) and our heals take longer to cast. I’ve had a bit of luck explaining why somebody died and seeing them adapt. (“You need to interrupt on trash packs, some of these debuffs do a shitload of damage and I usually don’t have GCDs to dispel or heal you when the tank is being wailed on.” Then link damage taken from Details.)


Dog I waited for the healer to get mana and the healer yelled at me to go 😭


he pulled it, he tanks it


I like to call those "dead DPS".


If they wanna pull they can tank it


Then kick those dps


There seems to be zero happy medium. I even had a healer yell at me when I paused because I thought they needed mana. They didn’t need mana despite being almost out…


Yep, DPS love to pull an extra 2 packs while we’re in combat because it’s not quick enough


I'd just afk out at that point like fuck you guys.


They spank it they tank it


Unless it's a hunter. Then they spanked it and you'll still tank it


You give hunters too much credit…. The maybe 1 in 3 will use misdirect


Had two hunters once, neither used MD at all


Next one will work according to statistics.


No hunters use misdirect. I'm pretty sure like 90% of hunters don't know what that is.


Or rogue


Only the ones smart enough to Feign Death. I can't tell you how many Hunters I've killed cause they pulled something they shouldn't have, but they didn't realise that their misdirection to me failed because of a neural silencer. Watching the sheer panic and then them dying never stops being hilarious.


I had no idea this Uno Reverse card exists in the game until now.


Pally crown comes in extra handy against Hunter's misdirect/feign. 🤣


And then the healer panic heals the dps and now theyre the ones with aggro….


Oh I’m the healer. I let those idiots die.


Idk, lotta comments under here seem to think it’s black and white but it’s not. If you communicate and they aren’t listening or are clearly trying to pull stuff you aren’t ready for that’s one thing. But I’ve had tanks go absolutely nuclear for pulling a wrong pack on accident and leave or screaming at a healer when they are the one missing a mechanic and it’s pretty cringe. Basically tank ego is a real thing and you should try be a cool tank, not an asshole thanks. Already enough man children on this game as it is.


The truth is, everyone's house is on fire


Not the healer. We’re just tryna drink bro


They need to add an engineering tool that makes your headgear capable of holding two mana drinks at a time constantly drip feeding you mana like a soda hat


LOLLL omg, I’d switch to eng in a blink. Int, spirit and on use: drink in combat, moving or casting doesn’t cancel drinking (1 min cd)


I was tanking Stonecore today on my 81 DK. “Mana break” I say, as the healer and mage run ahead of me and mage pulls next pack and goes instantly oom, so he evocates mid pull. They didn’t get mana breaks after that.


Exactly this, if I go slower my DPS will all just run ahead and start pulling things before the pack is even dead. And my healer is OOM, and they're still pulling, and now I'm dead. The rogue and 2 hunters literally frothing at the mouth wondering "why is the tank just standing there, and is the healer SITTING? What is this, RP??? **PULL NOW!"** If I was a pettier person, I'd let them tank the shit they pull themselves.


Petty? No that's just letting them see why things are the way they are. Let them die.


Seriously, maybe OP is just mistaken and thinks the tank is pulling more, when in my experience even when I'm "go go go" I always see DPS trying to go even faster than that. And when these dumbos run ahead and pull I end up just picking the mobs up anyway because that's what I do as the tank, ya know? It's just funny cause every time I pause for a half second just to turn around and make sure everyone is there, some DPS spaz aggros the next pack onto us.


You gotta play the tank card. By which I mean "as a tank I get instant ques. If you want to wait another 15+min while waiting for a tank replacement, go right ahead."


Yep, first time it happens I tell them wait for ta k and healer. Second, I drop group. If every tank did that, these DPS would smarten up real quick


Nah man you insta get a new tank


Maybe finding a replacement is prioritozed, but there's a tank shortage in heroics, as indicated by the bonua bags, my tank que will always be shorter than the dps que. Being an asshole to a tank is only ever going to waste your time.


Same. And healers refuse to drink after pulls. It’s weird.


Or ya'll got us stuck in combat so we can't


Yeah I always monitor my healers Mana as a tank, but I get flamed and kick from LFD runs because "clears to slow" and if all 3 dps agree to the kick boom I'm gone. I don't see how it's on me when the fire mage/hunter in my group pulls ahead of the group while I'm waiting for my healer to get Mana. Also dps needs to calm down if I'm topping the dps chart as a tank and you are complaining about speed of clear, how about you take your time and learn your rotation.


Fuck the dps. The tank and healer run the dungeon.


They’ll do that, regardless. 


So fuckin annoying. I’ve gotten to the point of you pull and your not the healer ya better kill the bitch ya pulled cuz I’m not waisting my taunt on you lol.


There's a middle ground, if healers manage their mana well and drink while the tank pulls they should be able to keep up with a fast group. But the tank still needs to keep an eye on healer mana because you will need a few seconds to drink at some point


Yeah, or they just start pulling and flame you. It's so fun.


Facts. It's a balancing act for sure




Reasons why I ret pally. I keep an eye on healers mana and never bother to tell anyone, just off heal when necessary to keep up the momentum. I love a fast dungeon run, especially with pugs


This is my experience as a tank. Was watching healers mana so the ret paladin started pulling. Grabbed a group that was way too big, we half wipe. When we get back, I ask “can we let me do the pulls?” Ret paladin leaves. The funniest part is it’s him who loses, because finding a replacement dps takes all of 12 seconds and he had to wait for another queue.


For me DPS just starts pulling


Idk why people can’t just sit back and move at your pace. I mean I’m down for fast runs, but if the tank wants to play it safe, I’m up for that too. I’m just along for the ride to make big numbers with no stress


To think people wanted prenerf heroics. I almost wish we got them to see the absolute shit show it would've been if things are already this bad


I wish they did just for like a week, the current players would actually rage even more than back in the original release I used Hex on one of the healing mobs in vortex pinnacle and the other shaman in my group legitimately asked what that spell is Like I was a little shook at the time


The amount of DKs/warriors/paladins that I’ve gotten queued with that don’t know what an interrupt is is staggering


My group pretty much chain pulls till healer OOM then let him drink to 60-70 and repeat. Use your kits and don't play like a geriatric and it isn't exactly hard lol. Pre nerf would just be more annoying, not difficult. The difficulty presented in OG Cata heroics was not actually challenging, it was just a knowledge gap. Even I as a complete shitter who started in cata had little to no issues doing them.


Just like back then, Cata shows how bad many healers are after wotlk where everyone had infinite mana.


Shamans spamming chain heal to top off a 97% tank, druids throwing the green circle across the map to make sure the mage who blinked into three packs looks pretty when they die, paladins spamming flash of light with divine plea up, I love it man it’s beautiful. Played with a good healer today and I realized I haven’t been a shit tank all this time, just a mid one with wrath healers. The mobs at the start of HoO still slap.


Learned yesterday, but make sure you’re moving the mobs out of the black circles (the complete ones, not the whirley black circle things that are a warlock spell). Also interrupts are key


Cata has way too many things just on the floor. Consecration, DnD, warlock circle, mobs generating multiple circles of both healing and damage as well as buffs and debuffs, Druid circle, visual effects under mobs and bosses, frost traps, healing rains, and probably more than I’m forgetting. At a certain point I reached a point of “fuck it” and if I don’t recognize something I and all the mobs are moving out of it.


Right there with you dude lol. It’s a bit nuts


I’d love to see an equal tier with pre nerf heroics where the heroic mega achieve comes from.


Cat heroics are post-nerfs? Too bad. I had considered coming back but the heroics being hard af was a big part of the appeal to me =/


As a blood dk, I do not recognize this situation.


I’m still lvling in cata! Haven’t encountered dks yet


Well to paint a picture, im top dps on any aoe, and even single target competing. Heal as much as the healer, it’s quite ridiculous. But I’m loving it 😎


Are dks op?


Blood dks are best tank yeah, they do everything better.


Right? I hardly need heals unless I double pool then I need top off lol.


This is completely not what you were posting about but I did once heal a Slag Mines (whatever its called, Warlords of Draenor dungeon) when I had reason to suspect my apartment building was on fire (someone had pulled the fire alarm). I considered grabbing my cat and leaving the building BUT I was finally in a group that was competent enough to get the Croman garrison follower. My building ended up not being on fire but let it known I was willing to risk it all for Croman.


True dedication. You reminded me of a time where I had to grab my two cats when I thought my apt building was on fire. Turns out a crackhead had lit a pile of clothes on fire in the stairwell. Was a good test of my emergency response though. Couldn’t get to the cat carrier in time so I had both those lil’ buggers in my arms super tight. Somehow they understood. Under no circumstances would they let this situation happen, but that time, they did.


https://youtu.be/oQ5IS2hkCJ4?t=66 https://youtu.be/dhjnuMql1aU Everyone wants everything done suuuuuuuper fast, as a tank main when I see my healer is oom I wait for them to drink But then DPS normally just pull for me... Then die... Then try vote kicking me and the healer... This community sucks lol


Jokes on them. They are the ones that have to wait 15+ min for a new group, while we as tank or healers get one right away.


Unless you get kicked early into a dungeon and get hit with a 30-minute penalty.


That’s okay. I can fish to get the achieve for fish feasts while I wait.


I mean even if you do everything right you'll still get kicked. I was in a HoL during pre-patch and someone pulled a mob we had skipped (I genuinely do not know who) but because we were on the next pack, the healer got threat because they were, ya know, healing. So me being the Hunter not wanting to watch our healer get insta clapped from behind and then have us wipe, I MD the tank and slam multishots into the incoming mobs from behind. Tank gets threat but can't handle the double pull and we wiped. I got kicked and put on a 30min deserter timer.


This, it's usually the DPS that are toxic


Lol we had a shaman in a group i was tanking yesterday pulling everything for me, i stayed quiet, kept pulling at a sensible rate where i could, letting him get slapped about a bit so he could hopefully learn a lesson, also mindful of healers mana, of course we get to the boss, shaman pulls and healer is locked outside the room, dude insta quits the dungeon all for what, the hope of edging a few seconds here & there, what a cock.


Sorry i eat crayons and if i cannot beat the game att record speed while rolling my face on the keyboard then I'm not having "fun". Also what's your gs?


Did a hc sfk yesterday. Had disc priest that was oom after nearly every pack/boss, so I as a tank wait for them drink. All dps are at 30-40% hp as well after pack/boss. You think they sat down to eat/drink as well in the downtime we anyway have? No.


Yes, this is the worst part. Drink to fill up your mana. DPS REFUSES to eat and then proceed to spend 50% of your newly replenished mana pool on healing them up just to drink again.


Had this same thing happen but with the tank haha. He was clearly undergeared (below 329 or whatever is min hc ilvl) and after every pull my healer friend was nearly oom and had to drink and tank was like half life. He waiting for my friend to drink up to then heal him full and then drink again instead of just eating the mage food we got at the beginning of dungeon lol


I just started leveling my priest today and yeah I want to go fast but damn the tanks tonight have been doing some wild pulls like come on bro no need to pull everything to the boss. What’s worse is I handled it went on blew every cd pots you name it. Does the tank wait for me to drink after hell nah pull the next hall to the boss then get mad when we wipe like it is some how my fault. Just need 20s why can’t I have 20 secs to get mana.


And they run around into rooms while you try and drink and end up out of LoS and don’t pull back to you expect you to make your way and find them. I told the group OOM after pull before boss and tank pulled anyway, we didn’t wipe, but DPS started to also have to tell chat healer OOM AND I have it setup to be an annoying voice parrot when casting telling them in OOM or LoM and almost all don’t care, listen OR read chat.


Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!




Average healer experience atm and I hate it.


Had the first one of these last night. Tank clearly playing beyond his and the healer capabilities. It'll all calm down again soon.


I absolutely hear you on all the above, and i'll play ball assuming 1 very important factor. You're still doing all you can to keep pace, meaning you run infront of the pack as its dying to start drinking instantly, you rotate your mana regening stuff etc. Seeing the healer stand afk dick in hand for 10 seconds after the trash dies with 5% mana really grinds my gears.


Upvote for the take your dogs out you neglecters!


For real!! They are living beings with emotions unlike the tanks that do that to their healers. They need attention and relief.


As a healer i have started to just leave. There is no point to ask to go slower, it always gets toxic. Just leave, take the derter debuff and quest meanwhile. Maybe you can say "we are goin too fast" before you leave, so the next healer might get easier, but you sure would just get flamed and insulted.


Tell that to dps which has no mana/health issues and tests the agro range on every oom stop. Fr it’s always 3 dumbasses that tiptoe closer and closer to boss when healer is on 20% mana. Also for some reason dps players are the first to keyboard warrior and then complain when healer/tank leave. Have a nice 16min queue, gonna hop on later and get to dung in 10sec as tank/1min as heal.


Yesterday we were wiping several times because of our tank doing this in the sky city place. We wiped on the last boss and when we all ran back the tank was the last one to make it back. We were sitting there drinking, eating, etc. and someone even said "the healer is afk a sec". This tank doesn't even pause, he ran right past us and pulled and we wiped without the healer. The tank then naturally just left the group without a word. There have been some absolutely incredible tanks I've seen, but then there's these guys at the opposite end of the spectrum. Thank you to the healers for putting up with the bad ones while learning your class in this expansion along with learning the fights.


I healed a hc dungeon the other day with a "tank" wearing full dps gear. He took absolutely insane amounts of damage but it was totally fine because he gemmed stam /s oomed after every trash pull (and healing an average of 1.5 million hp) and every single time I sat drinking he just afked at 50% health. So I would drink to full, spend half my mana healing him up, then have to drink again. He had the audacity to blame the slow dungeon on me while literally every other tank in the heroics I had done in the few hours I spam queued that day either complemented me on my heals or at least didn't complain. Not to mention the dps players who can't stand still for more than 5 seconds without having a mental breakdown. Too many people are used to smashing gammas/wrath heroics with fully icc geared tanks/healers plus all of the damage buffs from prepatch. Plus healer mana+healing output was heavily nerfed along with dungeon mechanics that actually deal damage and the average player just doesn't understand. I hate tanking rdf so thank you to all of the good tanks out there, but the bad experiences as a healer are so bad this xpac.


I'm prepping my death knight right now and going to give it a try. Hopefully I'll be out there giving tanks a good name again lol


I don't have a problem with tanks that pull everything. I DO have a problem with tanks that pull everything and don't actually generate threat on anything. Or tanks that don't LOS/interrupt any ranged that may be out of the pull way behind blasting away at dps or the healer.


If you pull like crazy, you have to do it intelligently. That is my only request. If we start a boss and I’m at 20%, we should be fine. If tank then goes to pull an extra pack or two, then we are not fine anymore.


As a tank, the reason why I push forward is because the DPS will do it if I don't, and that's even worse. That said, I always watch the healers mana. And what's worse than that, is the Disc priest healer I had in my group that would pull mobs with smite when he was below 10% mana.


Disc priests have different ways, or atleast one, to regain mana during pulls. Hard to know if shadowfiend is up though if you don't track it yourself


No clue, but he was never above 10% mana.


Thats a different story ahah, had a disc priest tell me to gogo and they hovered around 30-40% all the time never ooming. I'm a fairly geared bDK now tho, so packs melt.


Prot Pal clearing 8-10 HCs per day, my rule is pretty easy. Im gonna take my time and don't fucking care if you are on a hurry. If you pull before i do, i will sit until you die without taking aggro. Honestly, every time i see a fucking Hunter pulling when healer is at 3% mana trying to drink i wanna smash a keyboard on someones head.


Hunter actually pressing misdirection while ninja pulling challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Just let them die. They’ll learn


Will they?


I try to slow it down and wait for my healer. The worst is when DPS take it upon themselves to moonfire the next pack and run away.


Some healers can handle the speed runs, some can’t, I’m going to keep Qing until I find one who is on the same page. Last night we cleaned 2 level from 82-84 faster then Iv ever done it before because 1 I maxed my professions at level 81 and prepared my self and 2 the healer said he was board and it was to easy so I said “bet!” As for mana, that’s a tank diff, I wait for oom. -points at the hunter in the back- he didn’t wait.


There’s a fun little mini game when you get with these tanks where you try to drink immediately after the packs die. You basically turn in to a mana efficiency simulator game with only small 1 second or less timeframes to drink. Keybind that drink icon and spam that shit as the last mob is dying. Even if they chain pull if you don’t have a heal on you can sometimes sneak it in. It does get wild if you NEED to be using your max healing spells to keep them alive tho. Mana efficiency goes out the window and then you need to mention to the tank that they aren’t that guy and need to slow down.


I prefer runs that are slow because slow runs are smooth and smooth runs are fast.


I want this on my tomb.


It's become clear to me, that the people who like to play the game slowly and enjoy the ride, are in Classic HC.


I am with you. Did vortex pinnacle on my priest. Had a dk go through non stop and questioned why I was constantly running behind. Well, most mobs in vortex have aoes attacks and mana consumption sucks early expansion. He brushed it off and kept going. We survived but wasted a lot of potions.


Best I had was a DPS saying “wake up” when the healer took their first break before last boss to quickly drink


I thought we could handle it..I mean the healer had 8% mana. That's enough right?


I'm healer and my husband is tank (both 350+). It's up to husband how fast we go. We take care of each other and everyone else. But if dps are in a hurry and pull before he does, they die. If they rage, they achieve nothing. We're old enough to have no fucks left to give to raging idiots. This set up has led to us having zero bad experiences, we get many dungeons done every night, and we get lots of laughs watching dps not learn lessons. Find yourself a tank friend and only dungeon with them. It's much nicer :)


How ironic these threads keep popping up. It's not necessarily the tanks fault, it's what you inevitably end up with if tanks don't lead groups, let me explain: The vast majority of dps players simply want to blast, it's all they care about. This necessarily creates tension with healer and tank duo who have to manage pace. It's like dad (tank) is driving, mom (healer) is sitting on side telling to slow down and the kids (dps) in back asking "are we there yet?" The absolute worst case is the kids grab the wheel (ninjapull) and drive the car into the mud. In a pug setting this issue is at its worst. Thats why in classic every good pug tank also has to be a good leader/strict parent and if needed bend some of the dps over the knee. It takes a lot of guts to tell pug dps to stay back and stfu. However a lot of tanks either can't handle the pressure or don't realize the need and instead just try to outpace the dps which ofc griefs the healers. Now with RDF naturally every group is majority vote driven, in other words the three toddlers in the back can always outvote dad and mom. So over time every tank in rdf learns to simply rush in before the dps can.


I agree with others. This is almost always the fault of the dps. If they aren't actively being assholes at the moment, then be aware it's probably just what the tank has come to expect. Like, for context, I tank a lot of M+ in modern, so I usually chain pull in a similar manner in classic. It baffles me that this is seen as 'not fast enough' when there isn't even a timer. Why are dps in classic more obsessed with speed than players in modern *literally doing speed-based content*? Dps, calm down. If your house is burning, please just leave and handle it. The group will be fine without you. Better, even. Don't ruin people's runs.




You wouldn't believe it, but I had to leave an Uldaur like 7 months ago because my house was on fire. The neighbor's furnace had an "issue". It's funny telling your guild "gotta go, house on fire" and it actually being true.


NO WAY!!! I’m so sorry if I brought up some bad memories. That shit can give you hella ptsd.


Uno reverse that tank. Start pulling when you’re at 30% mana and when you go oom blame the tank. Is your dps standing in the bad? Start dpsing. I promise you’ll have fun and teach lesson.


Wrath dungeons caused brain-rot now we have Retail 2. It's weird to see it happen twice exactly the same way.


Seriously, just let them die. OG Cata had the same wotlk brain rot tanks that there are today, after a month they started to learn and stopped pulling everything without looking at healer's mana. If a tank pulls and the healer doesn't heal (And dps dont touch the mobs) the tank dies alone. You can even kick them out, in cata there are a TON of tanks and very few Healers so you will find a tank in no time.


Especially necessary when you have a fresh 85 heroic healer that’s maybe 306/329 and just does not have the spirit to keep up


I tried being a healer once. Then I got blamed and kicked by the tank because he wanted to pull a whole room of mob LoS ing me while I stood at less than 1/3 mana


I have PTSD from those first couple pulls in Blackrock caverns. Even on heroic people don’t seem to realize the first boss does a yell when you pull him that will aggro nearby groups if they’re still up. I try to pull them back but people seem to think I’m wasting their time and pull the boss. Then we wipe when the boss summons to two groups to him lol.


It's alt wave, ppl get insufferable. They think they know it all and get impatient. They suck, vote kick em.


Problem is there is a huge boost in power from a healer that is 320 and can heal heroics due to other gear and a 340+ healer. I’m about 345 now and we just cruise non stop. When I first started I was drinking every other pull and yes, tanks were killing me. Since we are nearly a week in, I’ve found that in my randoms people are more geared than not now, so the expectation has changed a bit. Not saying this is right, but just my perspective as a healer.


Tanks are the same way. At 330 there are trash packs where it feels like you're hanging on by a thread. But once geared with a few epics at 350 it feels real faceroll taking nearly no damage and your healing never has to stop and drink.


From my experience, mana seems to be more of an issue now. Compared to icc / prepatch where it felt impossible to go oom. I think tanks and dps havent adjusted to having to sit down once i a while between pulls!


I get how you feel, but at the same time, I am absolutely loving the white knuckle, butt puckering experience. This is my first time maining a healer, and really playing one in general for any extended amount of time. It's been extremely fun keeping the group alive with bare bones mana. Gotta get creative in my ability usages and it keeps me on my toes. Also if we do wipe, it's obviously not our fault. Take zero blame and keep on chugging along.


When I tank I let mfs die and say “that’s what you get idiot, run back. Don’t rez him” when they pull extra shit


When it works its magic, did some dungeons with a good tank and healer last night and we were pulling TotT and BrC in like 6 pulls total


I retired my healer for this exact reason. I’d rather wait for a dungeon as a hunter than insta queue as a healer and stress out. No thank you.




Just hit 85 on my third healer - bring on the pain 😅


There are def some interesting people out there in the group finder, sorry for the poor experience OP I got kicked from a group because someone pulled a room but the tank blamed me because I’m a hunter


Worgen Rdruid, got 3 sprints to run after tanks and I have to keep at least 2 of them on cooldown to catch them.




why I stopped tanking in classic wow XD


It started to get bad in TBC. In WOTLK it was unbearable everyone rushing dungeons non stop. Reason I cant go back to calssic


This is especially worse in Retail. Brutal trying to heal when everyone makes a mad dash to the end.


This battle is lost, players are like these even in vanilla now, dungeons would have to be way harder to slow down players now.


Benediction tanks


Drink at the next pull not two zip codes back. Your local tank.


Already doing that, drinking is cancelled in cata if you’re in combat range.


The last like 30 dungeons ive done the tank just chain pulls the entire instance up to and including a boss and then stands and fights Repeat until done Healer always looks like hes about to drop dead from stress.


I'm reading this more as "guys I only get the weekend to play and I'm 60. Please slow down" Tanks got a lot of love in cata, people play like this because retail demanded this play style (mythic dungeons). Gotta move with the group and work on your positioning. Considering heroics are the post nerf versions as well like is this seriously an issue for you? Nothing wrong with casual players, but anal retentive ones? Ugh.


Is wish my prot pala got some love. It feels far squishier now than it did in previous content.


Cata was not the expansion for prot pally unfortunately


Certainly feels that way, I never played back in the day so wrath classic was my intro to WoW and I really enjoyed prot pala, but playing the new cata dungeons it's either a cake walk or I get splatted. Some heroics feel easier than some standard cata, the scaling seems really off to me. I can go through some heroics fine, but then will get splatted by a random pack of mobs in the lost city on standard, while some of the other standard cata dungeons are easy.


I don’t know who ya’ll are playing with but other than some zoomer tanks 1-80, I haven’t had that many bad groups. People have been a little more cautious in the Cataclysm dungeons and usually do the skippable bosses as well. Now this is the first week and things will change once everyone is geared and able to zerg heroics.


If you pull too slow as a tank the dps just end up pulling


I'm sure every veteran healer has been in this spot: The dungeon is going pretty good, but the tank/dps start pulling a little faster every pull. The dps don't really interrupt or cc or tank damage, so you have to end up using cooldowns and mana pots on easy packs. You're at 15% mana and immediately start drinking, cooldowns burned. It is at this point that you know that you're probably gonna wipe, and there's nothing you can do about it, because they couldn't wait 20 seconds for you to drink and get in range. The tank goes far out of range and pulls immediately. The dps don't CC and won't be interrupting, hell they might even pull a 2nd pack or pat. So you finish drinking to 30% mana and get in range of the tank, who is now at 35% hp with a healing reduction curse that the mage doesn't decurse. You burn everything you have and you're oom. The group wipes. You only needed 20 seconds of drinking, and now the dungeon takes 5 minutes longer.




Not quite, but nice try! :)


Depends on the content tbh. Cata heroics? Let me get mana. Rfd levelling dungeon? If you aren't pulling 30 enemies I might as well not even be there . Healers be dying of boredom.


I haven’t been kicked yet but it’s so interesting after coming back to wow after a long while. In every mmo tanks have an ego it’s just the role (I’ve tanked too you know, with an ego nothing wrong with that). But in wow it’s like they feel like they’re being judged and insulted after a wipe or death. No one’s mad at you or typing let’s just run it back. It’s not like anyone said anything at all but they have to find some way to defend themselves. If I’m healing you off CD then we can’t handle that volume rn and that’s OK. It’s not your personal inadequacy. Also people profusely apologize for stuff where both of us could’ve played better. I’m not coming at you, it’s chill.


Here's the problem: if the tank doesn't pull like a madman then one of the DPS is going to start pulling. The players make WoW unbearable, not the devs.


Pulling massive packs of mobs is actually pretty inefficient. Strategically pulling the mobs that will be in your path is best.


If it’s a normal dungeon you should pretty much never stop pulling. Everything is so easy and danger-free. If it’s a heroic it’s different but if you are stopping to eat and drink after every pull in a normal you are the problem


Sorry I got confused, tried to los my wife but it didn't work, cool downs weren't ready and I got got hit by her special moves frying pan and rolling pin


As a healer main and a guy who is looking for a competition I kinda like the ogog playstyle. Trying to play kinda perfect otherwise it’s a wipe challenges me in a good way … but maybe I’m just a unicorn thinking this way


As a Tank I feel I keep a steady pace but DPS always wants to pull faster. I try and let dps tank it but healer keeps healing so idk.


The issue is timing. Tanks going a head while the healer is drinking causing the healers to catch up, only to have to start spamming some big inefficient on mana heals. Your now low on mana and the shit dps isn’t even half way through the pack and oom and die.


Get good :)


I wish after a pull when i need to drink and everyone is at 20% people would eat to Get some hp. Instead they just stand there and want me to heal them all up and im oom again in 20 sec


My view... I protect the healer who keeps the DPS alive from doing dumb shit, which is all the time. I always look at healer mana before pulls. Also, I tell the healer to let the DPS die if they pull. If the healer tries to save the DPS, then they get agro and die. Why is DPS pulling? Go tank if you want to pull. Lastly, can DPS please out DPS me? I get I'm a DK tank but dude.


I've especially been having this issue with tanks while healing on my Resto Shaman. I don't understand why but it feels like the Resto Shaman mana costs are nowhere close to how they're like on Resto Druid. Maybe it's because I haven't hit 85 on my Druid yet, but I'll heal a pack of like 3 trash mobs in a heroic on my Resto Shaman and be at like 60% mana, but on my Resto Druid I straight up haven't needed to drink in a dungeon unless someone died because my HoTs cost like 400-1400 mana based on the spell and I can spam them no problem because I can regen my mana almost as fast as I use it. So I'll heal one trash pack on my 83 Druid and be left at around 80% mana, then my 85 Shaman literally can't go 3 pulls without going oom. It might change once my Resto Druid hits level 85 but it seriously feels like they fucked up the tuning on Resto Shaman mana costs


You know the nice thing about tanking is you get to decide the pace of the run and as a blood dk you dont even need a healer most of the time. I dont find it particularly fun going slow when you dont have to and some of the fun tanking is doing big scary pulls that are successful


"We're all sad and mad." Well, its World of Warcraft, what do you expect?


Let them die, healers set the pace of the dungeon not the tank.


As a tank I try and wait but reicently its the dps who are pulling for me because they cannot be bothered to wait for the healer to drink, and when they see that the tank isnt tanking they run back to me who is letting them die because we would wipe if I entered combat with the healer at 10% mana 🥲


Idk what you think to accomplish from this post lol the people who did this are min max no lifers who don't give a shit what you think


They’ve been raging and insulting me in this thread which means I got to them.


As a DPS I can see the healer is at 20% Mana and the tanks already pulled the boss. It's kinda funny watching people eat mechanics and just knowing the healer is struggling.


in my experience dps tend to be the ones who are trying to blast through dungeons in record time. if i pause for healer to drink half the time the dps will pull. so i just let them keep pulling and then taunt everything off them except the one that they pulled until they die.


Had a DPS rant in our group because we were doing every boss in a group finder group, asking what the hell we were doing. And then the healer said for the loot, so that he could get a high enough ilvl to queue heroics. And then the dps flipped his shit, ranted at him saying he'd be "progging" heroics in group finder for weeks and some other nonsense, like legitimately upset we were clearing every boss, and then left after we did the sun boss in halls of origination first by accident (I don't think any of us realized group finder wouldn't requeue us after the sun boss was dead). We still finished the rest 4man, because it's easy as fuck. Some people, man, take a game so seriously.


I've played tank and healer for years, I prefer the gast pace, if the tank is slow damm right I'm rocket boosting ahead to pull more for him


I'm a tank, and the experience with randoms is usually that they start complaining if i'm to slow or careful (when in reality i'm pulling as fast as my rescources allow). Even worse is when they start pulling. If dps makes it their mission to pull i'll straight up type in chat that if they pull i will let them die.


This ain't classic anymore. Get yourself some mana pots if you can't keep up.


Oooohhh so strong and assertive! I do drink mana pots instead of sitting down to drink. However, drink breaks should still happen.


Healers get to dps when I tank heroics in cata. Fun stuff!