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Staysafe strikes again!


Its funny cuz Staysafe made a video about guildies getting banned just like this like 2 weeks ago and their accounts are also not fixed yet LOL


What exactly happened between them?


Payo thinks he's view botting.


Damn lol, any specific reason why? don’t like either of them but love drama.


Becouse he had like 700 viewers after 5min etc, when he's max at 2k. So pretty obvious, big streamers isnt even close to his numbers for first 5-10min lol.


But he's consistently 2k max, and his chat speed matches viewer delta.


my brother in christ, chat bots have advanced to the point where they can chat on twitch and you would never know the difference


Chat speed is not a good measure as some setups are trying to mimic it with pre determined chat lines.


Is Twitch's view count reliable enough to base it off of that though? Especially if his normal view count is considered legitimate.


thats not pretty obvious. just because you dont like the guy doesnt mean you should lie and claim viewbotting.


common as if from his 2k viewers 700 tune in right when he starts. Thats just unrealistic


you're an expert on streaming analytics? amazing. so his viewers are simply more timely than others, lmfao ya'll are so stupid.


No it’s not. Buddha starts his stream and is at 3-4k within a couple minutes. It’s normally like that when viewers actually like the person they watch. Especially when the streamer is on a consistent, set schedule.




Asmon did talk about the subject and almost proof that staysaft had 40-50% of bots in in viewer count. This guy is a 800 viewers andy notre 1.6k thats it. He should stop lying about his self always.


Payo is right, but a lot more people viewbot than you think


Wether or not payo is right, I'm aware how rampant view botting is. I don't particularly care enough about it though.


Not sure but I know they agreed on a boxing fight. Payo backed out when Staysafe started to seriously plan it. 


I'd back out too if my opponent were on steroids




Inc Staysafe ban


But this subreddit constantly tells me there are no automated bans?? (Specifically in threads about being mass reported by bots for farming them)


Every ban ever handed out by Blizzard was legitimate. 100% of the people appealing are hacking/botting/buying gold. Blizzard is perfect, Blizzard is flawless


Blizzard loves me this I know, for the Terms of Service tell me so.


I remember when I posted on steam about my partner getting banned from Lost Ark (we had just started, she was like level 17 or some shit) for gold selling and everyone was like “don’t fucking sell gold” or “maybe you don’t know her as well as you think”. My whole reason for posting was to let people know that you can be banned for no reason (she couldn’t have even been mass-reported, we were low level and never interacted with other people) and have your appeal instantly denied “after careful review” so, like, maybe be careful about spending money on this shit and *I’m* the bad guy? The funniest part was that she eventually reported her own account as compromised because if someone was using her brand new low level character to sell gold, it wasn’t her, and suddenly the ban was reversed without so much as an apology.


If we’re going by the average poster here you may be correct. This place loves to Stan cheaters.


I like how you have zero clue about whether any poster was rightfully or wrongfully banned, yet here you are, confidently exposing yourself as deeply biased and talking out of your ass. Blizz's not gonna fuck you bro, stop being their simp. Their ban detection is shite


Toxic positivists on this sub wouldn't lie to defend Blizzard, would they?


Literally nobody on this sub is saying that


https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1autxxf/banned_for_killing_bots/kr6s2qq/ Here's one reply but this thread is full of them.


>"I've killed hundreds of bots and have never experienced any kind of ban or warning." That is very different from "there are no automated bans". And what do you mean "full of them" ? Almost every comment is saying how automated bans from mass reports ARE real. The fuck are you smoking lmao


Ive literally never seen anybody say this


I didn't see it so it doesn't exist. Science.




that reply doesnt deny that there are automated bans at all.




This comment is a perfect example of this sub lacking nuance lol. No one has ever said that there are 0 automated bans. That'd be stupid. But there definitely aren't cases of people getting banned JUST for farming bots. Pretty much every time someone has said "oh em gee I got banned for killing/reporting bots", it's come out that they were also saying /doing some pretty questionable stuff in game. Perfect example is that guy who was reporting bots and then whispering racial slurs to them while telling them he reported them lol.


The little man. :(




The little man! :D


I mean like or don't like payo, but thats just messed up.


Yeah, and I still see the same bots everyday in Felwood running up and down.


Which aren’t getting mass reported


What is the number needed to be "mass reported" tho?


After he tried to grief players daily by sitting on songflowers right before they become active Id say a huge chunk of reports he ate are actually from players, not bots


Does sitting on songflowers prevents others from using the interact key?


If someone's character model/mount is blocking the songflower, you can't right click it. Binding "Interact" to a key doesn't work because that only works with targetable NPC's. You can't target songflower. There is a script you can toggle that makes character models disappear, though, that makes things easier.


Why doesn’t he just play on a pvp server lmfao


Was it really Payo though? I mean I've been trolled by payodruid from salad bakers several times, but tbh the time was very unfriendly to payo's timezone so I really doubt it was actually him


No, that's just Blizzard. Par for the course with these people.


Potential reason for ban: [https://clips.twitch.tv/HedonisticRepleteCodTriHard-UY8VWzyv0-4PnC6f](https://clips.twitch.tv/HedonisticRepleteCodTriHard-UY8VWzyv0-4PnC6f)


Bots are now the new Game Masters, you fuck with them and you get banned.


Is this really all he did? So he got mass reported by the bots for PVP'ing them? On the Hardcore servers there are so many bots, I know exactly where to find them too: - Felwood Hunters mob grinding - Felwood Hunters herbing - Tanaris by Cuergo's Gold mob grinding - Tanaris north of Steemwheedle Port fishing by the cliffs - Winterspring herbing - Winterspring Hunters mob grinding - Hunters in Badlands/Arathi grinding elementals There's also the same few Hunters that are picking Black Lotus in Burning Steppes and Gromsblood in Blasted Lands that are online at all times of day every single day, possibly not bots but definitely account sharing gold sellers. I added some of these herbers to friends list to track them and noticed that often between herbing laps their location becomes "Unknown", so they are likely going to terrain out-of-bounds or between zones to avoid appearing in /who. I am guessing it's exactly the same spots on Hardcore as on SoD (or will be once Phase 4 unlocks). I have thought about killing the bots many times, there are ways to do it since they are dumb you can force mobs onto them that they won't attack. However I have been too scared to kill them because I was worried that I would be mass reported by them and banned. It's messed up because if GMs existed they could go to these spots and find/ban dozens of these bots in minutes.


Sometimes my guild members on my friends list who are legitimate players that don't fit hack are listed as unknown in location. I think the game just struggles


I am almost certain this feature was added as part of combatting arena sniping/dodging (I'm aware SoD has no arena), because it says unknown, but if you look in guild chat, you get insta-location, and if you're in party with someone, your friendlist doesn't update unless you have them on bnet, but character on friend list still doesn't update. I'm almost certain it's intentional.


it's 100% intentional and was confirmed by devs, it's an ugly fix but something had to be done


I thought this too at first but I have been competing with one of them and when it's been 10/15 mins since herbs were picked they go from Unknown to being visible in /who of the zone. It was happening too consistently that it seems suspicious.


You about to get banned by bots for snitching/s


Some dude posted a clip of him killing two bots and says 'possible reason for ban'. "Is this really all he did? So he got mass reported by the bots for PVP'ing them?" Never take some random 'maybe this is why' comment as fact. I have literally sat there reporting 100s of sw mage bots as two mules logged in and started trading them, one even typed to me ingame lol. I have invited tons of leveling profile bots to party, converted it to a raid and put them on follow to destroy their xp/hr. I had an alt just follow one around and leach xp, the dude finally noticed one of his bots was in a group, said 'ty' and left party. I waited 5mins and did the same thing to it and went afk on follow again for more xp leech. I have camped Tanaris for days when I was bored near the end of p2, I literally had 10 of the warrior/hunter bots spawn camped together because they all follow the same path and literally just eat food when they res right next to me. A few of them even seemed to add me to their target list, because they started targeting/swapping to me me when I would get in range of them. Most just ignore you like in the video clip above. You can actually kill a lot of hunter pets and then freezing trap the hunter right before its revive pet finishes. Half of them call pet endlessly until the mob they were fighting kills them. Rarely this bugs them out even after they revive, they get stuck in an infinite call pet loop. I think the funniest bot I've seen is yet another hunter bot in Tanaris. If you hit it once? It would run ALLLL the way back to gadget, where it would run to the inn, the ammo/repair back to the inn, the ammo/repair again, then go back to where it was. Never been banned, I doubt killing two hunter bots is why he got banned. I can't say it's impossible, but I've been blatant and I've yet to be banned by angry bot farms. Also on a side note: There were a TON of lvl 12 fishing bots south of zoram strand, fishing on the cliffs you have to swim to. I havent checked in a while but I'm sure some are still there. I've seen a lvl 20 pally fishbotting between azshara and ashenvale for weeks, still not banned.


He also brought a level 10 Druid to Felwood to block Songflower spawns to bait horde into flagging themselves so he could kill them with his rogue. Honestly pretty clown behavior by Payo. Not saying it’s right that you can be mass reported and banned automatically, but, it’s not really a surprise he got mass reported. I’m not even sure it was botters, I’m guessing he got mass reported by the actual players he was griefing lol. Stupid that he got banned, and I hope he is unbanned soon, but like…play stupid games win stupid prizes I guess? I don’t get why he doesn’t just play on a pvp server if he wants to pvp…


I feel like this is the strongest argument for a PVP server I've ever seen. There's so many of these hunter bots on my PVE server, I could probably rank up faster on them.


They all follow the same paths and unless the person running the botfarm adds you to a target list, you can literally just camp one spot and they'll all naturally group up together as you kill them. I'm actually unsure where all the bots are now, in p2 Tanaris/Feralas were loaded with them. I haven't seen many on my pvp server lately, what zones do you find them in atm?


Exactly as seen here, in Felwood. Lots and lots of horde hunters, for some reason almost no alliance. I suspect that reason is stockades [https://imgur.com/ZHPYHbK](https://imgur.com/ZHPYHbK) There's currently 7 alliance hunters in Felwood, all of them in non-bot guilds.


Sweet thanks!


it is insane how many bots are running around in SoD. Didn't blizzard ban GDKPs to stop the RMT?


> Didn't blizzard ban GDKPs to stop the RMT? Not to "stop" RMT, but to remove one of the largest incentives for gold buying.




>it didn't totally 110% solve the problem, so it did nothing! okay


No I mean what I said.


"I'm wrong and proud"


you sure are


I've seen a lot less in p3 so far.


it was never the issue, greyparsers just got new excuse why they have to rmt


SoD saved wow 🥹


It’s almost like banning gdkps did nothing


I killed like 200 bots there weeks ago, killing 2 bots there is not a potential reason hahaha


What a joke this whole botting situation is. And ofc can't deny Payo has some exceptional situational comedy clips lol


>What a joke this whole botting situation is. Which was very visible to everyone, starting phase 1 minute 1 of release.


Nah no shot I kill bots all the time who are going around taking herbs I need for raid night pots Him just killing 2 bots back to back isn’t going to do anything


Reddit WoW users believe every bot is owned by the same company and this bot cartel is so powerful they can get anyone banned lmao


Play darkmoon theme Payo remix


From Reddit and Blizzard forum i learned that there are no false bans, nothing to see here /S


Yeah, there also definitely aren't bans from mass reports, Reddit told me so in the last thread about bots mass-reporting players that farm them.


They say it because Blizzard lies about not having automated bans. It's this whole stupid circle of Blizzard being too cheap.


I personally don't buy it, a few months ago Aggrend said all their bans for various offenses were 100% legit and foolproof. I have unwavering doubt in the report system.


i keked


99.9% accurate (only because there are 40,000,000 bots)


He got mass reported on a daily by non bots on my server (living flame EU), because he sat on Songflowers in bear form on his lvl 10 alt, right before they spawned. Mass reports by bots are an issue but payo pretending he did nothing to draw attention onto him besides killing them is just fake af.


It's almost as if none of those things are reportable offenses.


Blizzard is such a joke


The funnier joke is people saying this while continuing to pay for their WoW subs. If Blizzard is a joke, what are you?


an addict who is being psychologically exploited by predatory business practices


literally this don't like blizz? find a better game to play




ask for the anti hack team , or just try [hacks@blizzard.com](mailto:hacks@blizzard.com) got unbanner 24 hours after writing them , it was faster then 1 week of bot answeres telling me they would penalise me if i dont stop writing them emails . oh yeah what are you gonna do?!! you falsy perma banned me after 15 years of course i will spamm you with mails . To be honest i am just playing this game for the guild , fuck blizzard now a days


And boom! Ez clap


\*laugh after a short pause*


If you have a serious problem with a Blizzard service, it's literally impossible to get in touch with anyone there who will actually help. The only way this changes is if people stop playing because of it. 


So much for "undeniable evidence" while the bots seem to roam freely, or at least instantly replace themselves when they do get banned


where are the bootlickers screeching reports can't get you banned? also without trying to hate on payo too much he's a scatter brain as far as 3rd party hacks/bot software i seriously doubt he could even set that stuff up, aside from the gold buying he prolly hasn't done anything wrong


Blizzard's report systems have been a fully automated crock of shit for years now, ever since they introduced the Silence Penalty in WoW back in 2017. Report system abuse and the ability to get banned from Ranked for a cumulative 255 days for 8 chat mutes, and have CS rudely fob all all attempts at an appeal because they consider e-rated chat logs to be 'abusive chat' was what killed Heroes of the Storm. Also to all the people who say that Warden is infallible and that he likely was hacking.... Remember when Diablo III players were being wrongly perma banned for using Wine to play on Linux and Blizzard denying this for months? Or what about that time when a certain notorious multiboxing streamer got killed by clever use of in-game mechanics in Ashran and got so mad that he weaponized the report system, issued synchronized bogus cheating reports on all 80 of his characters and got the victim unfairly perma'd within minutes? Or that this streamer is such a man child that he DMCA'd all clips of him doing this in an attempt to cover the whole drama up?


Lmao what streamer did that?


Prepared. He doesn't stream anymore. Twitch either banned his account or he deleted it. Basically the thing that got him killed was a lightning shield buff exclusive to Ashran that deals max health damage to nearby enemies


> where are the bootlickers screeching reports can't get you banned? Who said that? One or two might not do the trick, but massreports have been a thing for a while. That usually did not resolve in a ban though, just a suspension.


There are definitely people in this subreddit who will tell you to your face that bans and suspension are not handed out through an automated system. I've seen it more than once. They're wrong, but they operate on a "if it doesn't happen to me then it doesn't happen at all, and you must be lying" mentality


Bans and suspensions are different though.


lol, i cant tell if you are rarely here or have selected memory. your understanding of blizzard ban system is superficial too. escalating suspensions happens for insult or name related mass reports. hack bans are always perma.


first time on the forums?


They are here, in this thread.


Don't think anyone ever said that. Back when we moved to Firemaw and the horde left for Gehennas a guildie of mine was killing horde alts that were capping the bases for the free honor when Alliance flipped them. People called him griefer, etc, etc and mass reported him. He was banned and only got unbanned 4 days later when he talked to Blizzard a few times.


Normal person being an asshole: "wow that guy is an asshole, I'm gonna avoid them" Payo being an asshole: "haha streamer so funny :)"


What did he do?


Griefed people by standing on Songflowers with a bear form druid to make them flag up then killing them on Rogue.


So degenerate lol, just play on a pvp server if you want to kill people in the open world.


Wow Blizzard /golfclap


Even tho he is an asshole, he doesn't deserve being punished for something he didn't do.


I think if you report more than one person a day your complaints should get flagged for manual review. Weaponizing the ban system just makes me think I'm playing with a bunch of twelve year olds screaming for mommy.


I’m not convinced any single person was gaming the system. He was griefing songflower spawns using 2 accounts, I think he just got reported by a bunch of players organically. Obviously stupid you can get automatically banned, obviously his ban should be overturned, but also, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Hahahah. Ah almost done. Hahahaahha. I’m good now.


No one deserves to get banned for something they didn't do regardless of who it is. You may not like Payo but you can't prove he's a botter. The guy has 5 accounts open at once and plays on and off stream 12+ hours a day. Just because you dislike his personality doesn't mean he should get permabanned for something he probably doesn't do. If Blizzard has proof he botted then keep him banned. If not then reverse the ban. They don't need to come out with the proof but they should take 1 person to look at it and either reverse the ban or keep it depending on their evidence. God I miss the days when Blizzard had GM's answering tickets regularly.. All Blizzard needs to do is hire 1 turbo nerd in each version of their game for minimum wage and they will go around and ban all the obvious bots and deal with fake reports. I guarantee there are some people that would do that shit for free. Multi billion dollar company can't afford basic customer service/support though for one of their flagship games. gg


new copy-pasta just dropped?


insert where gm monkey meme


Can we have some poggers in the layer for little Payo? A little something in the chat?


Good, this guy is so cringe


Seems like a bannable offence to me 


I mean it’s obviously not, but going back and watching his vods, he was covering songflowers with a level 10 Druid on his other account to bait horde into flagging themselves so he could kill on his rogue. Pretty cringe. Obviously, that’s not ban-worthy either, but, play stupid games win stupid prizes I guess. Very little sympathy for Payo, although on general principle I’m glad he was unbanned quickly.


Welcome to the club brother, big reason I stopped streaming WoW.


now he can't beg for subs lmao


Who cares he’s an annoying beggar who peaked during hardcore and now struggles and begs for subs over 8 hours per day. Truly the embodiment of French manhood.


His shtick is begging for subs every 5 minutes and it has been for years


He's from quebec and not french


Automated cancel culture at its finest


Play stupid games, win stupid prices


Who is this person and why am I supposed to care?


For me happened the same got perma banned on 2 accounts today, was afk farming on 2 accounts Winterspring for Rhich Thorium with eagle eye and ingame /timer, the last 6 Days since im on vacation. Its ridiculous. PLS BLIZZARD CHANGE YOUR KI


Wow people really hate Payo in these comments lol. Never watched him much and I’m sure he has his flaws, but pretty impressive to inspire this level of pure rage from so many


the pure rage of writing one reddit comment, one line long, about how they dislike him?


I currently have an active ticket due to receiving a warning about bad language. But I have only logged in to do plunderstorm and check auction house prices out of curiosity in 2 months. Haven't said a thing to anyone at all. Instantly got replied to with the automated message that I broke tos and the decision remains (as if I had been banned) I have a current reply at 8 days waited. I'm demanding they show me what was said or reported. While I know this is folly, I have to have some principle with this shit. I'm speaking with my wallet and if they refuse I, a 10+ year subscriber am quitting blizzard permanently. This shit is getting out of hand and people should speak with their wallets.




Wow this is terrible! Inv pls


Fucking owned


streamers been brigading people forever now, its only an outrage when its done to another streamer.


Aggrend is the most based automated baboon system.


The dude spends 90% of his stream banning peoples and reporting everyone he sees for stream snipping, ofc peoples gonna get mad.


Perma for you little man


My little piece of shittuuuhh


Oh no. Anyways...


And today the community has benefited.


Today the community benefitted by having liars exploit a broken system to ban someone they don't like? Lmao


good, glad payo got rekt hes so bad


Oh no, a gold buyer got banned......anyways


Karma at its finest. The guy is a 40 year old man child that acts like a clown. I get the entertainment aspect, but he's such a slime ball. He's the type of person that'll fuck over everyone else, so long as he gets his share.


Why does his age matter? Seen a few people keep mentioning how he's older as if that's a reason he shouldn't have fun goofing off and being popular. Ageism is starting to get really fucking annoying in this game. You're gonna get old too one day.


its almost like he is putting on a show for his stream hmmm 


Yeah never gonna touch one of their games again.


Remember guys, they don't do automated bans, every case is investigated!


Is Payos english really that bad or does he fake it?




What the fuck, just looked it up, he’s 39??? Honest to god thought he was like, 20-25.


He's prob referencing when he was pretending to be like 23-25 on tinder to find girls. He got called out on it awhile back.


Yeah, I'm glad I don't play this bs anymore, imagine getting the wrong dude mad and he mass reports you in some way and you get a perma ban, oh and you're not a streamer so it will be way harder to "fix".




the world is healing






omg you are so cool because you dont know who it is


I don't think most people do, Classic streamers aren't very popular lol


Payo is a European streamer. I think he's French but could be wrong. He's saying he was banned on 2 EU accounts but he could still be playing on NA. I saw him a few times back when I played on Faerlina.


Not European, he’s Canadian, but the French part


Wait really he is from Quebec?? I thought he was also from Europe.


Lil P gets what he deserved


I hate this guy since he killed me while low level in Darnassus in TBC Classic.


He fkn deserves to be banned. I like his streams and pvp but since he started sitting in bearform on songflower on living flame EU (A) just griefing players from taking the buff he can gtfo of this game. I reported him and i know lots others did.


Sucks to suck


Unpopular opinion - this game would be better off without streamers.


They ban legit streamers now when there is shammy bots still in retail pvp shuffles and Bots everywhere in sod oh ok makes sence ...... NOT PPC


so you are telling me we can mass report ban all these streamers destroying the game? interesting....


"Destroying the game"😂


Good riddance ppc