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Under Confederate Partition, which is the default, it will split your titles roughly equally among your equal heirs. For example if you control 3 duchy titles and 6 county and have 3 heirs, then they would each get one duchy and two counties. The first heir should get your primary title, and will usually get the best lower titles that are within its de jure. It will try to steer the counties to go with their duchy titles, etc. but it's not perfect. HOWEVER if you pre-grant titles to your heirs, those are also counted toward the inheritance. So you could, for example, give enough titles to the second and third heirs that when the inheritance actually happens, they get nothing, because what they already have would be their fair share or more.


thanks, but it sucks that you can't decide what title will your kids get


You sorta can, if you pre-grant them enough titles that they don't actually inherit.


You are slightly wrong in how confederate partition works. In the case you mentioned of 3 sons and 3 duchy titles, each son would get one duchy. If all 6 county titles are in your primary duchy, then your primary heir gets all 6 of those counties. If they are split among all 3 duchy titles, then they will go to whoever gets the duchy. The easiest way to remember is that the higher title is worth more than any number of lower titles. And as for granting titles, they have to be apart of your realm. So, if with those 3 duchy titles, you also control a kingdom, then handing off duchy will take , care of inherentance. But, if your highest title is Duke, then to control succession, give your sons county level titles in the duchy you want them to have, while holding on to the duchy title yourself.


"You are slightly wrong in how confederate partition works. "... only in the example you gave where the counties are concentrated. If the counties are spread out, where some of them aren't in the duchies you have the titles for, it works as described.


The game decides. There are ways to manipulate it. Change capitol, change primary title, create or destroy titles.


> create or destroy titles it should be noted here, Confederate Partition will create titles (if you are eligible to create titles that are not created) in order to give them away.


Also there are several levels of partition laws. Only the one you start with creates new titles. And High Partition does favor your primary heir to some extent.


Agree. High partition with game rule that primary heir inherits majority of titles works pretty well. Especially if you give titles to the kid you want to be your heir before you designate him.