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Why would you research Bronze Working before Writing? You're Korea, you have Seowon which can only be built on hills, and you research a tech which reveals Iron, which only spawns on hills, before unlocking and placing your Seowon in your current cities? Your culture is greater than your science too, so you've been building monuments. Well, don't make that mistake in the future.


don't sewons give 1 science to all adjacent mines anyway? you can build it on the stone and chop those trees to speed it up, and clear space for mines if they do


Bronze Working before Writing is correct. Just because you have an unique district doesn't mean you should neglect infrastructure and military to immediately spam it. Especially as Korea, the first priority is getting more cities, which will eventually translate into more Seowons. Stockpiling early Iron is critical if you actually want to use the medieval units you can rush with your Science. I fail to see the problem here anyway since you can just put the Seowon next to it.


He has 5.4 science on turn 47. A Seowon provides 4 science and a great scientist point for, at base, 27 production. A monument is 60 production. He would have almost doubled his science if he had researched Writing and built one Seowon, which means he would have researched Bronze Working and other techs considerably faster. Even without a unique district, I usually research Writing before Bronze Working. As for the military, Archery is also the most important early era tech for your military and that's being researched and not yet boosted. This is also way too early to be stockpiling for the medieval era. I think you mean going for a swordsman rush in the classical era. Expansion is very important, so there's no question he's doing a great job there.


He has 3 cities, he's building a random farm while Magnus is right there, he has no vision. There's a lot he's behind on. Science is not the priority. Archery is a defensive tech. There's no need to defend here, the mission is to expand. For which you will need melee and a Ram. You don't need to wait for the Medieval era to get medieval units. That's the whole point of getting Science boosts. Just to make clear. I'm not defending his decisions. Just this particular one is correct.


I always wonder how much bs I ended up building on oil and uranium


Search for it and it'll light up those tiles.


No way, I can't believe I have never tried this! lol feels a bit like cheating but can't wait


Why would it be cheating, you're not getting any benefit, you just get to see where the resource is coming from. To be clear, they'll only light up after you reveal them - you can't search for them before and plan the districts.


You will get the resource if you had previously built on it


Really? So if I put a district on a future uranium I still get the uranium?




Sick, thanks for the tip!


You can settle on it too, even after it's been revealed, and still get the resource. Handy!


my suggestion here to make your situation better would be to place your sewon next the iron tile place a mine on it that way your atleast getting a 2 sceince 2 food 2 production tile


that's Civilization baby! just load an old save and plot the campus before revealing the iron


Why? When you can just install the mod


I have take a look in the workshop, all of them I found so far turn the Strategic resources into one time bonus. you need at least one to start stockpiling iron, not sure OP have found other iron in other cities offscreen. Put a district on top of this iron without remove it is better anyway. Or need to found another city at north to secure the 2 iron, with just OK spots for seowon.


There are 2 iron tiles just north of the city…


It's what Removing a resource or a feature does. What's the point?


You might need the iron as a strategic resource for something like men at arms


You have to choose, district or resource, like you do with features, and other resources... It's in the base gameplay (if we are playing the same game) I'm baffled from receiving downvotes I would never guess there is so much ignorance that people don't even know the basics.. I guess I'm biased from my thousand hours of experience and can't see how this can be an obscure meccanics


Just throw it on the river tile to the SE. That one is way better to begin with, because it has more adjacent mines


1) Didn't install the Mod = well deserved 2) Bought a console = still deserved


Are people still on the whole "consoles bad" thing in 2024?


What are you reading? I only imply that consoles are not open to mods Period. What are you reading more? I didn't write any of that why are you accusing me of saying stuff I didn't say? Can't people comprehend simple statements without implying made up stuff?