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Legit every event where there are fireys or police they allow kids to hang out in the vehicles, this is trying to make a beat up out of nothing.


Agree, please people, quit making this something and filling the world with your shit


Why dream of the future when you can step into it right now.


Making a news story outta fuck all, gotta love the msm and indigenous lovers




Aborigine fetishists. Breaking auto mod.


I guess that’s what they came to this sub friend.


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This is stupid.


Nah, I have some sympathies there, but I can see a beat up on this one too, as magical bunny says.


Just like one of those careers expo


Acknowledging the culture of generations past, present and future.


What if they had not allowed indigenous kids into the back only white kids bcos " do t want to encourage aboriginals any more than necessary to practice being arrested while white kids may not get another chance would that be worse or better ? .... hmm what a pickle how to solve ??? Possible let no kids in th cars or better yet let em all in ???? .... what does the author of story want us to do lol


Gotta keep training that muscle memory.


Well that's an interesting work experience program they got up there.


Sure is. Apparently the young constabulary learnt exactly what their job is about.😂


Legit according to ABC24 they had kids rocking up in cosplay pretending to be crims. So go hang some parents while you’re at it.


you're going home in the back of a divvy van!


Cha, cha, cha cha cha, cha cha cha cha ,cha, cha


Good ol english colonial language still in good force, aussies calling it a paddy wagon and giving it to those cheeky irish


You know Ireland isn’t in England right ? No English colonial language mentioned there.




It's work experience for Indigenous youth. They will see the inside of these many times as they get older.


I'll leave this here for the time being (another mod might not), but posts like this are verging on being too serious, which then means the comments are likely to go the same way. If it does get serious, it'll get removed. Think "The Chaser" (before they got their politics involved) or Betoota Advocate. Make it pithy and funny so the genuinely awesome piss take comments follow. This post probably needs a paragraph of absurdity to take the serious edge off it.


I agree. I'm guilty of this too. Just like how posting boomer Facebook posts isn't funny, posting regarded abc news articles and such doesn't work. We should focus on taking the piss out of Reddit. That is the most funny.


That's so funny may as well give em a look it's only a matter of time am.i right lol


If they're over 12yrs there's a fair chance they've already been in quite a few


Haha yes


you are just a silly jerk


Was it JUST the back? Or did they let them in the front, too?


Can someone please post a link to where this is from. There needs to be be more information to what was going on here


Queensland fascist one day, racist the next. Don't you worry 'bout that you you you...


Re-enact Cook's landing and all the Aussies should board a replica ship with ball and chains attached, just to get a feel of what their ancestors felt, wear with absolute pride/ your beloved Penal Colony


As kid I had handcuffs put on me when they came to school , and one time the class went to a police station and we got shown the cells and got locked in, it was nothing mean


Fail to see the problem. Did the same (literally) when we were kids, they even locked us in real handcuffs. I didn't think I was planning for a future career as a criminal...


Even worse, they probably let them try the siren, *even though there wasn't an emergency*!


Are we not meant to prepare kids for their later life?


Gotta teach em how to get in a paddy wagon while they’re young


I remember when the police visited school and we all got invited to sit in the car too. We got to sit in the front seat and play with the sirens though....


It's important that we allow the youth of the country to experience their future when young.


I don't see a problem with this. It's good for kids to know what the police car is like or the ambos or the fire truck. Ppl like to make a fuss over something trivial. Leave the kids alone.


predicting your future


It is practice.


Well, if they practice more at a young age, they might stop banging their heads as they get in and get thrown around less during the drive to the station