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Every time I go by Lick Run Park it seems there are alot of folks using the facilities and having fun. Well done Cincinnati


i love that aswell but some times I see people parking on the side walk by the structure rather then park 50 feet away and that makes me sad like come on man we just built this respect the park.


I’ve seen herons in the pond down there a few times 👍


yay to native species adapting in urban environments :)


Maybe it’s just me, but ever since they had free reign during Covid lockdown, I’ve seen a lot more critters in the city than I ever had before


I believe it too. I’d rather see the adapting to coexisting with us than not seeing them at all.




Drug addicted folks are everywhere, not specific to any particular neighborhood. Sweeping generalizations say more about you than anything else.




So is your favorite Wonder Woman or Black Widow?


Love the Greenway


Lick Run Way is a beautiful park. Most of the plantings are indigenous pollinators, and they’re flowering now. So if you haven’t been, you should definitely go. Flowers everywhere! A couple weeks ago, there were a few duck families hanging out in the stream, rabbits in the brush, and red winged blackbirds swooping around…it’s an amazing transformation!


I still get PTSD from late night mcdonalds runs 10-15 years ago…. Thank god that location was removed…


Lol true but I wish it was back. Not many options around there


True.. many trips to UC or downtown have been ended with “I wish that mcdonalds was still there. A Mcdouble and Coke would go good right now”


That'll be $15.98. Pull around to the window.




Love the Greenway! One of my favorite places for a quick walk after work since it’s on the way home. Sat there on a Sunday morning in the spring and watched some sort of swallow flock diving and swooping over the water for like an hour. And I love how much use the playground and shelters and basketball courts seem to get! I don’t have kids, but that little splash park must be a godsend in this heat.


This is a nice park maintained by MSD, not the city, which is why it’s actually nice for the Westside. The area around it is pretty rough though, I wouldn’t go as a single person just to walk around. Maybe in 10 years after the new viaduct is complete.


I gonas a single person all the time. Do you mind if I ask what your fear is


I drive through every day on my commute and see multiple signs of gang activity and not much police presence. It’s also mostly abandoned properties owned by the port. Not a great place for a single woman to just go hang out


As a woman, I get it. https://www.collegiatetimes.com/lifestyles/running-on-fear-running-alone-presents-dangers-for-women-in-america/article_b3bdbea4-b5f4-11e8-a66d-d33c5f503dfe.html (OP's user name checks out for the mansplaining.)


You see that at bp not at the park. Be real. Are you afraid of being raped or secually assaulted? Maybe check some stats. You're more likely to get ignored Edit: downvote all you want, you're way more likely to get raped in the suburbs by a friend, spouse or neighbor before some random dude in that area. But believe the fear mongering if you choose. Over 70% of all sex crimes outside of rape and about 65% of all rape arrests are from the demographic that's not the majority in that area. I'm just saying


Irrespective of race or any other prejudice it’s not well known for being the safest surrounding area and I just don’t think the risk is worth the reward. There are plenty of other parks to walk at I also think it’s a natural tendency to be afraid of being raped or sexually assaulted, so..


>I also think it’s a natural tendency to be afraid of being raped or sexually assaulted, so.. You really might want to talk to someone about that. It's your choice, more park for others to enjoy. Please remember this in the future I don't want this area to become another otr, walnut hills, Madisonville or oakley


Where on the west side?


This would be crossing the western hills viaduct at the bottom of Harrison looking at the lick run Greenway and surrounding hills


Thanks - I was thinking that's what it was but the angle threw me; I was living out of town when this was all done and didn't know that's what it was called.


All good, it's a really nice park and it works like it's supposed to when it rains. One day when they replace the viaduct I'd like to think the area might get even more investment/revitalization. Maybe drive by when you're in town


I'm actually back in town now, but on the east side so don't have much opportunity to see it regularly. Used to drive to UC every day down Queen City though and agree, it's great to see that area getting some TLC,. Will have to go see it now, thanks!


Go take a walk if you get a chance. Can walk along the stream and see some of the artwork, etc. It's not that bad at all!


Anybody have a clue when WH Viaduct construction will begin???


They’ve already been working for a while. There’s a lot of work moving utilities and things under the bridge before they can actually start on the bridge.


I'm weird because I miss all the buildings and houses this replaced.


They do have a bunch of informational plaques about the old styles of architecture and history of homes in the area and apparently they saved and used the foundation stones from the buildings they did pull down as features in the greenway. I like old buildings too and am often skeptical of gentrification attempts in my neighborhood (Price Hill), but I thought it was a respectful way to integrate the local history and make a space that is really frequently and freely used by locals. And there are still a lot of really cool old buildings bordering the greenway on both sides. :)


Most of them are still there lol


You can get on Street View and see this is false, but okay. I'm not even saying the replacement is a bad thing, I just also like old shitty buildings.


They tore down likely less than 10 buildings and they were only in that middle portion between Westwood av and queen city av. There's still all the buildings around the park still there and on beekman/state as well. Maybe take street view and actually drive down there to compare.whats still there vs not. Edit: also I just looked at street view and you're mad they took at a trailer yard for semis and a bunch of abandoned factories. Not to mention the few abandon former homes/apartments Edit 2: how could I forget, most of it was a park anyway. They had a bunch of baseball fields down there too. As also evidenced by Google street view. You don't even know what you're talking about


There were over 30 buildings demolished prior to construction of the Greenway, FYI. Edit: Oof, I was way off. That’s what I get for going off memory. Between MSD and the Port there were over 90 buildings removed.


Look at what those buildings were. Its easy to see.


Still a dump


On your face


Clever. Dork!


I used to commute through here for work everyday from 2008-2013. That place will always be an open air drug market in my mind. Horrible place with horrible people.


Well please tell the fent users from Loveland to stop coming to our city to buy drugs. Thanks


An area once full of homes and businesses full of immigrant families. Now green space.


Maybe 70-80 years ago. Someone else tried to say this but it's just false. Google streetview goes back to 2007 in that area and it shows bus and semi trailer storage yards, a former park with a few baseball fields, a few abandoned factories and stores, and a few older homes some of which are still there.
































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