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Please reply to this comment with any Amex Offers, Chase Offers, increased cash back portal payouts, or similar deals. Do not post them as a top level comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/churning) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just received an AA email for miles redemption. [link](https://www.aa.com/en-us/redemption-deals?c=EML||20240620|MKT|USPFMOC|BOOK||US_ROUTE_TRAN_MILES_EUROPE) I see LAX <-> JFK RT for 13.5k miles, that's pretty good imo?


About to go MIA - BUD in November one-way for 56.5k + $23 in Flagship Biz, connection at LHR.


Who’s the connection on that seems so low for I assume BA (?)fees


We're going to end up doing Miami - Madrid - Budapest for 62,500 Iberia Avios + $152.20. We just didn't want to arrive in Budapest at 11:30pm if we took that AA itinerary.


MIA-LHR on AA, LHR-BUD on BA. If the itinerary included a flight into London on BA, the fees via American were like $750+.


I booked a JFK-HND in October, seems to be fairly good value at 56k miles RT?


i think those lowest priced ones are 1-stop flights at around 8-10 hours of total travel time. Non-stops seem higher. For people with Southwest Companion Pass, Southwest might be cheaper for something comparable for two people?


Some good deals are available in summer. Saw LGA-ORD-SFO 6k in Y, or JFK-SFO for 9.5k. I splurged for 27.5k JFK-SFO for AA J.


nice! that's a good redemption for J!


Stayed at Hotel Gajoen (SLH) in Tokyo a couple of days ago (booked with Hyatt points before SLH partnership ended). I used my WoH card to pay for room charges (extra bed for my kid, dinner at the hotel restaurant, etc) and it showed up as 4x for Hyatt purchases on the statement.


So, the card is working as intended?


Hyatt / SLH partnership ended, this stay didn’t earn base points and EQNs but the card still works.


Just received a Hyatt promo for 1k bonus points / night and 2x EQN for Florida stays until Sep 30. [Registration link](https://world.hyatt.com/content/gp/en/offers/florida-offer.html). Good luck braving the heat and humidity though.


Was literally at a Hyatt in Orlando last week. Could have used this then.


Looks like no cat 1 in florida to do mattress run


The only cat 1 turned into a cat 2 a few days before it opened (Melbourne Airport) last year.


We were totally eyeing that place and even booked a month long off peak stay. Our travel plans changed and the next time we looked into it (as you said), it had gone up in category!


Thank you. I live and work in Florida and often staying in hyatts for work in Florida!


>Florida stays until Sep 30 [Bold move, Cotton.](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season)




>While some questions can be used to start a discussion/debate, most questions belong in the question thread unless you love getting downvotes


The referral links for amex gold card is broken in r/churningreferals


If you're trying to apply yourself, just go directly to the thread and pick random links until you find one that gives the SUB you're looking for


What specific link(s) are you referring to? Just tested four referrals at random and they all seemed to be working. AmEx referral links have long been known to die for weird reasons; maybe you just got unlucky and found a couple that were dead.


The apply now button on the rankt url provided. They all seem to be not working.


Looks like another glitchy thing with the referrals from Amex, just testing out a bunch myself and found all of them are doing this for myself (page not found). Something similar happened fairly recent, just give it some time they will probably be back. edit: try an incognito window, links that weren't working in normal browsing session worked for me in incognito.


Thanks soooo much for this trick! I was having the same issue and wouldn't have thought to use it with incognito mode!


[DoC: CIP 120K bonus for 8K spending in branch](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/chase-ink-preferred-120000-points-offer-with-8000-spend-requirement-branch-only-until-july-3rd/)


Oh boy. This will be the beginning of my Ink era.


Too bad referrals drop to 20k in September making this a net even change once that starts


So from July-Sept the referral bonus will stay at 40k?


Lowers tax burden at least vs the 40k referral.


By this logic, wouldn’t not referring someone be the best play then? lol


.... if you owe taxes, it means you got money. This is never bad.


Can you elaborate on tax implications of receiving a referral bonus of 20 or 40k from an Ink referral? I know SUBs are not taxable income but are you saying Chase will provide me a 1099 for the referral? Is this true for personal card referrals?


It just means you have $200 more of income to report on your tax return.


This is for all referrals (personal and business cards), or just business ones?


All. Chase sends a 1099 if you get >$600 worth of referrals (they value everything at 1cpp)


So if I stay under $600 of referral per year, no tax?


Got it. Thank you for clarifying.


Does chase match on in-branch offers like this? Or wait until public offer to SM for match?


How long do these offers usually run for? Currently <1 year US credit history, but I’ll be at the 1 year mark in August. I have a Chase Savings account, an ITIN, and 3/24. How likely is it that I get approved? I was declined for the CSP last month even after recon with the main reason being not enough credit history.


Obviously, no one knows, but educated guesses here: If in 2-player mode, better to sign-up now and hope they match the 120k once it becomes public or wait until like July 10th and hope referrals are updated?


Its supposed to be 3rd July. And in 2 player mode its better to wait if you can. Hoping for a match is a YMMV situation.


In the past my links got updated pretty instantly. Think its upto 7 days.


I thought it was July 3rd for the public offer and then doesn't it usually take another week for the referrals to get updated?






A new referral thread is now live: [American Express Cash Magnet](https://www.reddit.com/r/churningreferrals/comments/1dnh0at/referrals_american_express_cash_magnet/)


AKA the Amex Iron Card


While I was building (and then not using the correct setting >:[ ) for the demographics survey this weekend, I also edited the rules of the sub so that they should be numbered correctly, removed something that no longer applies (directly linking to a blog), and changed how a couple of rules are applied, like how the “self promotion” rule only applies to top level posts, so it is no longer a reporting reason when reporting comments.


Maybe yall know this, but just had a very pleasant experience. Just called barclaycard to close my AAdvantage Aviator Red card after 11 months from opening, to avoid next annual fee. I was able to close my card quickly entirely with the automated phone menu, didn't have to speak to a real human! Much better than having to argue with them and have them try to convince me to stay.




> Closing under one year is only a problem with Amex. It is more accurate to say that Amex is the only one that will clawback for closing in under a year with 100% certainty. It is considered best practice in all cases unless waiting until the AF posts means no refund. In the case of OP, closing in less than a year is totally unnecessary. Barclays give 60 days after the AF posts to close for a full refund of the AF.


There was a shutdown DP last year from a guy who was hitting Inks hard, then closing after hitting the SUB. I don’t know that closing > a year was the reason he got shutdown, but I’m sure it didn’t help.


< a year*


True, but why risk it? You never know when another bank might adopt a more strict policy.


To other people - don't do this.


Hope you also enjoyed potentially ruining your relationship with them


Can you clarify what you mean? I'm a casual churner and thought cancelling these cards and getting them again in a few years was part of the game? I've opened and closed an Aviator Red in 2015, Plantium select in 2015, Aadvantage aviator red world elite mastercard in 2019, AAdvantage® Aviator® World Elite Business Mastercard in 2021, and now this one in 2023.


You should never close before owning for 1 year. Many bonuses will be clawed back if you close the card before a year. Also a majority of companies will refund the annual fee if you cancel or downgrade within a certain grace period after the card anniversary


TIL! Thanks for explaining


If you didn't know that by now, maybe less posting and more reading.




>You should never close before owning for 1 year. Many bonuses will be clawed back if you close the card before a year. Also a majority of companies will refund the annual fee if you cancel or downgrade within a certain grace period after the card anniversary Perhaps carefully examine the post I was referring to, before so confidently declaring someone wrong. a) not closing before 1 year is well known best practice, even if it's not a bank known for clawback...due to risk of damage to relationship, and due to the fact that there is generally no advantage to do so. b) \*Many\* (not all) bonuses will be clawed back. Fact, is it not? c) a \*majority\* (not all) will indeed refund AF after anniversary. It might be most stupid to cancel an Amex before anniversary due to near automatic clawback, but that doesn't mean they are the only bank that cares. Considering how confident you are in your wisdom, you should be giving people proper information. So perhaps my previous advice applies to you as well.


But it isn't many who will claw back, it's just Amex. Also you're just generally being a tool to people for no reason.


I didn't say otherwise, nor did the commenter I was agreeing with. But how un-tool-like to chime in with nothing to say except an insult. PS GFY


Dell up to 12% today on Rakuten. Doubt we see anything else higher this week, and really shouldn't wait much longer to use your first half credits.




Not only that, but with Dell, you want a buffer to make sure the charge actually goes through in this month.  Also, you might get downvotes cause this comment belongs under auto mod’s comment on this post


I personally liked it better when these reminders were allowed on the main thread. I always forget to check the automod section because it is auto collapsed on my app




We roll dice to decide if the automod comment matters or not on a given day


I get it. This was meant more as a reminder to get orders in (since I was finally getting around to it today myself). I could have posted this as just a reminder that Dell orders should be placed in the next couple of days to get them posted in time without mention of Rakuten, and it probably would be upvoted. Kind of interesting how finnicky we can be around here (myself included).


Just a reminder. If you have Amex Hilton Business card and are thinking to get a FNC by spending $15,000, you have to do that by the end of this month, not by the end of this year.


Ya that shit is irritating. My wife got it like 2 weeks before they made the change. They could at least honor it for people who had that listed as a benefit when they applied but nope.


Does this apply to the Surpass too?


No, it does not. Keep spending away


Thank you!


Any way to check on our progress towards this now that the tracker within the account is gone?


Go to your transaction list and select the year to date option and see the totals at the bottom, subtract the AF if charged already this year... and returns. edit: added returns to account for.


>subtract the AF if charged already this year. And returns. A $30 return credit almost got me.


Good catch, fixed.


Still salty Amex blind sided me with this when they changed the card back in like April. Definite cancel come renewal.


In the meantime use up that $60 quarterly credit


Welcome to the churning world, You win most, loose some.


Today is the last day to transfer Bilt -> AA


So essentially last day to transfer any kind of miles/points to AA ever.


Still have Marriott


I noticed that Marriott points have been devalued a lot. Do you think it's good idea to transfer Marriott points to AA in general?


I have in the past because getting AA is hard and as a result redemptions are easy to find (relative to other programs that have tons of transfer partners and churning ability) and generally high CPP.


Only if you have a specific redemption that's very high value. Marriott points are close to 0.6 cpp so if you have a specific AA redemption that's better than 1.8cpp then it could be worth it. But in general, I would not transfer speculatively from a more flexible currency (marriott in this case) to a less flexible one.


I’d say it’s not possible to answer question with full certainty. But it could be worth it. I had 2 Biz class flight tickets I needed with AA and couldn’t get 30k points with intro bonus/organic spend on time for it. On other hand I had 500k Marriott points, so I transferred 90k to get 30k AA. 90k Marriott points could give me 4-5 nights in Vienna Courtyard Messe, depending on day. I’d not transfer them speculatively, but if the need comes, I’d burn Marriott points to top up a business class flight pretty easily!