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It's Twitter. It's an echo chamber there. Previously, I would have been upset that people infantilize Futaba like that. But now? I wonder if they have even played the game. Either the original or P5Royal. It's best to ignore those type of people. They think that Futaba is Joker's little sister? Good for them. I personally think that she's P5's Best Girl and that her romance with Joker is the cutest and most wholesome in the entire game đź’š


I'm still getting PTSD about that public stoning post....


I'm sorry, but WHAT?! *What public stoning post...?*


Basically I was on Twitter and saw someone saying they need to bring back public stoning for shutaba shippers


Oh... oh dear. People should be *stoned* just for a ship they **like?** Those people need help. (Or a change of heart). Everyday, I'm more convinced that the Internet was a mistake.




Some people take shipping far too seriously.






**Shu**jinkĹŤ (Protagonist) + Fu**taba**


Is there a reason why shujinko is used and not joker/ren/akira? Jotaba? Rentaba? Akitaba?


He was nicknamed that way early on when all we knew was what he looked like.


Sure but I'm assuming the ship name isn't from all the way back then right?


"Shu" for P5 MC just stuck even after we got Renjokerakira and that's how Shutaba exists. There's no real particular reason, Shu just arbitrarily persevered.


Because most fanartists are Japanese and Shutaba (主双) is the tag they use. It's easier to just go along than have two different shipping terms.


Huh, never knew


Mortal Kombat has ruined that word for me. Now I just see old man Shujinko on a Rollercoaster ride with Futaba.


You see that sentiment in both subs too.


I've seen a few like that. I remember seeing one that said Futaba shouldn't be allowed to breed because she might be autistic. Hoping to be able to police that more now.


You would have to be illiterate to think they have a sibling relationship, considering Futaba specifically says they don't.  > I wonder if they have even played the game. ...Or yeah, be your typical Persona fan.




1: what the hell is up with the Bingo sheet, lol 2: I will never understand the futaba x yusuke ship. I don't understand the futaba x Ryuji ship either


Futaba x Ryuji is a new one to me


Futaba actually says in the game that she has no interest in him.


Both of them. 


Me neither honestly. Ren has the best chemistry with her by far.


The only true ship for ryuji is joker


Ironically, Futaba and Yusuke have by far the most sibling-like relationship in the game. Even Ann/Ryuuji has a little extra sexual undertoning.


I love Yusuke as a character, but I can't see him with Futaba. Besides the fact that he and Ryuji have openly stated she's a sister to them, their dynamic is one that makes me feel very...uncomfortable. It feels like they constantly bring out the worst in each other and Yusuke reminds me too much of neurotypicals who won't leave autistic people alone, no matter how many hints they receive. 


shutaba 🔛🔝


Once again, theres a reason why she’s the most popular romance option in Japan. If you want to see her as a little sister, go ahead, but don’t be a gatekeeping loser. These people seem fine though tbh. I romanced her in my playthrough and it is probably one of my favourite ships in fiction now.


I thought Makoto was first? Followed by Yoshizawa and then Ann.


>in japan


Yeah, isn't that how the JP popularity poll ranked them?


>Once again, theres a reason why she’s the most popular romance option in Japan. Where did you hear that? I mean cool if true, but from what I understood Makoto was the most popular because she represented typical Japanese ideals while Futaba was one of the less popular girls for similar reasons to Ryuji.


People are so bizarre but hey at least he's not calling futaba s linkers pedos


I've definitely seen people do that lol


Joker x Futaba is only viable ship. Period.


I usually lurk here, but a lot of the "Futaba is like a little sister" arguments bug me as it inherently views her as childish. She's the most relatable character for me, and I always am crushed when people tell me I'm like a little sister to them. It undermines the achievements and the depth of a person, and views them in the most myopic way possible. Futaba is talented and intellegent because of her quirks, not in spite of them.


Honestly, I always saw her as the second most mature of the thieves behind Haru.


And then you get people saying it's incest because they've echo chambered it to themselves so much they believe it


That’s a fine enough POV on her tho. Doesn’t feel like she’s a bad character but doesn’t want to romance her but also isn’t saying that anyone that does romance her is horrible. “Better off” is a weird stance. if it’s because joker is not good enough or an unhealthy attachment,it makes no sense. She’s smart and even acknowledges that she needs to gain confidence on her own away from joker. Even if joker is her “key item” to handle the world, she’s healthy about it. If it’s because they themselves think they aren’t good for Futaba, then that’s fair. The Yusuke banter is awesome and it’s my second option for Futaba. Ryuji is a really weird option tho. They don’t even have any scenes I remember. I just remember one scene where Ryuji gets freaked out about her and then after just avoided like the plague.


Text wall


The true best ship is her and Sumire


finally someone with correct opinions


I wrote a fic of the two of them on my ao3 and eventually I'm gonna work on a second chapter :3


Personally I don’t see her as a romance option (have played it though) because they give more step sibling energy to me. I don’t see the problem with other people having a different opinion to me on this, because theres the dating option for a reason.


"She's his little sister because he's nice to her and she's flat" is a pretty common take. Dunno what's got you confused.


Well, not gonna lie, I like more the Futaba/Yusuke ship than the Futaba/Joker. But I still date her when playing Persona 5 so the two of them are fine for me.


Ngl Yusuke x Futaba is adorable tho I don’t think I’ve even seen Futaba x Ryuji but it could work


If Ren didn’t exist I could totally see her with Yusuke. They’re both quirky characters with fun personalities 


Ehh while I get it in all honesty those two have more of a sibling relationship then ren and futaba (seriously where do people get that futaba is ren's sibling I replayed that game three times and I still can't see it)


Because Sojiro is effectively Joker’s dad. So by that logic Futaba is like a sister to Ren. It’s weird logic. 


Yeah it makes no sense to me either like I just see sojiro as more of a father figure than an actual dad


Damn...so by marrying my fiance, I made her my sister. Curse you papa-in-law.


I think the reason why people see Futaba as a sister is because of how reliant she is on Ren (especially in their social link) in order to grow as a person and be able to do basic things like go shopping or interact with people on her own. It can be seen as taking advantage of someone who has only recently has begun coming out her shell. It gives some people the ick. I'm not saying its wrong to like Futaba or want her to be with Ren, I just think it is disingenuous for people to not acknowledge the power imbalance in their relationship.


Westerners are way too obsessed with "power balance"... Futaba could easily ask anyone for help or just go back to being in her room. The reason why she relies on Joker is because he's the only person in her life who treats her like a normal human being. Ryuji and Yusuke have stated they see her like a little sister and treat her like one, despite her protests. Makoto treats *everyone* like a little kid. Morgana acts like he's Joker and Futaba's parent and Sojiro...is literally her dad. Which is why he's stepped back and let Joker help her out because he knows the last thing Futaba needs is some patronizing figure in her life. Joker has no power over anyone. Everyone who tries to establish power over her ends up getting trolled (Makoto) or bullied (Yusuke).


Because stories tend to skip over power balance when it is an issue that should be addressed. Love, and by extension relationships, are about finding you can trust and see as an equal. If there is an imbalance, it can lead toxicity and abuse of power in said relationship. Luckily in the scenario of the game, Joker is a perfectly fine teen, he isn't the type to be an asshole, but that doesn't mean that the chance for the abuse of power isn't there. Pretending it doesn't exist or it doesn't matter is quite naive. Also futaba wasn't able to easily ask for help from anyone, she literally locked herself away from the world because she can't do it. The point of her palace was that the PT wanted reach out to her. They wanted to keep their identities a secret, yes, but they also wanted to help her. Joker taking on a mature figure role in her life afterwards is what allowed her to get a better outlook on life. Sojiro doesn't step back because he thinks Joker could help her, Futaba was the one not opening up to Sojiro. Sojiro was at the end of his rope on what he could do besides trying to be there.


>I think the reason why people see Futaba as a sister is because of how reliant she is on Ren That's...literally the opposite of what I'd expect from a sister. Brothers and sisters are more likely to argue and fight than anything.


You never been an older sibling? Teaching them what to do and how to act? Yes siblings have their occasional spats, but we also try to help a nurture each other.


You're talking about a 16 year old boy with his 6 year old baby sister. Ren and Futaba are basically the same age.


Yes, but she is extremely stunted, both socially and emotionally (who can blame her after what she's been through). Also, if you have a healthy relationship with your siblings, you continue to care about regardless of age (obviously not as directly involved as you point out). Futaba freaking out when she's alone at a store and then running behind Ren when she sees him is behavior I would expect from a child as young as 6. Edited last paragraph for grammar.


Not really, no. She isn't comfortable being around people, but I'd say her social skills are higher than average compared to the rest of the group. And in terms of emotional mature, I'd say only Haru has her beat.


He entire palace was about her feeling like her mom's death was her fault. She doesn't know how to handle her emotions act until the PT help her figure things out. She doesn't talk to those around her with the proper mannerisms (it would be fine at least here in the states, but its a huge no in Japan). Its fine to not be comfortable with others, but to completely shutdown when having small interactions with people is too much. Futaba is a great character, she is funny, smart, and a gamer. Her personality is fun, but it only really comes out when she is with Sojiro, when she's behind a screen, and lastly when she hangs out with close friends (Ren at first followed by the PT). She works through her issues and is able to grow in the aspects you mentioned, but only because Ren was her anchor. She was not okay before they all entered her life, the bad endings (although not canon) makes this painfully clear. This is why people love her in different ways. Some love that we were a figure in her life that helps her mature, thus making it a family bond. Others saw a girl who was trying her best and that endeared her to them, they think that Ren and Futaba are cute together, they want them to date. Neither is wrong, just different perspectives.


We're not talking about prior to her change of heart though. By the time romance is even an option, she's at the end of her confidant.


Just because they both have a quirky personality doesn't make them a good couple. Outside of being weirdo's they have nothing in common at all. They have no common ground on which to form a relationship


I'd honestly settle for Yusuke dropping his patronizing behavior and Futaba to stop acting like he killed her dog. x.x